Thursday, October 2, 2014

Epiphany Story

Your assignment for the next several classes is to construct a story that eventually includes an epiphany.  An epiphany is a sudden realization about something significant.  In literature, epiphany stories usually involve a character arriving at some kind of truth about life or the world.

Your story must be 1000 words in length.  It is due at the end of Tuesday's class.  It should be free of errors.


  1. Once I woke up from the scariest dream ever I realized that it was past 7 in the morning, I had to be at work at 7’ o clock. I was a lawyer. I had a case at the Middleton courthouse at 9 this morning. This man had got charged with 1st degree murder for killing a man whom came into his house and murder his family. Although he wanted to pledge not guilty he was still facing prison time. I didn’t know how much time he was going to face, but all I know the minimum was about 20-25 years of prison time. The man’s name was Michael, he was 37 years old, and I knew him and his family for a very long time. Michael never been in trouble from the law this was his first felinity, everyone knew he was going down big time for killing a man. This case was so brutal he explained how he has killed the man named Kevin. Michael wanted to go to prison for killing Kevin because he wanted him dead because he deserved what he got but the judge didn’t agree to the man dissevering someone killing him he just needed to be sent to prison for life. Not only did Michael describe how he killed Kevin he planned how he was going to kill him, he had it all in his head all the facts on how to kill someone within a couple of minutes. This was so disturbing to the people in the courtroom so we called for a break. After an hour break I got on the stand with my client and me and I told the judge everything he needed to know about this murder. Within a couple of minutes the judge asked Michael to stand and tell what happened that night at Kevin’s apartment. “Well I went to Kevin’s apartment, and I wanted to sit down and have a little talk with him, and ask him why he took my family away from me, and out of all families why mine?” Michael spoke casualty my family meant everything to me and all I have his them.” Kevin didn’t have an answer for Michael so he decides to grab Kevin up and start pouching him back in forth towards the kitchen. Kevin begged him to stop, Michael decided that he was not going to do that, so he continue to punch him even harder and now Kevin was unconscious.

  2. Michael was surprised that he almost beat him to death, but in his head Kevin deserved every little bit. Michael went up to Kevin’s room and found his safety box that he kept hid gun in and forcefully went down stairs with tears falling down his eyes with fear in his eyes. He didn’t know if he wanted to end his life so he began talking to Kevin while he was still unconscious, Michael stated “You are going to rot in hell for what you have did to my family, he kept passing and facing the gun into the air with the gun facing towards the ceiling. Michael didn’t know what to do because he had so much fear in him he just wanted an answer and Kevin couldn’t even look him in the eyes and tell him the truth. Judge Judy called for a break before Michael could even go on. I talked to my client Michael and made sure he was okay to tell the rest of the story on how he has murdered Kevin. Judge Judy called court to be back on Michael began his story on how he killed Kevin. “I shot five bullets towards his chest a lot of blood exploded out of his body, the noise shaken me and after I realized that he was dead I ran out his house closing his front door. I ran to my car as quite as possible I didn’t know exactly what my next move was going to be but all I knew was I wasn’t going to the cops about this situation.” I stood up and said that’s all we have today trying to save time. This trail was becoming a disaster because Kevin’s family came into the courtroom while; the case was going to say negative things to my client and me. Those comments were so harsh, every word that was coming out of their mouth was a curse word it was becoming a nightmare it was never as bad as today. My phone kept ringing; I notice it was my husband. I forgot it was our anniversary and I was supposed to meet up with him after my trail but it began to continue for hours and hours. I went to take the call in the bathroom. “Hi Jake, im going to be late tonight for dinner, can we postpone it for tomorrow im so sorry”. “Jake answered back and said yes dear I can we can make it for tomorrow night, thank you for letting me know dealing”. Now that was handled I had to make this as quick as possible because it was already 7 at night, I was so exhausted. The judge told us to stand and to plead guilty or not guilty my client said guilty. The judge came up with a conclusion he gave my client a 1 million dollar fine and he can be released from prison. Everyone was so confused even Michael he thought he was going to prison for many years or maybe to life. Kevin’s parents cried so much that Kevin’s mom had to be removed from the courthouse she was so devastated she wanted justice for her son’s death. The trail was now over I was so surprised that it ended up like this because the beginning of the trail the judge wanted to put Michael had the bottom of the prison but he changed his mind, the judge felt sorry for him he was o9nly doing it for revenge he doesn’t have anyone his family has been killed and he has to live with that for the rest of his life. Michael stood there and cried for belief all he wanted was he family back right by his side where they belong but he knew he couldn’t get them back. He was so happy to get justice for his family, his loving with Christina, his three children two girls named Lara, and Lily and his son named Christian. He was happy that he got to go home and have freedom.

