Monday, November 18, 2013

Your Own Prompt

Your assignment for today and tomorrow is to come up with your own idea for a writing prompt.  You must include an example to help your classmates. Your post will be graded on the following:

  • Clarity of directions
  • Proper use of sentence construction, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Inclusion of example.
I would like to use your work for potential assignments in future classes, so keep that in mind when you are working on this.

The length of the assignment you create should take no more than two days for the class to complete.


  1. Look back at all of the prompts that you have written and pick one of them that you would like to continue on with. Go back and add more to any one of your prompts anyone of your choice.

    Face-the moment he realized everything changed he started to look at everything in his life different and he suddenly realized that when you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at start to change. He started seeing everything for what it really was, well that was only when he was doing something that he wasn’t supposed to be doing ,well at least he was lead to believe that he wasn’t supposed to be doing that but he wasn’t really sure if it was good or bad for for him. Some days when he did it it was good and other days he didn’t feel so good but he didn’t care he just lived in the moment and when with whatever he felt was right. One day chuck went with his gut feeling and smoked, this was at night time. He did it expecting to go right into a deep good sleep but he felt as though he couldn’t sleep he was sitting up looking at the celling just thinking about life but a few minutes later his heart started to beat just a little bit faster, if he listened closely his body sort of sounded like a machine in his body. He felt his heart it felt like he was going to break open, a vain his hand felt like it was going to pop. His whole body just felt weird it kind of felt like his body was malfunctioning but he didn’t know why he was confused on why his body was acting like this. While sitting there he started to think of the movie I robot, he wondered if he was a robot but didn’t know for sure because of what he saw on the outside. He got up and turned on the lights and sat in his chair. He sat there just thinking about life and how it worked. He felt as though he had a bestfriend in the room but no one else was there with his in his mind he talked to himself but felt as though it was somebody else there with him, this didn’t make him crazy it made him feel happy it gave him a chance to talk to someone that actually understood where he was coming from. his body felt as though he was a robot but the way he thinks, he felt as though he was one of the realist niggas he knew. He was fighting a battle that couldn’t be won. His eyes opened up and he realized its not about whats on the outside but whats on the inside he realized it didn’t matter what others thought about him only thing that really mattered was him, he was the one that had to be happy he realized that he controlled his own happiness weather he felt as though he was a robot or not.

  2. Innocence is viewed differently and can mean different things to different people. To some innocence can be lost at a specific age, and to others it takes a moment to lose innocence. What does it take to lose one’s innocence? Answer this question in any style that you’d like. Make your narrative, poem, etc., at least 400 words.
    Here’s an example based on my point of view:
    They told us beforehand that we were to have a new student. We waited for her to come in and smiled brightly at her. Lila cried the instance her mom brought her in the class. She was so loud and personally, I would be embarrassed. Her tiny face turned as red as a tomato, tears were streaming down her face, and substances were coming out of her nose. She was crying the whole entire time and the only reason she calmed down was because one of the teacher aids sat her on their laps. Every time she was asked to join the rest of us in an activity, she shook her head and returned to the verge of bawling. “Why does she not enjoy coloring like the rest of us? Why does she not want to play along? She’s a new girl, but hey, we’re all nice here. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I am a really nice person and so is everyone around here. Well, everyone except Marissa…she can be a little feisty.” These are all the things that went through my head because I could not understand why Lila was so upset.
    Three years later it was my turn to be the new girl though. There were two of us. I walked in the classroom and everyone seemed to stare at me. I was not happy at all, I missed my mother and I felt a knot building up in my throat. Before I could even think about crying though, memories of Lila crying popped in my mind. It was at that moment that I finally understood why she was so upset; she probably felt the way I was feeling right now. Ever since that day, I make it my personal job to make new students at my school feel as comfortable as they could. Stepping into another’s shoes was the moment that defined the end of my innocence. I no longer expect the world to be the way I want it to be and feel the way I do. Everyone feels different ways about everything, and before judging it’s important to understand why. Once you’re capable of comprehending this and once you’re aware of the varied perspectives society has about everything, you are no longer innocent.

  3. Write about one or several habits you’ve developed over the years. It could be something physical, or maybe something in the way you think. You could write about how you picked it up, or an anecdote about a certain instance in which you realized you had it, or the effect it’s had on your life and studies. 200-300 words total.
    Ever since I entered high school, my handwriting has progressively gotten smaller. As of now, it’s at the point where my teachers joke telling me that it’s hard to read my work, but I really can’t help it. Maybe I could have when it started, but I sure can’t now. It all started when in some class my freshman year when I somehow concluded that if my handwriting were smaller, I could fit more on one page of notebook paper, and henceforth be more organized. So without even thinking, my writing began to become smaller and smaller to the point where I could fit two lines of text on one line of notebook paper. Currently, my handwriting is almost unnecessarily small, but it’s also distinct and my notes are much more organized. Although, when we do writing prompts in class or even on the SAT, I can’t help but feel somewhat inferior since everyone else around me, with average-sized handwriting, appears to have written much more than I have; so I always have to remind myself that if I were to write as many words, it would fit on less paper. That always makes me feel better.
    Another weird habit I have is that I always touch signposts and other sorts of spires coming out of the ground when I walk by them. It started when I started running frequently to train for sports and whatnot, and for some reason, I was always really paranoid about accidentally ramming into something and getting seriously injured. So I figured that the best way to avoid running into such things was to gain a better understanding of their position in relation to myself was to actually feel them with my hand as I run by.

