Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Impossible button

Write a 200 word piece in response to the following prompt: if you could design a button that could perform any function, what would it be and why?


  1. A very old and wise man once said that nothing is impossible, just highly unlikely. As wise as he is, he is wrong; there are impossible things in the world. There’s the Impossible Girl and decisions that are nearly impossible to make. Robert Frost has a poem, and there’s a part in it about two roads you can travel. He chose the road less traveled-by. He makes it sound like an easy decision, but making choices like that is very hard. Being a part of the human society means you have a few responsibilities; one of those responsibilities is the responsibility of decision-making. You are the only person who knows what’s best for you, so you are the only person who has the right to make decisions for yourself. Sometimes that responsibility can become very overwhelming and you just want to lie down to sleep for a while. To help with this, I would create a button that makes the final decision for you. It’ll be part of a whole computer system. You type in information about yourself; the key is being 100% honest, no one will see this but you. Then whenever a choice comes around, you type in your options and narrow it down to the best two. Then, just click the button and the decision is made. If everything turns out alright then great…keep using it. If things don’t really go the way you wanted them to, maybe you should have some more faith in yourself because you knew what you wanted all along. It holds the same concept as flipping a coin, heads for this and tails for that. While the coin is flipping, you find yourself hoping for something…that’s the decision being made. In the last moments before you push the button, you find yourself hoping for which choice it’ll make for you. This button will take away the stress of decision-making and enforce self-confidence.

  2. A button that would do anything I wanted it to do? Hmmm I wonder what most people would make that button do some may wish for super powers, others may wish for all of the money in the world. Me? Now I would wish to change the world, not to recreate the world but I would switch the world around to where looks didn’t matter and everyone had peace within themselves. And not everyone was caught up in all of the technology and people knew the real value of money and how the money really works. The world is messed up in many ways that specific button would change the way everyone thinks and how others feel about each other. Maybe the button would change the way everyone thinks or doesn’t think. Clothes, money and all that other stuff wouldn’t matter how one acts or is treated. Everyone would be rich in the state of mind and wouldn’t criticize others on the way that they think is the right way to live life. Students would get taught real knowledge and will be taught how to survive for good in this world and not trained how to live in this world.

  3. If I could design a button that could perform any function in the world, it would have to be the ability to stop time. Stopping time would honestly be the most useful function because when time isn’t a factor, just about anything is possible. I would be able to nap whenever I wanted, and I wouldn’t have to worry about missing out on anything or being late to anywhere. Stopping time would allow me to complete all of my homework without stressing or rushing, and it would definitely be beneficial towards my education because I would be able to take as much time as I needed to learn. I would never have to miss anything if I had a button that was capable of stopping time. I would be able to get all of my errands done with no rush, and still have time to catch up on other aspects of life. This button would be super beneficial to my life. I would never stress over deadlines again, I would be able to sleep whenever I wanted to, I would never be late to anywhere, and I would basically have an endless supply of time right in the palm of my hands.

  4. The impossible button that could change your life; if I were to create this button it would be for the better. This button would work the function of teaching someone and the person being taught learning it faster than a usual school day. Moreover the person would actually learn what is being taught and not forget it too. This button would be to save time for the students and not have to spend multiple hours in school teaching something. In my opinion this would be the best invention ever for students. On the other hand it would be the worst invention for teachers because this button would take over their jobs and leave them unemployed. However with this button they would be taught anything they wanted to be taught and then follow their dream job. But still the people whose dream job was to become a teacher would be destroyed. However as a student myself I feel that the button that would teach students anything and in a shorter time period would be the best thing ever invented. Only because it saves time for people, the student actually learns, and people can follow their dream job; if it is not becoming a teacher.

  5. If I could design a button that could perform any function, it would instantaneously make the food that I am craving available to me by just one push. This would make my life so much happier and I would never complain about being hungry ever again and all of my cravings would be automatically satisfied. Preparing food takes so much time and effort that could go towards other, more productive activities, so this button would be great for me to have. I always want to eat something that is either not easy to make or I just do not know how to make it or even something that is from another country, so this button would make me so much happier if I could have any meal that I wanted at any given time. Traveling to Spain and eating at many different, luxurious restaurants made me love the cuisine and the seasoning used over there. I have attempted to recreate many of their dishes but they end up nowhere near as good and such restaurants are not found here, so this button would give me the ability to eat my favorite foods whenever I pleased. It would also save me a lot of money since most of my paycheck goes towards eating out.

