Monday, March 10, 2014

Three Questions

Your assignment is to write a 300 word response to the following prompt:

If you could ask any three questions to any three people, living or dead, what would you ask?  Who would you ask?  What answers would you hope to receive. 

Your response is due at the end of tomorrow's class.  Make sure you proofread.


  1. If I could ask a question to anyone at all it would be to my mother. I would ask her how she remained strong throughout all the nonsense that has been going on in our family’s life recently. She has always been there for everyone even though she has her own problems. She is probably the strongest person I know and I don’t know how she does it. She always has a smile on her face and doesn’t like to let anyone else know she is upset too. I want to ask her how to be such a wonderful mother because when I grow up and have my own children, I want to be just like her.

    Another question I would like to ask is to my 3 year old nephew. I would ask him a question to find out what goes on inside of his head. I was his age once but I don’t remember how it feels to not have to worry about anything or not releasing how terrible this world is. I always wonder, when he’s just sitting there, staring off into space, what is he thinking about? Does he think about his favorite TV show, Jake and the Never land Pirates or does he think about eating his favorite foods.

    My last question is to Trey Songz. I would ask him when we’re getting married. I know we have to wait until I turn 18 but I want to know if he thinks about our marriage as much as I think about it. I can’t wait until we get married. I wonder what he wants to do after we get married. Are we going to move into a big house together or have babies? Does he have any ideas for our honey moon because I do. I want to go to Greece or France.

  2. If I had the chance to ask any three people a question each, I would without hesitation ask the band members that I look up to: Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men, Oli Sykes from Bring Me The Horizon, and Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens. All of these individuals have the same thing In common, being that they have each overcome obstacles and negativity in their life to get to where they are today.
    Austin Carlile would be the first person that I would turn to. He has faced many obstacles whether it was his mother passing away, his own health with his heart problems, a divorce and a lot of negativity from even his own band members. He is one of my biggest inspirations in the world, because of what he does. In one of his songs, The Depths, the lines go:
    “ I've been put down for way too long,
    "You'll never be good enough."
    All they told me was just give up,
    "You'll never be good enough." “
    My question for him would be how he overcame so much negativity, and what made him keep moving forward with his career. I would hope that he would respond with something along the lines of his own self-confidence and determination keeping him from giving up, because a lot of their songs deal with the concept.
    My next question woulg go to Oliver Sykes. He too is a role model who has overcome much negativity throughout his career. I would like to know what made him get into his music career, and what his favorite part of it is. This is something that a lot of pop stars nowadays show off through bringing their families into the spotlights as well, but only to bring fame to them as well. Band Members in the bands I listen to are not all about being famous, but more about helping the people who listen to their music deal with problems and understand that they are not alone. They would much rather hangout with their fans and be role models, than just sing for the fame. I would want Oli to say that his fans are what motivated him, as well as his friends in the band. And I think it would be cool if his fans were his favorite part, because in most situations, they are.
    My last question would go to Kellin Quinn. His songs are mostly about bad relationships with friends and family members. He has gone through a lot and I would like to know what made him so strong. Kellin Quinn has never backed down from his negativity, but simply moved on and made new friendships along the way.

  3. My three questions.
    To: George strait (country singer)
    What made you want to go into the music profession? Did your childhood have any influence on your music career? If so, give examples. You often write a lot of songs about love and home, why is that? If there is an explanation please do tell. You’re currently sixty-one, when are you planning on throwing in the ropes and calling it a rodeo? Will that ever happen? Or will the “King of Country” forever be on the road singing with the soul of Texas? Will you ever come back to New Jersey to perform? Since I am currently living here and would like to witness your heart to heart music live.
    To: Casey Musgrave (country singer)
    There are many different genres of music, why did you choose country? Was there any influence from family, where you grew up? Or did you just like country music growing up? You are currently twenty-five; do you plan on pursuing another career in your future? Or are you dead set on continuing with your country singing lifestyle? Do you like George Strait? If so, have you ever been to a George Strait concert? Do you have a favorite country artist? What is your favorite song? Is it country? Do you listen to any other genres of music? You often write such sad, truthful songs why is that? Is there a reason? Were they influenced by any life events that have happened in your past? If so, can you share? Or are they too personal to share?
    To: Michael Sam (NFL Player)
    Recently on the news there has been some conflict with the fact that you have publicly came out as being “gay”, what made you want to share with such a hateful world your personal business? Did you intentionally want people to look at you differently or just hoped they would understand? Since after all we all are human beings working together to survive this lifetime. Did you think about the impact it would have on your professional career? Or did you not really care what effect it had on it? My final and most important question, do you regret it? Any of it? Sharing your personal business with the world just to get shot back down and looked at differently just because of your sexual partner preference.

