Monday, December 10, 2012

Letter from the Future

Write a letter to yourself 30 years from now. Include what you should have achieved by then, your goals and aspirations, and what you expect to see yourself as in the future.
You letter should be a minimum of 300 words, due at the end of the period.


  1. Letter from the future

    Dear Ahmed,
    Hi Ahmed, this is going to sound weird but I’m you from the future. Yes you lived to be 47 years old. Life is great you have three children that are now grown up and married. You have come a long way from the bottom, but you still made it to the top. Your dream was to become a State Trooper and guess what?!, You did it you’re a cop in the state of new jersey. You got married to the girl that you loved when you were a young teenager. You and her fought but always made up because that was true love. You live in warren New Jersey you have a big house and you are living wealthy and healthy. You have no problem with anyone nor have enemies. You and your family are good people in the future are very nice they helped you or should I say us. Lol. Sadly your friends that you thought wore your friends aren’t here. The only friends that stayed around wore the ones you always were with. But as life went on the friends you had in high school disappeared and they are nowhere to be found. The life now is good you don’t need anyone but your family your kids are beautiful they are looking out for you over here; the family just wants you to stay healthy and be strong. The good news is you stopped smoking cigarettes that is good but you still smoke hookah because as you say” real men smoke hookah”. Just know that your life over here is great no one has anything against you and your dream came true. Everything you wished for came to reality. You worked hard and played hard and the things you were reaching for you got it. You reached for the moon but you got stuck in the stars and now you are one of the stars in the sky.

  2. Hey Hergz from thirty year,
    How did I spend the thirty years? I know I would’ve have definitely been a successful woman. Maybe, I already have a family of my own, but maybe not. It all depends if I met someone who I like. Weird enough though, I don’t actually mind if I don’t get married. Out of my group of friends, I have the highest chance of being the lonely granny knitting in a rocking chair with cats around the house. My hair will be all white; and my face will be full of wrinkles. That’s a nice scene… not really. Anyway, I know all of my friends would be married already. Some of them probably got married right after they graduated from college. By then, they probably have like two or three kids in college already. Time does go by fast. I wonder where I went to college. I definitely went to a decent school, maybe NYU? Neh, I don’t really like to stay close to home. I want to go to Pennsylvania or further. For once, I can actually be out of Dunellen, and stay away from home. It will be good though, because my bother will probably be married by then and have a few kids. They will most likely ask me to babysit for them and watch the kids when they are out. Kids are annoying, especially little crybabies.
    I don’t like to feed the babies and change the diapers, but I’d love to hang out with my niece and nephew when they are older, like middle or high school old. I could see myself coming back from work and visiting my brother’s family every day. Actually, I’ll probably be living with them, considering my parents would be living with my grandparents after they retire, and my grandparents’ house is in China. Or maybe I’ll buy a house or an apartment near their house because I can’t take care of myself. I need someone to always look out for me. I don’t know what my future job will be though, but it will definitely be a job that earns a lot. Yeah, I don’t have a life when I was little and I never thought about my future. I probably won’t think about it until senior year of high school. Who knows? I’ll take on whatever fate has in plan for me. Maybe I’ll be dead thirty years from now and not even see this letter. I hope not, but life is always full of twist and turns.

  3. Dear Ayanna,
    If you’re reading this you should be about 46 years old right now. Since I’m sitting in my Creative Writing class at the age of sixteen, I hope my future is bright and filled with many accomplishments. At least that’s the way I see it right now. By the time I reach that age, I plan on have graduated high school and college. I plan to be married with two kids, two girls to be exact. I have their names picked out. I hope to have a career in being an author and writing short stories and poems by then. Of course everyone wants to be rich, I just want to be wealthy and better off. Growing up, I didn’t have everything I wanted and I want to make sure everything I didn’t have, my children do. That’s only because of the way my parents raised me. My parents are important factors in my life, so I want to put them in a house, somewhere peaceful and tranquil. The friends that have been here for years, I hope to have those same friends when we’re grown and have our own lives and families. I wish to have learned from my experiences, be able to look back at all my teachers and what they told me when I was younger. I want to be able to say, “They were right.” Well some of them were, others I could live without their opinions. People think being successful is having expensive cars and houses. There’s way more to it than that. I just want to be able to have an education to fall back on, even if I don’t do anything with it. I don’t want to be 46, still thinking about what I could have done with my life or thinking about going back to school, because I didn’t do it right the first time. I just hope to have a successful future with many life lessons and learned experiences. I hope when I read this letter 30 years from now, I’m actually satisfied with the way my life turned out.

