Monday, March 17, 2014

The Worst in a Person

What is the worst quality a person could have?  Why?  Write a story or personal reflection that examines this question.  It must be 300 words.  It is due at the end of tomorrow's class.


  1. Jackie, Mel, and Kelly were walking down the hall way. Hailey stopped when she saw them, smiled and said hello. As soon as she walked away, Jackie began rambling about her physical appearance.
    “Ew, look at her toes. Look at how she walks. She is so weird. Why does she want to dorm with us? I really don’t want her to share a room with us! What if, what if—”
    Kelly interrupted Jackie all at once and asked, “What if what?”
    “Uh, nothing, never mind…” Jackie responded.
    “That’s what I thought,” Kelly snapped.

    It was clear enough that Kelly was fed up with Jackie’s unnecessary critiquing. Jackie constantly liked to pick on everyone’s flaws. Even a subliminal mark on one’s finger would never go unseen by her. This had always made Kelly very upset but it was until today she had made it obvious. The walk to study hall was an awkward and silent one. Jackie had noticed the shortening of conversations on Kelly’s behalf. She also noticed how irritated how Kelly seemed to be lately. As obvious as Kelly was being, Jackie just did not understand. After 5 minutes of silently sitting in study hall, Kelly decided to speak up.

    “Jackie, what exactly does the length of Hailey’s toes, or the way she walks have to do with her sharing a room with us for prom weekend? Can you think of something a bit more significant to use as an excuse to exclude her?”
    “Kelly, I don’t know what your problem is. Like, do you ever see me talking to her anyways?” Jackie replied.
    “Well, you don’t really talk to anyone…and no one really likes you, only cause you don't really like anyone. I’m even having second doubts about our friendship.”
    “What, why?” Jackie was dumbfounded.
    “You point out the most insignificant physical flaws in everyone. You dislike people for the dumbest reasons. You are the most shallow person I have ever met, and that is why your only friend is Mel.”
    “So, this means we’re not friends?”
    “I can’t be friends with you. And thanks to the people you vent to about my physical flaws, now I know that my breathing is annoying to you and that the eczema on my arm irks you and grosses you out.”
    Jackie gave Melanie the death stare knowing that she had only she shared this with her, and Melanie looked down. Kelly stood up, told Jackie she would never bother her with her presence ever again, and walked away.

    “She is so ugly anyways. Plus, she thinks she is so smart. I don’t like how Kelly’s voice sounds anyways; she is so annoying.” Jackie shared to Mel.
    “Ugh, you’re so full of it!” Melanie exclaimed and immediately walked away.

    In disbelief, Jackie just sat there, looked around the room criticizing everything coming her way and continued to do that for the rest of her senior year.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Envy is not only a deadly sin, but it is probably one of the worst qualities a person could possess. Feeling a desire to have another person’s qualities, abilities, possessions, or status or wishing that they lacked it is just entirely wrong. First off, it makes one a hateful person, one full of spite and malice. Envy is a quality that comes in various different forms and that affects people quite differently. Some are severely affected, sometimes even without actual reason, and many act irrationally because of it. It often leads one to talk badly about or even do wrongful deeds to the person they are jealous of. The perverse manifestation that jealousy could have over a person is linked with many other awful qualities that a person is likely to exhibit. This makes for a greatly flawed person, immoral even.

    Envy also makes one a very ungrateful person. Instead of being thankful for all that they possess, they are too busy looking on to what another has that they do not. One should be very appreciative of everything that they have and take into consideration that there are many others who are not as privileged or as fortunate as they are, therefore, there is no need to be envious of another.

    There will always be smarter, richer, stronger, better-looking, more fortunate people in the world; that is just how life is and one must learn to accept and live with it. One will always lack what another has and vice versa, it is simply an inevitable part of life.

    Envy consumes the mind and the character of a person; it takes up from many other beautiful parts and sentiments of life. It is just an absolutely awful trait to possess but one that many people are taken over by.