  4. Hello Class! Your assignment today will be to take a TV show, movie, or book (anything like that) and right an adaption to it. You can write an alternate ending, or add an extra scene. You’re free to do what you are comfortable with. You must give the title of said show, movie or book; you must also give the name of the original author and a short summary of the plot. This assignment must be 500 words (or more). The plot summary may be as short or long as it take for the idea to get through. You have today and tomorrow to complete this. Have fun!
    Doctor Who
    Steven Moffat
    Doctor Who is a show about an alien. He has a name, but everyone calls him Doctor because no one knows his name. His species is TimeLord; this is a species of time/space traveling aliens. He travels around in a blue box (it’s actually a police box from London in the 1950’s) called the TARDIS. He is the last of his kind; all of the others are trapped in a Time War. He doesn’t die, instead he regenerates into a new Doctor. Since he is the last, the Doctor likes to pick up companions and show them the best and worst of the universe.
    Doctor Who Episode: Reflectis

    Universes come in all shapes and sizes. There’s one in particular that is incredibly close to ours and hardly noticed. Hidden in plain sight! But it is hidden for a reason. Reflectis, nicknamed the Twin Universe, is hidden behind every mirror! It is a dangerous and sketchy universe. Full of black markets, grime and only silvers of hope: our reflections. They are strong, they are kind and they are connected to us. Our emotions are directly connected to our reflections’ emotions. When we are safe, happy and smiling; so are they. That’s how they want us to stay. Which is why whenever we try to pass through to their universe, we can’t. Our reflections try to protect our happiness, our innocence, us! But there is an evil tyrant who rules over all Reflectis. He feeds off of misery and anger; our reflections obviously give him issues. In order keep himself at large, he steals reflections, locks them in his room of mirrors and uses them to kidnap us! This horrendous act fuels him and makes him highly unlikely to be over-run. But when Clara’s reflection is his next victim, the Doctor must do what he can. He and Clara are pulled into Reflectis and the Doctor is forced to relive his past as he has momentary encounters with his reflections. As we see only the one 11th Doctor; he sees all 11 when he looks in the mirror.

  5. Clara has just finished showering in the TARDIS bathroom. The mirror is fogged up from the steam and she needs to use it. She places her hand on the mirror to wipe away the fog, but it goes straight through instead of stopping.
    Clara: (squeals; pulls hand out and then pushes through once more and out one last time) Doctor! Do you have any hidden passageways you haven’t warned me about?
    The Doctor is in the other room, rummaging through an old trunk of hats; desperately searching for something to compete with his Fez.
    Doctor: No…wait!!! (Puts on a propeller hat, spins the propeller as he thinks) Nope! Got rid of the last one, after an angry tree incident.
    Clara: (eyes the mirror suspiciously) maybe you missed one?
    Doctor: (slightly offended) Missed one? I don’t miss things. (Walks into bathroom, where Clara is in only a robe. Turns to leave but curiosity about the mirror triumphs. Avoids looking Clara’s way in the most awkward way possible)
    Clara smiles and nods towards the mirror where the Doctor wipes away the fog without a problem. He taps the mirror gently for good measure. Astonished by this achievement, Clara moves in front of the mirror to mimic his actions. She freezes when she doesn’t see a reflection. The Doctor’s smile fades into a grimace and he begins to fidget with his hands.
    Doctor: Oh boy…
    Clara: (shocked and slightly worried) Doctor, where’s my reflection?
    Doctor: (trying to lighten the mood) Playing hide and go seek, possibly..?
    Clara rolls her eyes at him. She places her through the mirror, but only slightly. Before she can bring it back out, a sinister hand grabs her by the wrist and tugs her in. Clara’s other hand instinctively grabs for the Doctor, who is dragged in with her.
    Doctor: Geronimo (Propeller hat falls off)

    1. Ha! He should try a propeller hat. Great descriptions of the character mannerisms.

  6. Directions: Write a story about a day 20 years from now. Write it anyway that you like. Ex: Married, children (how many, their names if you want), job (do you love your job or no, tell us what it is). Tell us how you feel about how your future turned out. Have fun!

