Thursday, October 25, 2012

Epitaphs - Thursday and Friday

An epitaph is a poem to remember the dead. Your poem will let the person reading it know the following:
  1. Who is in the grave?
  2. How they lived? or died?
Your task is to write a poem (or lyrical prose) that will be displayed on tombstones in the graveyard. You may choose to make them serious or humorous, depending on the person the epitaph is for. Many famous writers use lines from their own fiction on their tombstones (included is the picture of F Scott Fitzgerald's grave) to further immortalize their words.

You will be writing 10 of these in total, with one of them being an epitaph for your own tomb. Each one of the epitaphs needs to be a minimum of 4 lines long.
Here is an example of a humorous epitaph:

Here lies my dear friend Ben.
He walked into a lion's den.
He made some noise, that silly fool,
and turned up in the lion's stool.


  1. Robert was not well
    Many noticed when he fell
    Nobody asked if he was fine
    All that’s left now is the chalk line

    Jim lived like a king
    Always with some pretty young thing
    When she found someone else in their bed
    All they found was his body covered in red

    Charlie was addicted to his blow
    The powder was white as snow
    It might have been the death of him
    Or maybe it was his dealer Tim

    Justin was a noble man
    He dedicated his life to Uncle Sam
    Then one day he left for war
    To be seen no more

    Steve was a man of the cloth
    Who drank deeply from the broth
    Gluttony was his curse
    And now he rides in a hearse

    Sam’s skin was white as snow
    Seeing as she was an albino
    Then when winter came
    Mother Nature was to blame

    Jenry was known throughout the land
    For the murders committed by his hand
    The law wanted his head
    And now it rests on a wooden bed

    Mark lays here
    Always consumed by his fear
    He never truly loved his life
    So it was taken by the knife

    Michelle body rests in this tomb
    Always in fear of her doom
    She was taken by another’s blade
    And now she roams as a shade

    Ryan lies in this box
    He was quick as a fox
    But his feet were not quick enough
    To stop the car from going off the bluff

    1. Vance was his name
      For his death someone was to blame
      It could have been hid kid or his wife
      All we know is that it was done with a knife

      Rian was a good man
      He had a loving wife named Pam
      Then one night she rolled over
      So now he is buried in Dover

      Mark was odd
      He loved fishing for cod
      Then when Michelle went out with him
      From the lake his body we had to skim

      Michelle always thought she was fare
      But lost that thought when she went to the chair
      Mark flipped the switch with glee
      As Michelle’s soul was forced to flee

      Mike lies underground
      His body never to be found
      Never to rise again
      Until the apocalypse marks the end

      This girl was the beauty of the land
      Every man wanted her hand
      But her life was cut short
      Framed and sentenced to death by the court

  2. A loving father, and wonderful friend
    Someone who would stand by your ‘til the end
    He asked for no tears on his grave
    And wishes for all his grandchildren to be brave

    Haley was one of a kind
    A star and someone very hard to find
    Her favorite hiding spot a cave
    Sadly now she rests in this grave

    Eric a dare devil like no other
    Living life on the edge
    Sadly a banana peel was sitting there so
    It’s a good thing his motto was YOLO

    A best friend who loved her phone
    Even though she would use it on the road
    Getting hit while writing TTYL
    But now we all stand here and want to write back when?

    Benjamin never really cared
    Never letting anything stay on his mind
    Looking down on himself now
    He probably would just shrug his shoulders walking away saying hey that’s life

    Working hard all his life
    Making sure to take care of his kids and wife
    More than 80 years on this earth
    I just wish I got to say goodbye to him first

    A young man just starting out his life
    Making sure he ran it right
    Sadly someone lied and said they were his friend
    Them taking his life wasn’t how it was supposed to end

    A smart young woman who ran the streets
    Someone my sister would’ve loved to me
    But it was her time to return home
    Nine years later our tears still roam

    Only a young girl her life barely began
    We all can still remember she was touched by that man
    HE took her life which no one could take
    Our hearts are something that continue to break

    An addiction they couldn’t break
    A disgusting habit they couldn’t shake
    Slowly it took Carie away
    That final puff is why she isn’t her today

  3. Totiana loving and bright
    A happy soul
    Don’t cry for me
    You guys know I still love you all

  4. A friend that got along with everyone
    A smile with the wrong friends
    A gunshot
    This bounced him into a different world

    A parent that only thought of himself
    But his lungs were slowly burning up
    A little tiny thing in his mouth
    Burned his life away

    A mother
    Standing up for her children
    With eleven kids with a drunken father
    All she asked for them to be safe and sound, was that too much to ask for?

