Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Worst Influence

Write 250 words about the worst influence in your life.  Explain why.  This is due at the end of the period.


  1. To be completely honest, society is without a doubt the worst influence in my life. There are plenty of people that are not good influences to me, but they can be ignored. Society is like this ominous figure that always has something to say about what we as individuals do. You build yourself up with confidence and some praise just so you can survive in the real world. Before you have both feet out of the door, society is the first one ready to tear you down. Telling you that what you do is not right, how you look is not right, how you live is not right. What right does society have to do that? It has none and should never have one. The more we hear these things the more we believe that they are true. So we start to think that everything we have done up to this point in our lives is wrong, because it is not in direct comparison to what society thinks is right. Honestly, it is not just me. Whereas I can ignore it for the most part but still be conscious of it, everyone else in this world is affected too. Some of them cannot ignore the harsh words. They cannot endure the pain of the words. So it has a huge influence on the way we think, which may start of in a positive way, but shortly turns to negative. That is what is wrong with this world, society, my worst influence.

  2. My worst influence is the devil on my shoulder. Not a literal devil on my shoulder of course, it’s a real person. Let’s just say she sits on my right shoulder in ninth period. She walks a weird line where sometimes she’s a good influence and actually gives reasonable advice and other times where it’s actually pretty intense how negative of an influence they are. It mostly depends on how boring and under a rock I am at whatever time we speak. Me being me, I’m boring and living under a rock ninety nine percent of the time, and so the “bad influence” is mostly just trying to get me to leave my house for one reason or another (spoiler alert, it never happens). I find it pretty ironic though, one of my worst influences can be one of my best at times. I’ve gotten good and bad advice, sure, but not enough people I know watch game of thrones and she’s one of them! Plus, do you know how many golden, I mean GOLDEN ideas for stories I’ve gotten from that person? Oooooooh man it’s intense. I’m pretty sure one of my personal favorites, Anti-illiteracy man was one of her ideas too. And what do I give in return? Absolutely nothing of value, I haven’t had a single good idea to give in return the past two years of creative writing, NOT A SINGLE ONE! And you know what? I’m actually really okay with that. Why? Because it’s kind of hilarious in an unfairly cruel way!

  3. They all say not to be like him
    If I act out the way he does I’ll get nowhere
    But all I want is to be like him
    I want what he gets
    He may get it in the wrong way but I don’t care
    If that’s what it takes to get it I’ll go there
    I’ll take it to that level to be happy
    I want the money, cars, clothes, and girls
    I want it all
    But there’s no way I can do it
    I don’t have the education to get that successful
    So that leaves only one way
    I have nothing to worry about
    My brother will teach me the ways
    This is a game that you only have one life in
    When that life is gone, it’s over
    You have everything to gain and everything to lose
    That’s the only way to this game
    Go big or go home
    Once I start I can’t go back
    The pawn only goes forward in this game
    It’s up to you to make little or big moves
    To join the game or not? Is the big question
    They all tell me that I’ll end up dead or in jail
    That’s no way to live life
    But my brother
    He’s fine
    He makes this kind of life look simple
    I know it’s not but as of now I have no other choice
    I grew up around this kind of life; I have no other choice but to join
    My brother tells me that’ I’ll be fine
    He tells me that he will teach me everything
    We can be bigger than anything and one together
    I see nothing wrong with this picture
    It’s time to start the game

  4. It’s strange to think that the people I grew up with aren’t like me anymore. I understand that people grow apart when they grow up and that they aren’t the same as when they are kids. We aren’t as close as we usually are because they aren’t like me. They drink and get high. I don’t do those things so it was weird going over there this summer. Being states apart I guess has led them down the wrong path. I can honestly say that my brother and I are one of the best cousins there is, not trying to brag. We don’t do anything bad and are quite respectful. When I went over there this past summer they were all talking about wanting to get drunk and having the time of their lives that night. While I was looking forward to hanging out with them and get a pizza and sitting back and just seeing how life has been. I understand that they aren’t like me but it puts me in a strange position when I am with them. I love them and they do respect me so there is never any peer pressure but their presence may not be the best for me. I do love them to death because they are my family but I wish that they would choose the right path. They will always have a special place in my heart and nobody will ever replace them but I will not take a blame for their actions. I’m quite thankful that they do respect my decision and stay their true selves when they are around me. They don’t ever do those things around me but they do tell stories. The day that they do those things around me I will stay by them and make sure they are okay but I will lose all respect for them.