  4. I would do anything to know exactly what he feels for me. I would do anything I could to know with exact detail, what my boyfriend begins to think every time he sees me. Please do not think I have yet to ask him this question; I have and have done so plenty of times. Each time I get similar results, but to be honest—I doubt they’re one hundred percent sincere. Guys tend to lie, to get on your good side. Knowing Frank, he would never say anything to hurt me…at least not intentionally. I expect my answer to be completely sincere. I even want to hear the negative things he has to say. It can’t be that I only produce positive thoughts in him.
    According to my religion, almost all of the things that I really want to do can easily take me a step closer to hell. It’s so unfortunate that my teenage desires are usually seen as sins by the followers of my religion. Sometimes, I wish I could personally speak to God. I would ask Him to present to me the actual consequences of the things that I want to do. Is there an afterlife? And is living a little going to get me the worst of it? I wish to hear that the only consequences are the temporary ones that are made available to everyone around me. I wish His response included that having fun would take no tolls in my eternal life if there was one.
    If I could, I would ask my mother to be completely honest with me about her earlier days. She obviously did something so wrong for her to constantly tell me, “I do not want you to make the same mistakes I did.” Every time I ask her to tell me, she ceases to do so. Throughout the years she has allowed me to know some of the crazy things she has experienced. I can’t help thinking that she still hides some of its reality though. My mother is extremely strict and way too protective of me. I would want to hear the complete truth, not just to ease my curiosity but also so I can better understand her. I always see her as this holy persona she has created, but I’m sure knowing what makes her be this strict with me will only benefit our mother-daughter relationship.

    1. Wow, these are all tremendous questions. Such good choices.

  5. The question I would ask my grandmother who passed away when my father was eleven would be: How did it feel to leave eight children to a man who was an alcoholic at the time? Even though I didn’t meet her I think I would know how she would respond. I think her response would be: As a mother it’s difficult to temporarily say goodbye to a kid when they go off to school for the first time. It feels awful permanently saying goodbye to my children without ever coming back and seeing how they are and if they ever need me. I can be with them in spirit but it’s not the same because I can’t hug them when they need a shoulder to cry on. I’m also scared that they are too young to grow up this quickly and be the parents in the relationship and take care of themselves and their father. I know they are tough enough to do this on their own but my life was too soon and I wish I could be there with them holding my grandchildren and my great children in my arms.

    The question I would ask my brother that passed about twenty-four years ago would be: Are you proud of all the progress I have made in life? Even though I didn’t have the chance to meet him or know anything about him I feel like his response is easy to think of. I think his response would be: I will always be proud of my little sister. Even though I had to leave the Earth very quickly I will always be here watching out for you. I take care of you and make sure that nobody hurts you. I’m proud of you lasting throughout high school and to the point that you are. For your age you are very mature compared to other people. I ask one thing; have fun with your life. Focus on school but also focus on being a kid because in a couple of years you are going to have to worry about being an adult. Life can end in a blink of an eye appreciate things and have fun. You only live once.

    The question I would ask Emily would be: Do you love me? Emily would answer: I love you Lisa and you are the bestest friend anyone could ask for. I’m so happy we are friends. In a course of a couple of months we have gotten very close. You are the best creative partner any girl can ask for. You made this class much better than what I expected. I didn’t think I would like this class but with your help I’m much more focused then I would be without you.

  6. My first question would be to my aunt. My question would simply be; how did you remain so strong? The strength she had in life is something that I envy. I pray that when I grow up I will have half of the strength she had. Despite her weakness in having cancer, she still managed to take care of her two children and proceed the day with a smile on her face. I can’t even imagine how someone could have such strength. I want to learn how to become that strong. As much as I would like to believe I am that strong, the truth is I’m not. I’m in need of that answer to become as strong as her. Knowing how to do so will help in life immensely. My second question would be; how do you do it all? That question would go to my mother. I want to know how to handle a day of hard work and still manage to go on and have it not show. It’s almost the same as how to stay strong. However there is a slight difference here. I want be like my mom, I want to be able to have a hard day of work, then come home ready to take on the second job of taking care of a family. This will help me in life when I’m ready to have a family of my own. It will even help me now in life. It is so hard for me not to just give up at the end of the day when things get hard and tiring. My final question would be to my father. I want to know how to be able to ignore the negative energy of others. That negative energy brings me down so much in life, if I’m able to eliminate that in life things will become so much easier. This will also make me much happier in life then I already am. That’s what I need in life.

