Monday, September 15, 2014

"We are all that we are not."

What does this statement mean?  Does it apply to your life in some way?  Respond to this statement in poetry or prose.  Your piece must be 250 words in length.  It is due at the end of the period.


  1. “We are all that we are not” is a statement that can have several meanings. For starters, it could mean that we are all based on what we have. For people who have everything, the first class, rich, with money to burn, buys everything. However, these people usually do not have family who loves them, friends who trust them, and people who genuinely want to be around them. The rich stereotype is usually cold-hearted and snobby. Their characteristics make other people not want to be around them. Therefore they are all that they are not. They have everything, but they really do not have anything. Another meaning could be that humans are very jealous and want what everyone elses has. We want to have the same clothes, technology, characteristics, and so much more. But our desires can never really be fulfilled because we are what we truly aren’t. Furthermore, the meaning could be that we all have a meaning to be here, to be living, to be moving on with life, but we never complete our true meaning. We go throughout life being apart of so many events like high school plays and college lectures. With everything that happens to us we still are not what we are. The last main meaning could do with the fact that we say one thing, but we could mean something completely different. We say that we are extremely successful with everything smoothing sailing. When in actuality nothing seems to be going right. The quote “we are all that we are not” can mean however you interpret it.

  2. “We are all that we are not” is tricky because it lacks punctuation. Not every statement needs punctuation to be deep or meaningful, but the punctuation helps decipher the meaning. It helps tell us where to pause and which words are connected in a special way. Without punctuation the statement, or quote, is left to be interpreted differently. Often, people are afraid to interpret such quotes because they are afraid that they might be wrong but there is no wrong with this quote. It is because of this fact that I am unafraid to interpret this today. To me, “we are all” is connected in a special way. It means that society has become one, it is united. While being united is grand, the way society has united is by creating zombies that go after anyone with a hint of individuality. We judge anyone who dresses, or thinks, a little differently; we let superficial beliefs get in the way of letting truly unique people thrive. While many of us will say that we are different, that we are unique, it is not as true as we wish it were. It is believed among a few that our differences are what make us. All that is different in cultures, language, or even food is often rejected. Differences that divide us and give us something we call our own is stricken down and criticized. Since we are afraid to be different, we give in and become one of the mindless zombies. We lose ourselves and therefore we cease to exist…”we are not” anymore.

  3. We are all what we are not
    We all aspire to be something greater
    We all wish to be someone else
    We all want what we cannot have
    We all have this desire to aspire
    But can this desire
    Can this want
    Can this wish, ruin us?
    We are all what we are not
    This can mean two things
    It can mean we are ambitious
    That we are always working to be something larger
    That we want to better ourselves
    And won’t allow anything to get in our way
    Then again it could mean that we’re creatures of desire
    Creatures of an emotion close to envy
    A race of that wants to be like someone else
    A race that idolizes others and their only desire is to copy them
    To have their things, their looks, their personalities
    And then because we can never truly be them we try to be better than them
    We are all what we are not
    We are all dreamers
    We are all stuck in our imaginary worlds
    We have an image of ourselves that we try to push off on others
    We are all what we are not
    Some of us are just imposters living in the sea of humanity
    People with masks trying to portray ourselves to others as someone greater
    As someone better
    As someone that we are not
    We are all what we are not
    I’ll reiterate my point from before
    We all want to be something greater than before
    Something larger
    Something better
    Something that we cannot attain
    Something that we are not

    1. good job. You explore all of the possible meanings this phrase had in my mind. That's precisely why I like it so much.

  4. The quote “We are all we are not” states that people who are ambitious and think they are better then others, and who are also jealous. Many people today are very ambitious they think they are better in a way for example popular clothing some people can’t afford any type of clothing so therefore people get pick on for what they are wearing. Some of the name brand clothing and sneakers cost an arm and leg. Yes I feel that the quote “We are all we are not” once when I was in 6th grade I pretended to be a popular girl hangout with the most poplar kids that was in my grade, wear the most expensive clothes and act like the rest of the poplar girls that had the stick up attitudes. I acted to good to hangout with the non-popular kids because they didn’t dress or talk like me. I started to realize as I matured that I didn’t want to act like that anymore because you get nowhere with a attitude like that. So I changed my attitude and how I acted because that wasn’t cool anymore so I began to hangout with people who like me for me and didn’t act different if I didn’t have the most expensive clothes on. I got to know different people instead of hanging out with the same group of people made. I’m glad that this made me change whom I was from before then now because I am a nice, cool, loving person who everyone loves.

    1. this is definitely a story that relates well to the topic. Good job.

  5. This statement is so simple yet has so much meaning to it. We are all that we are not, it really makes you think. We all have insecurities and we try so hard to hide them and make others see us for what we want. That is never the case though people will see us for however they do and we don’t really have control over that, all we can do is be the best of ourselves. Everyone tries so are to be something they are not at least once in their lives. Maybe we do this to impress someone else, but its just human nature. I think this quote is so powerful. It lets us know that we do have faults and we don’t want people to see them put we just have to accept ourselves so others can. If we don’t love ourselves no one will. It also makes you think who would you be if other people didn’t have so much influence on your life both good and bad. Would you be the same person if someone wasn’t in your life or you didn’t look up to a certain person. Who would you be then. It really makes you wonder how such a small statement could mean so much.

