Friday, November 1, 2013


"If I were a superhero, I would..."
  • You may discuss your powers, your motivation, your backstory or origin
  • You may describe a day in the life of you as a superhero
  • You may describe if/how you would hide your identity and from who
  • You may describe your costume and the reasoning behind it
Due at the end of the period on Monday - 400 words total.


  1. I don’t know how this happened; I always thought I was just born like this. I can move things with my mind, it’s called telekinesis. When I first became aware of it, it took a lot of concentration to control it. If I lost my temper then I would lose control and someone would get hurt. When my parents died in a car crash, it was hell on earth for my small town. Since I’ve grown up this way, my small community has grown aware of my gifts. We’re a close-knit town, so it’s stayed a secret. They were all there for me, but I was too angry and full of sorrow to care. I destroyed half of the statues in this town but no one said anything. The funeral was the worse; I couldn’t shed a tear without shaking my house. Unfortunately, that night my friends decided they needed to save me from myself. Of course they would, they couldn’t just leave me drowning in despair. But I wish they had, because I hurt them. I don’t talk about it, but I do talk about the self-realization that dawned on me afterwards. If I could control this, I could keep people from feeling what I feel. I could save someone else’s parents. Even after what I did, my friends were still there to help me. They were always supporting me, especially when the fed’s showed up. They had heard about all the odd vandalisms going on in town and wanted to talk to me specifically. I was a ‘suspect’ but the townies helped to clear my name. Regardless if my name was cleared or not, the fed’s continued to keep a close eye on me. I never could understand why they would care about such a small town problem and a small town girl. I didn’t want them figuring out what I could do so I had to disguise myself. I was becoming an actual superhero! I wore all black, nothing special; black boots, black jacket over a black t-shirt on top of black jeans. My hair would go up in a ponytail and I always wore my dad’s old baseball cap. I didn’t give myself a name, although my friends begged me to do so. It was the newspapers that ended up doing that; ‘Dark Angel.’ It was based off of a woman saying that I was “like a Dark Angel sent to save her.” I stuck with black clothing after that, nothing in particular just black. I’m not much for costumes. Okay, not completely, I did wear black gloves to keep my hands protected. I believed that they were the source of my power. When I was standing in the middle of the road, using my hands to stop a truck from rolling or a bridge from snapping, I didn’t want them to get damaged. If the source of my power deteriorated, then people could die. I would not leave any children to become orphans. It started small, just townies, but then I remembered there’s a whole city of children at risk. That’s what I do now. I have moved to an apartment in the city, where I sleep for a few hours. Then I just drive around, as if I were on patrol. I’m a new and young superhero and I can only hope to live up to the expectations that Batman and Superman have set for me. They were fellow orphans, and just as they gave me hope, I want to give other orphans and children hope too.

  2. I am a Superhero? I thought I was just a convincing person. This first began in first grade I was talking to my teacher with complete eye contact. When I noticed I had completely compelled her to give the whole class free time. My super power was compulsion. I really do not know how I got this it is just all a mystery as long I can remember I was just convincing the people to do what I wanted. My life is just like anyone else I have my routine of waking up at five in the morning and going to my regular job. Until my pager goes off that I connected to the police radio channel. I use my power to compel my boss to let me out. Right now you are wondering what is your costume well all it is, is a mask with a work suit. Well there really is no reason to my costume I am just usually in work when the bad things happen. Plus I do not want to look like a guff in some tights. Once I arrive to the crime sight all I have to do is sneak up on the bad guy and use my compulsion while staring down on him eye to eye to compel him to stop what he is doing. Well I know what you guys are saying it is so cool to be a superhero everyone will love you. However the thing is that everyone will not appreciate my super powers. I know I will have enemies and that is who I hide from. On the other hand I also just want to be a normal person ordinary just like everyone else. Also I have no sob story like every other superhero. Like my parents were murdered so all I do this for is to seek revenge. The one and only motivation I have for doing what I do is to make a change. To make my town a better place and hopefully one day the world a better place. This is because I know I am not the only one of my kind out there. There are also others like my confused of their abilities. Therefore one day we will unite to bring peace to our world.