    1. I woke up one morning and realized that I loved my life and I loved what I do. I rolled over and saw who was sleeping next to me and I knew that it was the lifestyle I always wanted. I grew up believing that I was going to work for the NFL and planned to marry a football player. When I was younger, I planned on marrying Colin Kaepernick, but now I know that it was just a fantasy. But in high school, I studied my ass off, got accepted into a good college and here I am, working for the New York Giants. I studied sports medicine and now I work with athletes and I train them. I ended up marrying a football player but not Colin Kapernick. I woke up next to my husband that morning, smiling knowing that I am happy where I am. I heard out in the hallway my kids running up and down, jumping and screaming. My husband awoke and got out of bed to go settle them down. All four of my kids then walked into my room and looked at me. I had two boys and two girls. The oldest was a boy named Baylor. He had brown hair and blue eyes, he was eight years old. My next child was a girl and her name was Emma. She had dirty blonde hair and had blue eyes as well. Emma was five years old. Then I had twins. I had one boy and one girl. The boy’s name was Aaron and the girl’s name was Bailey. Aaron was born first and Bailey second. The twins were only two, but they act as if they owned the place. I got up to bring them to school and so that I could get ready for work. I loved my job and everything about it. I love waking up in the morning and not dreading work like a lot of people do. I love walking into the training center and working with athletes all day. In the training center, I met my husband and I used to train him, but then I got hired to work for a different player, but it didn’t bother us. Walking into the building was amazing and knowing that I am happy, makes it better that I made a really good choice in college to study sports medicine. After work, I finally get to spend time with my kids, normally, but not today. Baylor has to go to football practice, Emma has a soccer game, and my husband has practice. I drop Baylor off at practice and I bring Emma to her game. I watch the beginning of her game then leave to go get Baylor. By the time I get back, my husband shows up to watch Emma’s game with the twins. After Emma had an amazing game, we all went home. We pulled up to our extremely big house. We go inside and I make dinner. Baylor and Emma start their homework while my husband gives the twins a bath. When I’m done cooking, we all eat and then Baylor and Emma go and take their baths. Then we finally get to sit down and relax at night. We normally put on a movie and relax on the couch and eat snacks. I guess you can say that my life is pretty busy, but I am happy with the life style I did choose. I am happy that I have the four most beautiful kids in the world and I am happy with my job. At the end of the day, as long as my family is happy, I’m happy.

  7. Directions: Think back to when you were little, unable to do anything by yourself, always relying on someone else to help you or guide you in the right direction. Now that you are older you are capable of doing more on your own and start to crave independence. Why do you think we want to be on our own? Why do we crave this independence? And when we do finally get that independence, how do we react? Was it what you expected? More or less? Write a paragraph displaying how you feel about independence as a young adult and how it affects today’s society. Must be at least 250 words and have appropriate grammar.

    What usually comes to mind when thinking about independence? Red, White and Blue, is what comes to my mind. Our country, all the lives that were lost for what is now known as freedom. Something that we all tend to crave at least every once in a while. Either its freedom from the law or just simply being free from the rules that your parents have made for their household. Nowadays, teenagers or young adults tend to want this freedom; independence from the nest is what I really mean. We want to be able to do what we want and when we want and how we do it. We want what we can’t have. And when we finally do get it we don’t want it anymore. But tough luck kiddo once you get it, once you’re on your own there are no take-backs. You’re stuck with it. Now it has not always been this way, our country used to not be so strict. There was no age limits to buy/drink alcohol or have tobacco, everyone just kind of did it. But the U.S. has caught on to this and the harmful effects of the use of such things. Teenagers have caught on to this as well and ways to get by without getting caught. But most of them aren’t as lucky as the rest; most of them in fact have to pay the consequences of the laws in which they broke. Now independence isn’t all about the ability to drink and smoke, maybe in a teenagers mind but there also comes a responsibility. A responsibility that even some adults cannot even fulfill. Think. Once you’re eighteen what are you going to do? Drink, party, smoke, stay out all night? No. you will need the basics, food and water because without that you can’t even live. So you will have to first find a job, in which then you will be able to pay for shelter (we all need to have a place to sleep and if there is bad weather coming up you will need to have a roof over your head so you don’t get sick. Because if you get sick then there goes your job as well as your food and water.) Once you get a job you will find that there is really no time to party and drink because you will be expected to be at your job, after all you are “independent” now. The main reason we want to grow up so fast is because we are constantly being told what to do and when to do it, we really have no say in anything either it being the color of your hair or what you do on a Friday night but the thing is, do we even really want to be on our own? Do we want to have to be responsible for every little mistake that we do? Or can we wait a little while and learn how to cope with all of this? Now America, next time you wish that you were older and independent think again because there is a lot more to it than what you think.

  8. Prompt guidelines:
    I want you to write at least 500 words about your dream job. It can be realistic or not, as long as you explain why this is your dream job, what influenced you to always want to do this, and do you personally think that this is possible for you to pursue as a career.

    Ever since I was little and able to talk, all I ever wanted to do was play sports all of my life. My dream job is to be a professional athlete in either the NBA or MLB. I think the main reason that this is my dream job is because sports are my whole life. Just about everything I do is influenced by sports. Decisions I make, places I go, people I meet, a huge part of all of this is being an athlete. In all honesty, I do not think I would be even close to the person I am today if it were not for sports. I have no idea what I would do with myself; I cannot picture my life without it. Another huge factor to this whole equation is my Dad. He is the one that got me into everything. Although my Mom was a very good athlete in high school as well, I like to think that I got my abilities from him, (just do not tell her that!). Without my father pushing me to be the best I can be in not only sports, but school and life in general, I would be nothing. He pushes me to be better every single day in everything I do. For that, I can never repay him.