    A brother that nobody got to experience
    All he got to experience was the womb of his mother
    Three days before he was born he died
    Take care of your family in heaven

    All he did was smoke a grandfather that never visited his grandchildren
    He lasted ninety six years drinking
    He acted like a child his last years
    At least he enjoyed his time here on Earth

    An uncle well loved
    His family didn’t get to say the last goodbye
    All of a sudden, boom gone
    He is well missed

    A very picky grandmother
    Her last visit was the last time she saw her daughter
    She went back home and died of a heart attack
    We will all miss the sweet old smile on her face

    A chubby little three year old
    All she wanted was a piece of bacon
    She choked
    At least she can be in a place where it’s all you can eat

    A baby
    She couldn’t do anything
    She was in the wrong hands
    Now she at least has someone to protect her

    Her job was with tigers
    She would wear strips all day
    She gave them kisses and the time she gave a monkey a kiss
    They decided her grave was going to be next to them

    Her name was Lisa
    She was loved by many
    She laughed and always had a good time
    Now don’t cry for all she wants you to know that she is now in a better place

  5. Here lies good old Mark,
    He eyes were very stark.
    But when he got too close,
    You could only find his nose.

    Here lies Michelle,
    She sang in her own shell.
    But when she had nothing left,
    She was no longer so deft.

    Here lies good old Jenry,
    He is in all of our memories.
    He played basketball all his life,
    Right up until he met his strife.

    This good man’s name was Robert,
    He had a friend named Bert.
    They worked together for a lot of years,
    But now all that is left are their tears.

    Here lies a guy named Vance,
    He was run through with a lance.
    His passion was being a teacher,
    Now all we here is this good preacher.

    Here lies Mr. Mosley,
    He was never really that showy.
    He was a really good principle,
    However, he was kind of cynical.

    Here lies a good man Steven,
    Some considered him to be a heathen.
    But I am sure he is going to heaven,
    Because he sacrificed his life for more than seven.

    Here lies my good friend Smith,
    Whom I had some fun times with.
    He acted in a lot of movies,
    But none that guest starred the character Stewie.

    Here lies Rob,
    He ended up without a job.
    He died on the street,
    With people’s change at his feet.

    Here lies my good friend Tim,
    He was not as fortunate as Jim.
    Jim was the one that stole his wife,
    So Tim ended up taking his life.

  6. Rian is the person who lies here
    Six feet under everyone’s feet
    When in his life he walked
    Six feet above everyone

    Under this tree I lay
    With rain and snow on my grave
    Not able to give children presents
    Who am I?

    Hi my name is Fred
    I tried lifting this grave stone up
    But it fell on me
    So someone else had to lift it for me

    What should I put on this grave stone
    I only have four lines to write
    I have lived a full life and I only get four lines
    Oh wait now I don’t have any

    I remember growing up with this guy
    He was a brilliant and amazing person to be around
    As time passed on he got old and wise
    Then he died
    This family asked me to say a few words on this guy’s grave stone
    He probably saw me as one of his closest friends
    Well I got some news for you
    I hated you

    I know this might be kind of awkward for you
    But I have a secret to tell you
    It might offend you and your family
    But I accidently killed your dog

    Hey Mike, can you hear me Mike
    Oh wait you can’t hear me
    Other than this message only being a written message
    But you are dead so you can’t hear it

    Son, I have told you all the time that you should follow your dreams
    And you always have but there is one problem
    Even though your dreams gave you a lot of money, it led you to a world filled with drugs and alcohol,
    So anyone that is reading this please don’t follow your sons or your dreams cause you will end up dead

    Oh wow I must have fallen asleep writing this message
    This is so boring
    After writing ten of these I just can’t think of anything else to write

  7. The Collected Final Writings of Stephen Van Ness

    May he rest in peace.