  3. I was walking through the forest alone with a flashlight. It was extremely hard to see where I was going, but I could feel I was getting out of here soon. I kept on walking, following this trail that I knew would lead to somewhere because I followed that trail into the forest. I forgot actually why I got into the forest and what was the reason behind it, but I knew that I needed to get out as soon as possible before I know for a fact, I wouldn’t be able to get out, so I pushed on forward.
    I saw the exit and I began to run. I remember running and then falling but then it was completely dark and I couldn’t remember what happened after that. I remember waking up in a room filled with strangers. I then focused and found out I was in the hospital with my mom and dad sitting right next to me. That day, I got out of the hospital and then getting home and laying down in my room.
    That night I was in my room and I woke up to go get something to eat in the kitchen. Nobody really discussed why I was in the hospital or what happened that caused me to fall. But that night I walked into my kitchen and saw my dad sitting on the chair for the dining room table. I walked closer to him and he told me to sit down for a second because he had to tell me something. He told me that I have special powers and told me to try them, so I did. That’s the day I became a super hero.
    It took me a while to get used to it, but I can run super-fast, fly, jump, all of these cool moves. I really enjoyed it for a while. But then came to the time where I had to fight. I was a superhero and everyone looked up to me to do well. I really didn’t like it that much after a while. Being a super hero isn’t the best thing in the world. There are so many things that come with it such as being there for everyone and fighting crime. That day in the forest, I wish I never fell and got stung by that bee that gave me these powers. I still to this day have no idea what that bee had that gave me these super powers, but I regret them now.

  4. I remember wishing with all my might to not be there, to be anywhere else but there. I was tired of the torment and the insults, it was overwhelming and it was consuming every bit of me. That is when it happened. I closed my eyes, praying for it to be over and I suddenly appeared in my room, in the safe confinement of those four walls, away from all the bullies. I was born with the ability to teleport. At first, it only happened when I was in trouble or in a bad situation, it occurred on its own. I soon learned how to control it and how to manipulate my power and travel beyond just my room, to other parts of the world. It was scary at first, I felt odd and it was hard getting used to it but I took it as a gift and decided to help others in bad situations, such as the ones I had faced. I began with small scenarios like bullying or unfair fights, helping kids get out of them and leaving their tormentors in shock. I then moved on to bigger-scale conflicts like fires, robberies, murders. I kept my identity a secret from everyone; family, friends, media, all the strangers that I helped. I did not want the fame or the fortune that would come along with revealing who I was. I did not want to be idolized or recognized worldwide. I wore a mask to conceal my identity and very much enjoyed the mystery that surrounded me. I did not want those whom I had saved to feel the need to repay me back in any sort of way. I was doing what I felt was right and just knowing that I made a difference in somebody’s life was enough for me; I did not need any praise or recognition for it. There would have surely been restrictions added to my power if the authorities were to find out and I did not wish to team up with them either, as the system was very corrupt, so I kept it from them also. I soon learned that I was not the only person in the world with this ability, there were half a dozen others and we found out about each other in similar places trying to help those in need. They also kept their identities a secret for similar reasons. Together we were a powerful team, always putting others’ best interests before our own. We did travel the world, acquire money and riches and had fun with our gift, but it was all conceived through harmless ways, not ruining any of the world’s established systems. We pledged to always do everything in our ability to make the world a much better place.

  5. If I was a super hero I think I would be batman. I would be batman because he is different from all of the super heros . all of the other super heros have basically all of the same powers they can fly with lazer vision and all of the other things the other super heros does. Now batman, batman is a different kind of superhero batman doesn’t have any kind of powers batman does everything on his own with his own two hands and all of the gadgets he supplies himself with. Because batman doesn’t have any powers he can die at any time he doesn’t make the right move. Batman uses things for a substitution of powers and even with the substations he can still get the job done. What superhero besides batman do you know that fights crime without superpowers?.

