Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Above are four emojis.  Construct a list detailing all things that make you feel each emoji.  After you have constructed your list, select ONE of the emojis and create 4 poems that incorporates all of your listed items.  In essence, you are writing a poem that describes each of your emotions.  The list of all four is due at the end of class.  The poem is due at the end of class tomorrow.


  1. Happy Emoji:
    1. Dancing
    2. Being on stage
    3. Baking
    4. Compliments
    5. Animals
    6. Being with my friends

    Angry Emoji
    1. Ignorant people
    2. Insensitive people
    3. Ingenuine people
    4. Unfair situations
    5. Unjust punishments
    6. Social Injustice

    Crying Emoji
    1. Emotional books and movies
    2. Frustrating situations
    3. Getting yelled at
    4. Being in stressful situations
    5. Feeling helpless

    Heart Eyes Emoji
    1. Dancing
    2. Watching talented dancers
    3. Performing
    4. Watching/Performing Theatre
    5. Writing
    6. Eating food\
    7. Seeing social justice victories
    8. Sloths and cats
    9. Quality art
    10. People who are visually pleasing

  2. 1.) When I look at the first emoji, I see a giddy type of joy. A lot of things make me happy but only a few make me absolutely giddy. When I get a new book and get the chance to start it, I’ll never be in a better mood. Having an escape route from reality is one of the best things. I get the same giddy joy after my team and I win a soccer match; I feel on top of the world. Then there’s music. When it’s really good, I will sway back and forth, eyes closed, and smiling ear to ear.

    2.) Not many things make me angry. I get frustrated and annoyed at tons, but angry at very little. It’s usually specific instances that anger me, but if I were sum it all into one word, it’d be unfairness. I just can’t stand when people aren’t treated as equals; bullying can really light my fuse as well.

    3.) I try very hard not to be, but I am a sappy persons. I cry while I read or watch something sad; particularly when I see a character who is alone or isolation. Death is a big tear-jerker too, not only in fictional situations. Most of the time though, I get very sad when I see someone I care about sad.

    4.) I don’t know what word to use in order to describe this last emoji. All that comes to mind is some kind of love. There is a lot of different ways to love someone or something. I love my family like one would love family. I also love my friends the way one would love family. I have my boyfriend who I love very much. And, yes, I love my cat too. Music and books also make their way into this category too.

  3. Blushing face:
    When someone says something cute
    When I just can’t help but smile
    Feeling good for just no reason
    Getting something that I really want
    When someone shows they care about me
    Getting something that makes me happy
    Being complimented
    Being accepted
    Being included

    Mad face:
    When someone does something that I don’t like
    When i'm offended
    When something doesn’t go the way I want
    Being left out
    Being hurt
    Being disrespected
    Being taken advantage of
    When something isn’t fair
    Cruelty to animals
    Doing something i don’t want to do
    When someone else is being hurt or threatened badly

    Sad face:
    Being alone and forgotten
    Being hurt
    Being let down
    Being depressed
    Losing something or someone important to me
    Seeing someone else sad
    Being an outsider
    Not being appreciated

    Heart eyes:
    When I love something
    Seeing someone or something appealing
    Cute animals
    Being happy
    Doing what I enjoy to do
    The summer time
    Being happy

  4. Happy Emoji
    -Being with my friends and family
    Angry Emoji
    -Rude people
    -Conceited people
    -Being stressed out
    Crying Emoji
    -People that I love sad
    -People that take things for granted and don’t realize how fortunate people are
    -Being alone
    -Sad books and movies
    Heart Eyed Emoji
    -Listening to music
    -The Walking Dead
    -The Fault in Our Stars

  5. Happiness

    Good grades
    My friends
    My family
    Bright colors
    Track & Field
    When my eyebrow game is strong


    Slow walkers
    Double standards
    Obnoxious People


    Seeing other people sad
    Bad grades
    Being lonely


    People who are visually pleasing
    Funny people

  6. Calvin Nemeckay
    Happy: Staying in on a rainy day off and doing what I want to do, no outside obligations.
    Angry: Not having enough money for anything, but not wanting the responsibility of a job.
    Sad: The inescapable permanence of death.
    Love: Pizza

  7. Smiling:
    Slight Blush
    Playing video games
    Watching anime
    Playing Chess
    Getting passing grades

    Being late
    Change of plans too fast/much
    Know it alls
    No improvements
    Useless scars
    People who ask too much
    Being alone
    Bad ending in a story
    Failure in games
    Complete show-offs
    People that are too full of themselves

    Having no good friends
    Being alone
    Talking to myself
    A bad ending in a story
    Failure in games
    Being left alone
    Losing signal, WI-fi
    Breaking objects

    Italian foods
    Good friends
    Best friends
    Winter season
    Technology, what we have now.
    Powers (Abilities to fly!!!!)
    Animals (All)
    Asians (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc.)