    By an author that wishes to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of this poetry, but is too conceited to actually grant his own wish and, against his better judgment, will tell everyone that his name is Stephen Van Ness.
    Now that he’s re-reading this he realizes that his name was actually in the title of the poetry assignment and therefore this entire paragraph was moot and a waste of his time.

    Another poem was written here
    In the space where this one rests
    It wasn’t written well, I fear
    It’s death was for the best.

    Rest in peace, dear friend
    We’ve known each other long
    Now you’ve reached an untimely end
    And when you were in a drug induced state I made you change your will and NOW I OWN ALL YOUR PROPERTY!!!!

    This person wanted me to write something for his grave
    So I tried my best
    I think he wanted me to write something deep on his tombstone.
    Which is sorta amusing cause he’s kinda eight feet underground right now.

    Some grave stones will make you smile
    Some grave stones will make you cry
    Some will make you laugh
    This one won’t instill any emotion in you.

    This man was a brilliant writer
    He lived a good, long, fulfilling life.
    And then, after all of those years
    He died.

    This is the fifth grave stone
    Written by this writer.
    Maybe he should cut while he is ahead
    Because sooner or later a family is going to be offended by the candid humor he uses while writing on the gravestones of their loved ones and he’ll lose all of his money to a lawsuit and that would just stink, wouldn’t it?

    I love writing poems for dead people
    Like the one I am writing now
    Because they can never be offended by the fact that I don’t even mention them
    ‘Cause their DEAD!

    The person buried here I knew well
    We grew up together.
    Well, sorta. He was in my class in fifth grade. I think.
    Anyway, he was a nice feller. May he rest in peace!

    This person told me to write on his gravestone
    But I secretly hated his guts
    When I read he was dead in the paper I spent the night laughing
    Cause he was a stupid communist and always got in my way all the time. And he trusted me enough to let me write his gravestone! Ironic, isn’t it?

    Here I lie, the writer of these poems
    All of those gravestones were put up at the same time.
    The relatives of the people didn’t really appreciate what I said about their dead relatives, so they rioted and broke into my house.
    But before they took action, they let me write on more poem.

  8. Here likes this kid named Mark,
    He was a well-known Narc.
    I guess he should’ve stopped doing blow,
    Because he ended up 6 feet below.

    There’s this boy named Al,
    He was always a good pal.
    He was really good at math,
    But he was killed by a staff.

    Here lies Stan,
    He was always a big man.
    Until his daughter died,
    He just laid there by her side.

    Here’s this beautiful girl,
    All she wanted was the world.
    Her life ended too short,
    Unfortunately she loved to snort.

    Here lies Mr. Vogel,
    He wasn’t a local.
    He loved giving students pink slips,
    Now he is rotting in a crypt.

    Here lies a girl named Lisa,
    She loved to eat pizza.
    One day she was walking home from the pizza shop,
    Then she got run over by a cop.

    Here lies Rob,
    His favorite food was corn on the cob.
    One day he choked on a piece of corn,
    He died before his daughter was born.

    Here lies Michelle,
    She sang so well.
    Her life was taken by a man,
    The one she loved named Sam.

    Here lies Kate,
    She was always the one who loved to bake.
    She choked on a piece of cake,
    And that was her biggest mistake.

    Here’s this boy,
    He always brought me great joy.
    I was going to be his wife,
    Until he took his life.