  6. If I were a superhero, I would save the world little by little. I would have a hidden identity so that I could live a normal life. I wouldn’t want people to know that it was me because I wouldn’t want to be treated any differently. If people knew that it was me they wouldn’t treat me the same. I just want to live a normal life. I would be able to keep my identity hidden because I would be able to morph myself into another person. Morphing helps me in so many ways. It hides my identity and gives me my powers. It may seem simple, but that’s all that I will ever need. I could turn into anything that I need to in the span of seconds. I’m basically unstoppable. The best part is that my costume could fit on perfectly to whatever I morph into. To be honest I feel as if my costume is the best that any superhero in time has ever had. It’s not the typical girl pink, its black, a light almost mint kind of green and a pastel purple. The colors blend perfectly. It has the nice light and neutral calm colors to show that I am very kind, willing to help, and easy to approach. However the black will show that I am strong and I don’t play around. I’m serious when it comes to helping my people. Helping others and making this world a better place is what I live for. I’ve grown up in a world that has so many problems, I’ve seen people struggling for help almost every day, and all I wanted to do was help them. Thankfully I was blessed with this power over time. When I got this power, it was so shocking. I couldn’t believe it; at first I just wanted it to be gone. I didn’t know how to handle it, but then a trusted friend of mine showed me how much of an advantage this would be for me. I would be able to make a big change in the world. I was capable of changing all the wrong in the world little by little. I’ve already made such a big difference and I am just so proud of myself and what I have done. It’s nothing too drastic, but like I’ve been saying I’m doing things little by little. Soon they will all add up and I will be able to look at this almost perfect world and just smile because I am the reasoning for it.

  7. I mend the hearts of the heart broken, and wipe the tears off the sorrow girl’s face. I somehow clear the minds of trouble minded teenagers who feel nothing but overwhelmed. Somehow I change the state of mind of girls who feel only negative things. I help them become capable of looking at their virtues instead of their imperfections every time the girls look at themselves in the mirror. I am a super hero that prefers fighting in order to win the mental battles that nobody knows a typical teenage girl carries within her. My greatest motivation is what I have gone through and what I wish no girl ever experienced even though I know it’s quite inevitable. My next motivations are the horrendous stories I have heard about girls just like me. My costume includes parts of what describes every girl in the world and the purpose is to show off that even though we’re all very different we’re worth the same and that makes us come together. Sometimes people see a girl, they see a girl who always smiles and constantly appears to be laughing. They have no idea what goes inside her mind though. It’s all a big secret, and as a super hero I have the ability to know what goes inside. It is not for me to spill out dark secrets, but it is my gift in order to gift the girl with peace of mind. She would, thanks to me, comprehend that everyone makes mistakes and what she did was not as bad as what others have done. I would remind her that she is worth so much more than what she did in the past; her mistakes don’t define her. If she vandalized her arm here and there with a razor-sharp piece of metal then I have the power to erase the scars away. She is capable of starting all over and rebuilding who she thinks she is. That’s the thing with these mental battles; it’s all in one’s head. In their position, I remember thinking nothing would take my pain away, I thought I was stuck in that hole forever. I would extend my almighty arm of power, self-worth, love, care, comprehension, and attention towards them to help them escape their misery. I am a super hero because I help them escape in the best ways possible which automatically makes them check self-harm off their list. I became capable of this all once I rescued myself.