    I would have to say that my father and my desire to be the best and my hunger for competition are the reasons that I have this dream. A huge part of being an athlete is having the determination and the drive to win, no matter the circumstances. Failure is never an option, because if you see it as one, then you are not a true athlete. You should always strive to be the best. I feel that because my father was not able to pursue his dream due to things that happened to him in terms of his health, that it is almost my responsibility to pursue this dream for both of us, not just myself. I am not saying that this is not 100% my dream as well, but now I am playing for two, and not just one. He fuels my fire and my drive, and without him, I would not be able to do what I do today.

    Personally, I feel that this is a realistic career choice for me. However, I have not looked very far into it other than fantasizing about it. I just go off of what other people tell me. Coaches and parents always tell me about the potential I have to play in college and what not. I love to hear people tell me that because I do not like to put those thoughts in my head. Of course I dream about it and wish that I was able to do all of that, but I prefer to stay focused on what is happening now as opposed to the future. Plus, I do not want to sound full of myself to other people. That is not the way I would want people to view me, and I hope they do not. I have my feet on the ground and I am keeping my head small. However, it is never bad to dream once and a while.

  9. Assignment: Write about someone who has an addiction of some sort. You could be the one with the addiction or you could be witnessing someone with an addiction. The addiction could be one that they are able to stop or can’t break away from. Can be any style of writing you choose. Must be at least 250 words.
    Sip after sip
    Cup after cup
    Bottle after bottle
    Too much was just never enough for him
    I would sit there as I watched him pull his expiration date closer and closer
    Why was he doing this?
    The outcome wasn’t going to be anything beneficial
    Temptation has got him by the tongue
    And she wasn’t letting go anytime soon
    Not only was he harming himself, it was the people around him, as well
    But he would never remember
    It was as if these horrific moments never happened
    He was a monster
    An uncontrollable, terrifying monster
    There was just no stopping him
    As much as he said he wanted to stop
    Something in his mind just wouldn’t let him
    Alcohol was what he thrived off of
    He wouldn’t let anyone take that away from him
    As he’s here racking up on bottles and feeling good
    We are racking up in tears and bruises
    Aggression came with this monster
    Why was it that the one in the wrong is the only one feeling good?
    Here my family and I were suffering as he watched and laughed it off with another beer
    This just wasn’t right
    No matter how mad I would get at him, there was still a soft spot in my heart for him
    I knew that this wasn’t him
    This was just the monster that came with the alcohol
    This just needed to all come to an end
    But sadly, the path that it was taking I don’t think would ever stop
    Temptation brought out the monster and she wasn’t going to tame him

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Write a story about someone who is directing a movie; shooting starts in a week. However, something goes terribly wrong. You cannot postpone the first day of shooting because it will cost your studios too much money. What is the issue, and how would you or your character fix the problem?

    It was a week before shooting started. And my main location was a wreck. An earthquake had ruined the set and destroyed most of the props and furniture. Not only that, but the studio just informed us that we are losing a certain percent in our budget so they can repair the damages at their own offices. This movie is never going to be made. I almost lost hope but then I saw the innocent cast that I had so carefully picked out, all of those faces that had their careers riding on this movie. My career was riding on this movie. I needed to fix this.

    First I needed to talk to the cast. They needed to know about the damage and that it was going to be a rough couple of weeks ahead. When I addressed them they were eager to help out. They helped me split cast and crew in to groups to start getting ready for shooting. One group went out to the shooting site to check out the damage and find out what if anything is still usable. Another group went out to stores to try to buy replacement props. Another group stayed at the offices to call up potential sponsors to help us pay for our movie. My group was in charge of finding set pieces and furniture for the movie. We all kept in contact with each other to give updates on what had been saved in the wreckage, found at the stores, and what money had been donated so we knew what we could spend. It was great. It ended up becoming a great bonding experience for the cast.

    After all of that work we were able to find most of the props and set pieces that we needed and between that and a few changes to the script, we were able to start filming on schedule. It turned out to be a great movie and fans really got a kick out of the back story behind making it.

  12. Write 250 words about one of your first childhood memories. Go into detail about where you were when this event happened, talk about every detail that you can remember.

    I can remember the day like it was yesterday. I was in preschool and I was on the playground playing with my friends. I wanted to go on the rocket ship and everyone was on the other playground toys. When I was in the rocket ship I felt something on my arm, it hurt a lot. I started to cry so my teacher came over and told me I had to go inside. Once I got inside my teacher said I got stung by a bee. She got an ice pack and put in on my wound and gave me a lollipop. The lollipop was cherry flavored, I remember. I loved that cherry flavored lollipop, it made me feel better. My teacher called my mom to see if I was allergic to bees. This was the first time I have ever been stung by a bee, so my mom didn’t know. My teacher told me to go lay down in the nurses room. I didn’t feel sick my arm only hurt. A few minutes later my mom came to pick me up. We had to go to the doctors to make sure I wasn’t allergic, because that wouldn’t be good. When we got to the doctor I remember seeing all the animals on the wall, I liked to look at them. After the doctor saw me she said I wasn’t allergic, it would just hurt for a little bit. The nurse let me pick a sticker. I picked a princess sticker it was sparkly and I stuck it on my shirt. The next day at preschool I showed my friends my cool new sticker. They were all jealous.