  6. You’re laying on the beach enjoying the California weather, when you decide that you want to go home. You take out a button and press it. Whooosh. Suddenly you're back at your house, in only a matter of seconds. If I could design a button that could do the impossible, I would create one that would allow you to teleport anywhere in the world. It would be awesome to have a button like this. Just imagine one day you're in Europe and in the next second you could be in Australia. I would love to have a button like this because I plan on traveling a lot once a graduate. If I had this button I wouldn’t have to worry about the stress of traveling and all the fees;I could be where I want whenever I want. I could meet so many people and travel to almost anywhere in the world. Also I wouldn't have to worry about being late anywhere because I could just teleport myself there. If this button existed I would be the happiest person in the world. Although the chances of this being created are very slim, I can still hope.

  7. A button that I could press that could do anything that I want? That sounds tempting I would do a button that I would ask to do any button for me and it would. If I wanted pizza I would tap the button and say “give me pizza.” Then magically a button would pop up and I would tap it and boom pizza would pop up. This button could only listen to me. If I didn’t feel like tapping a button I would just text it and tell it what to do. Then automatically the button would listen to me. I would create this because people can be aggravating. Like I ordered a pizza two hours ago why isn’t it here? Of course I’m over exaggerating but like really things take too much time now a day. People just don’t have time for that anymore. Some people are just very busy and can’t take time out to order a pizza. Also I wouldn’t have to pay money for the pizza. It would be free and I wouldn’t have paid for any of the ingredients it would just be there all ready to eat. Of course the button could do more than just pizza it could do probably anything.

  8. If I could design a button that can perform any act, I think I would want it to be able to go back in time. Every time I did something that I regret, I would press the button and just go back and redo it. I would have the perfect life because I can go back in time and fix every mistake I make. Just by pushing a button, I can change my life. This button would be amazing because I can change everything in my past. I have a messed up past and with this button I could make it all better. If I embarrass myself I can go back and make sure I don’t do the same thing. If I do bad on a test, I would press the button and make sure I studied this time so when I take it, I’ll do better. I would go back to change all the bad times but I would also go back in time to replay all the good times like hanging out with friends or going on vacation. After every summer, I would press the button so that the time will go back to the beginning of summer. My life would be so much better with that button.

    1. But who would you become. You learn from your mistakes. I think the idea sounds good in theory, but if I erased all of my many mistakes, I'm not sure I'd be left with much to look at.

  9. Death is one of the worst things in this life that one can’t prevent. It’s bound to happen to everyone and it absolutely sucks. Yes, if that person is struggling then it may be better for them to pass, because they are put out of their misery, but it’s horrible for those who are left behind to deal with that fact that they are gone. I wish I was able to just bring these family members and dear friends that are gone back. Not back for a life time, but just for some time. I just wish that there was a button that could be pressed and just made the ones who passed come back for a little bit. It would be like a visitor’s button. It would come in handy for those who are missing their loved ones desperately or those who didn’t get to have a proper goodbye. I wouldn’t take advantage of the button; I would only use it when I’m feeling terribly down or when big things in my life happen that they would be able to see. I know that they say those who are in heaven see everything, but that’s just not the same as them being there with you. I just want the chance to be able to see loved ones again and to hear their voice again.

    1. Great idea. I think a lot of people would have a hard time deciding when they finally got enough time. With loved ones, sometimes it seems that no amount of time is enough, and nothing can take away the pain that their absence causes.

  10. One day in the town hall, the mayor of the town decided to hold a little contest. He was going to leave a button that was locked in a case outside the main building in the town, and everyone had to go on a hunt for the key that was hidden inside the boundaries of the town. Whoever found the key; they got to keep the button and could use whatever its power was for their own benefit. People went absolutely crazy looking for this key. People everywhere were constantly asking each other what they thought the button did. The craziest answers came from some people. A few thought it would allow them to go into the future or back to the past, some thought it would grant them one free wish, and some were crazy enough to believe they would receive absurd amounts of money. Still, no one knew what exactly it did, and it was driving everyone crazy. People were fighting each other looking for this stupid key. One morning while everyone was still killing each other over this key, a hobo spotted something glistening up at him in the sun. He bent over and sure enough, it was the key. As silently as he could, he took the key over to the hall and showed the mayor. The mayor nodded and showed him the box. When he opened it up, this red button stared him in the face. As the hobo pushed down on the button, he disappeared. The next thing he knew, he was in Hawaii. Before he pushed the button, he thought that if this thing lets me go wherever I want, I am going to go to Hawaii. Sure enough, there he was. His logic: what better place to be a hobo than here?

    1. This is cool. It sounds like a short story idea that someone like Shirley Jackson would use. It makes a great commentary on morality and the psychology of human beings. Great job.