    1. Very good. Your aunt sounds like a very inspiring person. I often would like some answers on how to best handle negativity as well.

  7. If I had the opportunity to ask someone anything I wanted to, I would chose my dad. I would ask him to simply be open with me, about all of his life. My mom and I have good communication between each other. She always tells me stories about her past and even personal things. I get curious about what my father was like in his youth, but he won’t share this with me. My mom has even told me about my parent’s marriage, back when they were still together, and the reasons why they didn’t work. Apart from wanting to know what my dad’s childhood was like, I also want to know things from his point of view. I wonder what my dad has to say about his marriage with my mom. He doesn’t even mention things about us when I was a little girl. During the past summer, I tried to communicate with my dad, but he didn’t open up. Even his new girlfriend told me more about my dad then he did himself. I would hope to get a sincere answer from my dad and a thorough conversation about his life.
    My second question would be to God. Honestly, anyone who could understandably explain religion and the bible to me would probably be able to answer my question. I think one of my most important questions is why bad things happen to good people. I understand that the whole idea of God giving us life is for us to be able to live however we want. He has given us the freedom to control our own lives. What I don’t understand is why he lets innocent people get affected by the bad choices of others. There are many bad people in the world who do horrible things to good people. Innocent little children are often times hurt by violence and abusive, I don’t understand why it is okay with God for this to happen.
    The third question I have to ask would be for whoever the happiest person on earth has been. Honestly, this is probably crazy because, how can you measure people’s happiness and compare it? I think I’m most worried about not finding what makes me happy and who makes me happy. How are you supposed to find your “calling”? Because honestly nothing interests me enough to make a career out of it. And then, after I settle down with a career, how am I supposed to know that the man I end up loving is the right one for me? It’s very common nowadays for people to live unhappily with their careers and get divorced. I hope I can find a way to avoid that heartbreak and rather find happiness the first time.

    1. Wow, those are some very deep questions. Great choices. I think you highlight fears that so many people have. I'd love to hear what you think some of the answers would be.

  8. If I were to ask a question to my father it would be, why did you do this? He would answer he did it because he wasn’t happy anyone. He would tell me that he was sick of living the way he was and didn’t want to live that way anymore. He thought that everyone would be better off this way but it didn’t happen that way. In turn things got worse much worse. He would tell me that my life was not effected that much, but this isn’t true. My life has changed the most and he doesn’t see that. He would tell me that if I feel that why it isn’t his fault. He would blame it on anyone else but himself.
    The question I would ask Megan is how does it feel to have a parent with cancer? She would tell me that it is difficult and also very scary. It is difficult to cope with the pain and the realization that he could die at any moment. She would say that it is scary and hard to watch him suffer with this horrible disease is slowly killing him. Watching him suffer is so painful and there is not a thing that I can do to help. It kills me to watch my family struggle and my mom has to take him to all the treatments and she has to work three jobs to pay the medical bills it’s hard to watch.
    I would also ask a question to my grandfather who dies when I was ten, I would ask if he was proud of how I grew up. I would hope he would say that he is proud of me and glad that I made the choices that I have made in my life. He would tell me to try my best every day to be the best person I can and he will always be proud of me.

    1. Excellent choices. These questions really highlight your sensitive personality. It is an honor to see the things that are important to you. Well done.

  9. I am usually a pretty curious guy. If I could only ask three people three different questions, I would start off by asking Adam Richmond of Man v. Food where I can sign up to be on the show with him. I would want him to say, “I have an application in my back pocket.” The main reason I would ask this is because eating is like a hobby for me. Plus, I would love to travel to all the different hot spots in the country and try some of America’s best cooking. My next question would be for Michael Jordan. I would ask him what it takes to be the greatest basketball player to ever step on a court. I do not care what his answer was, as long as it was something that would improve my game. If I was fortunate enough to ever receive advice from Michael Jordan, anything he would say would be helpful. He is the most talented and the smartest basketball player to ever pick up a ball. He is by far the most educated player of the game and it would truly be a blessing. My last question would be for Vance Kupiec. I would ask him how he does what he does. He is a great teacher and never fails us as students. I would hope for an answer that would benefit me in my future because I want to be a teacher as well after college. Even though I only want to work with younger kids, his ideas and strategies would be a great help.