  13. Write About an Unforgettable Moment:

    “There’s one place I like to go when I need to think about things,” he said.
    “Where?” I asked.
    He appeared as though he was about to answer, but then he seemed to think better of it. He turned the key in the ignition and started the car. “I’ll show you.” He said.
    We drove across town in silence. It only took about five minutes before we turned down a dead end street and he stopped halfway down the road.
    “You see this house?” he said, pointing to the one to the left of us. “I used to live there with my parents before they split up.”
    I didn’t say anything, but I knew I wasn’t supposed to.
    “Sometimes I like to come here just to look at the house. Whenever life goes wrong I like to sit and just remember when life wasn’t so shitty, and everything wasn’t so broken.”
    I watched him as he stared at the house. It wasn’t special to me. To me it was just a house, but I could tell that it meant everything to him. It was in that moment that I realized how damaged he was, and how truly I wanted to be there to help heal the cracks.

  14. Write 800 words of a killer story. The end has to be a switch up. The end has to be something unexpected. Make sure it’s appropriate. Take the story in any direction you want. Have Fun!

    A teenager’s life is difficult. A teen has any things that puncture that affect their lives. Greg was at home on a Saturday night just sleeping. He wanted to sleep in; he had a rough week of football practice. Greg got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and went to the kitchen and began to watch television. He watched his favorite show, SpongeBob Squarepants. He looked at the time and it was ten o’clock. His parents should be making him eggs, pancakes, and an omelet at this time. He walked over to the kitchen and saw that nothing was cooking.
    “Mom? Dad?” Greg asked.
    Greg ran upstairs. Greg usually cooked for himself but his parents promised him that every weekend that they would cook for him. Greg never let that promise go. If his parents would ever sleep in Greg would always wake them up. Then Greg thought of the smart idea that they might have slept in. Greg ran upstairs and knocked on his parent’s door. His parents didn’t answer. Greg never liked to open the door when his parents were sleeping. Greg was worried though. He wanted to eat and he wasn’t going to cook himself something without a fight.
    “I’m coming in mom and dad!” Greg yelled.
    Greg knocked on the door for the last time and they didn’t answer. He opened the door and he noticed that his parents weren’t sleeping. He walked over and opened the closet. His parents weren’t there either. He walked into their bathroom and they weren’t there either. He ran downstairs and went to the basement. His parents weren’t there. He thought of the clever idea of checking his phone. He had a message from his mom:
    Greg, we left. We will be back around twelve so make yourself food. We will buy you something on the way back. We love you.
    “Now I have to cook for myself. Great!” Greg told himself.
    Greg went to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. Greg didn’t want to cook himself anything. He sat back on the couch and suddenly his window came flying down. He jumped and dropped his plate of food. The door was getting pushed and Greg was scared. Greg ran to the closet and took out his baseball bat. Finally the person trying to come into his house got in. Greg held up the bat and slowly walked his way over to the person.
    “Get out of my house. I’m not afraid to use this.” Greg told him.
    The man who was wearing all black and had his hood up walked over to the couch. He put his hood down and picked up his legs. He reached to the ground and picked up the sandwich. Greg began to breathe heavily and slowly walked over to the couch. Greg looked and noticed that the man who had entered his house had a gun laying on his chest.
    “Leave my house now! I’m not kidding I will hit you with this bat.” Greg yelled.
    “Oh Greg. Shut up before you get me mad.” He quietly said.
    “How do you know my name?” Greg asked.
    “How don’t you know my name, Greg?” The man questioned.
    “Who are you?” Greg said.

    1. The man got up and turned to him. The man was tall and lean. He looked young. He had blue eyes and looked like he was in his teens. His hair was straight and was a very light brown color. He had a baggy black jacket and sweatpants. He gave Greg a light smile and slowly began to chuckle. He finally gave Greg eye to eye contact. Greg stepped back shocked with what he just saw.
      “Pete?” Greg asked.
      “Yeah. C’mon Greg how did you not know it was me? I knew it was you. You hurt my feelings. Looks like I now have to hurt you.” Pete said smirking.
      Pete held up the gun and looked at Greg and gave him a smile. Greg gave him a worried face and he tried to run to Pete. Greg pulled the trigger and Pete fell to the ground. Pete ran out and began to laugh.

      “Wake up….Pete wake up.” A strange voice said.
      “Yeah.” Pete responded.
      “Okay so how are you feeling? Did you dream last night?” A woman asked.
      “Well nurse, I once again had a dream that I killed Greg. It was good. I feel quite pleased. I think it’s destined that he must die. I think its fate that I should kill him.” Pete told her.
      “Okay well sweetheart they will bring in your breakfast soon. Goodbye for now.” The nurse said.
      The nurse walked out and caught up with another fellow nurse that was going to drop off Pete’s food.
      “Give him food. He is worse than ever. But between you and I make sure that you make him disappear him quickly. I don’t think I can stand him for much longer.” The nurse said.
      Later that day Pete died from poison. His twin brother Greg came in and looked at his dead body and began to laugh. He pet his dear brothers dead body.
      “Pete, I’m so happy that you died now I want to die too. I can’t let you bet me in this either. I will see you soon in hell. Then the true competition will start.” Greg whispered.
      Greg laid next to his dead twin brothers body. Later on he was discovered in a lake. They said that he drowned and he couldn’t save himself.

