Wednesday, September 18, 2013

If I Could Go Back

What would you choose if you could go back and change one moment in your life?  Write 200 words in response to this prompt.  It is due at the end of the period.  You may use any format you like.


  1. We all have regrets at one point in our life. But none of them really stand out to us. It’s usually a spur of the moment thing right after what we regret, when we have that feeling. Then there are times when we feel like we could have lived so much better now if we made that decision. That’s the case with me. For the past few years I have been regretting one thing and it hurts when I think about it. My sister means a lot to me. She was what made me join tennis and strive to be the best I can be. But I always used to talk to her in an annoyed tone and in an obnoxious matter. I have regretted those times when I would think in my head, why does she have to be so smart and tell me what I’m doing wrong all the time? I finally realized why she always criticized me; it was because I was to naive to realize what I was doing wrong and that she cared that much to point it out. I would take back all those times when I thought she was annoying and when I got her upset. She is a wonderful person and I admire her greatly. I never really understood why I did that…why I hurt her like I did and if I could go back to a point in my life it would be the time that I used to be cruel and hurt my sister emotionally with my crude tone and annoyed words. Honestly, now I’ve realized I could have never asked for a better sister.

    1. "too naïve"
      Excellent. This really shows your maturity.

  2. If I could go back in time I would change the relationship with my cousins. When I used to visit my cousins I would just sit by my mom and not talk to anyone. The rest of my cousins would go off and have fun while I would never leave my mother’s side. I got close to my cousins this summer and I noticed that they are very nice people and they are fun to hang out with. They love to make a boring time a fun time. We spent three weeks together and all we did was laugh and have a few arguments. We are all about the same age and we encourage each other to have fun and follow our dreams. My cousins never put anyone down. They are crazy and wild and are enjoying the time that we are still young. The only thing that I would do when I was a child was just a simple “hi.” I was afraid that they wouldn’t like my personality. I found out this past summer that they are really fun to hang out with and they have a great personality. If someone is in need they will go out of their way to help that person out. It’s easier that we are all about the same age because we all talk about things that we are all going through. I wish I would have listened to my father about moving to North Carolina. It may be very isolated but my whole family it over there and I appreciate their company. A phone call isn’t as nice as seeing them face to face every day and being able to go over their house to hang out. I truly did wish that I could have more time to know them even more.

    1. comma after "cousins" in sentence 2. Change "while" to but in sentence 3.
      I have regrets about spending time with my cousins too!

  3. If I could go back in time and change any moment in my life, I would probably go back to freshman year during baseball season. We made it to the State Championship that year and I was given the opportunity to start the game as a freshman. I think the only thing I would change about that performance is how I prepared mentally and physical. Something felt very strange that day and I still am not able to figure out what it was that was bothering me. I knew our team had the talent and capability to win that game and I just do not feel as though I played to my full potential. I did not hit the ball very well and was not locating the ball on the mound the way that I am capable of doing. The only reason I chose this moment is because I knew that we were a very talented team and although we were not fortunate enough to leave with a victory, I was and still am honored to play with the guys that I did. In all honesty though, I do not regret much in life. I live everyday as if I were to die tomorrow. I take chances and make the most of the opportunities that I am blessed with. However, that day still haunts me, because I know that we could have had it all.

  4. My life has not been perfect but whose life actually is? And I do not regret any of my decisions despite the outcome. I would go back on any moments out my life just because I believe everything happens for a reason in life. I also believe we have no power over certain things, so they will happen regardless of how much you don’t want it to. One of my favorite quotes from of my favorite rap artist is “Stupid mistakes will build a lot of character.” That quote more or less explains how I live my life I do not fear mistakes or any obstacles I embrace them. Because you live and you learn in this world; although sometimes people try to teach you never listen until what they tried to teach actually happens to you. All of my moments and highlights of my life helped defined me today whether they were good or bad. Therefore alliterating one moment in my life could cause me not to be me. I like the young man I developed into today, and I feel as though those little trials and tribulations help crave my personality.