  6. “We are all that we are not,” can refer to backhanded actions. For instance, if a person does not say hello to their co-worker, that other person may make the assumption that the silence is intended to be rude. These conclusions are impulsive and can create an incorrect impression of a person. This false, negative reputation can then become a rumor, which creates a widespread view of an insulting person who in reality is actually quite shy. The original lack of an action can be interpreted as something unintentional, while a simple hello could have prevented the snowball effect of falsification. This idea definitely applies to my own life. I am an independent person, so I tend to keep to myself. I am also very paranoid when it comes to social situations. I often am terrified at the thought of annoying or bothering another person, so the easiest thing to do is to not interact with others. This creates an impression that I think that I am better than other people, which is the exact opposite of the truth. I scrutinize every action to the point that I can’t approach others in fear of failure. For everything that I do not do, I am judged. Therefore, I am guilty of not doing every positive action that I could have done. This affects politicians in large decisions as well. For every choice they make, there will always be a group of protesters criticizing them for not choosing the other option. Thus, we are all that we are not.

  7. The statement “We are all that we are not”, can have several meanings. No matter where in the world anyone is or belongs, this statement is worked upon all. This statement works everywhere because it is a basic syntax, by inserting few words into “That”, the statement becomes natural.
    “We are all poor, we are not rich.” It also works both ways, vise versa, this statement is clouded around “honor”.
    “We are all rich, we are not poor.” The statement behind the efforts can be used in many multitudes, as long as the words used are at the opposite poles, the statement is not irregular.
    “We are all humble, we are not dangerous.” The statement can be used to refer to one’s being, to show their personalities, their character, or who they are. “We are all humans, we are not animals.” To justify the correctness in this world, many people may call other human beings animals, for what they have been sinned for, but not every human can live the same lives forever. We were meant to explore, to create.
    “We are all gods, we are not prayers.” Humans do not have to believe in christ, scientifically speaking, we create the names of those who were created by science, we are the foundation of when it begins. Laws are created by the makers of the world, and “science” to learn, we create them our understandings.
    The statement can be used in many ways, to choose or not, nouns, verbs, adjectives, much more than two word can be placed within the statement.
    “We are all selfish, we are not hypocritical.”
    “We are all disgusting, we are not ugly.”
    “We are all capable of the galaxy, we are not there.”
    “We are all talented, we are not skilled.”
    “We are all special, we are not all common.”
    “We are all ugly, we are not disgusting.”
    “We are all there, we are not capable of the galaxy.”
    In the end, this statement can come in both ways, but yet the way it is put into terms, there is the balance between was is positive and what can be negative. There is a balance in the world, so therefore the list can end at anytime, as long as both sides can support each other, that is how “we are all that we are not.”
    “We are all positive, we are not negative.”
    “We are all negative, we are not positive.”

  8. “I am going to be completely honest. I have no idea what “We are all that we are not,” really means. Also, I don’t have the energy to try and figure it out right now. I am not a poet either. Definitely not. This whole poetry thing doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe I need to be more in touch with my emotions, I don’t know. But what I do know is this: so far, I have had a very hard time with this. It just doesn’t make sense to me. That phrase is literally an oxymoron. How can I be everything that I’m not? I can’t. That’s the answer. That’s my best answer, at least. As for the whole, “not being a poet,” thing, I know I COULD be a poet, if I applied myself. But honestly, that isn’t want I want to put my energy into. I’d rather just find a good story that I want to write, and write it. I’d love to do that everyday, if I could. This poetry stuff isn’t bad, just hard for me. I’ve never really had that natural flow that poets seem to have.That’s why I’d rather write something like this, as if I was some character sitting in the same situation as me, who doesn’t care. The big difference is, I do care. I am the real life version who has to care because he wants to get the grades to show the colleges that he cares. But anyway, back to the main topic. We are all that we are not. Really? Are we? Because I’m certainly not 4’3’’, but of course, according to that phrase, I must be! After all, I’m not! This phrase makes everything confusing and jumbled. Maybe it means that all the traits you think you have are the opposite of what you actually have? That’s the closest I’m going to get to the answer, I think. I just really do not have the brainpower to do this right now.”

    Calvin looked at his computer screen, scanning over what he wrote, looking for mistakes.

    “Ugh,” he muttered, “This is awful.” He erased everything he had typed and let out a sigh.