  4. I woke up for school, got dressed and ready, walked to school and went to class. It seemed like a normal day, but it wasn’t. Normally when I walked into school, I see my friends right away, but they were nowhere to be found. This is not like us because before we go to class, we like to see each other. So I walked to class and didn’t think anything of it.
    Lunch came and I got my lunch. I sat down with my friends, but they never said a word to me. It was weird because I didn’t do anything and there is no reason for my friends to be mad at me. So I finally asked them, “What is wrong guys? You guys won’t talk to me and I have no idea why.” They all starred at me as if I should have known why they were mad at me, but I didn’t.
    I got up and moved to one of the empty tables. I could see out of the corner of my eye that they were staring at me and laughing, but I really didn’t care. Then Kristi got up from the table and walked over to mine.
    “What is your deal lately? You talk about us behind your back and you think that we won’t find out that you were? You’re funny!” Kristi said as she started to laugh. I looked at her weird and then smiled.
    “Where did you hear that from?” I asked Kristi while I was still smiling.
    “Oh, I heard it around. Someone told me you like to talk about us a lot.” Kristi turned and looked at the table with the other friends. Then she turned back at me and smirked.
    “You know you should ask me and not assume that I was talking about you. Kristi I wasn’t talking about you or anyone else. Maybe you should stop assuming and ask me first before you look like an idiot for pointing fingers. I hate when people assume because they don’t even know the story.” I got up and walked away from the table. Kristi just sat there in disbelief that I said that to her.
    The next day, everything was normal as if it never happened. Kristi still believed that I was talking about her, but I’ll just let her assume that I was. I will never understand why she believed I would, but I mean, I guess everything turns out for the best.

  5. For me, the worst quality a person can have is a never-ending capacity for self-pity. Nothing makes me madder than when someone you know starts talking to you about how awful their lives are and just doesn’t stop, and nothing you can say or do can convince them that they’re wrong. Sometimes people need to learn that sometimes life isn’t fair. It isn’t fair, but it can also be good. It can even be great. They need to know that the same world that doesn’t give them a bonus when they thought they deserved it is the same world that gave them the chance to even get any kind of bonus in the first place.
    I don’t mean to sound cynical, because that’s also something people have that I can’t stand, but it seems to me that nowadays, people have gotten used to everything being handed to them. I try so unbelievably hard not to believe it, but it seems that it’s at least somewhat true. Hard work and dedication is what makes the world go around, and nothing makes me madder than when people aren’t prepared to accept that, and make no attempt to do so.
    I guess my biggest problem is when people feel like they need to be miserable in order to function. When you think about it, that all kind of goes back to people needing constant attention and validation from other people. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I totally understand the desire for attention; it’s gratifying, and it makes you feel like you’re actually worth something. But when you undermine the struggles and goings on in my life just because you want me pity, that’s when I get mad. That’s when I start to distinctly and aggressively not care about what you have to say, because at that point you’re just being rude. If you appealed to me in a humane, understanding, and considerate manner, I just might care about what you have to say. But otherwise, don’t even bother trying to invite me to your pity party, because I won’t go.

  6. Red eyes blazed out from her face. She grabbed onto her pillow and looked straight into her boyfriend’s picture. She ripped up the picture and threw it to the floor. She brought her legs into her body and lay crying on the floor. She wiped her tears and grabbed a pillow and brought it into her. She sat up and put on her shoes on and left the house. She looked everywhere and began to run. She ran for about five minutes and she ended up in front of her boyfriend’s house. She knocked on his door and he opened it. She walked in and began to pace back and forth having a tear going down her face. She looked up and saw a picture of the girl he was hugging. She looked up at him and slapped him across the face. She then went about his living room throwing all his belongings on the ground. She screamed and destroyed everything she could lay her hands on. He ran over to her and grabbed onto her and held her tightly. She grabbed onto his shirt and began to cry and held onto him. He sat her down and began to pet her hand. He stroked her hair and kissed her head. He asked her what was wrong with her. She told him that she saw him hugging someone else and she kissed his cheek. He giggled at her and stood up and began to walk around he picked up the broken picture on the ground. He showed it to her and explained that it was his cousin that he didn’t see for a while. She began to cry and ask for forgiveness. He told her that they needed to take a break because her jealousy was out of control. Later on he married someone else. Jealousy can kill all.