  9. Here lies Jeff McCrum
    He was such a dumb old chum
    drunk himself into a stooper
    and died on the doorstep of the widdow Cooper

    Eleanor Rigby lies deep down as sudden as a burst of thunder
    she lived in starvation and lonelyness
    and everyone around her was completely oblivious

    Here lies Celia Ray
    who spent each and every day
    masking her feelings with a smile
    but underneath, was a lost lonely child

    Here lies Judith Bates
    Mother of two, grandmother of eight
    died after 100 long and happy years
    let’s hope in heaven she will bring love and cheer

    Nicolas Fitzgerald, father of three
    was loved by many and missed he will be
    his family was his pride and joy
    but a car came and killed him along with his friend, Roy

    Elizabeth Martin lies here
    her greatest joy was causing fear
    don’t ever walk by her grave at night
    for if you do, her ghoast will start a fight

    Here lies Frankie Nailor
    who lived his life a drunkan sailor
    he’d drink and curse like no one ever heard
    but fell off the ship and could utter no word

    Here lies lazy old Strouse
    who never ever left his house
    every day he was depressed
    and he never talked to anyone or ever got dressed

    Here lies Freddy McCan
    who thought he was a macho man
    he wressled a 900 pound muscle guy
    who broke his bones and made him die

    Grace Amodeo lies under here
    born a musician with no fears
    after performing one dark night
    she died as a result of a drunkan fight

  10. This is the alternant assignment I did.

    Bio club: These are my notes for the article

    Overview of it: The bio club is an extracurricular activity at Dunellen High school. (talk to Ms. Bodak about the scheduling.) We talk about what we are going to be doing in the future, like Earth day and field trips. There are about 30? people in the club. The club is open to everyone in high school. Freshmen to seniors and people in athletics can also make the meetings, because they are not very long. We always get shirts for the bio club so that we can remember being in bio club in the future. Everyone pays a five dollar due so that we can have a little money in our bio account to get shirts and the animals for the dissections.

    Officers and officials: President: Brenda vice president: Paige Secretary: Stephen Treasure: (need to know from Ms. Bodak). Ms. Bodak and Ms. Garni are the Officials.

    Detailed description of it: Earth day, dissections, field trip, meetings.

  11. 1. Here lies Katity O’Donnell
    They girl who never knew
    What life was really?
    She was such a lovely girl

    2. Here lies a Kerry Johnson
    A true hearted girl
    She knew how to love
    And lived a wonderful life

    3. Here lies Skywizard
    A real person can’t you guess
    The things he did can never be forgotten
    A proud father he was

    4. Her lies lovely women
    Her true name was never known
    Some called her Stacy some called her Massie
    That doesn’t matter because she wasn’t very classy

    5. People always asked if I was crazy or insane
    I would always let them judge me
    The line was thin
    And what I thought was all that mattered
    -Alex Rojas

    6. There once was a boy
    He didn’t know much about life
    Except that he wanted to be happy in life
    And he finally is

    7. Alexi was a fine lady
    It was her time to go
    She acted somewhat shady
    She owes me since a long time ago

    8. She was a beauty queen
    Yet she was only fourteen
    She has this routine
    That only she and god could see

    9. There comes a time in life
    When we all must go
    She was such a lovely wife
    And always put on a show

    10. Here lies Aaron
    A free soul
    Now lost in this world
    He truly loved rock and roll

  12. Here lies my great old mom
    She had a brother, his name was Tom
    Her brother killed her with one swift swipe
    Because she would also gripe

    In the grave is my friend Dave
    He was known for being brave
    He once fought a big fierce lion
    He gave up without even trin’

    There is that girl Jackie
    She died wearing her khakis
    They were just a little too tight
    Killed her in the middle of the night

    Here lies a dead little bird
    The fact that it gets a funeral is a bit absurd
    It died by falling out of a tree
    It never knew you or me

    This is the grave of my Aunt Beth
    Her husband drove her to her death
    He loved her like any husband would
    She could not stand how he treated her good

  13. Amanda Brown lies peaceful in the ground
    She brought joy to everyone she knew
    Thought about everyone but herself
    Enjoyed every moment of life

    Barbra Brook lies here in the mud
    She had many illnesses her whole life
    Never let anyone feel bad for her
    But she managed to put a smile on everyone face

    Here lies a grandmother, mother, and a wife
    Raised her kids, and her grandchildren
    She took care of every situation she could handle
    Always thought of nothing but the best

    Tania knew nothing but the best
    Went for what she wanted
    Had nothing but big dreams
    Now she lies here under the dirt

    Here lies a best friend
    Did nothing but smile
    Showed no fear
    She was always confident