  9. “We are all that we are not” that is a statement that at first may seem like an oxymoron that doesn’t make sense. How could be we possibly be something and the opposite of that something at the same time? However, it is possible. For example, a man might be rich and successful in life. He could basically have anything with the snap of his fingers. The world is in his reach. However, he can be miserable and lonely. Maybe he never had time to have a family and make any friends because he working so hard to be so powerful. Although everybody wants to be him and they all admire him, yet he has no one. He his rich in the perspective that he has all this money, but he is poor in the sense that there is no one that he loves or that that genuinely love him back. There is also the man that lives in complete poverty. He has to work everyday for a little bit of money and he does not have loving admirers, but he does not need that. That man may have a family that he truly cares about and they feel that same way about him. He may not be rich and live in this large, fancy home where he can get anything he wants, whenever he wants, but at least he has love. Therefore, he may be poor physically, but he has an abundance of love and support. This quote does not only mean being rich or poor. It can relate to the people who act confident, but deep down are insecure and just pretend to be cool. There are people who seem weak, but are the underdog.

  10. This quote “we are all that we are not” means many things to many people. It can be interpreted anyway someone decides is appropriate. To me it seems to be mean that this quote is saying that people are defined by what they aren’t or what they don’t have. In society people have a knack for gossiping about others and insulting others. It just so happens that when people insult others or even describe a person to another they usually describe them as what they are not. For example, maybe a person is not nice or is not friendly or is not smart. Maybe a guy is talking to his friend about another boy he hates and he says, “He isn’t cool, he’s not. He isn’t even strong but he always shows off the muscles he doesn’t have. He isn’t smart either. He isn’t athletic too. Gorsh Mickey I hate him.” Even when describing someone positively someone can describe them by what they aren’t, for instance he isn’t a jerk, she isn’t rude, he isn’t weak, she isn’t dumb, etc,. Also, a family or type of person can be defined by what they don’t have, not just what they aren't. By this I mean that, for example, if a family is poor, others can say that they are not being wealthy or they don’t having a lot of money. A poor family doesn’t have enough money for three meals, they don’t have a car, they don’t have a nice house, etc,. This quote can apply in my life by me being able to be described as what I am not. I am not an only child, my parents aren’t divorced, I am not dumb, I am not rich, I am not bad at video games, I am not good at soccer, I am not in middle school, and the list can go on. Everyone can be, and often is, described as what they aren’t rather than what they are, throughout their lives.

  11. This statement applies to what some people try to accomplish in life. People become something while they are trying to reach a goal. For example, someone might be trying to become an astronaut. While trying to accomplish this task, this person might start acting a certain way to become an astronaut. This person has not yet to become an astronaut, but he or she is molding into the type of person he or she will become, in order to achieve his or her task. The path a person chooses to go on will either change the person for the better, or for the worst.
    Another instance that relates to this quote, if a martial artist is trying to make the transition to boxing, the person is still a martial artist. However, this person can be classified as someone who is trying to learn boxing. This means that this person isn’t where he or she wants to be. This person is turning into someone who wants to achieve a goal. This person isn’t there yet; implying that the person is, what he isn’t. The direction a person wants to go tells what kind of person they are. This quote really reflects on humans and what they strive to be. This quote can be used to describe many people that are living today. We are, what we want to be, and that makes us human.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. “We Are All That We Are Not”

    Does what people don’t have become their life? Does the thought of not having something completely take over your mind and soon it’s all you can think of? Does not having the ‘latest and greatest’ technology scare you? Does it consume your every thought until it is all you can think about? Well then welcome to the modern world. I don’t have to have the ‘latest and greatest’ technological advancement to be happy, I have my family and friends. I have what I need, but not necessarily everything I want. But I really don’t need everything I want, sure I want to go to concerts and meet band members; I also want to be popular but none of that is essential to life. And if you think it is, then you need a reality check. To have everything in life, makes you ungrateful; when your parents will do anything to make you happy, you become selfish, and less aware of the more important things in life. The person also usually isn’t what he or she wants to be. If you are not what you want to be in life, then you have to work for it. Not just beg and cry and wait for it to happen. But you need to focus on the positives in life, everyone always regards us as to what we aren’t: You aren’t cute, you aren’t popular, you aren’t at the top of the social standings. But you are beautiful, you do have a family that loves you, no matter what kind of family you have. You do have people who care for and about your well being. We are all that we are not, to me, is saying that even if we are, we are still not.

  14. “We are all that we are not.” I determine this statement to mean that we are what we arent. Now that sounds very redundant but in reality it is not. Growing up in a house with a less than desirable father I learned this lesson the hard way. I try my hardest to never become like him with every fiber of my being. He is the embodiment of what I strive to not become. But on a more upbeat note this statement could also mean you stick to your roots. You will remain humble. Say you grew up poor and then out of no where you got really really rich, if you live by this saying you won’t act rich and stuck up. Sure you will spend money, but the way you go about spending it won’t be terrible. No matter how you understand this quote it always has one direct meaning. You are everything you arent. If you aren’t mean you are nice. look at it as if you are the opposite of what you aren’t.

  15. The quote "We are all that we are not." is quote that speaks more than 1000 words. I interpret the quote to have a double meaning. The first meaning is when people get caught trying to be who they are not. Another meaning is people wish to have many things and sometimes forget about the life they are living now. People always get the idea of fitting in wherever they are at all times. In reality being different is not frowned upon anymore. People get caught up in the moment and believe that fitting in is always the right thing to do. I beleive that being the leader more times then not can be a good thing. If more people took the route of being leadears the world would be such a better place.
