Thursday, December 20, 2012

text out of context


  1. My name is Sean and I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and news travels really fast. On a normal day in the summer I was texting my friend and I made a mistake in the text I sent him. After that text my summer was ruined. It all started one day when my friend and I were texting and we were talking about a girl in my grade that he liked and wanted to see if he could get her number from me. I told him I would ask the girl if she wanted me to give him her number. I sent her a texting asking if I could and she said yes, so I sent him a text message with what I thought was her number at the time. When I found out whose number I really sent it really changed my life forever. After a few months summer was over and we were back in school and I hadn’t heard from him the rest of the summer so the first day of school I asked him if anything happened with the girl. He said they had been texting all summer and he was really happy with their situation. As the day had gone along I had a class with my friend and the girl he was texting I watched him go up and say hi to her and she shrugged it off like nothing happened and my friend was crushed and went back to his seat. This was normal behavior my friend really had no backbone to stand up for himself. On my way home after school I thought about how messed up it was that the girl just ignored him like that, it really got me angry. When I walked up to my house to go inside I noticed that something was wrong because I heard yelling from outside. When I walked inside my dad was screaming at my mom because she had been texting another guy and he found the messages and saw that they were getting serious. My dad said he wanted a divorce and left without saying anything to me. I realized right then and there that my life was going to change forever. I went up and asked my mom who the guy was and why she would do something like this. She never told me why but she told me the name of the guy and it was Josh my friend from school. He was the guy I thought I had given him the girl’s number but I ended up giving him my mom’s number. It was the worst text message I have ever sent.

  2. “O, say can you see, by the dawn’s early light?” The national anthem starts to play, muffled and unexpectedly, during an important cabinet meeting in the white house. A look of shock and utter embarrassment paints the president’s face as he reaches into his pocket to silence the patriotic sounds coming from his cell phone.
    “Is there something you need to attend to Mr. President? I’m sure America can wait.” Spoke the secretary of state, sarcastically.
    “I uh, no, no I’m sorry. I thought I informed my family that I was no longer going to take text messages to my personal phone. Please, continue.”
    The meeting proceeded like the president advised, but as the mindless back and forth between politicians took place, he slide his phone out from his suit pants pocket and slyly looked down at the text that had brought him such embarrassment. The text message read: “Joe, I finally got tabs on the president; I think I can get him this time.” The man’s eyes opened wide in surprise, fear and curiosity. Questions raced through his head as he became entirely separated from what was happening in the rest of the room. Tabs on me? Get me? What in the world does that even mean? Should I tell someone? Should I run? Any second now I could be in danger. Perhaps the secret service won’t save me.
    These frantic thoughts brought the president into such a panic that he became sick all over the distinguished, presidential carpet. The debates ended quickly with a collective gasp as many of the men and women jumped from their chairs over to the hunched-over man. He swore he was fine and excused himself from the meeting. He headed off to his bedroom and collapsed into his bed. Soon after he found his phone in his hand again, the text of accidental warning staring him right in the face. But what to do? The decision was made to pretend to be this “Joe” in hopes of uncovering more information on this attack. The chief executive took a few seconds to catch his breath and allow the room to stop spinning. As soon as he felt stable enough, he put his fingers to the screen.
    “Where is he now?” appeared on the screen after a few taps of his weak and shaky thumbs.
    Soon after, the national anthem started up from the speaker of the phone once more. Hastily, the president opened the text that would fulfill his fears.
    “He’s behind the blue door.”
    In a swift flick of his head, the president examined his door. It was just like he remembered. Blue. The panic started up again. Trying not to hyperventilate, he looked to the gleaming screen once more.
    “How are you gonna do it?”
    The anthem played once more.
    “With my gun? Cmon man, it’s like you’ve never done this before. Get it together. I’m going in now.”
    In almost immediate response, the powerful man rolled off his bed, away from the door. This was his last chance for safety. He laid there for nearly twenty minutes in fear when suddenly the door creaked open. In anticipation, he bit down on his tongue, but he never heard any gunshots.
    “Hun, are you alright?” The first lady appeared from behind the door, approaching the bed.
    He looked up at her with relief. Soon after, he texted the number again.
    “What are you waiting for?”
    The response was instant.
    “I got him, what are you talking about?”
    “Wait, got who?”
    “The president on the other paintball team…? Are you okay?”
    The man laid back onto the ground, finally, for the first time all day, feeling safe.

  3. So a funny story about misspellings. I almost ended the world because of it. Or rather I saved the world because of misspellings. We all could have died. On my smart phone I can control the destiny of the world with a number combination, since I am the leader of the world government and everything, but shhhhhhh, no one is supposed to know. Well back to the story, I am the leader and I control all your lives. I was texting someone that I didn’t know, it was just a random number. We got into a very intellectual discussion about science and the workings of the universe. He somehow knew who I was and what my position was in the world. I don’t know how he knew that but he did. So I got side tracked because one of my friends in the world government asked me about the number combination that I mentioned earlier. You know the one that decides the fate of the world and what not. So he asked me the exact numbers so right before I started texting him the numbers since I know it by heart I got another text from the person I didn’t know. So instead of texting the number to my friend I sent it to the other guy. I didn’t realize my mistake until the guy texted me back and thanked me for giving him the world on a silver platter. He then started black mailing me and told me that he will become the king of the world and no one can stop him. Then I realized that I had sent him the wrong number. Just one digit in the 1027 digit code was off and he had no idea. So thankfully, my mistyping a letter/number actually did well for the rest of us. Later on I and a few other people looked into the person who was actually messaging me that day. It took us a while but we finally figured out that this guy was a very intelligent convict that escaped from prison about two weeks before hand. The reason why he was texting me was because I was the person who put him in the prison. He was trying to get anything out of me that he could use against me. If he was able to text me without me knowing who he really was then he could have killed everyone if he had the right digit combination. However, we did catch him when he tried using that combination we figured out where he was hiding and we found him. So the world almost ended but it didn’t so you all should thank me for that.