  3. Every single day when I wake up, I think about how bad my grades are. I am already a Junior and if I want to get into the college I want to, I need to bring up my grades a lot. I don’t have much time to do so; so what’s the point? I feel like even if I do try to bring up my grades, I’ll still fail in the end. My parents tell me everyday that my grades will improve significantly within a very short time, but that’s hard to believe. I have a bunch of tests coming up and I’m not sure even sure if getting good grades on all of them will help me that much. It is so hard improving my GPA. As I arrive at school, I see everyone having a good time. I wonder how the “smart,” people get such good grades. I always wondered if they were just naturally smart, or if they cheated to get good grades. I sat down in my honors science class and wondered how I got here. Then I remembered, the only class where I felt some what smart was in science. The rest of my classes were my weakness. I even hated going to my elective courses which were relatively easy. School hasn’t been going my way since my last year of middle school.
    During my middle school years, I got A’s and B’s. Everything seemed so easy and I thought High School wouldn’t be much harder. Don’t get me wrong; I knew High School would be challenging, but not THIS hard. I feel as if going in early for extra help wouldn’t help. I can’t remember any material before 8:00 A.M.
    So it was the next morning and as I walk into my first period class room, I see all of these people doing their work silently and seemingly easily. I began to ponder on the thought of actually doing well in school like the rest of these honor kids. As I sat down in my chair, I realized I didn’t do last night’s homework. Now, my grade is even worse. A missed assignment was the last thing I needed. Just when things were going bad, I received a quiz grade from the teacher. So again, my grade suffers. Science is the only subject that will bring my grade up since it’s an honors class and I am on the verge of failing it. I look around at all of the other honors students and see a bunch of A papers. Don’t get me wrong, I was bothered.
    I went home that day with my academic situation on my mind. I was scared that I wouldn’t get into the college I wanted to get accepted by. The recent grades I have been receiving weren’t helping at all. I felt like settling for a college that wasn’t up to par with my other choices. I was about to stop trying in school.

  4. Alternate:

    An intertwining design of tattoos covers his body. Locks of blonde hair falls between his piercing blue eyes. Leaves hanging from trees creates a canopy above him, shading the sun. He watches as a bird flies in between the branches until it’s out of sight.
    “Caleb.” a voice whispers into his ear.
    He snaps up and looks around, but the forest is quiet..
    “Kaia was right;I should’ve stayed.” he murmurs to himself, grabbing his pendant.
    He stands, pushing his hair out of his face, and looks around. Although he sees no one, he can’t shake the feeling that someone is here with him. ‘How could I be so dumb?!? I should have listened to Kaia. This is the perfect scenario for an Adaleins to attack.’
    “Water. I need water.” he says aloud. He listens until he hears the familiar sound of rushing water to his right. He gives his peaceful sanctuary one last look, then turns and runs. The forest passes him in a blur of colors, to fast for him to distinguish anything.
    “Caleb. Why are you running? You know you can’t run from the dark.” the voice laughs in his ear.
    He grits his teeth and runs faster desperate to get to the water. He can’t help but feel a bit of despair. That part of the forest was a place for him and his father to spend time together, their own secret hideout. He won’t be able to come back now that an Adalein has found it.
    “What if you’re running towards nothing? What if the sound of water is just an illusion?” , it taunts.
    His mind falters as he ponders this. Some Adalein have the power to manipulate their surroundings to whatever the people around them desire. Is it possible that he is running deeper into the forest, right into his pursuers trap? The Shadowtravelers laughter fills the air around him, sending chills down his spine. He looks down at his pendant which is glowing light blue. Hope and adrenaline push away his fear; his pendant wouldn’t be glowing that color unless water was near.
    “Fine, go to your precious water but you can’t escape me.”
    “Sure, it’s not like I escaped last time or the time before that. Maybe you should get a new job.” ,Caleb counters.
    A branch from a nearby tree snaps off, hurtling towards him.
    He’s running too fast to stop, so he drops onto the ground as the branch snaps against the nearby trees. He hears another branch breaking and scrambles to his feet, sprinting for his life.
    The trees open in front of him to reveal a rather large creek with rocks surrounding the shore. He looks over his shoulder to see the branch chasing after him.
    “Come on, come on. I’m almost there.”
    He runs into the water and dunks his head under. His pendant grows warm against his bare chest. The tattoos that run the length of his body glow blue, energy courses through his veins. He wants to fight the Adelein but the logical part of his brain tells him to leave. He closes his eyes and focuses. The water around him churns faster and faster, wrapping itself around him. His pendant is now burning hot trembling against his skin. Blinding light illuminates from it, turning the water from a murky blue to a bright white. Suddenly the water explodes sending him onto hard concrete. He gasps for air and lays on his back. Tall buildings surround him, along with the fountain that he just flumed from.
    “I did it! I flumed! Ha!” he laughs in between gasps for air.