    Sincerely, Ayanna

  4. Hey young self! I have to tell you so much. You’re actually an incredible person and you fulfilled your dream. I know you had many dreams as a kid but this dream was the biggest one that got accomplished. You have your own condominium in South Plainfield, its where your uncle used to live, remember? You’re in love with it you have your own pool pass and everything. In that condo you don’t live alone though, you live with the person you love most and your son (the dog). Yeah, that’s right you live with your soon to be husband and the puppy he bought for you a few years back. You work in a much known law firm and you own your own office uptown where you always dreamed of having. You’re everything you ever wanted to be which are lawyer and psychologist. You get along with your family very well and you’re the godmother of your nephew David and his godfather is your fiancé. David loves him so much and your fiancé treats him as if he were his own son. You own a car of the year and you always travel to many places but you’re not selfish, you always have your family come with you on the trips and your future in laws family too. The fams come over every week, they get along very well especially the dads, they go out every day they’re inseparable. Your fiancé is a secret agent and he’s very good at his job, he loves how you support him every time he wants to try something new. You have the life you always wanted. Your niece and nephew love you so much that they always want to spend the day with you at your place and its mostly because you let them borrow the car and let them do whatever which is not good I’m telling you now. Your sister is happier with her husband and your parents are the happiest old couple ever seen, your mom buys herself stuff now not like before and you don’t ever see her crying and complaining. Everything is how it’s supposed to be.

  5. Hello past self. I am writing to you thirty years into the future. By now, I should be forty-six years old with a shelf full of trophies from sports. I should also have a college degree from the University of Gettysburg. The only accomplishments that I know I should have are graduating college, and getting married. If my cards were played right, then I must have married the love of my life, and had a family of my own. Since the college I hopefully went to is in Pennsylvania, I should be living out there with my new family happy as can be. I’m expecting myself to look good for my age, fit and active, and also have a good job as a writer. I’ve wanted to become a writer ever since I was kid with a crazy, wild imagination. Since I should be forty-six, my children should be about eighteen years old, give or take a few years. Because I’ve watched so many shows as a kid, and the way they depicted the future with robots and amazing technology, I’ve always wanted it to be that way, but it’s not. The future is the way it was thirty years before, but without all the sweet technology. My parents are most definitely alive; mom is seventy-four and dad is seventy-six. They both are living in their house in Dunellen, same place they lived ever since we moved there in kindergarten. Now, I’m living in a nice house with my husband, and two kids who are eighteen and twenty-one. Both are going to college, and are doing wonderfully. Life doesn’t seem to be that much different than when we lived in Dunellen. Brother Max is living with his wife down the shore in Wildwood with his wife and his family. The whole family is well and lively, and I hope it stays this way for a longer time than thirty years...

  6. Hello Mark, it’s yourself. It’s 2042, can you do the math? Its 30 years down the road and I figured since I had the technology I would spend the time giving you a little heads up. I only ask if you can do the math because you are still in high school and I know you got a bad case of senioritis. In the future you will realize how good these times actually were. The real world is tough and it takes a lot of hard work to be successful. One of the toughest parts is college. I know that right now you think it is going to be all fun and no hard work, but it really is a difficult task to get through college. You have achieved many things after getting through college though, including going on to get your master’s degree and running a marathon. That last achievement comes some way down the road, so you don’t have to start training now. You will also see a few important things in your life time. You will see the ending of the war in the Middle East and you will see a major change in our political system, which I can’t talk too much about. That you’ll just have to wait and see on your own. In thirty years there are no flying cars which is somewhat disappointing but we get some other great things. We don’t have to drive anymore because we just tell it where to go and it goes. Gas has been replaced by a substance created by man and there are no side-effects that we have seen, yet. And of course there is this whole time travel idea which we figured out. I got this visit from fifty-year old you the other day and it was weird so I will leave you alone for now. Good Luck!

  7. The letter I am about to read is the one I wrote 30 years ago to my older self. I hid it in between the China plates that I use only on Christmas. It was at the bottom of the stack and only now have I discovered it.