    Here lies John Williams
    Didn’t have much common sense
    Always got into trouble
    No one ever understood his thought but he was unique

    Here lies my grandmother
    The most amazing women I ever met
    Always put a smile on someone’s face, when she was in pain
    Had to be on medication all her life but always showed hope

    He would always make jokes for everything he heard
    Made people laugh, even when it was mean
    Never showed any feelings
    He most definitely lived life to the fullest

    She was everyone’s favorite
    She was the life of the party
    Never let anything stop her from doing what she wanted
    Enjoyed what she did

    Here lies Samantha
    Only cared about family, nothing more
    Would make family parties loud and fun
    Made time for people that needed help with anything

  14. John grinned. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. He rubbed his forehead trying to think of what to say next.
    “You never signed that form for me to go on the field trip,” she said suddenly.
    “Oh my god Allie, I’m so sorry. Where is it?”
    She ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at him. “It’s too late,” she said. “The field trip was today. I had to stay in the library.” She looked away, her eyes filling with tears again. “It was so embarrassing.”
    John suddenly felt incredibly guilty. He couldn’t understand how he could’ve forgotten about his own daughter for so long. How he could’ve just ignored her without realizing it. “I could still take you if you want to go.” He said.

  15. Here lies Michelle
    Her life was never a hell
    And she smells
    Now she’s dead, oh well

    Here lies my boy mark
    He would always play ball at the park
    One day after dark
    He was killed by a narc

    Here lies ayanna
    Who lives in Tijuana
    Always admired Madonna
    Found dead in the sauna

    Robert lays here
    From him the land was in fear
    He killed on a land that was lawless
    By the end of a rope he found his justice

    Felix A family man
    Now in heaven
    Helping gods demand
    Hit by a car his next life began

  16. The city was dead silent. No one had anywhere to go so late at night. All of the stores were closed, the taverns were open but only for people wanting to rent a room on the upper floors for the night. It’s crazy how a city can be packed during the day and utterly baron once the sun sets. Tristain walked down the sidewalk feeling conspicuous and vulnerable. Ellie’s shop was only a block away and he could already feel the man’s presence.
    What was he going to do when he got in there? Hear him out? What could he possibly have to say? PLEASE help me kill the king? C’mon, it’ll be SO funny! Yeah, sure. What if he just full on tried to kill the guy? He already knew he could overpower the man if he tried. A knife to the chest would end his problems pretty quickly.
    He finally reached the shop and stopped short. Was he really going to go through with this? He wouldn’t just kill the guy once he got in. He’d wait. If the man made one wrong move, he was going down. He Put his ear to the door and listened for some sign of life. After a minute of hearing nothing, he pushed the door open and peeked inside.
    “A wise man once said he was ‘late for a very important date!’, and it would seem you’re in the same predicament, Tristain.”
    The man was sitting atop the counter, swinging his legs like an impatient child, waiting for his mother to finish something. Tristain slid inside and turned, quietly closing the door behind him. When he turned back around, the man was inches away from him.
    “What took you so long? I’ve been waiting all night!”
    “What’s your name?”
    The man tilted his head sideways and looked around the room.
    “Oh, were you talking to me? Sorry, it just didn’t make sense to me why someone would arrive at a meeting in the middle of the night to speak to a man that killed an undisclosed amount of armed guards and nearly killed the king of a very large kingdom and the first question said person posed the skillful assassin is about his name.”

  17. Here lie the bones of Henry Jones
    He fell into a hole and began to moan
    He was really truly blind, but his wife gave up looking,
    And she didn’t mind

    Bob wanted a life of a sailor
    Instead he became a tailor
    Customers come in with newly ripped pants
    With Bob’s experience, it ended with an ambulance

    Matt had a favorite color of orange
    He hit his head on the door hinge
    He fell out the window, onto a shack,
    Now he’s here, lying on his back

    Wilfred was a man of his word
    He never left his pet bird
    One day it attacked and pecked at his back
    He now stays here, piled with a dirt stack

    There once was a man named Ned
    He decided to be a woman instead
    He was walking with his high heels
    When he tripped into a tank full of electric eels