  5. Months of sweat and tears all piled into one night for the grand opening. Today is the day. The chalk like face paint is applied with rosy cheeks and a cherry on top nose. The monsters of the tent trucked into the opening to warm up. Their tusks just perfectly polished and brightened. The blanket of the yellow and red pin-striped tent has been pitched. The ten times larger shoes have replaced my black and off white converses. My leather jacket was switched into the rainbow confetti throw up I call my work clothes.
    For years I have had vivid dreams of being in the ring and making people’s sides hurt. Ever since I was a little boy when I saw Grandma at the Big Apple I knew that I wanted to make myself act like a fool for other’s enjoyment. When life gets rough it is all about never giving up. Similar with the circus. When you fall of the miniscule tightrope or your squirt pen gets jammed. It is all about never giving up. Never breaking character and never allowing the audience know that you messed up. Just move onto the next act, the next chapter of your life.
    The lights were prepped. The stadium was filled. The cues were ready. Everyone was in their place. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her. The fiery redhead who followed the ring leader with an exhilarating zoom and swoosh of her razor pointed knifes that always skimmed the top of the juicy red apple, that her daring assistant would willingly put on her head. I was head over heels for Bay. She was the apple of my eye. She had these deep green eyes that stared you down before she sent a five pound blade at eighty-five miles per hour heading straight towards your large forehead. Her and her knifes were breathtaking. But how amazing she was there was always Amelia.
    Amelia was just as breathtaking, but she had the tendency of getting bent out of shape. For she started the second act with her twisting, cramming, and bending of her body. She was the star acrobat that the circus recruited from France for the opening of Circus de Vie. The night sky was pulled into her slick bun, having the stars coming out of her spray glitter. She was incredible.
    I became really close with both of them. Bay was the one who got me up and moving. I sang karaoke at a sushi bar last Tuesday. Last time I heard, I was tone-deaf. Amelia was the one who could always make me smile. From her silly blonde moments to her sassy comments. The other night when fro-yo was on the menu. She got the King da Kong rollercoaster and the actual Ape, King Kong mixed up. Over the three months that Circus de Vie had been touring, I grew feelings for both of them. I actually hoped at least one of them liked me. I mean I was not an ugly guy. I was rough around the edges, but if you close your eyes while you are looking at me and picture Brad Pitt, I am pretty damn attractive.
    After anxiously waiting for one of them to confess their attraction. I finally brought it up. I wish I could say that either Bay or Amelia felt the same way about me. They both laughed and made a face as if I just threw up last night’s tacos. The humiliation slowly creeped onto my face. My face felt like the sun decided to only shine on me. My hands turned into Niagara falls from the nervous sweat.
    A week after I told Bay and Amelia my feelings. Everything got awkward. I couldn't look at them without soft murmurs and whisperings behind my back taking place.