    Dear Older and Successful Me,
    Where am I now? Did I become a vet and writer? Did I get scholarships and graduate at the head of my class? Did I have the perfect wedding I always dreamed of? There are so many questions I want to ask you, but by the time you read this, I would have already accomplished what I am destined to do. So I guess there’s no real point in asking such questions.
    But what else am I supposed to talk to you about? It’s not like you can write back to me. Unless you have time machines in your time….. Do you? Are there flying cars like the ones they said we would have by my time? Have robots taken over humans? Have we become fat and lazy? Does everyone wear matching white suits like in the movies? There go the questions again.
    I suppose the only way to avoid questions is to remind you of your past, or rather my present. I am a sophomore at Dunellen High School. I play viola, trombone and bass trombone. Do you still play trombone? I know I would be if I were you….but I am you. Anyway, music is…our life, so you better still be playing. I’m in the process of writing my first novel. Have you finished it yet? I hope so. I actually hope you’re on our third or fourth book by now. Oh and have you finished those pictures yet? I know now I’m really excited to finish them so they better be done by now.
    I guess this letter is more of a letter to get you to do things you haven’t accomplished yet. If you haven’t written the books or drawn the pictures yet, get them done. Your life is already halfway done. So do what you’re going to do. Don’t put off what you can do now.
    - Teenage You
    PS- I didn’t really know how to write this letter. Whether to use I, you, or we. So I just mixed it up and used whichever one I felt like.

  8. Dear future Justin
    By now you are 47 years old. A lot of things have changed since you were a young 17 year old guy in high school. It should be approximately 2042 and things should look really futuristic and cool. I’m guessing that people don’t get up for work anymore as they just talk to each other via Skype or some other type of thing. I’m writing to find out what I am doing with my life in the future and trying to figure out if my goals have been reached. First of all, I wanted to get a job in high school or right after high school, and since I don’t have a job yet I was wondering what it would be. I was kind of leaning towards working at the Port Authority in New York City with my uncle and cousin. The pay is really good and if you kept that job you should be retiring in the next 10 years. Secondly I was wondering where I would be living. I love New Jersey and would like to stay here for many years to come. My whole family has lived up here for centuries and I want to keep that going, because moving to a completely different place would just seem weird. Next, I was wondering if I am married, or if I have any kids. Hopefully I am not some lonely guy with the same routine every day. I haven’t decided if I want to have kids yet, although I think it would be a pretty cool experience. I would also like to know how well off I am. Will I have a lot of money or would I be struggling to get by. And finally, I would like to know it I am happy in the future. Are things going well for me? Hopefully when I am 47 I will know the answers to these questions.

  9. Dear Robert,
    Do not be startled this is you writing to yourself from the future, yes, yes I know there can be a time paradox that can ruin what I now have and what you will have. Regardless of all that I feel the need to tell you what you will accomplish and what your life is like thirty years from the date you receive this letter. Now that that is out of the way on to what you’ll want to know, you will get as your cousin Liz put you redneck dream house. Yes there will be a neighbor a mile one way and a mile the other way, it will be extremely peaceful with plenty of animals coming to you house daily. I still don’t understand why all the deer come because I shoot them every few days after my morning movement. Your wife is not the happiest with the gunshots waking her up on the weekends so you should change that once you’re in my shoes. You will marry the girl of your dreams, I don’t want to spoil the details on how you win her over because it is better to let fate take care of that and not have me influence it. You will have three children two boys and a girl, in that order. The first one was a bit of trouble to start but you and the wife will straighten him out nicely after he turns ten. Your kids also aren’t fond of the early morning shooting but it works nicely as the alarm clock to wake them for school. Your daughter doesn’t like the references to Bambi when you kill the deer, so watch out with that. You graduated from Lincoln Technical Institute and became certified to work in HVAC. You did like working in New Jersey but once you got married you bought the house in Pennsylvania where I now live. Before your first kid you took night classes to become a gunsmith and now work in that field. Your son followed you in the Gunsmith field and works with you in a custom building shop that you opened together. Your daughter doesn’t like that you scare off about every boy she brings home but she will understand in the end that you did it for her benefit. She may say she hates you and your wife may take her side but stick to it and she will find the perfect man soon enough. That is the end of this, one last word of advice don’t be a wise guy all the time you needed a few fake teeth because of it.
    Robert J. Wikander III