  5. If I could go back in time and change something, what would it be? Hmm
    Many people in life want to change so many things about themselves or their memories.
    Some wish that certain things never happened and others want to get rid of that what if feeling.
    I personally wouldn’t change anything.
    That doesn’t mean that my life is perfect. It isn’t what so ever.
    Yes, I have regrets, yes, I wish I could take things back, and yes, I wish I could forget that certain things happened.
    But, all those things in my life molded me too exactly who I am today.
    Instead of looking at the past with my head down I like to look at is as something that helped me out.
    Every little thing and experience made me who I am and I don’t wish to change me at all.
    The past is a great place and I don’t want to regret it like others do.
    I don’t want to let the regrets get to me and become life’s regretful prisoner.
    I want to live off the past and move forward from it.
    However, if I would have to go back and change something it would be to get rid of all the “what if” feelings in life.
    I hate the fact that I’m stuck to think what if I did this or what I that would have happened.
    But, I don’t let that stuff get to me that is what will make me life’s regretful prisoner.
    Which I refuse to be.

    1. "to exactly"
      comma after "head down"
      comma after "who I am"
      period before "that is what will make me"

      I love the line, life's regretful prisoner. This is a beautiful piece. I love it.

    2. If I could go back in time and change something, what would it be? Hmm
      Many people in life want to change so many things about themselves or their memories.
      Some wish that certain things never happened and others want to get rid of that what if feeling.
      I personally wouldn’t change anything.
      That doesn’t mean that my life is perfect. It isn’t what so ever.
      Yes, I have regrets, yes, I wish I could take things back, and yes, I wish I could forget that certain things happened.
      But, all those things in my life molded me to exactly who I am today.
      Instead of looking at the past with my head down, I like to look at is as something that helped me out.
      Every little thing and experience made me who I am, and I don’t wish to change me at all.
      The past is a great place and I don’t want to regret it like others do.
      I don’t want to let the regrets get to me and become life’s regretful prisoner.
      I want to live off the past and move forward from it.
      However, if I would have to go back and change something it would be to get rid of all the “what if” feelings in life.
      I hate the fact that I’m stuck to think what if I did this or what I that would have happened.
      But, I don’t let that stuff get to me. That is what will make me life’s regretful prisoner.
      Which I refuse to be.

  6. If I could go back in time and change any moment in my life it would be when I moved my bedroom up to the attic. Although the attic is much bigger, I don’t like having it as a bedroom. My sister and I share the attic now because a family friend stays with us. Sharing a room with my sister is not fun because whenever she wants to have friends over, I have to go somewhere else or sleep in my mom’s room and vise versa. I don’t like when the room I sleep in is dirty so my bedroom is rarely messy. My sister is the complete opposite of me. Her side of the room is very messy and it gets me aggravated.
    If I did not share a room with my sister things would be much different. We wouldn’t argue as much because she always blames me for taking her things when they go missing. I could have friends over whenever and not have to worry about her complaining to my mom. My room would be much cleaner. My sister will go in my closet and make a big mess and wait for me to clean it up but if I had my own room again none of this would happen. I wish I could go back in time and tell my mom I did not want to share a room with my sister because it is not fun at all.

  7. If I could change one moment in my past, I would go back to the night of July 3rd, when I completely ruined my friend’s relationship. They’d been on and off for what felt like forever, and during one of their “in the process of getting back together” moments, I one hundred and ten percent ruined it. I had been upset about something completely irrelevant to their relationship, and when ------ saw me he asked what was wrong. I tried to get him to leave me alone but he was very persistent so I just started rambling, and in the process of my rambling I let it slip that ---- had a thing for ------, and right after I said it I knew I’d made I really big mistake. I’ve never felt before, the way that I felt in that moment. It literally felt to me as though the world had stopped. I felt like I could actually see the uncontrollable rage boiling up in his face, and then all the sudden he ran to go find her, and I felt like the dumbest person in the world. And while this whole thing ended up being really good for one of the people in this relationship, I still feel really bad about it. I wish they could’ve ended things on different terms. Preferably on ones that I was in no way involved in.

