Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Innocence is viewed differently and can mean different things to different people. To some innocence can be lost at a specific age, and to others it takes a moment to lose innocence. What does it take to lose one’s innocence? Answer this question in any style that you’d like. Make your narrative, poem, etc., at least 400 words.
Here’s an example based on my point of view:
They told us beforehand that we were to have a new student. We waited for her to come in and smiled brightly at her. Lila cried the instance her mom brought her in the class. She was so loud and personally, I would be embarrassed. Her tiny face turned as red as a tomato, tears were streaming down her face, and substances were coming out of her nose. She was crying the whole entire time and the only reason she calmed down was because one of the teacher aids sat her on their laps. Every time she was asked to join the rest of us in an activity, she shook her head and returned to the verge of bawling. “Why does she not enjoy coloring like the rest of us? Why does she not want to play along? She’s a new girl, but hey, we’re all nice here. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I am a really nice person and so is everyone around here. Well, everyone except Marissa…she can be a little feisty.” These are all the things that went through my head because I could not understand why Lila was so upset.
Three years later it was my turn to be the new girl though. There were two of us. I walked in the classroom and everyone seemed to stare at me. I was not happy at all, I missed my mother and I felt a knot building up in my throat. Before I could even think about crying though, memories of Lila crying popped in my mind. It was at that moment that I finally understood why she was so upset; she probably felt the way I was feeling right now. Ever since that day, I make it my personal job to make new students at my school feel as comfortable as they could. Stepping into another’s shoes was the moment that defined the end of my innocence. I no longer expect the world to be the way I want it to be and feel the way I do. Everyone feels different ways about everything, and before judging it’s important to understand why. Once you’re capable of comprehending this and once you’re aware of the varied perspectives society has about everything, you are no longer innocent.
This assignment is due Monday at the end of class.


  1. (Innocence can be lost in a moment. People think that we just grow up and realize all the bad and other unhappy things about the world, and that is what washes away our innocence. That’s true but it happens in a moment. That simple moment, as long or short as it is, will open our eyes completely.)

    Sue was the middle child of a very big family. Her parents never wanted to be parents, all the kids were an accident. The parents felt that they were too young for such a responsibility, so they were never home. They would go to work, come home and say hi while they changed. After they changed, they would go to a club or party or something. It was your common case of neglect. The thing that was also common, to Sue, was how she was raised. The siblings raised each other, up until they went to college. When they were off getting lives of their own, they tried to keep in touch but it’s a past you want to forget about. Sue would be forgotten about by her parents and by the older siblings that promised to call but never did. At dinner time, they forgot to make enough for her so she would make her own dinner. There wasn’t a lot to choose from so it was usually a sandwich. After dinner was when she wasn’t forgotten about because she had to do the dishes or some other chores. She hated cleaning up after others, but that’s all she ever did. She didn’t mind as a child because that’s what she thought everyone else did. Her innocence remained intact through the neglect and abandonment. Sue held on to the good she believed was in the world. One night, after the three eldest had left, the remaining older sister, Maggie, was in charge. Sue had hid after dinner so Maggie had to clean up herself this time. This put Maggie in a bad mood. It didn’t get any better when one of the youngest, Jeremy, wouldn’t take a bath. Maggie was tired so Sue decided to try and help. She couldn’t have been older than ten, so Maggie didn’t want her help. Maggie didn’t think Sue was capable of getting the job done. Sue’s feelings were hurt but she was still innocent. Sisters fight and hurt each other’s feelings…it’s normal. When Sue asked again, she must’ve hurt Maggie’s feelings because Maggie slapped her. That’s the moment Sue lost her innocence. Sue had been hungry, tired, sad, forgotten but she had never been hurt. She thought family should never be capable to doing that to each other. They were supposed to love each other, but how can you love someone if you’re willing to hurt them. Sue never spoke to Maggie after that. She would nod her head when Maggie told her to do something, that’s as far it went. Sue began to see that Maggie never spoke to her unless it was to tell her to clean something. Sue saw what her parents did behind closed doors that were the cause to their money problems. One simple smack to the face opened Sue’s eyes in ways she never thought possible. It made her angrier and angrier; eventually she spoke out against Maggie. Maggie started hitting her again; every time she was slapped around, her eyes opened to more horrible things surrounding her. Sue was able to hold on to her innocence through the neglect and abandonment but not through the pain and betrayal.