  10. Dear future Erin,
    You are thirty years older now than I am today. Hopefully, you have managed to keep the wrinkling and sagging to a minimum. I feel like there should have been significant advancements in skin care in the time since I have written this letter. On to more important things. I’m hoping you are successful. You should be enjoying a prosperous career as a dental hygienist following two years at Middlesex County College. How’s that working out for you? Must be nice.
    I am also hoping that you are married by now. I mean, if not what are you waiting for? You’re forty-seven. It’s time. Move it along. You better have picked a good guy. Also, kids would be nice. Maybe. And a pretty house in a great location of course. I wonder if you are still as picky as I am right now. Do you have a balcony and a fancy bathroom and nice pool? You should probably have married a guy with money or be making a decent salary yourself.
    Also, you better have had a lot of fun when you were young. And traveled. II want to travel all over the world. Swim in the Caribbean Sea. See kangaroos in Australia. Go shopping in Europe. Mess around in Asia. Make sure you did all those things. I want to live in exotic places and do fun things. If you didn’t go anywhere or do anything spectacular just know that past Erin is very disappointed in you.
    Basically, I hope you’ve lived a rad life so far and continue to do so. I hope you’re cool with your career choice and family and the things that you have done. I hope you’re successful and that you didn’t get into too much trouble. I just hope you’re happy.
    Past Erin

  11. Dear Lisa,
    Well those two people who you said were your best friends are still here for you. You thought at one point in life that they would leave you, right? Well believe in them say you’re sorry for everything you have done and everything you will do to them. Wait until the perfect time and they will give you a great surprise for being a great friend and always being there for them. You don’t want to tell everything to them? Why? You will learn later on that they won’t judge and they truly do have a loving heart and all they want to do I help you out in life. Well one reason you shouldn’t let them go is they helped you with your dreams of you becoming a nurse. Yes, finally with their help you became a nurse. At one point nobody believed you could do it but they believed in you just like you believed in them. The great thing is that you helped them to. Remember how you always said your goal was to help out people. Well you did, you helped out people that didn’t have a great space in your life and you helped out people like these two girls that did have great influence in your life. They also helped you find the love of your life. When everybody said he will never like you they told you that they it was a lie. Now you will be indecisive whether you should continue on the crush you have now or if you should just let him go. Sooner or later you will find out whether you made the smart or dumb decision. I’m not going to ruin the future for you so you will just have to wait until you get older. All I’m going to say is that you have a wonderful family. Trust me; you will NEVER want to trade them. Trust me on this too, you will NEVER want to trade those two best friends that have been with you through everything. So go on with your life don’t over think on everything and don’t think about those failures you have made because it makes you the person you are. Just saying….. later on you’ll find out that being you isn’t so bad about the way you thought it was. So bye hope this helps you out. Just smile and be you and don’t forget that being you is better than anything.


    Future Lisa

  12. The man smiled and made his way towards Tristain. Tristain turned and started back towards his home, but the man put his hand on his shoulder.
    “You’re sure you want to see them?”
    “I don’t know, do I?”
    The man looked at the ground, then back at Tristain as he patted him on the shoulder.
    “We’ll find out.”
    Tristain turned and walked down the road with the man close behind him. Suddenly, the man stopped.
    Tristain turned, a bit alarmed and confused. “What are you talking about?”
    “The name’s Misery. Or Miz. We get names based on something about us, and I got Miz because of how they found me.”
    Tristain shivered a bit. “That’s, uh, depressing…well what’s mine?”
    Miz looked him up and down and thought for a few seconds before snapping his fingers.
    “You’re not Tristain anymore.” Miz gripped Tristain by the shoulders and smiled at him.
    “Welcome to the Shroud, Fortune.”

  13. Dear self,

    If you are reading this, you now fifteen years old, still unsure of what will become of you in the future. You are probably thinking of being a professional singer, maybe a songwriter. I’m happy to tell you that you will write your first song very shortly. It will take some time to figure out what it will be about or how it will sound, but it will be accomplished and you will be proud of yourself. I’m not going to tell you anything about it, because that would just make it too easy. What I am going to tell you though, is that your lyrics will be very passionate, and there will be a lot of influence from the Indigo Girls. You are going to be famous, but you won’t be seen on any magazeens or end up on the news. Don’t worry about that. Your fame will start when you are on America’s Got Tallent. Yes, you will be able to meet Howard Stern in your life. Will you win the competition? That I won’t tell you. You just have to see for yourself.
    I know that now, the thought of getting married makes you cringe, but you will soon get over that and realize how wonderful it can be. Over the years, you are going to be less shy with little kids, and considder having kids of your own. Will you get married and have kids? Again, you’ll have to see for yourself. You’re still going to be the same sarcastic, humorous person you are now, and you will still have your obsessions. About that, there is one thing I would love you to change about the future; you are going to end up on “My Crazy Obsessions” when people find out how crazy your obsessions really are. So please, try harder to keep them to yourself, because it was so imbarrassing to be on that show. Even though you and I are the same person, I don’t want you to go through that. You’re still going to have that interest in the dead, and you just might meet someone with that interest. Yu might end up using a Ouija board, but use it carefully.
    I hope you have a wonderful life, which I know you will, and follow your dreams.