  8. If I were a superhero, I would want to have the ability to see the future. Although it seems like a lame power to have, it helps a lot because I know a lot of things before anyone else will. I can help people who are in danger but I can also see when good things are going to happen. If I could see the future I would help all the people that are about to get hurt. It would make me happy to know that I saved someone’s life because I have a special power. I would still want to have a normal life so I’d have a secret identity. I would wear a mask to hide my face. When I know someone’s in danger I will find them and protect them. Being younger and having a super power makes you know that you have to help others. My costume would be all black. I would make it pink and girly but I want everyone to be scared of me and not think I can’t hurt them because I’m a girl. I wouldn’t go over the top with a costume, just black clothing and a mask that covers my face. I don’t want people to be scared of my costume but I don’t want people to think I’m a joke. Although I don’t have super strength I can still be there to help however I can. Having this power makes my life better but also frustrating. I love helping others but sometimes I wish I had a normal life. I wouldn’t want to have a different life because I feel special. I have the ability to help others like other people do not. When people are alone with someone trying to warm them and they think there is no hope because no one is around, I come out of nowhere and help that person. I want to make the world safer and although it might take some time I know it can be done. Seeing the future would help me put all the guys who deserve it, in jail. I can make the world a safer place and fill the prisons up with the people who put other people in danger. One day this world will have no crime because of people like me.

  9. Damian limped his was to the portal and leapt through, falling face first and getting a mouth full of cave dirt. He got up to make his way out of the cave, but turned, deciding it would be as good a time as any to try out his bindings. He put one hand on either side of the portal and closed his eyes, focusing hard and channeling his energy through them. He felt the chill of the void pass over him, it was always slightly unnerving in such a magnitude as this, and he unleashed it over the portal. He stumbled backwards and fell on his ass, staring at the binding, no, the wall he’d just created. He’d never seen so much void magic in one spot. Before him, covering the entire Wall that the portal was set in, was a gargantuan wall of void energy that looked like an impenetrable, purple brick wall. It was pretty badass. A smirk was glued to his face as he struggled to his feet.
    Then he heard the sound of a rifle’s magazine being changed.
    Damian slowly put his hands in the air, trying to show a bit of bravado without crapping his pants.
    “Stop that!” The boy yelled. He sounded no older than fifteen from the way his voice cracked.
    “Don’t move! They say a mage has so many spells at their hands that any movement could be an act of aggression!”
    Damian chuckled, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead as he felt the barrel of the gun press against the back of his head. “Now, where do they say that? Your little boot camp?”
    The boy jabbed the back of Damian’s head with his gun, taking him to one knee. Damian heard the boy laugh nervously, almost surprised that he was able to bring him down. He felt the barrel slide up his head abruptly and then back down. Damian assumed the boy wanted him on his feet, so he rose back to his feet. He relaxed a bit at how much the barrel was shaking against his head.
    “Listen,” Damian started, “This doesn’t have to get violent. You can just let me go! You don’t blow my brains out, I don’t send you to a scary alternate dimension populated entirely with…what animal are you afraid of?”
    The boy jumped back a bit in shock and Damian took the opportunity to sweep the boys legs out from under him and kick the gun across the cave.

  10. If I were a superhero I would I would fly. Flying can get me to crime scenes. If I walked and the crime scene was all the way in China and I was Los Angeles that would be a long walk. I would also have super strength. I would push down buildings to get the crime scene. My name would be LG. It stands for LisaGirl. I would get my powers from my parents. My parents were superheroes but now retired. After a while they found that the world didn’t need their help anymore. After they had me they controlled me from not abusing my powers. I wasn’t able to go to school until I learned how to control my powers and keep it a secret. Until that time I was home schooled and would only be allowed to play at midnight for nobody could see my powers if they were to escape. When I started school I did a good job not letting my powers go for anybody could easily see them. I hated having superhero powers sometimes because I couldn’t enjoy my youth. My parents were lucky they both had super powers because nobody that I know of have powers besides me. I think it will be weird if I only do. My parents said they were born they had a change in DNA. Well for prom I missed it because I had to save the world from exploding. But on the bright side at least nobody in my school died because of me.
    Well I wear a mask to cover my face for nobody can know my identity. I would wear a cape and would fly to houses easily. I would also wear combat boots because these shoes are comfortable and they are easy to travel in. The colors would be red, white, and blue. I would wear gloves just in case I get cold. Well the colors have no reason behind them they would just be cool to have them together. My hair would quickly turn from curly to straight and my hair would be a red color. My hair would quickly grow once my costume has fully been activated by myself. When I would go around anything that would put my hair in danger it would quickly grow shorter. Then once my outfit would be covered up or I would take it off my hair would go back to its regular self.