  2. Hair of the deepest mahogany color
    Eyes that put the ocean’s blue waters to shame
    This girl, this little angel was a picture of purity
    A role model for all
    Her grades were top notch and she played it safe
    She always knew the right thing to say and never let a foul thing slip out
    You would believe that she was sheltered from how clean her mind is
    But no she just chose what to keep in her mind and what to let out
    But then one day all of this changed
    Yes on that one strange day this girl seemed different
    That clear light that once filled her eyes had dimmed
    Her filter seemed to disappear
    Her jokes became crude and her tone was no longer light
    She seemed to walk with more of a force than an air
    All her conservative ways seemed to disappear and what caused all of this?
    Some say it was the school she went to
    The children there are a bad influence
    Constantly fighting or spreading drama
    Others say it was her at home life
    They were suspicious of what happened behind those closed doors
    Her family was the one that kept many secrets
    “Maybe it was her boyfriend?” some even say
    He could’ve pushed her too far and made her become this obnoxious person
    He could’ve triggered something and made her do this complete 180
    But no that’s not it
    So then what is it?
    What is it that changed this adorable angel into this out spoken lady?
    It was all a choice of her own
    She just accepted the world for what it really is
    She decided that she would rather fit into it instead of being on that high horse
    She wanted to give up the pedestal and live with us mere humans
    And who really could get mad at her?
    She took her own innocence
    This young lady decided to expose herself to the harsh realities of life
    She melted away her layer of baby fat and instead replaced it with some hard skin
    Puberty is the cause of the loss of her innocence
    No one else stepped in to change her
    She pushed all on her own and now her she is
    New improved and innocence free
    No longer a little girl in the public’s eyes, but a distinguished experienced young lady
    And isn’t she fabulous everyone?

  3. Innocence is viewed differently by almost everyone. To hold a sense of innocence or to have a naïve mindset is all based upon experience. Some may argue that innocence has to do with age, and one would lose it as they got older. However, I do not believe that to be true. I believe that experience and tragic life events are leading factors in the loss of innocence. Many young children witness problems in their own households at very young ages that could cause them to see things much differently than before. The loss of innocence in a young child is a very upsetting thing because once it is lost it is almost impossible to get back. Innocence blinds us from the troubles in the world, and all of the problems occurring around us. Children do not understand many of these things that are going on because they do not acquire the knowledge to do so. By taking away a child’s innocence, it is quite possible that their imagination will be taken as well. Once the eyes are opened to a world of devastation, all of the wonders in which existed before are washed away by reality. In a way, innocence is in fact lost with age, but only if one interacts with an experience that destroys it. Innocence can be lost in the blink of an eye, the drop of a pin, and most just take it for granted. It’s a terrible reality when ones innocence is broken, because from then on nothing can be the same. Perspectives change with the more knowledge that is acquired. Understandings of certain things begin to make sense, some good and some bad. It is not until the final moment of realization and understandings that one realizes just how special it is to carry innocence within. But innocence does not have to blind one from the world, nor hide them from the realities of it. It can, however, allow one to live in happiness, and to only see what they want to see- which in the end could lead to a bad thing. By blinding oneself from the world, many beautiful experiences can be missed, walked passed and not even glanced at. And sometimes, it is these experiences that are blocked by innocence, that are the ones most suitable for us. I believe that innocence truly ends when one leaves their comfort zone.

  4. I was lying in my bed with the thought racing around and bouncing off the walls inside my skull. Would I be able to do it? Would it take a lot of commitment? Is it even worth it? Somehow, the answers to all these questions were “yes.” Yes, I would be able to do it. Yes, it would be worth it. Yes, it would take a significant amount of commitment on my part, but that was all okay. It would be worth it. I was too restless to keep it in any longer. The thought craved words and was ready to force itself out of my jaw to achieve them. I got out of bed and went into my mother’s bedroom to tell her the news that I had just made up my mind on something she had no idea I was even thinking about.
    She was surprised, needless to say. But it wasn’t really in a bad way. I remember her looking almost perplexed at the very mention of my newfound desire, but after a few seconds, she became compliant. After a few more days, she became more and more supportive, which wasn’t exactly the last thing I expected, but it was at least somewhat surprising. For some reason I had this whole notion built up in my head that I would have to do this all on my own, but deep down, I knew I wouldn’t have been able to. I was so young, and looking back, I know that my endeavors were almost entirely made possible by generous contributions from my friends and family.
    I guess that was the first part of my losing of innocence. It was humbling to even see how everyone came to support me and everyone else in my position. It was refreshing to see that there were actually some good people in the world.
    Then the day came. The time came when I had to depart from everything I knew to venture into anything but that. I woke up earlier than I ever had before to board the flight and begin my latest and greatest escapade.
    And off I went. Off into an unfamiliar country with a foreign culture to do something I never would have dreamt of doing. But it was something good. Something that this poor family needed to have and something I needed to do, so I would finally shake off my innocence.
    Step one was seeing everyone’s reactions, and how they were almost universally positive. Step two was experiencing for myself the trial that is building a house from scratch in the hot desert sun for a destitute family in Tijuana, Mexico. While I was there I witnessed things I never thought were even possible, like dirt floors, and walls made of tin, and dogs whose ribs were protruding while covered with tick and flea bites. I left behind my cushy American life and traded it for almost the complete opposite, and that’s what made me lose my innocence. My horizons were broadened to a point where I was looking upon a completely different world.