  8. Jonathan Meyer

    1. Smiley
    My brother (he is VERY funny)
    My parents
    Watching Naruto
    Watching Youtube (especially Let’s Play)
    Playing video games
    Getting an A on an essay or test
    Doing really good in a port, such as getting a homerun in kickball or getting several people out in dodgeball
    Hanging out with friends and having fun
    When I wake up and realize I have no tests, quizzes, or essays to do in school or for homework

    2. Angry
    When people cheat on tests
    Writing essays
    Doing labs for Science class
    Getting a bad grade on a test
    When somebody brags about getting a better grade than you
    When people get special treatment that no one else gets for an unjust reason
    Getting a haircut that looks worse than my already bad hairdo
    When people are oblivious to others because of technology

    3. Sad
    The commercials with the sad music and mistreated animals
    When I hurt myself really bad
    When I accidently say something rude to my parents
    When I say something I thought was okay but offends someone else
    Being alone
    Making one of my friends angry and we get in an argument
    When someone makes a commitment with you but does not come through with it
    Realizing that one day I will indefinitely die
    When summer ends and we start school again
    When a friend or a very nice person moves away

    4. Love
    My family
    Easy access to any information I want
    Movies (except horror movies)
    Summer (going out on vacation or just relaxing at home with no commitments to school)
    Reading a really good book, such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
    I love math class and learning about algebra
    Dogs (my favorite are Miniature American Escimos and Huskies)

    1. My last thing for making me happy is resting at home and doing nothing

  9. 1.) Reality is so full sadness
    I must not absorb it
    To escape through music and books
    Is my best chance.
    Once I win, celebrate
    With the ones who made it possible
    That is how I’ll find happiness

    2.) Negativity should be avoided
    Anger is the worse kind
    But how can it be controlled
    When injustice poisons the world
    And all that is good is distorted?

    3.) Empathy is the ultimate expression of care
    To show compassion and love
    Is the best way to build relationships
    Especially in times of distress
    When tears shouldn’t be, but are shared

    4.) How can I describe love
    Never in words
    But in actions
    In the way I love my family
    My friends and cat
    The books and music that help me bare my soul

  10. Calvin Nemeckay's Radical Emoji Inspired Poems

    A Lonesome Rainy Day
    The clear calendar date pairs with the darkened sky, droplets falling from above to wash away the obligations of the day.
    The calendar’s owner smiles, and reclines in his favorite chair, with only the voices from his television and the light drum-beat of the rain for company.
    All the days before and after fill his life to the brim, breaking him down, but this one day of social silence is enough for him to regenerate.
    He blinks.
    He remembers the bustling of yesterdays past.
    He blinks.
    He realizes that the night will pave the way for a busy tomorrow.
    He blinks.
    Now, there is no other time than the present. He is here, and he is free for a day.
    He blinks.
    He is happy.

    The Young Adult Cycle
    A sudden trip to the store becomes a sudden want.
    A sudden want becomes a sudden need.
    A sudden need becomes a sudden impulse.
    A sudden impulse becomes a sudden purchase.
    A sudden purchase becomes a sudden empty pocket.
    A sudden empty pocket becomes a sudden anger.
    A sudden anger becomes a sudden complaint.
    A sudden complaint recieves a sudden answer.
    A sudden answer becomes a sudden suggestion.
    A sudden suggestion becomes a sudden argument.
    A sudden argument becomes a sudden issue.
    A sudden issue becomes a sudden job hunt.
    A sudden job hunt becomes a sudden failure.
    A sudden failure becomes a sudden furiousness.
    A sudden furiousness deserves a sudden day out.
    A sudden day out becomes a sudden trip to the store.
    A sudden trip to the store becomes a sudden want.

    Haiku on True Love
    Cheese, meat, dough, and sauce
    Come together to form love.
    A pizza is born.