    Bender was a friend of mine
    He was almost as smart as Albert Einstein
    He choked on some pasta
    Given to him by a Rasta

    Mandy lived a life that was happy
    But her final days were rather crappy
    It rained on her birthday, and she had a clown
    Lightning struck and went straight to the ground

    Life was tragic for this guy Terry
    It all started when he fell off the ferry
    Now he’s around, swimming with the fishes
    At least he doesn’t have to do the dishes

    Bad luck always followed Neil
    His life was cut short because of a deal
    He sold his soul to Richard Nixon
    He was his idol, and this epitaph needs fixin’

    This man was once named Jesse
    His living room was really messy
    He slipped on a shirt and fell out the door
    I guess he should have cleaned up some more

    Here lays a girl named Audrey
    She was never at all tawdry
    Now she lies here, because of a hit to the head
    She’d rather be alive, playing softball instead


  18. Here lies my best friend Jessie
    Who loved this soccer player named Messi
    He stepped into a room full of Real Madrid fans
    And got hit by a bunch of pans

    Here lies my good friend Patty
    Who got hit by a car very badly
    She wasn’t looking both ways and ran through traffic
    We should all blame Patrick

    Here lies my brother’s heart
    That got torn apart
    It wasn’t its fault they made mistakes
    Now his love life is at stake

    Here lies my good friend Simon
    He loved stealing diamonds
    He went to a criminals house and stole from his basket
    Well, now he’s in a casket

    Here lies my good friend Mark
    Who loved swimming with the sharks
    He tripped over the deck and hurt his head
    He started bleeding and felt dizzy he dropped dead
    Here lies my ugly friend Gelviz
    Who loved bothering me on a daily basis
    He hated the pool
    Oops, my bad I threw him in the whirlpool

    Here lies my best friend Gator
    who loved hiding in the refrigerator
    One day he was playing hide and seek
    They couldn’t find him after a week

    Here lies my friend Rye
    Who loved being a spy
    She went on a task
    she came back with a face mask.

    Here lies Benny
    Who lived with his crazy ex named Jenny
    He met someone else and kicked her out the house
    Results were that he was eaten by a mouse

  19. A man with style
    This was Kyle
    For whom who was brave
    Was trampled at a rave

    Dainty Michelle
    Had a huge bell
    One day it fell
    And sent her to hell

    Old Abram Brown
    Went to town
    As he came towards us
    He got hit by a bus

    Attached to a kite
    Was a boy named Mike
    As he flew up high
    The rope that held him untied

    The time was nigh
    When Abby died
    She walked the plank
    Into the shark tank

    Susan was very fickle
    But she always ate a pickle
    So one day it went down her throat
    And made her croak

    Hello my name is Bob
    And I am part of the mob
    One day I got into a fight
    And never again saw the daylight

    Poor Seth is missed
    By the princess he kissed
    But the princess is married
    So now Seth is buried

    Felix was a lucky fellow
    Who was very shallow
    One day this stupid man
    Stayed out too long for a tan

    Here lies Desirae Forrest
    I’m dead and you’re not
    So give yourself a gold star
    For making it this far

  20. Jimmy, the guard, may have sat on a wall
    But Jimmy, the guard, didn’t have a great fall
    Yet on that wall he caught a cough,
    Which left him in a coffin.

    Here lies Francis the Great
    An indescribable king
    But his reign was over when he heard
    The bells at the gallows ring

    “I can’t catch the plague”
    Young Jimmy would proclaim
    When people asked his cause of death
    The plague was the thing to blame

    Raoul was a foolish man
    That didn’t know his place
    He got in the way of the marching band
    And was left with a flattened face.

    Henry Dart was a man of the law
    Enforcing the rules just like his pa
    But when he took on the shift of the night
    He encountered a bear with a mighty big maw

    Studying is all that James ever did
    He stayed up all night with his books
    But the last that he saw was a closing dumpster lid
    Because he gave an angry man all the wrong looks

    To win a pie eating contest
    Is the topic of all of Dave’s dreams
    But when he ate the first pie, he didn’t expect to die
    Because it was letting out poisonous steams

    Here lies Jonny Springs
    He trained his dog to respond to dings
    But one day he rang that bell too much
    And angered the dog so he became its lunch

    Jennifer gave her life away
    To save the only friend that would ask her to play
    He was allergic to any type of bee
    So she shielded him, but so was she.