  11. If I were to be a superhero, I do not think that that is exactly what I would do. I think I would be more like an angel watching over one special person that has been on my mind. Like a guardian angel, but instead of preventing bad things from happening to them, I would make even better things happen to them and do good things for them anonymously. Although I cannot prevent all bad things from happening to her, because she would have to experience those emotions at one point or another, I would just do things that would always make her day better, or put a smile on her face. Often times, I find myself only focusing too much on others that I forget about myself. I am not one to seek attention or want people to feel bad for me or anything like that, however, sometimes you have to be a little bit selfish and do things for yourself, and only for yourself. For example, after my last relationship ended, I had a great time just being myself and doing whatever I wanted and whenever I wanted. Yet, after a certain amount of time you begin to miss that feeling of having someone there for you constantly and always by your side no matter what. So you begin to seek it again, but you never quite find what you are looking for. So you give up and just decide you are going to let someone find you, instead of you trying to find them. Sometimes it does not always work out that way. At that point, it is time to be a little selfish and focus on you. You stop doing things for others and realize, it is about time that I am happy again. That is when you go out and get what you want. To sum this up, I think if I were to be this angel that I am describing, not only would I be trying to help this person out, but I would be helping myself in a way. Because I am at the point where I know what I want and I am focused on getting it. When I find something that I really want, I have to have it. That is the selfish aspect to the situation. There comes a point where you have to consider yourself, because it is still your life, and if it does not make you happy, then it is not worth It. As we all know, life moves pretty fast. If you do not take moment to look around once and a while, you could miss it.

  12. Every single night, I heard voices in the kitchen. When I asked everyone in the house, they were clueless. I decided it was my duty to become the family detective. I would solve this mystery. First, I started making many observations. I decided I would have to stay awake all night, to make sure when exactly the occurrences where happening. My room was located in the basement, and the kitchen was up the stairs. It was dangerous to wait in the kitchen, I had to keep hidden. I waited in my room, keeping myself occupied. The first night, I fell asleep and slept through the whole night. On the second night, I fell asleep but woke up to the noise. It was 12:24 a.m. I tried to listen to what was being said, but the voices seemed very faint. The following two nights I woke up between 12:00 a.m. and 12: 36 a.m. I had narrowed down the time, but why would this be happening? Why would someone have to talk at this time, every single night? The interviews where next. I had to interview everyone in my house. My little sister slept right next to my room. I asked her, where she had been at midnight for the past few nights. Cathy answered that at that time she was already dreaming in her bed. I knew she was not lying, I could see her every night. My parents’ room was upstairs, above the kitchen. They both said they slept through every night and only got up occasionally to use the bathroom. They confirmed that they never woke up together and neither went to the kitchen. If they ever woke up they stayed on their floor. This investigation was becoming more mysterious. If it was no one in the house, who could it be? I would have to begin a more serious tactic and finding the intruder. That night I decided to stay up, waiting on the stairs. I drifted to sleep but woke up when I heard the sound coming from the kitchen. I couldn’t make out the words and was too frightened to open the door in the kitchen. Disappointed in myself, I simply hurried back to sleep. I decided that I had to act soon, if I didn’t catch them now, the people might never come again. I built up my courage to catch them on the following night. Once again, I set up my station by the stairs leading to the kitchen. I bought a book to distract myself and an alarm to wake me up at 12:00 a.m. in case I fell asleep. Eager for the event, I did not fall asleep. At exactly 12:01 a.m., the mysterious noise was back. I opened the door slowly, searching around with my flashlight. I could hear the voices clearly but there was nothing in sight. Finally, I saw the radio light on, that’s what the noise was! I was embarrassed and upset with my findings. I couldn’t reach the radio because I was too short, I grabbed my Spiderman seat to climb up and grab the radio. The alarm was set for 12:01 a.m. every day. What an easy explanation I thought to myself. I turned off the alarm and decided on not mentioning this again as I slipped into my bed.