    1. I am just honored to be mentioned in the same assignment as Michael Jordan, my hero. Brownie points for you, sir.

  10. If I could ever talk to a famous person it would defiantly be albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was above the average genius he probably knew things that was never told to anyone else. Albert Einstein did what he loved as a career so he did it all the time. If I could ask him questions I would ask way more three but if I only had three questions to ask my first one would be “how does the world work”. A answer I would be looking for would be all the keys to life everything I need to know about surviving on this earth I would want him to tell me about things that was supposed to be known and things that’s not supposed to be known . I would want to know everything there was to know. I wouldn’t ask him three questions but if I could I would ask another person another question. If I could pick someone else I would also pick bob Marley. Bob Marley knows how to live life. He knows almost everything there is to know to life. I don’t have a specific question I would ask him but I would still be interested in what he has to say. To me I feel as though those two people are the smartest people in the world and if I get knowledge from them then I to can be one of the smartest people in the world right along with the others.

  11. If I could ask anyone a question I would ask Lee Harvey Oswald why did you kill John F. Kennedy? The response I would expect to get is that he did not like Mr. Kennedy, how he ran the country or the choices he made as President. Then I would follow up with the question were you on your own, was it a lone kill or a party kill? Then I would expect him answering that he was alone. I would expect alone because if he was not then how would that secret remain secret after decades passing. There should have at least one person who told someone and then it continued on and on until everyone would know.

    Another person I would ask a question would be Osama Bin Laden. Why would you decide to attack American soil? Then I would expect for him to say it was because he wanted to start a war with the United States of America because he disliked us. Also that the gods had told him that he had to do it, then in the afterlife he would live a great life. Why the world trade center? Probably because they were the tallest buildings in the United States at the time.
    The third person I would ask a question would be any king of Egypt. I would ask one of them if their people actually built those enormous pyramids. I would expect to get the answer of yes that they were a great empire. But then again there are always people that would think otherwise that, that was impossible. They had received extra-terrestrial help. The same would go with the Stonehenge’s like if people were actually able to place those rocks there. Or if they also got extra-terrestrial help to place those rocks there.

  12. One of my questions would be to my mom because she has honestly been through so much. I would ask her how she does it. How does she get a divorce, get left by my dad who doesn’t pay. She struggles just to help us. She is a hard working mother and I praise her for that. My mom went through so much with my father and I don’t understand how she was able to get through that. My mom is such a great role model and she is not a typical single mother and that’s what I love about her.
    Another person that I would ask a question to would be my Aunt Diane. She recently passed away and her death was so tragic to our family. The question I would ask her what truly happened. When she passed away, I really don’t know how she died and she left with so many questions unanswered about her death. She seemed fine the weekend before she died. What happened during that week that made you leave us so early? It’s so hard to talk about but I would love to have those questions answered and hopefully I will one day.
    The last person I would ask a question to would be to my Uncle Tommy. I would ask him what it is like to be him. He has diabetes, but it doesn’t stop him from doing anything. I mean he still has to work slower than everyone else and before he eats, he has to take his medication and his life is so different than mine and a lot of other people too, but he is so happy and you can tell that he loves life. I love spending time with him and seeing how happy he is and seeing that he appreciates the life he lives.

  13. If I could ask any three people a question I would choose to talk to Kurt Cobain, my grandfather, and Marilyn Monroe. All three of the people on my list are deceased and that’s because the people who are living that I would like to interview I can. It doesn’t make any sense, in my opinion; to write about the ‘what ifs’ of a person who is still here.
    My 1st question would be for Kurt Cobain. Though I’m not a big Nirvana fan I would still want to ask him why he left this earth. I want to know what demons he was fighting with that pushed him so far to actually take his own life. I don’t want to read other people’s interpretations of what was going on with him. I don’t want to hear someone cry while saying all the positives about him or say how he “liked to party a little too hard’. I want to hear straight from the horse’s mouth why he didn’t continue fighting and pushing. I want to know what broke him.
    My 2nd question would be for my grandfather. I want to know if he’s happy wherever he is. I lost him 5 years ago and it was truly one of the hardest experiences my family has gone through. Everyone was crushed and there wasn’t really a lot of smiling going on for a while. Everyone kept saying “He’s in a better place now” and “He’s happier now”. I just want to know if he really is and if he enjoys where he is now to where he was before.
    My 3rd question would be for of course the lovely Marilyn Monroe. I want to know how life was for her. I want to know how she felt knowing she was and is a symbol for little girls that being stick skinny and ditzy isn’t good. I want to know if she feels like she touched people with her words and opened others eyes with her actions.