    1. That is truly a moment that gets thrust out onto the universe, and can never be reclaimed. I've had many of those.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Gregory Baducci was a man of thirty years. He lived an average life, with everything normal; but unfortunately– he hated it all. After 15 years of working his grueling, monotonous job he realized he no longer had a taste for it. He recognized that he lived in a bubble which contained everything he hated; a boring job, an unpleasing body and at the end of the day, a lonely home to return to. Greg sat in his office, with his door shut, pondering on the idea of somehow changing his life. He imagined being able to travel in time and replace his awful decisions. In his day dreams, Gregory thought of returning to his years of college and changing his major. He pictured the success he would achieve from being a Chemical engineer as opposed to an Accountant. He thought about his life had he been slender rather than portly. He also imagined his existence, but instead, with a loving wife to arrive home to, someone who would enjoy his slender figure. With all these thoughts floating around in his head, Gregory became saddened. He knew what he thought of was unobtainable. However, his gloomy cloud was uplifted when he realized something. He lived in a world where it’s never too late. He could become the person who was so hungry to be, all that was left was the ambition needed to drive this production. He vowed to changed, to become who he wants to be.

  10. I remember it was wintertime a couple years back, and Mr. Maxham, the new math teacher at Dunellen High School, had given us an absurd assignment. We had to graph one hundred and fifty different mathematical functions and we were given two weeks to complete it. No one handed them in on time, and so he ended up extending the due date for another two weeks. That always reminds me of how powerful a unified mass of people can be. The entire class refused to do them, and because no one followed the initial directions, the directions were thus altered.
    So the point is, I procrastinated yet again, and this time, the due date would remain intact. Crunch time was rushing in, and they were to be due the day of midterms. But here’s the kicker: I was going away for four days with my family to celebrate my aunt’s fiftieth birthday. It was in Lake Placid, New York, and it was supposed to be so much fun. However, I still had to finish these problems by eight o’clock in the morning on Monday, the day after we would arrive home. My sheer laziness and lack of focus caused me to miss out on the full experience I should have gotten that weekend; and although I would love to say that ever since then I changed my ways, I still procrastinate on a somewhat regular basis.
    I remember it was eleven-thirty at night and everyone—literally the whole gang—was out partying at the other hotel. And where was I?—sitting at the desk in the lobby, completely frustrated and slowly working my way through those ridiculous problems. I liked to complain about the work load of the assignment, but in reality, I was perfectly capable of completing it with leisure and time to spare at the end. If I had another go at it, I would have done twenty problems or so each night and finished it on time and before my Lake Placid trip. Procrastination can be a real buzz kill when it rises to the surface.

  11. If I could change any moment in my life it would be one of my vacations to Colombia. I went with my mom, stepdad, cousin Alejandra and aunt. I was obviously very excited about going. At first I was with my Alejandra and we stayed with my mom’s family. These few days were good and it was a learning experience. As soon as we got there I was introduced to a difficult life. The moment we went into the house where we would first be staying, my mom went instantly to go food shopping because the little amount of food that there was was horrific. Although that uncle had enough money to feed his family, he was selfish and greedy. I had only turned 13, and at the time I would’ve never imagined someone in my family could be like that. I had hated the cousin at whose house we were staying at years before when she had lived here and on my visit there we developed a better relationship. We met her friends and had good times together. What I would change about my trip was a specific day, Christmas Eve. It was actually very nice because many of my mom’s family had also been visiting Colombia and we all met in what we call a farm but it was more like a community to vacation in. This was the day I met a guy who changed my life. If I could go back I would’ve avoided him the best I could. Although nothing happened between us, I felt like I had a connection with him. The reason that I would change this experience was because I feel it ruined the sheltered youth I had lived in. I spent Christmas Eve with my family and his. The only other time I saw him was the day that I was coming back home. We were having a welcoming party for another family member who was just beginning his vacation. Once again I spent the day with him, simply talking and getting to know each other. As dumb as it sounds I cried as soon as it was time to get into the taxi that would take us to the airport. If I were to go back I wouldn’t have allowed myself to get so close to a stranger. He brought me a lot of feelings that I shouldn’t have felt at such a young age. The following years could’ve been lived in innocence and happiness if I would’ve never had met him.