  13. Ryan P. Tunison

    Alternate Assignment

    Poem XIX
    Does not that winged denizen breathe beauty
    Into life? As not to challenge purity
    Of Venus herself, yet my heart is tamed
    Not by a hand of heaven that is named.
    I only give Her wings to fly unharmed,
    When against all evil that is well armed;
    Merit to my words that hold Her above,
    Forever untouched by a man who loves.
    She by me – a fool to love – remains chaste,
    Others She engaged linger not to last,
    To end before fulfilled, not to Her heart
    Can they claim all to comprehend their part.
    Even I cease to understand my aim
    When smitten by Her, myself I will blame,
    Falling back to my written work upon
    Ever a page to stand blank, tales told on
    Parchment full never holds us to be all;
    Together in love with stance not to fall.
    When for Her I would never be the first,
    For men have taken their share for the worst,
    Many not to commit any love genuine. Only
    Did they provide body, not mind; lonely
    Was Her when they took liking to their find,
    And as a fickle youth She put behind
    Any spark that once was shared between Her
    And I; left to fantasies to refer
    That romance which could only be a dream,
    Not to look yonder at a home to teem.
    A romance that would remain left aside
    When for Her She would rather stay to hide.

  14. I have now been in Russia for eighteen months and my patience and energy are waning faster than the snow piles up during a blizzard. I arrived here with two other operatives, but due to risky circumstances, they have both been deemed missing in action. I know that they are dead, but not knowing exactly how it happened, who did it, or where their bodies are gets to me. For Christ’s sake, I trained with these individuals. They have families at home—people who love them—friends who need them. I need them. Being here practically alone is the definition of fear, especially since I am unable to slip out of my cover. The only time I have to myself is when I finally get to nod out, and then it’s a throw up between tormented sleep and nonstop sorrow. I’ve been repeatedly told that allowing the inevitable grief to affect me will cause me to slip up—and most likely die; they place a very forceful emphasis on the life-risking that goes on—both necessary and unnecessary. In order to do my job properly, I must block out my thorough conscience and emotions.
    I was recruited in the first place because of my lack of family and affiliations; I am essentially a lone wolf with tenacity, and “my efforts will be greatly appreciated by my country.” But then I get to thinking: if my occupation requires utter discretion, then how will my country even know to appreciate the efforts I make? The answer is simple—no one will ever know and possibly no one will ever care. Regardless, I have a task to fulfill and I am not about to dampen this perfect opportunity to do something right in my life.
    Currently, I have befriended the daughter of a Russian terrorist group higher-up. The group’s name translates to, “The Black Crows,” and they are impossible to infiltrate, so I had but one option—to get progressively closer to the head honcho with the intention of eventually succeeding in infiltration. It has definitely been a difficult journey so far and I now eagerly await the arrival of a new operative tomorrow afternoon. We had trained together back in Portland and, to be honest, I am no fan of his methods. He works directly alongside the textbook and I prefer to use that knowledge to further guide my intuition; and I am in no mood to teach an operative how to operate in the field. I’m much too busy for that.
    Today, I have a rather large agenda. First, I awake in my twin-sized bed and quietly peel the many quilts aside. I must make sure that no one can be witness to my early rising. My actions have remained veiled for the past eighteen months and I prefer to keep them that way.
    The dim light of dawn illuminates the sky and reflects off the brilliant snow, causing my eyes to squint when I peer out the small oval window. Otherwise, the room is dark and the house is dark and the world is still. My thoughts hang in the chilled air above me but I do not feel the need to snatch them up. I am alone and able to focus on the tasks soon to be completed. With careful footsteps, I deliberately step around the creak-spots in the wooden floor and I make my way down the hallway to the kitchen. The time is three fifteen and I must get ready for my 548th day as a double agent.