    Yours Truly,
    Grace Amodeo

    PS. When you are put under to get your wisdom teeth removed, you will say imbarassing things, so just don’t get your hopes up that you’ll be able to control yourself.

  14. Dear old Totiana,
    I guess this is kind of weird. You know getting a letter from your future self and everything, but don’t worry I’m here on great news. So in about 30 years from now you’ll be a college graduate who works to do the job you always wanted. That’s right we finally get to be a psychologist and believe me it took a lot of hard work. As for all of the people that you’re friends with right now well you better get used to them because they’re going to be around for a long time. Our dream of moving out of the country worked for a good five years. Canada gets pretty cold so we moved out of there and to Italy. It was so wonderful there in a few years you’re going to love it. We also went out to a few more places, but then decided that being in Jersey was best for a while. We’re married and have 3 great kids, two boys and one girl, who is the youngest. Though we are a mother being active is a must for us. I do ballet twice a week so there never really is a day meant for just sleeping. The kids are all active and love to go by their aunt’s houses. Sadly Snickers doesn’t last forever. So at my last year of college before we moved out to Maryland, which came before Canada, I got the cutest dog in the world. His name is Roger and he’s a Husky, Rottweiler, German Shepard mix. That dog will and can destroy all your furniture in a second. Right now the little man of the house is Buster who is Roger’s grandson. Believe me he is just as crazy as his granddaddy. Here’s a word of advice before I go, watch who you trust and be careful of the people that you befriend. You might not get it now, but it will help you out so much in time. Alright I’m going to go now the baby is crying. Bye!
    Future You :)

  15. Dear Michelle,
    I can’t believe it’s been 30 years. It wasn’t so long ago that you were in high school obsessing over boys and trying to figure yourself out. You said and did stupid stuff when you were 17, all because of some little drama senior year. I told you, you were going to make it. No matter how bad it seemed, I knew you would get through this. I knew you were strong enough. Now you’re a top ranking jazz artist, you’re traveling all over the world singing from the most respected people in the world to your fans in bars. You have a wonderful family; even though you hated kids you now have three. A boy named Nicholas, and girl named Katharina, and a girl named Isabella. Nicholas is the oldest; he’s three years older than Katharina, and four years older than Isabella. It’s just how you wanted it to be, Nicholas can protect his younger sisters from any harm, just like how you wanted an older brother. All of them have green/hazel eyes except for Isabella, she has your eyes. Now if you look back to what you said and did when you were 17, you would have never thought that you would be doing what you dreamed of. You didn’t think you would even be alive to even see yourself graduating. Life seemed so hard back then, you had so much to prove and you did it girl. You proved everyone who doubted you wrong, and made the people who believed in you proud. Mom finally got remarried, she married her best friend and she couldn’t be happier. Its proof that love has no age limits, you can fall in love when you’re 17, or when you’re 60. Everyone’s happy and that’s how you wanted it to be in the end.

  16. I have accomplished everything that I have wanted to achieve. Currently I am 47 years of age and the things that I have been through in life just to be in the position I am today. I am the ceo of my company of environmental specialist called ES. I have a wonderful family and I have given all the things that my mother ever wanted in life and I am proud of that. While I was 17 years of age I was thinking about doing all that of course I was planning on doing it but I wasn’t thinking on my future like I should of. When you’re young the only the only thing that you want to do is just party and have fun with your friends but as you get older life changes and your more thought of things. I have not a large house but what a family needs to live in a decent house and I have 3 cars one an Acura another a rover and my last one is an eclipse. I can’t be happier than to be with the family I have and with the mother I got when I was younger she gave me everything that I needed and I wished to give her the same and I did I made all of that happen I made her a house in Honduras and I got her a brand new Toyota. I’ve got everything that I need in life. I couldn’t have wished for anything more than to be with the people I love and work hard for the things that I have got. With my own sweat I have worked hard for it since I was a kid I wanted all of this and thanks to god and my hard work I made it happen.