  6. “Listen, I understand you have feelings for me, but we have to pretend like they don’t exist. You have made everything awkward at the circus. The place that should be my home, but you decided to ruin it” Bay vented to me about “my own faults.” Amelia almost said the exact same thing to me. I was hurt and did not know what to do. I wanted them to leave. I wanted throw Bay millions and millions miles away from the circus like she does with her knifes. I wanted Amelia to squeeze herself into the suitcase like she does is her act and send her off to Timbuktu. Eventually, I realized that being torn between two girls was irrelevant. I deserved better. I don’t want girls who ruin my dreams because of how I felt. I no longer want either of them. I can’t believe it took my heart getting broken twice to realize this.
    However, as much as I was over them, I still wanted them gone. Although, I knew they would never leave. There is something about the circus that stirs their souls, and they ache for it when it is absent. I could always count on Amelia and Bay returning. They have been dealing with knifes and flexibility for years, that it is second nature. They would not just throw it all away. That would not just give it up because of me. But maybe I want to give it up. My expectation was to be the clown. The one that made frowns turn into smiles and changed people’s moods. However, the reality is pretty damn terrible. I am the one that the circus uses as the school’s punching bag. The ruthlessness that the Trapezes and the Unicyclists put me through because my act “doesn’t have any talent” can be unbearable. They can’t make people laugh. All they do is swing from rop and balance on one wheel. They do not see the gleaming smile from the little girl in aisle two or the stomach moving up and down from the man in the tenth seat as he begins to cry from laughter. They do not experience everything us roaming clowns see and feel from the audience.
    Though the feelings that I go through cannot make up for all the pain. When your mom or your teacher says “life is a circus” they really do mean it. I have gone through more pain, sorrow, happiness, and depression being on the road for the last five months then you can imagine. I was deeply mistaken when I dreamt of being a clown.
    So I did it. I handed in my resignation and wig. I was done with being a clown. Don’t you worry, you will see me again, but this time in the center of the ring.

    1. Wow really descriptive! i think it's your best work yet :)

  7. I saw the mailman put a bunch of papers in my mailbox which made me curious. I walked up to my mailbox and looked inside and saw an overloaded mailbox. I took out all of the papers and spread them out on my kitchen table. I see a bunch of colleges on the folders of the mail. I suddenly get excited and I thought I got accepted by all of these colleges. However, my thinking was a little haste and unrealistic. I didn’t even apply to any colleges at the time so I don’t know why I thought any schools accepted me. The mail I received that day was just information about college trips and fairs. I imediatley questioned the point of college fairs. I felt like I already knEvery single day when I wake up, I think about how bad my grades are. I am already a Junior and if I want to get into the college I want to, I need to bring up my grades a lot. I don’t have much time to do so; so what’s the point? I feel like even if I do try to bring up my grades, I’ll still fail in the end. My parents tell me everyday that my grades will improve significantly within a very short time, but that’s hard to believe. I have a bunch of tests coming up and I’m not sure even sure if getting good grades on all of them will help me that much. It is so hard improving my GPA. As I arrive at school, I see everyone having a good time. I wonder how the “smart,” people get such good grades. I always wondered if they were just naturally smart, or if they cheated to get good grades. I sat down in my honors science class and wondered how I got here. Then I remembered, the only class where I felt some what smart was in science. The rest of my classes were my weakness. I even hated going to my elective courses which were relatively easy. School hasn’t been going my way since my last year of middle school.
    During my middle school years, I got A’s and B’s. Everything seemed so easy and I thought High School wouldn’t be much harder. Don’t get me wrong; I knew High School would be challenging, but not THIS hard. I feel as if going in early for extra help wouldn’t help. I can’t remember any material before 8:00 A.M.

  8. I look around at all of the other honors students and see a bunch of A papers. Don’t get me wrong, I was bothered.
    I went home that day with my academic situation on my mind. I was scared that I wouldn’t get into the college I wanted to get accepted by. The recent grades I have been receiving weren’t helping at all. I felt like settling for a college that wasn’t up to par with my other choices. I was about to stop trying in school.
    ew everything about colleges. What I mean is, what is the point of asking for information about a college I will never get into?
    Later that night, I showed all of the mail to my cousin and she encouraged me to go to the college trips. I got very mad and told her that it is pointless going on these trips. My cousin(who is over 18) took the paper from me and signed me up for it and hid the paper from me so I wouldn’t get rid of the signature.
    So it was the day of the college trip, and the supervisor of the event grabbed me and threw me on the bus because she saw my cousin’s signature. While I was on the bus, my mood was completely dreadful. At the time, I really thought I was just wasting time. I landed at my destination and was amazed at how nice the campus looked. I was talking to one of the counselers who delt with the applications. She told me that GPA isn’t everything. I responded with only a shocked stare. She continued to go on about how we look at honors classes and how hard a student’s schedule is. I was still giving a shocked stare. She went on and on about how there are so many other factors that determine whether or not a student should be accepted into a college. I imediately realized that there is still hope for me to get accepted into a college. I was no longer worried about my future. I had hope and realized that I still have a chance of getting accepted. I was now excited for the future. At the time, I was estatic. I felt like I experienced an epiphany. Honestly, I think it was because of my cousin. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t of been given this information. I ended up getting my grades up a lot and I joined a lot of clubs. I ended high school on a good note.