  5. It came as a shock to me to find out but I knew it was coming. It’s been around her, her whole life so it was inevitable. She had been my oldest friend and I’ve known her since I was three so it was hard to see her go down that path. That is the path of a drug addict. It started with alcohol which isn’t so out of the blue for a teenager but that’s not where it stopped like for most teenagers it does. Then she got into smoking weed which was all she would do every single day. Then she started to smoke cigarettes, and now it’s to the point where she cannot go a day without a pack let alone one. It got even worse when she got into cocaine. Her brother is even worse than her. He has been majorly addicted to heroin for a couple years now and every other drug he can get his hands on. Her brother has definitely influenced her to become so involved with drugs he was obviously a bad influence on her. She tries to rationalize her addictions by saying at least isn’t not heroin. She has been brain wasted by the drugs. It really affected her when her brother went to rehab. I try to help her realize that what she is doing is bad for her but she doesn’t see it that way. She just thinks she is having fun and it is helping her feel better. She is not a bad influence on me because I know that what she is doing is killing her and that doing drugs is obviously bad. I feel like I need to be in her life to be a good influence on her because other than me she has no one else.

  6. She has it all, without even trying. My aunt got pregnant her senior year of high school, and although she had the opportunity to continue her education—she dropped out. She was always rebellious towards my grandma, and always got her way with regards to everything. She was 17 when she started dating Marwin…he was 21. He had a stable job and showered her with gifts. She claims to not have loved him, but was only with him for everything he gave her, and also for the sake of contradicting her mom. When she discovered she was pregnant, she decided that she no longer wanted to live with my grandmother and moved out with her boyfriend, who she claims she didn’t originally love. People thought that her fairytale life would soon end once she discovered that with a baby on the way, Marwin would not be able to spoil her as much. Everyone was wrong. He promised my grandmother that he would make her daughter happy and live like a queen—he also promised her grandmother that my aunt Susy, would never be forced to work like an animal, like my grandmother declared would be of her mediocre life. To this day, he has never broken his promise. All my aunt does is file papers and organize bills for my uncle in law’s landscaping business. They have a huge house and own a farm in Virginia. She has a modern car and her daughters have all the things little girls would want at their age. She lives a good life and it makes me consider making a rich man fall in love with me, and give me the world. She didn’t work hard at all, yet has it all. Her life influences my way of thinking and makes my mind full of “why even try?” thoughts.

  7. I honestly think I am surrounded by many people who can be considered bad influences. None of the men in my family have proven to be great father figures or even good husbands. The worst influence in my life is my brother. Although, when I was younger I was oblivious to many of the things he did, as I grew up it became more apparent what a bad person he was. My mom has confessed to me that the reason why we moved to Dunellen was to try and save my brother from following the wrong path. He had bad friends associated in gangs and she had even caught him smoking at a young age. Although my brother had always been a bad child, being uncontrollable at a very young age, things only worsened as he got older. My mom tells me stories about him during his childhood, he had even needed counseling before the age of 12…So apparently I’m writing about a person who is a bad example in my life but I can’t think about a bad influence. I don’t think I’ve ever been really influenced in anything negatively, at least nothing very memorable since I can’t think of anyone.

  8. (Continuing that thing in Russia...)

    My residency here would last for one more day and then I would be on my way to Bosnia to conduct some more business. The most unique aspect of my endeavors is certainly the off-grid, under-the-table nature of them. And to live and conduct business in such a manner is easy, especially if no one knows who to look for. Despite the many identifications and names I have assumed over the course of my life, the only one that has remained the same through it all is “ghost,” for that is the best word to describe my presence in this world. I am untouchable because in many aspects, I do not quite exist.
    I experienced a childhood vastly different from those of other, typical children. For one, I never knew my parents. As for my mother, I knew that she was young when she got pregnant with me and she was unable to give me the proper life. The company was the reason I have the life that I do because they gave my mother a significant amount of money, creating a win-win-win scenario. Both she and I won, gaining freedoms that would otherwise have been impossible, as did the company, gaining a new, loyal employee.
    So to answer your question—yes. I have been working from the day I left the womb. My path was carved and my identity was sealed; I was born off the radar, off the grid, off the reserve. And my life has continued as such.
    As I packed my belongings into a brown leather suitcase, I glanced up at the TV screen at intervals. After placing my pants on the bottom, I looked up and saw a young man’s face in the upper right of the screen. A Russian news anchor talked of this mystery man and how he was last seen in downtown Zenica after having opened fire in the parking lot of a local diner. This was typical news and I continued to pack my clothes.

  9. The worst influence in my life is me. This isn’t a sob story or anything but any time I failit’s my fault. I might try to place blame on others but that’s natural and unfair. I have a lot of people who I can look up to but when it really comes down to it, I am responsible for myself and who I am. And if I cannot hold myself up to generally accepted standards, then that is due to my decisions, not because of anyone else’s influences.