  11. It was so unexpected but so cute
    The words that just make you melt
    Its the happiness that you can’t hide
    instant joy just uncontrollable
    waiting and hoping no more
    Its everything all at once
    When it all just fits into place
    and you know that it feels right
    like you've been waiting your whole life
    for everything to be like this
    just finally living
    For the first time in your life

    Instant angry
    so ugly and raw
    the emotion
    not easy to hide
    The feeling eating you inside
    Its not fair or right
    Too long its gone on
    Seeing it makes it all worse
    The rage bubbling up
    I have to act now
    Before its too late

    You have been there
    haven’t we all
    Feeling alone
    In crowded halls
    The pain rips through
    No feeling just numb
    Something you never get used to
    So cruel
    So real
    You never see it coming
    until its too late

    The feeling
    Covers you like a blanket
    So warm and good
    Love all at once
    The butterflies
    Nothing but good thoughts
    Wishing and wanting
    The memories
    Never fading away
    Nights that never end
    Holding on
    laughing out loud
    For no reason at all
    Loving every second of it

  12. Love:

    To be The Asian, or not to be, that is not the question
    To be Ta, Love is cherished most of all
    When love is established, Nightmares are what makes him Happy
    The colors of the cloud,
    Red, Blue, Green, and Black, must be sprayed with water
    Ta will only sit on Chairs, couches, and animals
    His anger is what keeps him alive, and for that he cherishes all the times
    Ta, The asian, is cherished by many other asians
    Ta, loves medieval times, with swords, and animes that have scythes, and mostly blades
    Ta has become a talented creature, to be able to do sports
    Wrestling, Track and Field, and Cross Country, in that order
    One of Ta’s favorite foods from italian foods, is Spaghetti
    Ta is blinded for the societies ugliness, that is why he wears glasses
    Having nightmares and partial dreams, gore makes him laugh
    Ta cherishes his running, he tries to do parkour for it is fascinating.
    Tas’ dreams are acquainted by powers, to fly, to sneak, to have ultimate strength.
    Recklessness takes a dive into Ta’s life
    Being parkour, dancing, exploration
    Most of all, he cherishes the times he can relax, Gaming and Winter season is the best
    He watches youtube often and is a big fan of the Markiplier
    He cherishes school for he can talk then and there only
    But most of all, Ta loves his family, best friends, and good friends
    All of which, anger him most often.
    But now, technology is the one who can make YOU, able to see this.


    Smiling, is the meaning to be happy
    To file something that becomes crazed
    To tease or to slight blush
    Or to please while cuddling with a plush
    To be eating what you love
    To be feeding, the ones you love
    Playing chess while being the notorious
    Or to confess while playing video games
    To get passing grades with this or not
    While Watching anime, to get passes the loves
    To end proud for the things that make you smile


    When I’m sad, I have no good friends
    Because I have no good friends, I am being alone
    By being alone, I feel the emotional description Jealousy
    I feel Jealous because I am talking to myself
    I talk to myself because I have failure in games
    I have failure in games because of a bad ending in a story
    A bad ending in a story makes me talk to myself again
    When I talk to myself again I feel Embarrassment
    I feel embarrassed and start breaking objects
    I start to break objects because I am being Left alone
    I am being left alone, because I have no good friends.


    To be angry, there is always the first stage
    To be agitated, one must feel annoyed
    To feel Jealousy, one must know Society
    To feel Failure, one must meet the losing
    To feel Ads, one must see commercials
    To feel people that are too full of themselves, one must know idiocy
    To feel Failure in games, one must touch Technology
    To feel forgetful, one must acknowledge stubbornness
    To feel Loud-mouths, one must know hear know it alls
    To feel useless scars, one must be in depression
    To feel Tears, one must be Unsymmetrical
    To feel Pranks, one must know Surprises
    To feel Selfishness, one must know Hypocrisy
    To feel Failure, one must feel one forgetful, one must like being late.
    To feel cheating, one must know the bad ending to a story
    To feel the change of plans too much/fast, one must know immaturity
    To feel immature, one must be a complete show-off.
    To feel no improvements, one must have ignorance

  13. Hanging out with my friends and family
    Animals that are adorable and make you say “Aww”
    Pretty colored leaves and the cool weather that signifies autumn
    Peacefully sleeping well into the late morning
    Yummy and delectable food

    To be sad is to watch or read a tragic story unfold before you
    To be sad is to see people take things for granted while others have nothing to call their own
    To be sad is to feel solitary and have no one to comfort you
    To be sad is to be forced to deal with the loss of a life
    To be sad is to see the people you love with tears in their eyes