  15. Write a poem of 30 lines with 10 syllables in each line, and you must rhyme in couplets. Use alliteration between two or more words in at least 7 of the lines. Also include at least five cross-rhymes, each between two lines, throughout the poem.


    Lost am I, bewildered by that bright star;
    Just a host of love is She placed afar,
    Ceaseless to crumble in captivation,
    For Her light rumbles and smites salvation;
    Leaving lost the soul who wishes romance.
    Such beauty is not put to bet with lance,
    To be sanctioned as a prize and no less,
    For Her none can win, only to caress
    With a gentle hand such a pure visage,
    For eternity endured despite age.
    Each arch of cheek envisioned as a rose,
    Of which all folds complex in overdose
    That sweet spectrum; such to compare Her eyes,
    A spectacle of crafted colors. Lies
    Could never sanction that beauty I seek,
    Always do I search for love that could speak
    Against lips too modest and meek, in Her
    Love genuine; words of care to refer
    All I find rare in pure shape to endure,
    In my heart not to stray nor take venture,
    Only art to celebrate that token
    Not spoken and never to be broken.
    For romance that grows, never to relent,
    Nor Her in full do I wish to repent,
    For however dull She may prove to give
    Are all my faults and weaknesses to shrive.
    To either accept such love with all heart
    Of Her I can than give all in my part,
    For all I master in my mind to care
    She sees unknown and always to Her rare.

    - Ryan P. Tunison

  16. A man has a recurring dream that someone is chasing after him. He wakes to find himself in the ocean, in front of a door; clinging onto a glowing blue orb. Write about what happens next. Who is the person chasing after him in his dream? How did he end up in the ocean and what is he doing with a glowing orb? Make sure that your writing is creative and descriptive as possible. The prompt should be 1,000 words or more. Have fun with it! :)

    The dream starts like every other night. I’m walking in the city holding a rather heavy suitcase. There are few people in the streets which is unusual during this time of day, or anytime of day. The harsh wind blows down on me, making my eyes tear. It picks up garbage along the streets creating mini tornadoes. I pull my jacket tighter around me and look behind me. A figure walks not far behind. I squint to see if I can tell who he is ,but everytime I try my eyes become clouded. Intense fear and anticipation rises inside me;I feel as though he wants something from me. I walk faster but he stays right on my tail. My brisk walk turns into a jog and then a flat out sprint. I feel like a child with terror seeping into all of my being. Suddenly I feel hands on my back pushing me down, it’s the man that was chasing me. Time slows as I fall onto the concrete. My head smacks the ground turning everything into black nothingness.......

  17. Write a story about a person looking back on their favorite Christmas. Include what the person got for Christmas, and what the day was like. Be descriptive in describing the scenes. For example, describe the Christmas tree, the snow, the presents ect. (May include dialogue) Minimum 450 words

    I woke up to seeing big snowflakes falling outside my window, and everything was covered in heavy snow. I jumped out of bed and ran to my parent’s room.

    “Wake up, wake up!” I yelled as I jumped on the bed.

    “Merry Christmas” my mom said as she woke up.

    “Get up, get up, Santa came.” I screamed

    Mom and dad got up and went downstairs and told me to wait at the top of the stairs.

    "Come down stairs now." Mom yelled up at me.

    I came running down the stairs with excitement. When I entered the living room all I saw was the bright shinning Christmas tree and all the presents underneath. The lights on the tree shinned bright through out the living room, the ornaments sparkled with reflection from the lights. There were tons of presents underneath the Christmas tree for all three of us.

    "Ok you want to start to open presents now." My mom asked me.

    "Yes" I said with excitement.

    "Ok you can go first." mom replied.

    I started with the biggest present and then opened all the rest in random order. The presents were wrapped in different wrapping paper. Some had snowman on them, some had Christmas trees on them, and others were just plain red and green Christmas colors. As I opened the gifts I got exactly what I wanted. The new fire truck with working sirens and remote control, and I got all the other items on my list. After I was done opening all my gifts it was time for my parents to open there gifts. Once they were done we opened our stockings and I got tons of candy. We had a lot of time til our family came over so we cleaned up all the wrapping paper and I played with my toys as mom made breakfast. A few hours past til it was time for my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins to come over to exchange gifts and have dinner. I got ready as right before everyone showed up as mom made dinner. Once everyone got there we had dinner then exchanged gifts. Me and my cousins spend hours playing with our new toys as our parents talked, and spent time together. We walked our family out as the snow fell again and started to recover the road and side walk. Our family left and we went back inside and i played with my toys until i fell asleep on the couch from the long fun filled day.

  18. Loop Poetry is a poetry form created by Hellon. There are no restrictions on the number of stanzas nor on the syllable count for each line. In each stanza, the last word of the first line becomes the first word of line two, last word of line 2 becomes the first word of line 3, last word of line 3 becomes the first word of line 4. This is followed for each stanza. The rhyme scheme is abcb. Write 3 poems by the end of the period.