  9. I was shocked at what was happening; I couldn’t believe my eyes but my heart knew why this was happening. I always knew that life was too good for some people, or that some people just wanted life to end, but I has no idea I would soon be one of those people wanting it all to end. I knew bullying was a real problem, I just didn’t know that I would soon be one of the bullied. Bullying is a serious problem here in the U.S. and lots of other places too; but we aren’t doing enough about it to try and stop it. We should be treating it like a disease and try to kill it off, not just ignore it and say it’s normal or that kids will deal with it on their own. Or even say that bullying is a part of growing up! It’s not, it really isn’t a part of growing up and it shouldn’t be either. People should be able to feel free to be themselves and not be afraid to speak their minds or their hearts. I just wish it hadn’t taken me this long to realize this, and I wish more people were taking action to try and end bullying everywhere. Not just in the United States, but everywhere. I was assigned to interview a boy who was bullied to the point of suicide. He was a shy teenage boy, and he changed schools about three times due to bullying. He told me he was homeschooled by his mom, and that he hasn’t made any real friends except for his band members. He was trying to stay away from people that could hurt him, and he said that everyone hurt him except for his little siblings, his mom, and his three other band members.

    I could see as I continued to ask him questions about his bullying experiences, he was beginning to shut his emotions down. So I tried a different approach.

    “Ashton,” I said. “ Tell me a little about your band and what kind of music you create.”

  10. “Well,” he began in his australian accent. “We have four members; Michael, Luke, Calum and me, and we try and create punk rock music. At first we started to post cover videos on youtube, but then a member of One Direction discovered us and now we are recording in a proper studio and getting ready to travel around the world with One Direction!” His voice cracked on the last couple of words and he blushed. I smiled and immediately wanted to know more about his band; so I asked him.

    “Ashton,” I began. “What’s the name of your band? And do you have any sample music for me?” I was feverish and I needed to know all I could about this mystery band and its four members.

    “Well firstly, it isn’t my band, it’s our band. And secondly, we call ourselves 5 Seconds Of Summer. We have two or three tracks ready for the album and I can say that you are getting the first listen to this music besides our band.”

    “Okay, well can I have a listen then?” I question and bounce up and down in my chair a little. He looks at me strangely and I blush and try to control myself.

    “Why did you stop bouncing? It was kind of cute, and here. Just click play on the top of the screen.”

    “Oh, I just thought you thought I was weird. And this music is really good!”

    “Well it was a cute weird, and thank you. So do you have any other questions?”

    I looked through my notebook and checked off the questions I already asked. I spotted the last question I really wanted to know the answer to, and I blurted it out.

    “Ash, do you ever think about what would’ve happened if you weren’t bullied?”

    I could see him swallow thickly, and I regretted my question.

  11. “Y-you don’t have to answer it if it makes you uncomfortable… I’ll understand.” I mumble and look down at my shoes.

    “N-no, it just took me off guard. I’d be happy to answer your question Cora. I feel like I would have eventually joined a band and hopefully became famous. But you never know, and if I wasn’t bullied, then I never would have met my three best friends. I consider them my brothers because of how close we’ve grown and they were a bit nervous for me about this interview, they know how I get when I start to talk about my bullying story. I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything, but I couldn’t sleep last night due to the fact that I was up all night trying to convince myself that I had no reason to be nervous. Michael kept telling me I would get a horrible old man who wouldn’t understand bullying and would just make me feel miserable. But I can clearly see he was wrong, I got you. A beautiful, intelligent, understanding women.” He looked at me with his big hazel eyes, and I melted.

    “Aw, Ashton! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me and answering my questions. I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable in any way. I know how hard it is to talk about bullying and your experiences with it. I too was bullied and it was not easy for me to talk about it.

    “I didn’t know you were bullied,” his voice grew small and he looked down at his hands.

    “Well you never asked,” I responded quietly. “It doesn’t matter anyway, I’m not that special.”

    He grabbed my small hand with his big one and squeezed it slightly. He shook his head and smiled at me. I could tell he wanted to deny that I wasn’t special, but he saw that I already knew what he wanted to say. So he instead leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I learned from that point on, that bullying was a serious thing, and everyone has their own story for it.