  7. The absolute worst quality that I can think of someone possessing is the ambition to manipulate people to get what they want. Honestly, all of us need to manipulate someone at one point or another in our lives, but when it comes to manipulating people as a primary source of getting what they want instead of working towards it with an honest method, that has to be one of my biggest pet peeves and least admired quality in a person.
    Manipulation itself is disgusting; nobody should aspire to manipulate another person. There are some cases where it’s just messing around and it’s a couple of friends messing with another friend, and that’s perfectly fine and natural. However, when it spirals out of control and you have someone manipulating everyone around them to get whatever they want and to get their way, that’s when things get bad.

  8. The worst trait that a person could ever have is being a liar. Nothing hurts more than when someone lies to you. Why is it so difficult just to tell the truth? When someone lies to you it feels like a part of you has been torn apart and destroyed. Your heart aches and sinks to the bottom of your stomach. You cannot believe what you have heard. The worst situations are when someone lies to you and you know the truth, or when someone close to you lies and you believe them, only to be let down later on. Or there is when someone lies to you and you have to find out the truth from someone else. I absolutely despise people that lie. It is so unnecessary and I can never figure out what the motive is for lying. All it ever does is hurt people. If people just told the truth everything would be so much easier. Nothing good ever comes out of lying either. All that happens is you lose someone’s trust. Trust that is so difficult to earn back, in most cases it is never earned back. My biggest fear is that someone influential or important to me looked me in the eyes and lied to my face. When I thought they were telling the truth because of how much I trusted them and all I get is a lie in my face. Then I look like an idiot because I think it is the truth. I am stuck hurt and with one less friend. Being a liar is one of the worst possible things that you could be. Don’t waste your time being one and don’t waste your time trusting one.

  9. There’s only one way to do something
    No matter what it may be, there’s only one way
    That’s all he believes in
    It’s his way or nothing
    He doesn’t believe in there being more than one way to do something
    He sees things only his way
    Someone could prove to him that there are several ways and he’d still believe only one
    This quality of being narrow minded won’t get him far
    He automatically shoots things down if they seem too hard
    If there is no simple or obvious way to do something then there is no way at all
    He is unable to think outside the box
    This causes him to be ignorant to most things and people
    It’s unfortunate that he closes the world out
    He lives a simple life
    He misses out on the extraordinary things in life that takes someone with an open mind to realize
    If he was only able to open his mind to the world
    He would be able to go much farther
    He would see things that he didn’t before
    He would develop new looks on things in life that will show him things he wouldn’t even imagine thinking about
    To not be willing to see others views is not a way to live life
    To close out everything but your own simple mind will keep him at a standstill in life
    The only way for him to progress farther in life is to open his mind up to all other things

  10. Lying is the worst trait that a person could have. Lying is the one thing that controls everything; it’s the one thing that ruins trust. Once someone lies trust is gone. There was a popular boy that was dating a girl from his school. He was also dating a girl in the town he lived in. He was very sneaky and neither girl knew about the other one. He was very good at lying he was pathological. Lying came second nature to him; he didn’t even feel bad about lying to everyone and himself. One day when he went to the bathroom when one of his girlfriends was over she took his phone. She went to find her contact to change the name and put hearts by it but her number wasn’t saved in his phone. She was very confused they have been dated for almost a year and her name wasn’t even in his phone. She went to his messages and saw her number and the messages between them. She also saw another number not saved in his phone and she went and read the messages. They seemed like things that he had said to her word for word but to someone else. She decided to call the number. It rang three times then a girl answer.
    She said, “Hey baby what’s up?”
    The girlfriend hung up the phone and started to cry, he has another girlfriend, he’s been lying to me all this time she thought. After she finally realized this, he walked out of the bathroom. When he saw that she had he’s phone he yelled at her and grabbed it back. But it was too late he saw that she had already found out. Lying destroys people and it the worst trait that a person can have, it doesn’t only hurt the people that are being lied to but it hurts the person that is actually doing the lying.