  5. They were all doing it
    That’s all everyone would talk about now a day
    She had to try
    She was tired of being the only one out
    It was time to join the crowd she thought
    But would this make her a bad person?
    She knew that this would change her
    But maybe a change is what she needed
    Once it’s gone, it’s not coming back
    That was something that she had to understand
    Which I don’t think she did before she made her decision
    It was just so easy for her to fall into this dark hole, and do it
    It started with an inhale
    She took it all in
    And then it ended with a cough
    She was confused, was she doing it wrong?
    Everyone else was calm and she was dying, coughing
    They all just laughed, try again they said
    It’s just your first time, it will get better
    Why was this so hard she thought?
    They make it seem so easy; it’s supposed to just be simple puff, puff, pass
    She couldn’t even make it passed the first puff
    It was time for her second one
    Scared that she was going to embarrass herself again but she wanted the feeling
    She wanted to get high
    She wanted to be able to feel the amazing feeling that everyone talks about
    She needed to get taken away for a little
    All she wanted was an escape
    Sadly, this was the easiest way
    First puff was good
    Second even better
    It was time to pass
    That seemed like the hard part now
    She didn’t want to let go
    She was flying up to her own world
    She needed just another rotation to get her there
    She sat there, just waiting by the second until it was her turn again
    It seemed like forever but it was finally time
    First puff, piece of cake
    Second puff, a new feeling
    Pass, with no hesitating, because she finally hit her destination
    Her eyes got low
    Her spirits got high
    This was what she’s been waiting for
    This was the life she wanted
    There was no going back now
    And she knew from the start that once she started this life there was no stopping
    All her problems were gone now
    Even though it was temporary, she didn’t mind
    She was going to make it to the point where she always felt this high
    She finally fully understood why they call it being high
    It raised her high from all the problems that she was dealing with
    It took her high away from all the stress
    It made her high, with laughs and good spirits
    Maybe this wasn’t the way to go about it but it’s too late now to take it back
    The innocence was gone and will forever be gone

  6. Losing one’s innocence is a mindset, rather than an action. It isn’t something that happens outwardly, but rather a different way of thinking. I think someone loses their innocence when they see the ugly in the world. Any experience can cause this to happen. Losing innocence doesn’t discriminate against age. There are kids who are only six years old that go through horrible things, and therefore, their innocence is lost. At young ages, it may be difficult to really understand. For example, my family life hasn’t always been really good. To me it was normal not to have my mom and my dad together because as far as I can remember they were separated. That’s because they separated when I was only five and I can’t remember anything past that. When my brother moved back with my mom and me, he was a big troublemaker. He was always in problems and I guess in a sense, I thought this was normal. I think all the bad things he did and the pain he caused was what made me lose my innocence. Although, at first I didn’t realize this, I had a different view point then all the other kids my age. As I was growing up, everyone would always say how mature I was. I took pride in that, and I would never question it. When I reached my teenage years I thought my maturity was due to my best friends because they were older, I thought that through them I experienced things that took away my innocence. In a way, it was true, through my friends, I became aware of new things. And awareness can also be the end of innocence. One of the things I hate to watch on television is the news because they always show the horrible things that happen in the world. I ask myself, when is a good age to lose your innocence? You may be happier in life if you are oblivious to all the bad, but that is living a lie. I don’t regret knowing what was going on in my family’s life at such a young age. For example, some married couples refuse to fight in front of their children because they’re afraid it may hurt them. My mom raised me so that she would barely ever hide anything from me. I believe that it would be better for the kids to be aware if something were happening and that way a divorce wouldn’t hit them out of nowhere if it were to happen. But, I also think there is no reason to rush someone to lose their innocence. Although I believe that my way of thinking comes because I have a clearer understanding of certain things, those who are privileged to enjoy their innocence, should.