  17. To myself, thirty years from now

    Time is a curious thing. It can seem as if it goes by quickly and at the same time also feel as if it is as slow as a snail. Time is perpetual, but a person’s life is not. It is for this reason that you must accomplish all that you can in the time you are given. The things you accomplish and your legacy will be the parts of you that can live forever. This is a letter to the person that I will have become in thirty years from the present. By the time you read this letter, you should be forty-five years old, a number of years that I believe to be long enough to have been able to accomplish something great; however when you are forty-five years old, you still have enough time to improve upon the aspects of your life that you find to be disappointing. Thirty years from now, I expect you to have already achieved success in something that you have worked hard towards. I hope that you would have been able to attend the college of your choice and made the most out of the education and the opportunities that come along with it.

    Although I do not yet know what I would like to make a career in, I expect that I would have been able to be successful in whichever one that I ultimately choose because of the choices I made in high school and college. I hope that you will understand the importance of taking advantage of as many prospects that will allow for growth and progress. Right now in the present, I am fifteen years old and there are some aspects of my current life that I would like to have been enhanced by the time I am forty-five. I realize that sometimes I lack the confidence that is needed if a person is to take risks and opportunities that may end up being beneficial to them. Being sure of yourself is an essential characteristic of a successful person, and I have faith that in thirty years from now, you would have been able to develop this needed self-assurance.

    Not only do I hope that you would have established yourself in a career that you enjoy, but that you would have been able to travel the world. I have always loved to travel and especially enjoy viewing and experiencing new places. Thirty years from now, I hope that my worldly travels would have been favorable to me in many ways and would have given me experiences that can only be accomplished through other parts of the world.

    Overall, I hope that the choices that I make will eventually be able to lead me to a future where I will be happy and satisfied with the person that I will become.

    Fifteen year old me

  18. Dear Kate at 47,

    Ew. You are so old. That is not really the way to greet someone after thirty years. Well, I hope that you are not in America. If you are not living in England, then there must be something wrong. But I have no doubt that you are living in England with a lovely British husband and two wonderful little British children. This is my lifelong dream. I hope that you are successful in whatever you are doing. Maybe you are just a trophy wife, if so, good for you, me, us? And I hope you are successful at doing that too. If you are reading this, then that means you survived the expected end of the world on December 21st, 2012 so I would like to applaud you on that achievement. Also, you survived high school and college, and all the other crazy things that happen to people between the ages of 17 and 47. I hope that you got everything you ever wanted in life. There are too many things that I want that I will not even start listing them. We have the same mind so you can remember my wants and needs of yourself at 17. I hope that you make good choices with your life. Hopefully you still keep in touch with these American people that you left behind. Well some of them… I expect us to have a few houses in England. A house in London, so that the family can be close to your husband’s office. A house overlooking the English countryside. Maybe it will have a small pond where frogs will jump and a little meadow for your dogs to roam free. I hope that you live the life you, we, have always dreamed of.

    See you soon,
    Kate at 17

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Dear 48 year old Kerry,
    Hey Kerry, it’s you at 18 years old. Right now I am in my senior year of high school and so far things are very stressful. Well, now that you are 48 years old, you should have had fun playing college basketball at Alvernia University. I should have been difficult but tons of fun. Another thing is that you and Kate should have bought your apartment after college. And you should have a major in either Architecture or Sports Management. Hopefully you have gotten a Sports Management major and David should be playing MLB. So you should be his agent at that point too. I hope it is a lot of fun. If you are not in the business of sports management and you are not a sports agent or an architect or a teacher then you are SOL (Shit outta luck) because then you must be really unhappy with yourself because you do not like anything else out there that you would enjoy. Besides an agent is probably the best job ever! Considering you are taking some of your brother’s money that he has earned playing baseball. By the way I hope Drew really did turn out to be a police officer. If he is tell him congratulations! If he is not then tell him best of luck in whatever he is pursuing.
    As a 48 year old I hope that you are married and have kids (maybe) we are not really sure how you feel about having kids at 48, but at 18 we do not really like this idea, too painful. I also hope you finally got you husky! It is the most adorable dog ever so I hope you really got it. Anyways, I just want to wish you luck in everything else you plan on doing with your life. I hope you really did make everyone proud like they said you would. Love you and see you soon!
    Love, 18 year old Kerry