    1. This is intriguing. Such a unique perspective.

  12. Many moments happen in our lives that we wish happened differently. Live is too short to regret things but if we all had a chance to change a moment would we? If I could change a moment in my life I think about the moment when my friend and I got in a huge fight over something I can’t even remember. We were really close to one another and would do everything together. We were in the 4th grade and I lied to her about something so insignificant but it ended up blowing up into a huge fight. We both said a lot of mean things to each other. I really hurt her feelings and she really hurt mine. After that fight we never made up. Now we aren’t really friends but we are on speaking terms. I really wish I was still friends with her.

    If I was able to go back to that day in 4th grade and never lie, I would. We would have had so many more memories together since that day. We would both be so much happier because we would not have that grudge to hold on to. I don’t think there would be a down fall to this change. I would still have the friends I have today and here. I don’t know if my life would be better or worse if I never lied but that would be a risk I would take making the change.

  13. If I could go back to a time in my past, it would be my freshman year of high school for a number of reasons. Most importantly, I would whip myself into shape, in a manner of speaking. I way underestimated high school and the amount of work I had taken on, and I didn’t even realize it until the end of the year, when it was far past time to make up for my shortcomings. Now that I’m older and wiser, I realize that freshman year really could have been a strong foundation for the rest of my high school career. Instead, I slacked off just a little bit too much, and now, of course, I’m suffering for it.
    The next reason is that freshman year really was a lot of fun, but not because I slacked off. Come to think of it, in some aspects, I worked harder than I ever have, particularly in my musical pursuits. Marching band was the most fun it ever was, and not only because we placed third at championships. The bond we all shared was unlike any I have ever felt with a group of people. What made it great was that we all knew what we were into, what it took, and we delivered, all while growing as somewhat of a family.

  14. Watching the outline,
    I see scattered spots of white paint decorating the tinted blue sky.
    The moon stands guard behind the beautiful silver emphasized with just touches of gray.
    You triggered a chain to collapse.
    A chain that links moments.
    A chain that links you to me.
    A chain.
    As thick as a number two pencil
    But as heavy as a house embodied with the past.

    Hollow like the sound you heard when you hit your own chest.

    Not a chance of survival.
    I have to let go.
    We have to disconnect.

    Schhk Schhk!
    Like a padlock slamming against the ground…

    I can feel the sound shaking the air as it escapes into the atmosphere.

    And, then, a faint crash.
    The dried leaves gave a slight ripping sound.
    Like one you get when you tear a sheet of paper.
    “Leave behind the scraps for the diurnals.”
    My conscious mind kicks in again.
    It’s time to go home.
    I apologize we couldn’t be friends
    But I couldn’t hold on any longer.
    I had to let go.
    You had to be free for once.
    But you wouldn’t be able to live without me.
    No more “see you later.”
    It’s Goodbye now.

    1. This is an incredible poem. WOW. Another level.

  15. As she traveled through the portal she pictured a time, place, and image clearly in her mind. Suddenly it was not just in her mind, the location surrounded her. It was a nice spring day of her eighth grade. She saw her younger self walk out to her family’s minivan and slide into the front seat. This was it. She looked at the small remote in her hand. She then pressed the red button and slowly her surroundings disappeared around her. As she pressed the blue button she pictured the next destination. When she arrived there she then pressed the red button again. It was done. Those three hours of her life were erased.
    The new memory of her life filed into her brain. It felt as though her brain was being twisted. In that three hours' place was a memory of her sleeping in and missing the entrance exam. The school would not allow for her to make it up. She would be attending her public high school in the fall.
    It was time to return home and she did not even have to press any buttons. The remote knew the job was completed and it was time to return to her to her new life.
    Her memories at the academy were gone, but she still remembered making the decision to erase them. In the place of her other memories were accounts as a normal freshman in her freshman year. She joined tennis and tried out for the fall play for the first time. She also won her election for class Vice President. She loved biology and got an A for the year. Her GPA and class rank were within the top 10%. She became even closer to her middle school friends. Life was great.
    As she opened her eyes she instinctively felt a felling of regret. But as she processed the meaning of her dream she realized that its meaning was to show her that she may have liked staying at Dunellen better, but it would have been easier. She realized she was glad to have experience in both schools and each one taught her unique lessons.