  7. (free write)

    I'll never forget that terrible day that marked my life forever. The day was similar to today. It was a cold day that would cause your skin to become overwhelmed with goose bumps, with a breeze that would mess up your hair. Walking to your house, you would not have suspected anything to go wrong. Everything was shattered on my way home that day though. Something so terrible occurred that you would not be able to move past it. It was something so impacting that you looking back to your life, you would not be able to think about your first time off training wheels or the first time you got on a rollercoaster. Looking back would mean being transported to that time that traumatized your very life for good. Looking back would mean remembering that cold day in which your innocence was snatched away from you in a matter of seconds. It would mean feeling, all over again, the strong hands of a man that completely neglected the dimension of the horror he was causing you. It would mean getting angry at yourself because you’ll never really know what actually happened after he took you with him. You would only know that you awoke alone, on the road you were walking in before he took you. Your whole body was in pain and you'd be since then an imprinted girl. A girl designated to grow up fast. Trying to remember your childhood would mean remembering how the fear about what had happened was the only reason you were able to run home to tell your mother what happened. Like it usually goes, your parents try to make everything better but it does not guarantee to erase it all. Thanks to cameras, and proof only partial of justice was served. The man could, in no way, shape, or form pay for the complete damage he had done though. He scarred you forever; his deed was not only immoral, sickening, but above all it was irrevocable. You would remember how the law’s intention was for him to pay for kidnapping you, but he could never pay for kidnapping your innocence. You would look back to that very day would still flash through your mind, four years since, on a cold day like this. You would not be able to move on, and you would always ask yourself why you were selected to experience something of that sort. You would be impacted with an action that could never be negated. You would become the unlucky one who had to become part of the plenty of stories about sick men who could care less about ruining a child’s life forever.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Innocence is kind of an odd topic. Not many people usually discuss something like this. When you are a young kid, you are always innocent. No one ever blames you for anything whether you are guilty or not. Just because of how cute or adorable you are. That was the easy way out of things in all honesty. I think it all depends on the person for when they lose their innocence. It really depends on when they mature and how mature are they and how fast they mature. If someone still acts like a child then more often than not, they will be treated like one as well. If they are still treated like a child, to me, they are still somewhat innocent. That part of the situation is difficult to determine because although they may act like it, they are still a teenage and are still away of everything around them. So they know what they are doing and understand what is going on, so like I said, it is difficult to determine sometimes. Then there are the people who act like they are always innocent regardless of their age and what not. They act like nothing is ever their fault and that they never do anything wrong. In most cases, that just has to do with maturity and responsibility. You have to be responsible enough to take ownership of your own actions and mature enough to accept the consequences. Sometimes when you grow up you are still innocent, but it is not a matter of your age, but of your level of maturity in accepting the fact that people make mistakes, but people learn from their mistakes as well.

  10. Innocence is an interest concept. People have different ideas of the meaning of innocence, and they have different beliefs of when innocence is lost. Innocence can be lost whenever the person feels they have lost it. Innocence can be lost when they no longer feel like a child anymore. Age doesn’t have to do with innocence it is mostly based on personal experiences. It’s like the saying age is just a number, age doesn’t determine your maturity. Some people become more mature at younger ages. I think that once you lose the beliefs of a child you no longer have innocence. These beliefs can be lost at different ages. Someone can be 40 years old and still have the mindset of a child. The beliefs of a child, in my opinion, is the belief of Santa, the possibility of magical and fairytales, believing that anything imaginable is possible, and basically not having realistic expectations of the word. It is like taking away a child’s imagination. Once a kid realizes these kinds of things are not real, they no longer have innocence. Innocence is being sheltered from the real world and being ignorant, which children are.

    Innocence can be lost in another sense, when someone gets their heart broken, for example. Their idea of love is false; they feel like everything is magical in love. When their heart gets broken, the fairy tale is gone and love becomes real for them. They are forced to grow up in this moment and see things realistically and no longer idealistically, where everything is perfect in the end. They learn that there are things in the world that can hurt you. Some people might not experience this until later on in life. This can be considered a different form of innocence or another way of interpreting innocence.