  11. I know it might sound too cliché but I really wish life had a rewind button. So many things have occurred to me because of things I could have easily avoided. I wish there was a way to retrace my footsteps to the time I caused my own downfall and take it all back. A rewind button is exactly the kind of button I would design if I could design any button I want. When I want to rewind a DVD and replay my favorite scene I feel in control. Imagine how amazing it would be if life itself had a rewind button. I probably would not abuse of it and erase all of my mistakes because I must admit some of my mistakes define who I am. There are some mistakes I have made that haunt me though. I say haunt because they stick on to me in negative ways. I would rewind to when I ceased to pay attention in my afternoon SAT Prep classes. I thought I would not really need it but now that I’m applying to colleges I realize that focusing could have changed it all. I might also rewind to the time I could have prevented myself from committing a sin that probably still replays in my head today. There’s an endless amount of ways in which a rewind button would make my life so much better.

    1. I like that you say you "probably" wouldn't abuse it. Wow, the sin part is intriguing. I think If I had this button, I would have a hard time using it effectively. I would cease to have a present.

  12. If I could design a button that could perform any function it would be a wish button. Anytime it is pushed it grants the owner a single wish. This would be very complicated if it was available to everyone, so there would be a system and rules to it. An age of maturity must be reached before one has even any idea of the button’s existence. There are wishes that can’t be granted. For example, someone cannot wish for “to ruin someone’s life” or “to know all the winning numbers to the lottery for a year”. The wishes could not disturb other people’s lives. I would create this button because it would cover the idea of any other button created. For example, if someone created a button that stopped time, I could simply push my button, and wish for time to be stopped. This button would make life so much easier. Right now, my whole house is upside down but if I had my button, I could simply wish for my house to be organized. Or I would wish for inspiration to write my college essay or to find the perfect college and career for me. It would be a difficult thing though, to have everyone’s wishes coming true. Maybe I would create the button and not share the idea with anyone. Wishes could be a scary thing.

    1. I think it's awesome that you took the time to think of the consequences of having this button. I like the idea that perhaps you would not share the button with anyone. Good job of being thorough within the parameters of the assignment.

  13. Damian was about to pounce on the boy, but he stopped himself. The boy was cowering on the floor of the cave, whimpering for mercy.
    “Hey,” Damian nudged the boy with his foot. “Hey, stop that, I feel bad now. You pointed a gun at me though, I’m not supposed to feel bad. Ugh, come on get up.”
    Damian helped the boy to his feet and brushed some dirt off of him. The boy sniffled, trying to regain himself and started towards his gun. Damian grabbed his arm and turned the boy towards him.
    “Woah there, Sargent, slow down. You just tried to shoot me with that, remember? Now, how about you tell me what you and your gun-toting friends were doing here with a mage? And also, how did they know who I was?”
    The boy looked towards the ground and sighed. “They’re not my friends. They’re a squad-”
    “-were a squad-”
    “-were, a squad that I got stuck with at boot camp. I was their punching bag the whole time, and whenever they got stuck with a crap job for how idiotic they acted they made me do it. Do you know how many times I had to clean the barracks and the toilets? I stopped counting after thirty. Those weren’t my friends, if anything you did me a service getting rid of them.”

    1. This reminds me of Pyle from Full Metal Jacket

  14. If I could design a button that could do anything my button would make me any food I wanted. With the touch of a button it would make any food imaginable. If I wanted pizza I could have pizza in 2 seconds. It would be the coolest thing ever. The food would be free too. I would save a lot of money with this button. I’m really lazy and hate making food so this button would be perfect for me. If I wanted a specific type of food from a restaurant I would be able to have that too, that’s just how awesome my button would be. I would try all kinds of different foods, just because I could. I would probably become extremely overweight because of all the food I would eat. My button would also be able to clean up the mess of the dishes after I eat the food. I hate having to clean my dishes up after I eat. I would love the ability to just eat and have nothing to clean up, it would be perfect. Everyone would be so jealous of my button but I wouldn’t let them use it especially Lisa.