    1. Very good. You have a mature perspective on the entire situation.

  16. If you could go back in time what would you change in your life?
    An easy question for others but hard for some.
    A question that I found difficulty with.
    My thoughts exactly...
    Why would you want that change?
    Why would you want to alter your past choices?
    Everything you’ve done leads up to something in the future.
    Every choice you made was a lesson.
    A stepping stone in this destination you call life
    Try removing one of those stones and what happens?
    Since you aren’t a bird you won’t fly
    You’ll just fall.
    Fall down into a new path that you are completely confused about.
    You would think how did you get here
    And the only answer you can get is that broken step that you removed
    I would rather leave the past where it is and focus on the future
    The past has died, breathed its last breathe.
    Breathe into the future because you are wasting your time trying to bring something that died back to life.
    Focus on what is trying to grow before you
    You’ve built your own fate, your own future
    Why would you destroy your own creation?
    Let the past be and look forward to what could happen
    Don’t focus on the what if’s because then you’ll never know about the what could’s
    Take this winded explanation as a learning lesson
    Don’t worry about what you could change in the past
    I don’t
    Focus on how the choices you made created you to who you are now
    That’s what I do
    So would I change my past?
    In short why try to change/fix something that isn’t broken?

  17. If I could go back in time I would not trust so easily. I would sense a lie coming my way and ignore the person who was telling me it. If I could go back, I would sense pain before it even hit me. I would become this super strong person if could. I would rather be strong in the first place instead of having pain make me this way. If I could go back in time…I would have never gotten my hopes up. Often fake promises were made to me; I would not have any faith in them. If I could go back in time, I would never allow anything to get in the way of my priorities. Whether it was feelings, circumstances, or events, if I could go back in time; none of it would get in the way. I would have understood the importance of my education and make my grades the highest I could get, and choose the hardest courses I could've taken. I have always underestimated myself and never challenged myself. I would have more hope in my after high school plans compared to the little hope I have for me right now. If I could go back in time, I’d rebel against my parents’ rules and be way more active in school. I’d be in greater places now, if only I could go back in time. If I could go back in time I would be a completely different person.

  18. “BlackStone? I guess that explains why the men we fought were so bloodthirsty. They knew if they tried to run they’d be killed anyway.”
    BlackStone chuckled and carelessly tossed his white cloak onto the now muddied ground, “I appreciate the flattery, but it’s not going to save your life.”
    A quick movement made the knight jump back, and he could feel the wind from the blade whiz past his face. At first he’d thought that he’d managed to dodge it, but the warm trickle down his cheek was an all too familiar sign.
    “Come now, boy! Don’t shy away from a fight!” BlackStone belted out a deep laugh as he jammed Vice into the dirt and drew it, clean of any blood it had previously been sated with. The blade of the sword was clear, which made it all the more intimidating when it was coated in blood.

  19. If I had the opportunity to go back and change something, I don’t really think that I would. Every single event in my life, good or bad, has led up to this point and my life is going pretty well. There have been plenty moments in my life I wish I could change, but they all happened for a reason. I believe in that one hundred percent. I have fought with people I love and as much as I wish those moments never happened, it is a good thing that they did. Even though fighting is usually anger, anytime someone opens up and lets their emotions out, they are becoming closer with the person on the receiving end and vice versa. I am glad to be close with the people I am close with today, not only my family but my friends as well. I know that I can always be myself around them because I’m not afraid to let my emotions seep through. That’s mainly because my emotions have already seeped through quite a lot. Sure, I would love to go back and take back all the hurtful words and awful things I’ve shared with my friends but I wouldn’t. Even if it sounds weird, the anger, fights, tears and especially the smiles and laughs bind us together. It’s glue that won’t ever wear down and I like things that way.

    1. This is an excellent attitude about life - both the positive and the negative experiences make us who we are.

  20. If I can go back in time and change one moment, it would be to change not seeing my Aunt Diane that much. My Aunt Diane was my god mother and was like my second mom but sometimes I couldn’t stand her. She would always pinch me and punch me (lightly) and I used to always hate it. Then she passed away. It made me realize how fast someone can leave you. Now I wish she could still sit here and punch me and pinch me. It made me realize that the stuff she did was out of love. She loved every single one of us. I know we didn’t take our relationship seriously and I completely regret it, but I didn’t think her life would have been taken so suddenly. So if I could go back in time, I would appreciate the times I did have with her. I would love to sit there and let her hug me and kiss me and tell me how much she missed me. She was the nicest and sweetest lady ever and I would do anything to have that woman back in my life. I miss and love you Aunt Di Di. My uncle said that to not ignore the ones you love, because you don’t know how long they are going to be here