    Someone who is no longer innocence knows and has experienced the real struggles of life; they have seen how cruel a place this world is.
    It is hard to pin point an exact time in a person’s life because it is lost at different times in everyone’s life. That’s what makes innocence such a controversial topic.

  11. Amelia Range was sitting in class when it first happened. No one in the room knew what to do. All they could do was help her down slowly and keep her from hitting into the desks around her. She was having her first seizure; and this one would not be her last.
    After she was rushed to the hospital, Amelia’s parents met her there to speak with the doctors. They told her parents that since her family had a medical history of seizures, she would need to have some tests done. They signed some papers and she was brought from her hospital bed to a waiting room in another wing. She did not have to wait long, this was a small town and the hospital doubled as a nursing home, so most of the patients were older. Amelia had only been to the hospital once before when her friend asked for a ride there one day after school. Her friend’s mother was a nurse there, the same nurse who had been assigned to helping Amelia around. Once the doctor was ready for her Amelia was brought inside the room and helped onto a flat bed that was connected to a cream colored dome. The nurse told her to lay down and stay still; the bed would be moved into position in a moment. Amelia was in that room for what felt like forever. It was less than a day since her incident and she just wanted to rest. She was not as strong and bold as most girls her age, she was frail and shy. At school she was quiet and she felt uncomfortable around a lot of excitement. While lying on that table she felt like a doll on display in a window for the doctors to examine. She wanted to know what they were saying, if they knew what was wrong with her.
    Suddenly her thoughts stopped. She was unconscious again, having a seizure and the tests were still running. It only lasted for a couple of seconds and the next thing Amelia knew was that the nurse was helping her off the bed and into a chair. They offered her some water and told her she would have to go back into the machine to finish the test. They needed to complete the test without her having a seizure to gather accurate data. They knew it was nothing she could control, but she would have to retake most of the tests. They started right away, not wanting to wait any longer for the full results of the test. This time Amelia tried to relax. Once the tests were done Amelia was taken back to her room to wait for the results. She was finally able to relax…

  12. Anastasia was a girl everyone knew about. She had the perfect grades and her personality was too die for. Her parents were very strict so she never been in trouble. She was somewhat popular but she didn’t have many friends. Everyday this one “popular” girl asks Anastasia for her homework. She’s not a mean girl so of course she gives it to her.
    This one day changed Anastasia though. When the popular girl came up to her and gave back her homework she borrowed, she asked Anastasia to hang out with her one day after school. Not being able to stop herself Anastasia smiles and agrees. She never had friends before so the thought of being able to hang out with someone, especially a popular one, got her excited. They made plans for that upcoming Friday.
    While Anastasia was getting ready to hang out with her new and only friend, she receives a text message. She read it and was very shocked. She reached in her closet to try and find her sexiest outfit. She didn’t have much but she put on what she could find. She was a little nervous because she has never been out to a party. She wanted to have fun but was kind of suspicious on what kind of fun this girl was into.
    When she got into her friend’s car, she notices that she doesn’t look okay. She started talking and right away Anastasia could tell she was under the influence. She didn’t want to lose her friend so she acted like she didn’t care. When they got to the party, all there was were half naked girls and alcohol. She felt immediately uncomfortable. With her friend next to her side, Anastasia walked through the party. Her friend passed her a drink. She thought in her head that she should just have some fun for a change.
    A couple hours passed and the same Anastasia everyone sees at school was no longer present at this party. The new Anastasia was fun and drunk. Every girl wanted to be her friend and every guy thought she would be easy to sleep with. She popped any pill that was given to her and drank all the alcohol that was handed to her. She was so intoxicated, she couldn’t even walk. She stumbled to the bushes and threw up. She sat down on the grass and eventually fell asleep.
    The beginning of the story was much different from the girl at the end. She was innocent and sweet but because she wanted to make friends, she’s not so innocent anymore.