    1. If I had this, I would not be able to fit in my house. I love the idea. Very cool.


    I make sure to leave the lights off and I navigate solely by the dawn’s light. My gray fleece is the first thing I see when I turn the corner and I slip it on over my head. I then grab an apple from the basket on the table and my black duffle bag from the bottom kitchen cabinet. I sit on the warm wooden floor, take out my kit and get busy forging identification for a mildly secure warehouse on the outskirts of Moscow. Once I carefully glue my picture and barcode onto the card, I place it on the counter to dry and sit back down on the ground, crunching into my apple. About six bites in, I hear the unmistakable fiddling of a lock—my lock—and I cease chewing. Soon enough, I hear the door creak open and I can literally hear my heart pounding in my ears. I carefully slide my handgun that has an attached suppressor out of my duffel bag and crawl around the corner of the counter. I am far out enough to see that there is a tall, dark-haired male creeping the opposite way towards the bedroom. He appears to be armed from the back. I decide to step out from behind the counter and, aiming my gun at his head, I say, “Drop your gun or I’ll shoot.” But I say it in Russian because I’m in Russia and that’s sort of the predominant language spoken here.
    I expect the man to either drop it immediately out of fear or whip around and fire at me out of arrogance; but neither of those happens. Instead, I notice the slight cocking of his head. Then, he straightens it and ever so slowly lowers his gun to the ground.
    “Turn around,” I demand—in Russian again. Not a soul in Russia is aware of my true nationality, so Russian is all I speak.
    When he turns around, he has a face of fear, then confusion followed by recognition. I recognize his face instantly. It’s Oshefski—the operative who was supposed to be meeting me this afternoon.

    “Kapler?” He asked.
    “Jesus, Oshefski. It’s called a cell phone. Try it some time. You almost got yourself killed.”

    1. I'm digging this. The style is captivating, and I want to see what is going to happen next.

  16. If I could create a button that could do anything in the world, I would make one that would make me fall asleep instantly, and give me that ability to wake up whenever I felt like it, regardless of what was going on around me. If I had that ability, I would get so much done. They say that if you take just a 15-20 minute nap, you will feel rejuvenated and well-rested without that awful, groggy, heavy, post-nap feeling that makes you feel drunk and unmotivated. But if I could sleep anytime, anywhere, for as long as I could, I would feel driven as anything to do what I need to do. And, if I slept for too long right before going to bed, which I often do when I’m nodding off while doing homework, it wouldn’t even matter because I could just press the button, fall asleep, and wake up at the perfect time every morning. I’ll be great to just conjure up motivation at any time, as long as I had 15-20 minutes to spare, like in study hall or when I have a substitute. If I had such a button, pretty much all my problems would be solved forever.

    1. I totally need this button. What a great idea.

  17. Ryan P. Tunison

    Alternate Assignment

    Poem XX

    If not to exclaim love by voice, than note
    I turn to write, of silent words, not rote
    Do I pluck to sing a song of sorrow,
    Not to know what brings light on the morrow.
    So conquer my shame, not to take action;
    Stalling for that unwanted reaction,
    Standing in fear and craven to stand tall,
    Not to be grand, yet wish to give my all.
    My devotion spent only to a beauty,
    Of which in You challenges purity,
    And always do You give beat to my heart
    With each glance of those eyes I shall call art.
    Never did I speak when eyes could entrap,
    Absorbed by reflection, bonded like strap,
    With metal that I forge as a great lock,
    An invisible key to greatly mock,
    Ever to inflict words of pain ‘pon heart;
    Preventing my duty to play my part.
    Too new was I to exclaim that romance,
    For the words not spoken were a hindrance,
    Determined were they to block all within
    Crafted lock, howev’r bruised by shameful sin.
    Than did another take You as his own,
    Shatt’ring each hope, holding little renown,
    Denying emotion I wished to spend,
    Leaving all that love to a lonely end.
    Yet that which was left to linger grew strong,
    Sparked in me all that can be put to song,
    To write in verse that which is not spoken,
    To celebrate You as my dear token.

  18. excellent. There seems to be a recurring thread in your work. This is carefully and artfully constructed.

  19. If I could have a button with an impossible function, I would have a button that could stop time. All too often I feel as though I don’t have time to do the essential things in life, such as sleeping, or napping, hibernating, or… well you get the point. If I could just stop time every now and then, I’d feel so much more relaxed. Life always feels as though it’s on a time limit, and it stresses me out. I seriously wish that I could just take a time out to think about things sometimes. I never seem to have enough time to plan out the things that I need to have planned out. I always get things done on time, but if I had more time to put thought and effort into these things, maybe I’d be less stressed out about all the decisions I make. People say we have all the time in the world, but what would we do with that time, if we really did have it?

  20. My button would be a literal clothing button. It would attach itself and it would create a button hole if needed. This way if something is missing a button the person responsible for fixing it could just grab a button fixer and place it where they wanted the button. Eventually factories could use the button fixer to place all of the buttons on their clothing in their clothing line. This would be an inexpensive way for families to fix buttons without struggling with needles and thread. It would also save time and make mothers all over the world very happy.

    Without this button the world is a sad place. Sewing is difficult, if there was a button that could fix a missing button and create a button hole if needed it would take less time to fix. An upgrade would be for the button to change colors and sizes to match the other buttons on the shirt. It would take a little engineering and magic to make. The button fixer will be arriving at all craft stores this December.