    The bubbling feeling in your stomach that makes you want to punch a wall
    To feel annoyance or rage
    That is what it feels like to be angry
    When you have so much on your plate that causes pressure and makes you want to scream
    That is what it feels like to be angry
    When people constantly don’t tell you the truth about things
    That is what it feels like to be angry
    When others are crude, impolite or just plain rude to people
    That is what it feels like to be angry
    When someone is conceited and seems not to care about anyone, but themselves
    That is what it feels like to be angry

    Doing something you love is the best feeling in the world
    It is almost impossible to put into a few words
    Listening to music alone and forgetting about reality for a little while is what I love
    Scrolling through Tumblr for a few hours is what I love
    Watching my favorite YouTubers is what I love
    Sitting in front of my TV every Sunday night to watch “The Walking Dead” is what I love
    Having the story of “The Fault in Our Stars” unfold in front of me is what I love
    Getting lost in the labyrinth of paragraphs in a book is what I love
    Telling a story or expressing my feelings with a sheet of paper and a pencil is what I love

  14. Jonathan Meyer
    Feelings Poems
    1. Happiness the greatest feeling,
    When you come home to those who love you,
    When you sit down and watch what pleases you,
    When you do something for yourself and it pays off,
    When you do what you want when you want,
    When your are free to decide,
    Happiness comes to those who want it,
    If you chose to be, you will be full of glee.
    2. For those times you just can’t take it,
    When you just can’t shake it,
    When people do you wrong,
    Or people do wrong by themselves,
    Through your red face you cannot ignore,
    The complications you face,
    Or ignorance and past mistakes,
    Because anger clouds your judgment,
    And it is something we all face.
    3. Sometimes you just can’t help it,
    You feel alone and betrayed,
    You feel guilt to those you hurt.
    Sometimes you need to cry,
    For when something you love comes to an end,
    Or someone you loved is no longer there.
    This can never be avoided,
    Some days just aren’t as good as the rest.
    4. Love is a powerful thing,
    It can help us through something challenging,
    Something as simple as eating ice cream,
    Or playing a silly game or going to the movies.
    Reading a book or resting your eyes,
    Whatever you love it can help you.
    When you are clouded by anger,
    Or fretting over sadness,
    Love can get you through,
    The difficult times that can ensue.

  15. Happiness
    After hours of hard work and studying to see that ‘A’ on your paper
    Friends that make me smile and laugh during the stress of school
    A loving family that will always be there for me
    Vibrant colors that remind that there is always a bright side to things
    Cheering for my team on those lively Friday nights
    Crossing that finish line in first place
    The confidence I gain when my eyebrow game is stronger than yours

    This is not a stroll in the park, this is a hallway and I have places to go and things to do
    If you’re not going to tell the truth then don’t say anything at all
    If he can do it, then why can’t I?
    Unnecessary outbursts and people who don’t understand when it’s time to stop talking
    Please make a decision and stick with it

    Seeing someone one day and then never seeing them again
    School is nothing but a place of pressure and continuous stress
    Your tears are my tears
    Putting in that hard work and effort but not seeing the results that I wanted
    Being surrounded by people and feeling nothing but loneliness

    People who are just physically perfect
    The feeling of achievement, accomplishment, success and triumph
    They say laughter is the best medicine
    Getting lost in a world of imagination
    Diving into a plate of mouth-watering food without judgment
    Heavy eyelids and the irreplaceable comfort of my bed

  16. Happy
    Being at home during a rainy day, relaxing in front of my computer and listening to music.

    The sound of music
    The sound of rain against glass
    Peaceful the whole day

    Seeing a friend or family member being a victim or defenceless.

    Rage, boiling, rising
    a friend, now a victim
    Im trying to help


    Seeing a friend or family member sad or crying because of something, and being unable to help him or her.

    Tears, stess, depression, weak
    I watch them in their room, under the bed in the dark, lights off
    I go in, go to the bed, and hug them and kiss their cheek
    They just shove me away, tell me to go away, that I cant help
    I sigh, give them a look, and leave the room, sitting down in front of the door, burying my head in my knees
    Let me help, I said.
    I want to make you happy, I said. Just let me help.
    No. Go away. Just go, go like all the rest.
    Im not like all the rest, I dont want to leave you like this.


    Brown, black, blonde
    Energetic, sometimes annoying
    Nice, cute, kind
    Joy, happiness,
    I love my yorkie, Benji