    If everyone was happy
    Happy as can be
    The world would be a better place
    Place for everyone to be free

    Birds fly as they please
    Please do not get in their way
    Way of doing this is
    Is to stay on the ground all day

    To read is to gain knowledge
    Knowledge one will keep forever
    Forever prospering and understanding
    Understanding what it takes to be clever.

  19. What is your favorite season? When you have decided write 5 haikus on that season and or what that season brings. Format has to be 5,7,5.

    Favorite season

    Favorite season

    Winter because I love snow

    Cold weather the best

    Favorite month

    My favorite month

    This month is in the winter

    I love December


    Snow one of a kind

    On the ground the white blankets

    The white flakes bring joy

    The holidays

    The holidays come

    There are many types

    But I love Christmas

    New year joy

    The year is done with

    But the new year is coming

    Make resolutions

  20. The Syndicate was smart, though. Making it their first assault was completely unexpected, and that was probably the main reason they were able to take the city in three days. Damian didn’t like the look on Gavin’s face.
    “What is it?”
    Gavin pointed to the base of the hill in front of them. “The Syndicate patrols always leave an empty magazine at every quarter of the patrol route, so the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western points of the circle of hills around the city. If something’s up, they take them away. This is the hill where they set them.”
    Damian cocked his head. “How did you go from that sniveling kid in the cave to an expert on Syndicate protocol?”
    Gavin didn’t even turn his head as he dragged them both slowly up the hill, pistol in hand.
    “I’m no commander in the field but I know my protocol, okay?”
    Damian nodded and made his way up the hill beside Gavin. He was clearly no combat savant, but everybody has their strengths. They reached the top of the hill and Damian could feel Gavin jump with despair at what they saw. Groups of mages were gathered all around the city, launching huge fireballs at any building they could reach, which seemed to unfortunately be all of them. Others had set up a front line of what looked like ice mages maintaining a block of ice that surrounded about half of the city, preventing a counterattack without major hinderance. Just beyond it Damian could make out sloppy trenches that the Syndicate must have dug out when word of this siege reached them, whenever that had been. If there were men in those trenches, they must be taking cover very well, because Damian couldn’t see any of them.

  21. .Assignment: Write a 200 prompt about your life. Write about your childhood, your family and what you are planning on doing in the future. Be creative. This assignment is due at the end of the period.

    I couldn’t ask for a better childhood. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been to Disney world. I was a very spoiled child and so were my siblings. My parents were very affectionate and I had a giant family who got together during every holiday. My sister and I have always been close. Since we were younger, we do everything together. Till this day, we still go out together and we share some of the same friends. Growing up my parents slowly started showing less love towards each other and we slowly stopped going to family events. My siblings are always working so most of the time I hang out with my mother or go out with my friends. My family is gradually falling apart. My parents are getting a divorce and my older brothers are going to buy their own apartments. I had to get a job so the family left in my house can afford to live at home. I don’t feel bad for myself and I don’t want others to feel bad about myself because I know this rough time in my life will pass and things will get better

  22. “What did you do to me?” I asked fearfully. So I was not only kidnapped, but also drugged? My heartbeat was faster than a cheetah in hot pursuit.
    The suits stared back at me as if they were mute, unable to communicate on any human level—robots I daresay. Are they robots? I asked myself.
    I then heard a door squeak open on my right, followed by light, deliberate footsteps. I could hear the casual nature of them and I jerked my head to look. Walking towards me was a younger woman—I gathered that she was younger than the suits because of her demeanor. She had a friendly face, a slight smile upon it as she approached. She looked as if she were a college student in her second or third year. What on Earth was going on? The contrast between the suits and this woman confused me even more.
    Once reaching the living room, she shot a look at them, saying, “Jesus, I said make her feel comfortable. Not like this.” She inhaled deeply and then slowly exhaled, bringing her stare back to me. Her face lightened up and I felt safer—not less confused; just safer.
    “I can only imagine what you’re thinking right now, so I better go ahead and explain all of this.” She took a deep breath and sat down next to me. “We work for a government agency and we have been observing you for quite some time.” I guess she wasn’t trying to phrase that so as not to come across creepy, because, well she came across really creepy. “You have been deemed a perfect candidate for a particular covert operation. We want to make sure that you are aware of how much your cooperation would be appreciated.” She apparently thought that that response was sufficient because she waited for me to respond.

    1. I was also doing a lot of revisions to the other passages.

  23. Write about an important event in your life that has made you the person you are now. Explain why this experience has impacted you. Assignment must be between 250-750.