    Underneath the apple tree
    Sat the very man who planted it
    But the tree was tired of giving apples for free
    So it fell and squished poor little Mitt

  21. here lies matt
    who was a little to fat
    who ate something interesting
    then he choked eating a rat

    here lies jane
    who ate candys canes
    then out of nowhere
    she was hit by a hurricane

    here was rob
    who liked giving out jobs
    but one day he fired somenone
    and then chased by a mob

    here is red
    who one day was awfully dread
    then when she wasn't looking a
    penny fell on her head

    here is dan
    who had a very big plan
    but it got to extreme
    and his plan fell on his hand

    here is steven
    who did things without reason
    then he fell into a pit
    for his treason

    here is here is dax
    who did not pay any tax
    then the government came to his house
    and chopped his head off with a axe

    here is dane
    who was much to blame
    for the hurricane
    now he's able to live again

    here is bryan
    who had a friend named ryan
    bryan was found dead
    then his friende came home crying

    here is dawn
    who went to her prom
    but her date was so crazy
    she was dead on her lawn

  22. Here lies my dear friend Sean
    Who constantly sang a silly song
    When he was singing on a day in June
    He lost his breath and choked to his doom

    Here lies poor, sweet Bailie
    She had a pet snake that was quite scaly
    She fell asleep with its cage unlocked
    Out of the blue, her airway was blocked

    Here lies my best friend Kerry
    She never knew she was intolerant to dairy
    Her aunt whipped up her famous ice cream sundae
    Never saw her in school on Monday

    Here lies young Freddy Bow
    He promised there wasn’t anything he didn’t know
    One day he got a 99% on a test
    His heart stopped because it wasn't impressed

    Here lies ever-so curious George
    On the street, there was food he wanted to gorge
    He simply longed for the taste, that’s all
    But his curiosity is what caused his downfall

    Here lies Great Aunt Pat
    Who still thought the earth was flat
    She sailed to the edge of the sea to prove us wrong
    Since she forgot her map, her trip was rather long

    Here lies innocent Joe
    He entered a door in school he didn't know
    It was a pitch-black room that he came across
    Poor, young Joe ended up lost

    Here lies cousin Jane
    She was quite conceited and very vain
    Once she entered a beauty pageant
    But when she got second place, she finally had it

    Here lies miserly Bob
    Who kept his money to himself like it was his job
    He refused to donate to a charity in need
    Now we know not to follow his lead

    Here lies dearest Liz
    When it came to chess she thought she was a wiz
    She couldn't predict her opponent's next move
    She didn't last long after she lost her groove

  23. Here lies our good friend Linda Shue
    Kindest girl I ever knew
    Went out in a hurricane and away she blew
    We will see you later, this is true

    Here lies Fred Drake
    Went for a swim in a lake
    And then got bit by a snake
    Oh for goodness sake

    Mora Snife was a good wife
    But ran into a knife
    This concluded her life
    Thus ending her daily strife

    Paul Wilson, always loved but never known
    The cradle is empty
    Our hearts our broken
    We will miss you always

    Here lies Jake Lunn
    He played Russian roulette with a gun
    He thought it would be fun
    Now his life is done

    There once was a man named Mr. Post
    Who used to boast about living by the coast
    This didn't sit well with most
    So they burned him like toast

    Rest in peace Jim Volk
    Who was a wonderful bloke
    Who told the funniest jokes
    Until he died of a stroke

    Poor Holly Lee did not see the yellow bee
    That stung her so ruthlessly
    In her pretty little knee
    Allergic was she

    There was a girl named Sage
    Who used to go to the zoo to read books page by page
    But a gorilla in a rage jumped out of his cage
    and ate our poor Sage

    Carolyn, to Africa she went
    To study cheetahs to great extent
    While hidden in the tall grassland
    She didn't see the lioness as it ran
    It grabbed her by her hand
    The lioness dragged her to a special place
    And ate her all and left no trace

  24. A lover of pandas and turquoise
    And music as well
    She loved her trombone with its average sized bell
    But here she now lies, never to play again

    He had just reached middle age
    With his gray hair and wrinkling face
    He liked to work at his own pace
    A man of love and a dear father

    Man’s best friend is what they say
    A fluffy companion and a loyal pet
    Running in heaven I bet
    Who said these can’t be for dogs too?