  11. Telemarketer First Call: (of RIPley Contest)

    The phone rings twice as it sits on the kitchen table. It is amidst a glowing morning sky that reaches through the window drapes with long, tender arms. I lean over my toast to grab it. An unfamiliar number is displayed on the screen and, seeing how I am not necessarily in the country, I figure it could be anybody. So I answer the phone, placing it against my ear.
    “Hello. Is this Evelyn Darcy?” A professional voice is heard on the other line, struggling to come across chipper.
    “Uh, yeah… To whom am I speaking?”
    “This is Jake, from State Farm.”
    Keeping in mind that my insurance lady is Gertrude Elwein, I am skeptical. “What’s your last name, Jake From State Farm?”
    There is a pause. “Scarlatti…?”
    No way. “Wait a minute. There really is a guy at State Farm named Jake? Tell me, Jake From State Farm. What are you wearing?” I am getting an unexpected kick out of this.
    Another pause. “A dress shirt…?”
    “And khakis?” I stand up, now fully enveloped in the exchange.
    I break out in laughter. The man on the other line joins me.
    “I’ve been working here for a year-and-a-half and I never realized that I am Jake From State Farm,” he laughed.
    “I’m honestly surprised by that, Jake From State Farm. You’re a fricken celebrity!”
    “Thank God the paparazzi have finally stopped stalking me. It was starting to get ridiculous.”
    I smile. “Hold up. Aren’t you a telemarketer?” I continue, mockingly serious. “I don’t like to associate myself with telemarketers, even those who are international celebrities. Unfortunately for you.”
    “You’re in luck. Not a telemarketer. I’m actually your new insurance agent.” His tone acquires a sudden sense of graveness as he says, “Gertrude passed away last week.”
    I picture her sweet, wrinkled face. She is sipping on a cup of hot chai tea, ruffling through a sloppily organized stack of paperwork with her glasses sliding off the tip of her freckled nose. The chai aroma is almost palpable and she offers me some except I don’t trust her glassware. But to think that she could be gone so easily—swept into the earth with no opportunity to return—affects me deeply. This is going to be me one day.
    Taking a deep breath, I say, “That’s a true shame…”
    There is silence on the line for a moment. “I, uh, understand that losing your representative is not easy. But if you, uh, wouldn’t mind swinging by the office one day this week, we have to reevaluate your policy, due to your—”pause“—condition.”
    “I don’t believe this week will be possible. Or next week…Will it be possible to handle this a way other than in person?”
    “In person is best. I can actually join you for lunch at the hospital, if you have an available day. I understand, of course, if—”
    “Oh, I’m not at the hospital. I’m in Holland for the time being.” My tone is light, which seems to surprise Jake.
    “Uh, Holland,” he says absently, immediately gaining curiosity as the words strike him. “Like the one in Europe?”
    “I bet you did great in geography class.”

  12. “So you’re Holland.”
    “Do you not get the concept of travelling?” I laugh. “Yes, for those playing at home, the answer is: Where’s Holland.”
    He laughs. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect for you to be in—”
    “Holland,” he repeats. I can hear his smile through the receiver.
    “I actually boarded a plane to get here. Pretty advanced technology nowadays.”
    “A plane? Would you mind explaining this to me? I’m new to the transportation scene. I’ve only ever owned a bicycle before.”
    “Like hell, you did,” I laugh. “What’s the car you’re driving to this pencil-pushing job? A Honda Civic? Or a Mercedes Benz, Three Series?”
    “Close. It’s a Nissan Ultima, shiny black.”
    “Did you get black so that you don’t have to wash it often?”
    “Isn’t that why everyone owns black cars?”
    “Some people are just into black like that. But not you, apparently.”
    “Not quite,” he says, then pauses a moment before continuing. “May I ask you a question, Ms. Evelyn Darcy?”
    “It’s Eve. And shoot.”
    His voice softens as he speaks my name. “Eve, why are you in Holland right now?”
    “I’ve never been a fan of hospitals.” I shrug slightly and inhale. “It was sort of a toss-up—hospital or Holland—and I chose the latter. Obviously.”

  13. The worst quality a person could have is selfishness. It is okay to be selfish once in a while and take some time out for yourself, but someone who never gives back to the community or opens their heart to friends and peers does not deserve the respect of others. Selfishness is something most people grow out of by the time they are twelve. However, some adults still never learn this crucial lesson. I can’t help to think of one person in particular as I write this, and I don’t mean to say that this person is the worst in the world, but I have trouble imagining how this person could possibly continue to have friends and socially survive day to day. I think it is also an insult to those who do a lot for the community when someone does nothing at all. It’s not really something you can change in people, however, I think that good people who give what they can, will know that the only people who they will be able to actually relate to will be those that understand the importance of thankfulness and giving, and not just on Thanksgiving.