  15. If I were a super hero, I would not try to be some vigilante. It’s kind of like how if you use hand sanitizer constantly because you think it’ll keep you from getting sick, when in reality, you’re just building up the germs’ defenses so they’ll be able to break through the alcohol you incessantly rub on your skin and infect you beyond repair. When you use your super powers to fight crime and terrorism, it’s not going to stop. You can’t use anything to fight an idea. No matter how hard you try, there’s no way you can eliminate people’s desire to break the rules and use whatever means necessary to get what they want. Unless your super power is simultaneous manipulation of the entire human race to the point that everyone is compelled to follow the rules to the T no matter what, then being some sort of vigilante is meaningless. Come the think of it, that’s not even fair. Life is interesting because people don’t follow the rules and whatnot. Humans have evolved long enough to know right from wrong, as well as the consequences for doing what’s wrong. If they don’t, then they will.
    I would prefer to use my superpower for something more useful in my own life, like flight. I know it’s kind of cliché. Flight is the go-to superpower for anyone who has some lack of inspiration, but it really is one of the best options. You can get anywhere so much faster, you can appreciate the beauty of nature through such a unique perspective, and all that jazz. But I still would try to use it as little as possible. Life wouldn’t be fair if you could fly everywhere. If everyone could fly commercial pilots would be out of the job, and a large chunk of the economy would just disappear over time. Not just airlines, but even cars and trains, even though the need for transporting goods rather than people would still be there. If I just flew everywhere all the time, the ambiance of road trips or long train rides into the city or flights to foreign countries would just die. Who would want that? The intrigue and fellowship of travel would just be ruined completely. I would only fly if I were in an exceedingly dire situation, like if I were lost in some woods, or if I broke down on the highway, or if I were late to school or something like that.

  16. If I were a superhero, I would have the powers to heal people with cancer and disease without a cure. My motivation for my powers is that too many people are dying due to cancer and diseases with no cures and many of the people are very young and it’s not fair to them to die before they can live their life. My costume would be a doctor uniform because I would cure people and mainly be in a hospital curing people. I would not have to hide my identity because I would look like a normal doctor and people would not know. Also, I would not have any reason to hide my identity from anyone because I’m helping people and only people that have diseases with no cures. The day in the life of being my superhero would be emotional. I would be like every normal doctor who gets up for work in the morning and wear my doctor’s uniform. I would go to the hospital and visit the cancer patients and patients with diseases without a cure. I would go to each patient and cure them forever from it. I would spend my time with each patient curing them and making sure they are cured. Each day I would stay and cure as many patients as I can with my time that I have. Every day would be the same get up and cure people with cancer and other disease that have no cure.

  17. A superhero doesn’t necessarily have to be one that has big muscles or flies around defeating monsters. If I could be a superhero, I would want to be an undercover one. One that helps people through rough times without them realizing it. I would boost someone's self-esteem who feels like nothing. I would make someone feel beautiful when they feel disgusting. I would keep someone from ending the chances of their life ever getting better. I’ve noticed that a lot of teenagers feel like they're ugly or just feel really depressed. It breaks my heart when I hear about people self-harming themselves or thinking about committing suicide. I wish I could reach out to everyone that feels this way and tell them their beautiful and worth it, until they believe every single word. I would be a sort of guardian angel for people around the world. My main mission as a superhero would be to get people to believe in themselves and to ignore the people that bring them down.