  10. The worst influence I had was starting to smoke. When I first had my first mild I thought to myself “I’m never going to smoke again” this is not for me. As time flew by I started doing it more and more. I wasn’t smoking drugs I was only smoking tobacco, but as time when it went from just one mild then it increased to multiple mild’s a day. In school I learned about how tobacco is bad for you and how it can kill you but I just pushed that to the back of my mind. A lot of people told me I should stop but what others think doesn’t matter to me. I don’t know why I smoke it just happens or when the time is needed I just don’t care. Part of the reasons why I think I don’t participate in any sports is because I smoke. I don’t smoke a pack everyday but I smoke enough to feel it when I run. I don’t know if it’s my choice to smoke or whether it’s the influences I surround myself around. When I smoke it relieves stress for that moment. Most people say I need to find a new stress reliever but it’s difficult to stop when you don’t want to. I know it can kill you but we all have to die one day don’t we. I guess one day I’ll stop in the future but right now it doesn’t really bother me.

  11. The worst influence in my life
    The worst influence in my life would have to be two years back when I decided to shave the side of my head before consulting with my mother. HAH. I remember when I did that, how could I not when my hair still recovering from it to this very day. It’s not that I really regret doing it because I did like the outcome I received after shaving it, it was the “why in the world did you do that? It looks ugly” responses I would get from my mom. Yes we are entitled to our own opinions but really mom, really? There was no doubt that she still loved me even though half of my head was hairless for a point in time, it was just the constant reminders that I actually went through with my words and what I wanted during that period of time as far as fashion goes. What can I say I was influenced by a couple of girls I would see on instagram with tattoos and piercings and just so happen to take action in my wishes and wants. I wasn’t thinking about what people would think, how they would talk, how long it would take to grow back. None of that, I knew what I wanted and I did whatever it took to achieve my want. Even if it meant to shave the side of my head. Now that I really think about it I don't think it could possibly be the worst influence, it did end up growing back and to be honest I don't regret it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. People, circumstances, and pretty much any event in everyday life is an influence, whether it is major or seemingly insignificant, but nonetheless an influence to one’s being as a whole. I do not believe I have a single, worst influence in my life because I do not allow myself to get “badly influenced” by others. I mean, yes there have been circumstances in which I have done things that I probably would not have decided to do entirely on my own, but those are various instances and with different people that also involved my own voluntary actions. We are all surrounded by bad examples and faulty role models, but I do not believe I am directly or completely influenced by anyone. I like to think that despite my surrounding influences, I still undergo my own thought process, outweigh the consequences that may accompany a certain action and all that will attain to my own self and from there, make my own decisions even if it may have been sparked by the influence of another. Maybe that means that I am essentially my own ‘worst influence’, considering that I make my own decisions and am responsible for my own actions. In the end, no one is forcing me to do anything, possibly may be insinuating or trying to pressure me to do it, but it comes down to whether I choose to do it or not. I am responsible for the decisions I make, good and bad, no one else should be held accountable for it despite the negative encouragement they may have had.

  14. My worst influence in my life I would truthfully have to say is myself. I would never put them blame for my bad actions on anyone else. It was my choice to make certain decisions and it was me who decided to go along with things though I knew they were wrong. I did have some negative things around me that did strike curiosity in the depths of my mind. I read a lot, listened to a lot of questionable songs, and did hang out with some reckless people, but none of them pushed me to do negative things. In many occasions my friends, the same one doing bad things, warned me of all the possible outcomes of following in their path. They told me “Don’t ever do this junk (substitute for actual word). It’s only going to lead you to trouble and sadness.” Of course I listened to them for a while, but in time my curiosity grew and got the best of me. So I ended doing some of the things they told me not to. I also wouldn’t call the media a negative influence on me. I’m smart enough to know not to follow the BS (pardon my language) that’s put out in movies, magazines, television shows, and music of today. I know that there are celebrities that are terrible influences on the youth and choose not to focus on their lives. So as I said before I’m really my own worst influence or more specifically my curiosity is the worst influence on me.

  15. In life just about anything or anyone can be an influence, whether bad or good. More times than not, the people one associates their self with will at some point influence a decision that is made. It is basic human nature for someone to be influenced, interrogated or even pressured into making a decision, however it is also basic human nature to be able to resist temptation.
    I believe that I am my own worst influence. There are times when I have gone against all that I believe in, and have let myself down for getting my hopes up too high. There have also been times where I was well aware of what I was doing, however I would still do it. I do admit that I have made some decisions against my own will, however when it comes down to it, I could have stopped myself and never did.
    It’s evident that many of my past friends weren’t that great of influences on me either, however they are not to blame. Trying to place the blame for your own actions, on someone else just because they were doing it to, or thought it would be a good idea, is a ridiculous thing to do. It’s true that sometimes saying no is a hard thing to do, and even when you know something is a bad decision, it doesn’t really cross your mind until after it has already happened. I have always made my own decisions, and therefor everything that has happened in my life so far, good and bad, has been because of a decision I have made by myself.