  14. The worst possible trait a person could possess, in my opinion, is the quality of being a liar. The truth is guaranteed to come out at some point, so why not just get it over with sooner than later? Being lied to is a horrible feeling, and it makes you feel almost as If you just weren’t good enough for the truth. When a person is lied to, their trust in said person begins to unravel, and the longer the lie goes on, the more hurt and destroyed the victim becomes. Trust can take years to build, but can be lost so easily; almost in a matter of seconds. Sometimes the truth may hurt, but it is better to be told right from the start, rather than be hurt even worse when the truth finally does come out. I would much rather be hurt by the truth, than be lied to by a person that I have put all of my trust in.
    Lying is something that so many people are becoming comfortable with nowadays. It seems as if people show almost no remorse or pity for lying straight to a friend’s face, or even to a parent. Are there no morals left in the world, where someone can just lie so easily and be able to live peacefully with the guilt of knowing the truth every day? I just don’t see how it is possible to not feel bad about lying to someone. So many lies go unnoticed, and when you finally find out the truth it all becomes clear. Finding out the truth after believing a lie for so long can really hurt someone, especially if they are told the truth from someone other than the original liar. Honestly, I just don’t see the point in lying. Being honest with someone is not that hard of a thing to do, and if you cannot be honest with someone, than you don’t deserve them in your life.

  15. The worst quality a person could have would be an easy dishonesty. This is basically any lie, in any form that comes with ease to the dishonest person. I, personally, can be pretty blunt but I do have a filter. I understand how some things should be said and at what moments. I would rather a person tell me the painful truth than a beautiful lie. Not everyone is like that but I don’t think lies ever do any good. It doesn’t matter why the lie is told; it’ll always end up causing more harm than good. Lies aren’t always a fiction tale, they can be twisted truths or even something that wasn’t told. When, for example, you make plans with a friend and then the friend cancels an hour before you’re supposed to meet. They could say that there was a family emergency and make a whole big deal. Later, you find out that the family “emergency” only took about 30 minutes and you still could have hung out but your friend decided to hang out with someone else. If someone doesn’t want to hang out with me, I would want them to tell me dead on. To me, that is so much better than some made-up excuse. Honesty means respect in my book. If someone respects you enough then they should be able to be honest, no matter what the truth may hold. If a doctor finds out you only have a month to live, but doesn’t have the heart to tell you then you’re screwed. You have a right to know the truth because just imagine what you could do in a month! Compare your last month to just a regular, old month. The difference can be stunning. Dishonesty is disrespectful, damaging, and I just don’t like the idea of walking around like a fool with some silly lie in my head while everyone else knows the truth.

  16. The worst quality a person can possess is too much kindness. In my opinion too much kindness can lead to one’s own demise. Do not get me wrong I do not want anyone to be mean all the time, show some kindness but not too much of it. If you show too much kindness people will take advantage of you and push you around. I know this from experience when I was younger I would be pushed around by everyone my friends, my best friend, and my family at times. I was the kindest person out there I would do favors for everyone and when people would mess me up I would not get mad all I would say is, “Oh it is alright everyone messes up.” For example with some of my cousin’s when I would visit them I would end up doing their dirty work like doing them their homework and stuff. They would push me around telling me to do their stuff just because they would give me some dumb excuse that I would believe. I was not the only one that got pushed around in my elementary years of school there was this one kid that was one of the smartest in the school and at the same time the nicest. But that was a good combo for him because he would get pushed around by the other classmates and then he would let those same kids that “bullied” him copy his homework or do their homework because he was nice and wanted to “help”. This is why in my opinion too much kindness is the worst quality a person can have.