    She viewed the world as bleak and sad
    Never having the joy from a child
    And never cracking a smile
    Until the day of her death

    An amazing uncle and husband
    Known for his kindness and music
    He played his mandolin and guitar
    Until the music carried him away

    Spiky and small is what Chance is
    With a little red under her chin
    Her stomach is round but her legs are lean
    And her yellow eyes pierce the prey

    He questioned everything
    Always a curious child
    He went to a dance and didn’t drink
    But the other one did and he took the blame

    She died at the age of one hundred
    The day after her birthday to be exact
    She was glad to see another year
    But sad to leave this world and her family

    She always had a heart problem
    Then the attack came
    She stopped and fell
    And the doctors couldn’t bring her back

    A loving man but with the wrong decision
    He chose to take up the drug and became addicted
    That’s when his supply ran out
    But it was too late; the cancer had already done the damage

  25. 1. My friend Trissy lies below
    A great musician born and grew
    1575 to Philippine she went
    Got killed and stoned and buried whole
    2. Governor Willow rests here
    Born in NJ, he helped out lives
    Dead at age fifty-five
    The state cried
    3. Captain martin sleeps underground
    Plot of Airline Flight
    Safely maneuvered the plane many years
    Until 2007, when the birds caught in the gears
    4. Madam Mariposa rests below
    Never expected, at twenty-five, of dying
    At last second, her dream came true
    Near the cliff of Watsonhood, where she flew
    5. Herga was liked by many in school
    Likable, lovable, and lazy too
    She sang the choir songs day after day
    Until the age of ninety-eight
    6. Dear wife of Mr. Sand
    Teacher at Sandy’s school
    Choking on water in the teachers room
    Too bad it was during the time of shining moon
    7. Cool Chris Coul lies below
    No one knew where he went
    One day, a hiker found his body
    With wolf bite marks and ripped shirt
    8. Police officer with a bullet in his heart
    In a coffin buried ten feet underground
    Arrested a total of thirty
    Died protecting a life-long buddy
    9. Janet Christopher, dead 1779
    Wife of Louise Kine
    Died durfing their honeymoon
    When the cruise ship sunk
    10. Mud and grass over our seaman Sean
    Proud and wonderful captain of our fishing ship
    Pushed into the shark’s empty stomach
    By his untied shoelaces

  26. #1
    Here lies my enemy Liz
    She chocked on some soda fizz
    Because she laughed
    Got some straight from the draft.


    Here lies my friend Ann
    She was not a fan.
    Of cyanide
    So she committed suicide.


    Here lies my friend Sarah
    She loves Michael Cera
    So she went to Zombieland
    And was then eaten, so grand.


    Here lies my acquaintance Kelly
    She drowned in a tub of jelly
    Don’t ask why she was there
    Just accept it, and walk over here.


    Here lies my friend Kim
    She lost a limb.
    She thought that she was so cool
    And it fun seeing her in the hospital, drool


    Here lies my sweet pal Adam
    He died on his way, driving to Chadum
    He had only been driving for six months
    And he killed all his little dogs, who were all runts.


    Here lies my pal Jara
    She didn’t live ‘till tomorra’
    Someone gave her a wedgie and hung her to the fence.
    Her dead body was really dense.


    Here lies Jessie Wessie
    When she came to school, her hair was messy.
    She was a major band geek
    She inhaled a chemical leak.


    Here lies my cousin Mike
    He fell off his bike
    And hit his head
    So hard that he was dead


    Here lies the great Sean.
    His highness was not reached
    And goals were unachieved
    Oh well.