  21. If I could go back and change one moment in my life it would be talking to my dad more. The last year or two, I haven’t talk to him much and I regret it. I can only talk to my dad when he calls and when he does call I never answer the phone because I usually doing something when he calls. In the beginning of the year I got mad at him and refused to talk to him and I haven’t talked to him in a while because I refused to and I regret it. I wish I could go back and change what I did. If I could I would go back and every time he called I would answer the phone and talk to him especially because he can only call me. This is something I regret and wish I could go back and change this time in my life because I miss taking to my dad and making jokes with him. Recently I wrote him a letter, and I wish I did that more often to, just to talk to him. If I could go back the one thing I would change is talking to my dad more because I miss him.

    1. I wish I had talked to certain people more too.

  22. If I could rewind the clock and go back in time, I would probably go back to freshmen year. Last year I didn’t understand how important it was for me to build strong foundation for the rest of high school. I slacked off and barely got my homework done. This year I’m now realizing that I only have a limited amount of time to make up for my foolishness. If i had just worked hard & finished all my assignments, I wouldn't have to worry & stress out. Sometimes it scares me that i might be rejected from my favourite college just because of actions during freshmen year. I would say this is the only thing that I really regret and wish I could change. Of course I have little things that I regret, such as fighting with a friend or staying stupid things. In the end mistakes are what makes us smarter and more responsible people. However, I’m going to try to live life with no regrets and just enjoy everyday I have.

    1. It seems that you learned an important lesson, and as long as you improve now, I don't think that would damage your college dreams.

  23. She’s used to being used; it’s all she’s ever known. It seems that letting people walk right over her has become a customary thing- but it’s not what she wants. She begs for a chance to change; something in this world that could save her from the hurt. Going back in time and changing all of this, being a stronger person and standing up for what she wants, not what everyone else wants. That is her only wish. If she could swing back in time and change all of this- the lies, the fake friends, the broken promises- would it be for the better? But then she stops and thinks- All of these things made her into the woman she is today, and she’s past the hurt. But would it make a difference if she had led a different life? What would her life have been like if she wasn’t so vulnerable, so trustworthy toward the wrong people? Everything that has happened in the past has only brought her to the place she is now; it has only made her stronger. Going back in time would do nothing, but looking into the future with a different mindset and perspective is the only thing that can save her from repeating and dwelling on it once more.

  24. If I could go back to change something in my life I would go back to the time before my grandfather died. I would go back so I could change my relationship with him and actually enjoy the time I had to spend with him. For example with my grandfather I would go back to the time I was visiting him in Guatemala and the day he asked me to spend time with him I would of because I didn't know it was going to be the last time I would see him. That day I would have listened to all the stories he had to say no matter what fun activity my friends were doing outside. I would have also went fishing with him the day he asked me to go with him and not stay home playing video games with my cousin. However above all that I would have liked to go to Guatemala the day before cancer won the fight between him. It wasn't like I knew he was going to die but I had the chance to go. So if I could go back to change something it would have been that day I made the decision of not to go to Guatemala the day before my grandfather lost the fight against cancer.

  25. Just thinking about being given the chance to go back and change one moment in my life made me realize that I honestly do not think I would. I can think of hundreds of moments in which I did or said something I wish I didn’t, but once I continue to dwell on it, I recognize that those mistakes have made me who I am today and I would not change them for anything. I would maybe change a certain aspect about myself, such as not being as trustworthy as I was towards people who betrayed me for example, but I would not change any particular moment in which I got lied too because in the end I learned a valuable lesson from it. Another aspect that I would slightly modify, but not completely change, would be to not hold grudges for too long. I feel as though sometimes I get mad at small things that should not even be a big deal and I am one to hold a grudge and stay mad for a long time. In the end, I come to the realization that it is silly and I am wasting that could be spent being happy and having a good time. In the end, I am not one to live in the past or let past faults get to me. Instead, I take them as a lesson and as a way to improve myself as a person.