  14. Three people that I want to ask questions to are 1) Barack Obama 2) Adolf Hitler and 3) Jesus. If I could ask Barack Obama three questions, I would ask him if he likes being president. I would want to see his perspective on being president and how he likes it. I know that being president much be a difficult job, but he may be able to handle all the stress differently. I would ask him about the time he has with his daughters and wife. It seems like being president, you’re always so busy, so, how is he able to manage his time with his family and make sure they get quality time together. Lastly, I would ask him what made him want to become president, and what his main sources of support were. The 2nd person I would ask questions to are Adolf Hitler, I would ask him why he wanted to kill so many innocent people. It makes me wonder what type of mental illness would a person have to want to kill so many people, I would also ask him if now that he’s dead, does he regret what he did, now seeing how much the world has changed. My last question for him would be, if he likes the fact that most people hate him for what he did with so many people. The last person I would ask three questions is to Jesus. I would ask him, 1)Why do people consider you such a powerful spiritual figure, but no one has proof that you existed but have such strong beliefs of you? 2) People that believe in you, always ask for forgiveness in you; why are you so forgiving and for things that people do that are so wrong? My last and final question would be if he really created the world. My religion is important to me but there are things that I don’t whether to distinguish as science or spiritual beliefs.

  15. If I could ask any three people questions it would be Ronnie James Dio, Taylor Momsen, and Tommy Lee. Ronnie James Dio I would ask him who influenced him and his music. I am curious about who influenced him when he began his career. I think it is interesting knowing other peoples influences especially because he had such an impact on music. Ronnie was an amazing singer who influenced many musicians today and it’s interesting to know who influenced him. I would ask Taylor Momsen why she went from being an actor to a singer. Taylor had been acting since she was a little girl she was Cindy Lou Who in Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas and has played in many other movies and T.V. shows I’m curious how she went from an actor to a singer who has many hits. Acting and singer aren’t to different, but Its interesting to understand how someone went from being an actor to a person who has their own band. I would also ask her if she likes people remembering her as an actor or a singer and if she gets annoyed by people calling her Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch. Lastly, I would ask Tommy Lee how he feels about putting an end to Motley Crue. Recently Motley Crue announced they were retiring Motley Crue for good. Motley Crue has been around for 33 years and I wonder how he feels about having the band retire for good and all of them are moving on to other things. It has to be hard to leave something that you have been involved in for 33 years, and not just for him, but for the whole band.

  16. Alternate assignment:
    Everything was happening in slow motion… Her eyes slammed shut as she was flung forward by the motion of the car as it rolled across the road… unsympathetic screams filled the car, overpowering the sound of the music blasting through the radio. It was like a dream…
    When Ethan woke up in the hospital he was unsure of who he was, where he was, or even how old he was. The only thing he was sure of was that he had a girlfriend named Hannah. He had this overwhelming feeling that something bad happened to her and he knew this was important because as of that moment, she was literally the only thing he could define himself by. Had she been injured as badly as he had? Had he broken her heart? Had he done this to himself, drunk with rage with what he had said or done? The only thing he could think of was his girlfriend, Hannah, about whom he could not shake the feeling that she was in a far more unfortunate situation.

  17. Alternate Assignment:

    People stare at me giving me uneasy looks of disgust. I just laugh and push my shoulders back. They don’t understand what it means to be free and how could they? Sure they walk freely, talk, and act freely, but their choices are shadowed by Him or Her or whatever they think it is. Believing in it gives them something to hold onto. Something that will forgive them and offer them security. Something that gives them a fake blanket of hope. The only hope I believe is what is within myself and all the other Sorcerers. We make our own choices and decide what is right for us even if it may be “wrong”. The plain people hate us or rather they hate what’s different. Day after day they follow the same routine in their little gray world. Once every few years there’s one that strays off the path and tries to be different. That’s when we come in and bring them to our world.