  18. If i were a superhero I would be the most complicated superhero ever. I would have the powers of super speed, invisibility, shape shifting, super strength, super hearing, and I would invincible. These are all the powers that I think I would need to defend the world against crime and danger. Now you may ask “Do you have a super name?” or “How did you get those crazy powers?” Well the story isn’t too amazing, but if you wish to know I’ll tell you. So my parents are scientists (I know cliché but stay with me here) and they do a lot of experiments. They have multiple labs they work in, but the main ones are two towns over and the basic one in our basement. Me being the curious child I was I decided to take a voyage through the house one day while my babysitter was knocked. No I did not knock her out and no she wasn’t one of those terrible sitters who just ignored the child. It was just my scheduled nap time and the only way I could sleep was when someone else slept next to me. I woke up earlier than expected and got bored so I decided to have my own fun.
    Anyway back to the story, I found the door for the lab (which is the basement) and it happened to be unlocked so I just popped inside. Let me tell you their lab was not at all what I expected it to be. It was mostly white and extremely clean so I didn’t find much of anything there. Of course there were a few things I tossed around, like some nicely stacked lab reports and data charts, but besides those things there was nothing for me to mess with. Well there was nothing except Chemical 420-A4. I remember seeing a bottle filled with a bright purple liquid and I was dragged in. Me thinking it was some extra grape juice decided to guzzle the whole thing down. I put the empty container upstairs in the kitchen fridge and sat down in the living room to watch my afternoon cartoons. My parents noticed the empty bottle, but didn’t question how the liquid inside disappeared. After I started speeding through the house, carrying my bed around the house, and crawling on the walls I think my parents put two and two together. So from then on they tested all my abilities and helped me perfect them. Here I am now secret defender of the world who’s never been spotted, but is now as the Helpful Breeze by some and the Mystery Hero to others. And this ladies and gents is my superhero persona.

  19. They call me Mister E; Born and raised somewhere on the planet of Neverland.I never had a job or a purpose in life, that is, until I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s funny how things like this come about. One day you’re a nobody, and then the next day, BOOM, everybody’s looking up to you. I can’t tell you how exactly this happened, because all that I remember is waking up alongside a purple cape, with a pair of fluorescent goggles strapped to my head. Some say I was dropped into a tub of burning acid, while others say I was abducted by an alien force with nothing but good intentions. All that remains a mystery, however I have been granted the most useful powers of all time. Back in my homeland, there has been a recent shortage of macaroni. Fortunately, I have been granted the power of creating macaroni right from my fingertips. This was very beneficial, being that macaroni is the national food of Neverland; I became an instant god to my people. I was also granted the power of teleportation, making the transportation of my macaroni almost effortless. Never again would Neverland be macaroni-less- I had an endless supply, to meet their endless demand. Aside from the macaroni deal, I had a handful of other, more useful powers, such as telekinesis, the ability to summon demons of the underworld, and magical access to an endless amount of portals and underworlds. These powers enabled me to become the most powerful man in Gyleccia, whether it’s fighting off supernatural beings and capturing them into my Xtractor gun, or fighting crimes back at home on Neverland, I guess you could say I’m a pretty busy man. I don’t mind it though; it makes me feel good knowing that I’m helping so many people. And the fact that I can create macaroni in my hands is very useful when I catch myself on a break and I get hungry, or a ghost is attacking me and I have no other defense. And it’s also really useful that I can move the macaroni to wherever I need to due to my awesome telekinesis and transportation skills. It’s funny to think that just a few weeks back, I was a nobody- living in the streets of Gyleccia, and now all of a sudden I’m the talk of the town- the man everyone wants to see; My name, Mister E.

  20. It was a hot summer day in South Africa I was on a safari. I looked over and saw all the poachers killing the zebras. This made me really mad; I wanted to do something about it. I decided to become a super hero to protect the zebras. I love them and want them to live long and happy zebra lives, without the threat of death by humans. When I got home I made a costume it had a black mask and a suit with black and white strips just like a zebra. It was awesome no one would be able to guess my identity. I went back to African to start my mission. I saw poachers everywhere I stopped them and freed all the zebras. Some people hated me for what I was doing and others loved me, it was crazy. I was proud of myself for making a difference I felt like a superhero. The zebras were running free able to live their zebra lives in peace. I wouldn’t ever want my identity know because the poachers would come after me for ruining their business and I wouldn’t want that to happen. I want all the animals to be safe. Humans are cruel for killing animals and deserve to me punished for it. My job as zebra girl is to protect the zebras and I would die doing so. I think my job as a super hero is unique and important.