  13. “Jack, you look great. I hope Annabeth has been treating you well.” He didn’t seem to appreciate my sarcasm because his eyes lit up with rage. “Too soon?” I didn’t feel any better bringing his dead fiancé into this, but he was definitely the instigator. Plus, she died of an uncontrollable illness—something I could in no way be responsible for. He, however, was responsible for so much more pain that Annabeth’s death and he deserved to pay for all of it.
    He took a deep breath and composed himself, shakily exhaling his butterscotch breath into the air. I could smell it from my sitting position on the cot and the memories came flooding back. That scent—butterscotch candy—marked my terrifying childhood, from the time I was a wobbling toddler till the glorious morning of my eighteenth birthday when I was legally free to run. It turned my stomach to be home again, but this time I was fresh out of options.
    As Jack turned around to rummage through his “kit,” I quickly slipped the jagged blade out of my sock and set my legs free, making sure to do so with the utmost silence. The damned cot creaked as I hopped off of it, though, and he whipped his head around just in time for me to throw a right hook at his jaw—his very iron-like jaw, if I might add. He only staggered backwards for a second, regaining his equilibrium almost instantly. Then he grabbed something off of the lamp stand and started to come at me with a syringe filled with what appeared to be the same clear fluid injected into me when I was let inside. My training kicked in automatically and I grabbed the hand holding the syringe, twisting his wrist so that the needle was pointed at him. Jack’s face was as red as a poinsettia as he tried in earnest to reverse the direction of the syringe—the same syringe that was being slowly inserted into his bicep. The same syringe that was intended for me.
    It was rather pathetic to watch, actually, because he refused to give up the fight despite having already lost it. I pressed down on the syringe with my thumb and waited for the drug to kick in; all the while Jack continued to punch and kick me and yes, it was painful; but after about ten seconds, his roundhouses had weakened to little jigs and after about twenty seconds, he was easing onto the blue tile floor.

  14. I decided to leave him exactly like that because I had more important things to do. I had to find Diane. Recalling where they used to stash the hunting guns, I made my way over to the wooden chest beside the coat rack and perused the selection. I ended up picking out a sleek rifle with a small scope lens. I needed insurance in case things didn’t go as planned.
    With deliberate, quiet movements, I climbed the wooden stairs; gun poised and finger resting gently on the trigger. I crouched down and continued like that down the hallway to the Hunting Room. Standing at a careful distance from the doorway, I spotted the bright sunlight pouring in through the large, rectangular windows. I then saw the greenery and the mountains in the far distance and the damned rocking chair placed in the center of the room. It was still in motion but no one was seated in it, which only meant one thing: she was still in the room. Slowly, I crept into the oval room and I spotted her immediately, a carving knife in hand. Her eyes met mine and I shivered inwardly. I adjusted the gun without feeling and aimed it at her chest.
    “Drop the knife, Diane. Or I’ll shoot.” I narrowed my eyes at her. It truly amazed me how she could lack emotion at a time like this; and this is why my family is like no other. We apparently have no trouble with killing one another.
    “Baby, you won’t shoot your own mother. It’s not who you are.” She had a slight smile on her perfect, golden face.
    She was right. I wouldn’t shoot her, but killing her was not part of my plan. I simply wanted something from her, and she was going to give it to me whether or not she feared me with a rifle cocked in my hands.
    But I decided that bluffing would be the best route. “You wanna bet?” I adjusted my aim slightly and pulled the trigger, hitting the giant hair clip on the top of her head. It smashed to glorious little pieces against the wall and she leaned against the piano behind her, stunned. “Give me the key, Mom.”

    1. REVISON: ..."she leaned on the piano behind her, stunned."

  15. Ryan P. Tunison

    Alternate Assignment

    Dutch Sonnet II
    That tale of a heart left denied and bent,
    When all he could wish was for that romance;
    Yet weak to prove, he of Her to repent
    All that scarred body and mind. To hindrance
    He shall oppose, yet it was Her who lent
    Many a night to many a man; bent
    Forever is Her love when to feel lust
    Is Her sole motive, leaving heart to rust;
    That same heart of his left now to famish
    Of that lost fancy. Ever to love strong
    That beauty, which is better to banish
    When only blood it shall emit in harm,
    So shallow a shame to begot ‘pon heart;
    Ever to hide those marks bonded to arm.

    Dutch Sonnet V/Poem XXX
    If I lost all knowledge of my actions
    Taken against You, my love, please forgive;
    That night I thought not of Your reaction,
    Only to recall that I wish to shrive,
    For I did not remember those sanctions
    When influenced to fuel my actions.
    Do not think differently of me now
    That all of my affection You now know.
    It was not intention for such romance
    To be hollered for You, my dear, to hear;
    Yet sob’r all I did was create hindrance.
    So drunk on You and strong liquor was I,
    Not to hide my love from You that is drunk;
    I enough to be foolish in Your eye.