  18. How to Bar-fight Scene: (of RIPley Contest)

    Shoving a mouthful of lomein into her mouth, Quinn laughs. “Mm!” She desperately tries to chew and swallow. “I know what you have to do!”
    I smile and ask, “What?”
    “You need to start a bar fight! And before you say no, just hear me out—” She swallows the rest of her lomein. “It’s completely liberating and it’s good for your ego! It’s important that you know what you’re capable of.”
    “I don’t like violence…” I say hesitantly. “And it’s not really me, you know? Pick something else.” I dig into my bowl of lomein with a pair of wooden chopsticks.
    “NO, you’re doing this! And I’ll tell you why—because you, Eve, are too sweet. You need something to open you up, give you an edge. Something to harden you, just enough. You need to experience the feeling of getting your ass tossed out of a bar, drunk and fuming. You’re DOING this.”
    I realize that she is not going to let up on her cause, so I give in. “Fine,” I roll my eyes and sink into the couch submissively. “How do I do this?”
    She takes a moment to complete her victory dance, which involves a lot of Boogie-Wonderland hands and rolling shoulders. I wait for her to finish.
    “First off,” she says, instantly composing herself, “how’s your right hook?” My eyes bulge and she continues. “You need to be prepared. Although they tend to start off with a casual drink toss or a slap to the face, each bar fight is unique to itself. And so, you must be ready for the worst-case scenario: a fist fight.”
    “I don’t know,” I say. “I’ve never really thrown a punch.”
    She inhales and thinks for a moment. “Okay. Well I suppose this is attached to the first rule.” Quinn looks at me expectantly. “Are you writing this down?”
    I look at her, confused, and ask, “Should I be?”
    She vaughns, “You tell me, Eve. Do you wanna get yourself into a half-ass bar fight where you look like a pathetic idiot, or one that puts you on the banned list, never to be allowed back for the rest of eternity—not even when the bar switches ownership and now the son of the joint runs it, who, yes, brings a new dimension to the place, but struggles to maintain that neighborly, rugged feel that his father worked his whole life to create?”
    (For those of you playing at home, to vaughn is to do as Vince Vaughn does in practically every movie of his. The action essentially involves a determined persuasive speech that is spoken in the fashion of Vince Vaughn, and if you are still confused by this, I suggest you take the opportunity to research this technique. Not only has it proven effective over the years, but it also adds a humorous tone to conversations—those that occur in real life and not movies. In films, it’s only supposed to be funny for the audience members so as to have that certain effect. The key of this technique is to be all-in and become the role. She might be vaughning right now, but she is also Vince Vaughn himself, or at least a channeled image of him.)
    Quinn continues, “It’s entirely up to you, Eve. I’m just here to help you, to guide you through your first bar fight. Hey, that’s all I want. You tell me what you want from this and I’ll make it happen.”
    “Can you stop vaughning now?” I cackle. She immediately joins in.
    “Okay,” she laughs, “I’m done. I swear.” I point a playful finger at her as a warning. “The main rule that you have to follow—really the only one—is to maintain drunkenness all throughout. You don’t wanna be that sober jackass with anger management problems. So just make sure that you are drunk off your ass from beginning to end.”
    “That’s it?”
    “That’s it. Believe me, everything sounds like a great idea when you’re lit up enough—everything.”
    Just to be sure, I write down the first—and only—rule on a piece of newspaper that I rip off and shove it into my jacket pocket.

  19. I would ask my grandpa what it was like growing up when and where he did. We never had the chance for any of the “when I was your age” talks and I would really like to know a few. Nothing specific but I would love to hear about his farm days and all that. My grandpa died when I was really young and I would love to learn more about him...anything about him in fact. I want to ask him, not my dad, because I want straight answers and I know my grandpa wouldn't beat around the bush. If there's anything I remember about him, it's how blunt he was and I would hope to hear a blunt truth to my questions. The next question I'd ask would be to Leonardo DiCaprio and I would ask how he honestly feels about all the Oscars he doesn't have. I wouldn't do it to be mean, I just want to know how he really feels about the whole thing. I don't want some carefully thought-out answer...just the truth. If he got upset, then I'd pat his back and hand him some tissues. I think its just weird that he's been nominated 31 times (excluding the Oscars) and has only ever won 3 awards (to my knowledge). The last question I'd ask would go out to all my friends and family. I would just ask them if they truly understood how much they all mean to me. I don't think anyone fully grips how much they are cared for but I want the people in my life to know. As I've repeated, I would want an honest answer; that way, based on what they think, I could further convince them how much I care. These questions aren't that deep, or original, but they are the questions I would ask. With prompts like these, I usually have a difficult time because I don't think about this stuff. I don't usually have any questions that I haven't already gotten the answer to, but it was nice racking my brain.