    Although it is now a blur, the moment will never be forgotten. The confusion of the time stemmed into the overwhelming transition from innocence to enlightenment. Altogether, the experience not only made me become more understanding of life itself, it also allowed me to develop a more appropriate value toward my mother. The date is for the most part, meaningless. The only reason why I know the time frame is because of the annual celebrations that were affected by it. I was twelve years old when my brother had been in a relationship for a long time. As the little sister, I would always be happy when girls came home- I would view them as someone to play with. This girlfriend in particular brought many problems along with her. She didn’t care what my mother thought of her, and simply wanted to be with my brother all the time. Although not in detail, I knew she had been the cause for a very serious conflict that happened to my brother. She was no good, and soon my brother caught on- they were both trouble for each other. The two of them couldn’t be together, but no matter how hard they tried to move on, they were pulled back together. All the fights and arguments added up, it wasn’t a surprise that soon the relationship would boil over. It was a scary night for everyone in my house. Although I don’t remember the details, I do remember my brother being taken away the next morning. The threatening words that the police officers spitted out. How could someone threaten a young girl’s mother? She had done nothing wrong. My brother was the only one to blame. Through all of this, I grew up. I realized that life wasn’t that easy. Although I had been told before, I now saw it first handed. It wasn’t simply the vision of it, it was the feeling. The tears that would unwillingly slide down my cheeks. But even worse, my mom’s heart breaking. During this time in my life I had to grow up, I had to be there for my mom. Overall, this traumatizing even opened up my eyes and made me aware of life in general at a young age.

  24. Prompt: Use any quote and write a 500 word story about it. The quote can be from anywhere, but still needs to be appropriate. (No cursing allowed in the quote!) The short story can be in any point of view and is allowed to go over 500 words.
    Most important part: HAVE FUN WITH IT!”
    Example: “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives one.” –George R.R. Martin
    “I’m sorry Ms. Callaway, but I’m not sure how to tell you this.” The doctor said looking over his clip board. “A valve in your heart has busted and there really is no way of fixing it.” I looked down at the ground shaking slightly, not fully sure how to process this information.
    “I’m going to die?” I asked looking back up at my doctor. He looked back down to the clipboard and let out a defeated sigh.
    “I’m so sorry Erica, but before I even came in here I made the nurses reevaluate the papers. I tried to even change the results myself but nothing can really change this outcome.”
    “And I can’t get surgery for this?” I asked getting angry and a little frantic. “You’re telling me right now that there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop this?”
    “No you canno-“
    “And why not!” I screamed glaring at Dr. Richards.
    “Because if we go in you won’t come out” He spat and then took a breath to relax. “Erica if we go inside to fix this valve there is a 100% chance of it not helping what so ever. It did not only split, but it ripped its self so far apart that to retrieve the other piece we would have to go down to you small intestines. We have no idea how this happened, but going off of a guess your body has become very weak and is starting to break down.”
    “I- I can’t believe this. How long do I have?” I asked looking up to my doctor feeling as if it is the last time I’ll ever see him.
    “Two weeks. Throughout that time you’ll feel your body getting weaker, but it won’t be severe. How the damage is happening you should just pass without pain.” He said looking at me with sad eyes. “Try to live up these next few days Erica. Do everything you’ve always wanted to do.”
    “What else is there left for me to do?” I asked shaking my head. “I’ve already swum with dolphins, explored the Grand Canyon, and went to concerts. I’ve flown all over the world and gone to a different universe. Well actually multiple universes if you want to get

    1. technical. I’ve worked for the FBI, and also done some sketchy business. I’ve been a drug dealer and police officer. I have tamed lions and some of the largest beasts you’ll ever imagine. I’ve been treated like royalty and multiple occasions I have become the ruler of nations. I’ve fought in the army and suffered the most deadly of wounds. I’ve been reborn and found out all the secrets that have been hidden from us for years. I’ve had drinks with Caesar, talked about the planets with Galileo, painted out the meaning of life with Michael Angelo, and have danced in the presence of Queen Elizabeth. I have traveled everywhere, including Atlantis. Did you know that mermaids do exist?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I have be-friended mythical creatures, the strongest warriors and villains of all sorts. I say all this to ask. What else can I do?” I finished looking back at Dr. Richards.
      He looked at me shell shocked. “I have no idea, but it seems like you’ve lived many lives.” He said still confused
      I smiled lightly “Yeah I guess you could say that.”

  25. Write about something ugly (war, fear, hate, cruelty, etc.) but find the silver lining, or beauty, in it. Can be based on a personal experience, on a movie or book, or just personal opinion. Take it in any direction and style you’d like. Minimum of 225 words.

    Failure is defined as ‘the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective’. Along with it comes feeling of helplessness, a lack of motivation to try again, and just an overall feeling of discontent. Because of this, failure is indeed an ugly thing, something that nobody wants to experience. However, one could definitely agree that there is a silver lining behind failure, and that is the persistence and determination that eventually rises within one to ensure that this ugly thing called ‘failure’ is not encountered again. There is something empowering about being able to embrace failure and viewing it as just another lesson that life has to offer and as a tool to improve on one’s mistakes. Many view failure as a step closer on the road to success and use it as a reminder that things do not always come easy. A whole new sense of motivation to keep moving forward and to try again is reborn and I believe that this is indeed quite beautiful; refusal to give up despite all the obstacles and difficulties. Persistence and ambition mask over all of failure’s unpleasant feelings. It brings forth a new, strong-willed individual determined on persevering and being successful. Failure is displeasing and quite undesirable, but the true beauty behind it is the finer and worthier qualities that shine through and that make one a better person.