  17. “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.” -Leo Tolstoy. The worst quality a person can possess for me is someone who is closed minded or believes they know everything. Someone who is unwilling to look at things in a different perspective or thinks that their way of thinking is the only way to go. People who are stuck on a one track mind;stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas. It drives me crazy when people don’t even consider that there may be more than one way of doing something. Being open minded means accepting all perspectives as possibilities;you can still maintain an open mind while having your own beliefs or ideas. It’s okay to think that you may be right but it’s another to think that your way is the only one. We would never be able to move forward or create extraordinary things if everyone was closed minded. Also I feel as though people that confine themselves to a tunnel vision view of the world are only experiencing a part of it. “The eyes are useless if the mind is blind.”

  18. The worst qualities a person can have are a nasty personality. Some of the things I consider to be a nasty personality are things like being a liar, hypercritical, rudeness. I hate when people lie to me because it hurts when people lead you believe something and think that by lying to you, it will make you feel better or it won’t hurt as much. But truth be told, it hurts twice as much when you find out that person lied to or you simply find out in a way that wasn’t meant to be. I think being lied to has got to be one of the worst feelings ever because it tends to make you feel like that person that does, does not care about your feelings, or how it would if you found out about what they were lying to you about. Another bad quality a person can have is being a hypocrite. I hate when people tell you something and then go on and say or do another just because maybe someone else influenced them on doing it, not because they specifically want to. People that fake just because they don't like you. I much rather have a person be straight up with me and tell me they don’t like then for someone to be fake straight to my face and put up a character. The last bad quality I think I person can have is rudeness. I don’t like when people are rude for no reason like they never got taught manners or just know better to not be rude to people around them. I feel like now a day’s people are a lot ruder because they think that if they are like that, they will be liked a lot more or respected more. I find that completely ridiculous because I will only respect someone who respects me.

  19. Being to conceited is the worst quality a person can have. You should have a good opinion about yourself but displaying it and talking about yourself too much can get annoying to others. Some people hold to high opinion of themselves and to other people they are arrogant and they do not want to hear it. Most people find it annoying and talk bad about the person because they think so highly of themselves. Conceitedness is a quality most people do not like because of the way people act. They think they are better than everyone else, they think they look better than everyone else, and they have to high of an opinion about the way they are. People who have this quality are usually annoying or arrogant because they just want to talk about themselves. They usually have to mention something about themselves all the time because their opinion is too high. Additionally, most people do not like people who are conceited because it is all about them and the people get annoyed. Most of the time people talk bad about people that are conceited because they think the person is wrong and they get annoyed with hearing about it all the time. Also, having people talk bad about you because of the way you think about yourself is to high makes it another bad quality because if someone did not think so highly of themselves then people would not get annoyed with them. Conceitedness is one of the worst qualities a person can have because it puts an image of themselves in their head that is higher than reality and it makes them arrogant and to other people they find them annoying. Overall, being conceited is not a good quality for anyone; yes people should have a good opinion about themselves, but not so high.

  20. The worst quality a person can have is jealousy. Jealousy means to want what others have. Jealous people are constantly comparing themselves and their belongings to others’. The worst thing about jealously is that it brings out other bad things in a person. For example, a jealous person will eventually grow hateful towards those more successful than him. The act of always analyzing people and criticizing them is a form of jealously. Although subliminal, someone who is always watching others is because they are constantly concerned to have the best things, or look the best- if they don’t they’ll feel jealous. It is hard to control your jealousy. Everyone may feel it at some point. Whether you’re jealous of someone else’s clothes, lifestyle, freedom, success, or even their friendships- it always comes around. The best thing to do is forget about the negativity that you may feel because of jealousy. People can use their jealousy to motivate them to do better. The hard thing about this is that people may feel rage due to jealous and cheat their way to be better.
    Jealousy doesn’t only hurt yourself because of all the anger, it can hurt others and your relationships. Jealously is a nasty element in relationships and even friendships. It causes some people to be too attached and keep the other person from having their freedom. Jealously can turn into an illness, it is better to do your best to get rid of it before it destroys you. People around you will become tired of the things you say or how you act because of this feeling you have.
    I can admit I have been jealous of my peers, mainly out of things they may have. For example, all my friends had cars before I did, even though I was one of the oldest. I couldn’t help but feel jealous. When I felt bad, I would simply get myself to think and realize everything I had. I have more than many others, and I don’t lack any necessities. I began to feel thankful for everything I did have, and I learned to have patience. I realized how lucky I personally was, there was no need for me to compare myself to others.