    Dutch Sonnet VI/Poem XXXI
    That night now to lay to rest in my mind
    Of memories with You not to repent,
    For my love for You I no longer find
    To be such a hindrance I once proved bent;
    Yet always I knew my love fall’n behind
    To my true heart ever did bruise my mind.
    To embrace sin was romance reminded,
    When before I let my heart be bonded.
    In seeing Her partake in such a game
    Broke my heart to witness innocence void,
    When I learned She was a girl not to tame.
    When in time I thought romance was banished,
    All my innocence crumbled with Her’s ’n night;
    Yet my heart returned t’ Her’s almost famished.

  16. At my old school I was really mean. I acted as if I owned the school and everyone in it. I used to think that I was loved by everyone and no matter what, it wouldn’t change. I thought all of that was true until the day my dad left us and I had to move to a different school. Everything was different. I told my friends that I was leaving and they were extremely upset and I realized that I am not going to be seeing them anymore. I was really upset about leaving my friends behind. I then walked through the cafeteria doors and saw everyone in it. I saw all new faces and I realized that my life was about to change. I didn’t walk in as if I would in my old school. I started to learn the new ways I would be living. I learned that not everyone is going to like you and not everyone is going to be your friend. Everyone was treating me different there and I could tell right away that it wasn’t going to be the same. That day I ran home, screaming at my mom to send me back to my old school, but she told me she couldn’t do that and I told me I was over reacting over nothing. I walked into school the next day and I made a friend who turned out to still be my best friend today. She was so nice and sweet and she wasn’t popular or anything else. This girl was just someone normal who I would have made fun of in my old school. This is when I learned my innocence. I learned it from learning that was a total bitch at my old school. I learned it when I found out that the people I would have made fun of in my old school, are actually really nice people. It took me time to realize that my innocence were gone when I was in my old school. I lost it when I noticed that I was mean to other people. I noticed that a lot has changed and now I am friends with someone because they are nice to me and I learned to be nice to them. More and more each day, I realize that the old me was not someone I would want to be friends with today. I am now happy with the way I run my life now and I don’t need to be mean.

  17. Innocence has many meanings to different people. For example in my family innocence is the simple fact of not being able to do something. Also that one can look innocent because of age and stuff. In my family innocence is lost thru either the age that one becomes an adult and can make their own decisions or a moment in one’s life that caused an impact in some sort that makes them mature. For example in my family one usually has their innocence until you are old enough to make your own decisions and or take responsibility for them. I apparently still have my innocence it is good at times but it can also be bad. It is good for me because I can get out of trouble easier because my parents think I do not understand. However for that same reason I do not get in trouble that much I get treated like a child. Therefore I sometimes hate it because I would like to do stuff on my own but I cannot. I get bombarded with questions like where are you going? What are you doing? Why are you doing it? What time will you be home? Also would you like me to pick you up? However I would like to say do not worry I will be back before 11 I can take care of myself, but I cannot. I have to answer every question or I am not allowed to go anywhere and I am told I will be able to do stuff alone when I am ready. I feel like to them I will never be ready I will always be an innocent child.

  18. Innocence.

    The mere word itself has a pure ring to it.
    A ring that protects its owner,
    Shields them from the filthy world that we live in today.
    Fragile as glass,
    Strong as iron.
    Clear as the air in which we breathe,
    Hides from evil.
    Bright as Heavens light from above,
    Dark as the rinks of hell.
    Not everyone has it
    Yet everyone wants it
    If you still have your innocence you better hang on to it firm and tight
    Because someone might come along and snatch it
    One thinks that there is no purity in this bizarre world we call home
    But there is.
    It’s hidden in the shadows
    It’s beneath the beds of children
    Only to come out when broken
    To find that all along it was alone
    All by itself
    Battling for its rights
    Barely hanging on
    By a thin piece of string
    Trying to grasp on the idea of what was once there.
    Not able to let go of the past
    Letting it creep in every footstep
    Allowing it to breathe down the neck of the victim
    Blood being shed
    Bones being broken
    Makes you wonder,
    Why is this happening
    Why is this happening to me?
    Did I do something wrong
    Did I mistaken in whom I’ve have always known?
    The trust in which was once there is now gone
    The person that you have gotten used to is not in sight
    I am the product of what you did
    I am your monster in which you have created
    I will not back down
    After all this is what you wanted
    Wasn’t it?
    People don’t just mess with other people for no reason
    There has to be a reason
    An explanation
    In which you have so desperately wanted to change me
    Break me
    Rip me into two
    And now you will have to pay the consequences
    After all its was your fate in the beginning
    You were destined to do this
    You were meant to make me fall down
    Make me drown in the tears in which you have caused
    But when people ask me if I would take my revenge
    I simply nod my head
    Because after all you are the reason why I am who I am today
    What you did not only did break me
    It made me stronger
    It made me think twice when wanting to trust people
    It made me see.

  19. Alternative assignment

    Faces surround these halls
    They seem nice and generous faces
    But look deeper in
    They are all cheaters and liars
    Look at them in the face
    They look nice and polite but getting to know them is like getting to know the devil
    Don’t trust just hesitate
    Opposite from what people tell you, huh?
    Life isn’t the way you expected it
    Everything is twisted
    You expect everybody to be nice but it’s not
    People are mean and are ready to sabotage you
    They are like the big bad wolf
    They appear as a nice person but then they take off their mask
    Don’t be surprised because at one time or another you have seen someone do this
    Pick and choose carefully
    They have smiles but look deeply into them
    You see that little tail and they have horns
    You just met the devil himself
    How did it feel?
    In one time in your life you have met him
    Shocking right but he is a master liar
    When you truly find that true person appreciate them and don’t let them slip
    Hold them close to you and appreciate everything they have
    Respect their opinions because you will never find anyone like that every again
    Go on and be a two faced
    I will know your lies just like other people
    I separate the liars from the people that tell the truth
    People walk down halls with smiles
    But look deep into each of their hearts
    You can see evil
    I believe that everyone has evil inside of them
    It just takes time for the bad side to come out
    But some people are truthfully bad people
    Be careful with who you trust
    I have had a few lairs slip into my life
    Thankfully they left my life and now I’m better off without them
    Always look at them don’t pick someone to be your friend because they are cool
    Think about how they will react at the end of the day if you are hurt
    Will they be there for you?
    Supporting you or will they be there texting their friends talking about you?
    Think about what type of friend that they will be
    Pick and choose and see if they will be there for you
    Just don’t be fake like them if they are truly fake
    Now go on and look and examine if they are true and loyal to you
    Did you find them?
    Now go and make an everlasting friendship

  20. Alternate Assignment:

    I pace back and forth across the room, wringing my hands together. I have to make a decision and I have to make it now.What do I do? Do I leave safe and sound or do I fight for my land? I know that my people would cast me down as a coward, a weak leader. I always imagined myself as being heroic one of the greatest leaders this world has seen, but times change. The Malums have gone from country to country taking over and destroying everything the people hold dear. Once they take over an area they collect and destroy anything that has to do with creativity;No more music, books, art, sports. It makes me sad to see such beautiful things being stripped from the land but I have to think about myself, and of course my family. I stop in the middle of the room as a knock sounds from my office door.
    “Dear? Can I come in?” my wife asks hesitantly.
    “Uh yes of course. Is there something wrong?”
    “No,nothing worse than what has already happened.” she steps into the room and closes the door quietly behind her.
    Her chocolate hair falls down her shoulders in perfect ringlets. Her skin is a pale milky color but her cheeks are a rosy hue. I stare at her for a moment but then turn to my desk, pretending to organize papers.
    “Have you decided?” she asks in a voice barely audible.
    “I-uh, not yet.” I turn to her smoothing back my hair.
    “Hm. I didn’t think the decision would be that hard to make or at least take this long.” She walks around my office touching things with the tips of her fingers until she’s right in front of me.
    “What would your choice be?” I snap.
    “I think it’s obvious, I would fight for what’s mine, what’s everyone’s. Countries are falling to the Malums and all they believe behind is a bland world. We need to stop them before it’s too late. Don’t you think?”
    I lick my lips and tap my fingers against my desk.
    “Of course, of course. My only concern is what happens if we fail? Don’t you think we should get out safe when we have the chance?”
    She gives me an exasperated look and shakes her head.
    “Charles, I think it’s you. You’re afraid. I’m not and neither are the boys, they’re willing to fight. What happens when the Malums take over everywhere, you’ll have nowhere left to run.” she turns to leave but then stops with her hand on the door. She looks at me with sad eyes and says, “You know the right path is not always the easiest.”
    With that she leaves my office and closes the door behind her.