  21. Dear forty-six year old self,
    I hope everything for us has gone, well not as planned exactly, but well. I hope it has gone well. Did you travel at all? You better have, at least to Ireland anyway. Are you a teacher? Do you write? I really hope you write. I can't eve’ imagine what you do with yourself if you don’t write. Does high school end well for us? Was college a blast? Did you find someone? Please tell me you found someone. I’ll honestly be some mad if you didn’t. And I know that if you haven’t that it’s your fault! You are forty-six years old and if you are seriously still afraid of commitment I will be seriously pissed. Sorry, freaked out for a second. Anyway, I’m sure that you have found someone and I hope you are truly happy. Do you have kids yet? Are you going to have kids at all? I hope you still live in Jersey. I just hope you’re still close with everyone. How’s Mike? Please tell me that he and Brenna get back together. If she marries Josh I’ll be so sad. How’s Kevin? Did he ever figure out what it is he wants to do with his life? I hope he does. I hope he doesn’t keep working at Fuji. I know how much he hates it. He deserves to do something he likes. Oh my god! Did you ever get a dog named Pookah? If you didn’t then you need to go out and get one right now, I’m so serious. I hope life turned out happy. I hope you’ve kept in touch with high school friends. I hope that any hard times we go through are worth it for the good times. I hope I read this someday and I hope I smile.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear Rian,
      Hey. So I am you but 30 years into the future. I know it sounds weird but it’s true. I have to warn you though; in about five minutes there will be a guy that will try to kill you. You should leave the room that you are sitting in right now and go to the nearest restaurant. You should be safe there. I need to tell you that I am the world leader. I assumed control at a very young age but I did it without killing anyone, so don’t resort to that when the time comes. Life is going very well but it is very tiring but it is all worth it. It was very hard to get up to where I am but I did it, so don’t mess it up when your time comes. I would hate to see you not become world leader because that would mean I wouldn’t be a world leader but then I wouldn’t be writing this letter to you so we would just form a paradox and no one really likes that so become world leader so that the world wouldn’t have to deal with a paradox. Also you are one of the only competent politicians in the future so don’t let anyone else push you around because they don’t know what they are talking about. You are the only person that makes sense and that is how you come into power really. Just go to college for about two years and that should give you enough knowledge to run the world. Take classes like Dictatorship 101, and Military tactics for dummies. That should be about it. Just follow all of the advice that I just gave you and you should be fine.
      Your future self

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dear future self,
    I really hope you’re doing well. I’ve had a lot of hopes, dreams and predictions for you these past few months. As a junior, I’ve started to really think about my future. I hope you decided to pursue music like I’ve been planning to for years. I know that it has been hard. A lot of people probably tried to get in the way of your dreams, as well as yourself, but if you have yourself working hard at some high school, giving teenagers the gift of music as well as the luxury of a friend on the school staff, then I’m proud. Also, I expect to see world champion medals hanging around somewhere! I will never forgive myself if I don’t make it into drum corps, and more specifically, the Cadets. Perhaps this year isn’t the year for me, but in thirty years, I really hope I managed a few years under my belt before my age out at 21. You must be an excellent drummer by now! And hey, maybe you’re a tech for one of those world class drum corps too. That’s all I could ever really dream of.
    I don’t really care where you’re living, honestly. As long as it’s somewhere that doesn’t stomp your energies. I hope you’re living comfortably, but not too comfortably. We don’t want to get greedy now, do we? Honestly, future-self, I just want you to be happy. As I’m sure you can recall, high school isn’t the best experience you’ve ever been through. There’s a whole bunch of energy-stifling activities going on here, but there has to be hope for the future, right? I hope you’re with someone who makes you smile every day. Hopefully, you’re even married! Lastly, future self, I’m looking forward to knowing all the change you’ve made in this world. I must have some potential to make a change in the world, in my community, even in someone’s life. I’m looking towards what they future holds for me, and you, with my head held high.
    - Jenn

  25. Dear, Tyler
    This letter is from 30 years in the future and it’s from yourself. I have a lot of free time on my hands now that I have retired from my job. I worked a hard 25 years with a car company that builds new flying cars. I retired a manager at their main factory. The technology to write letters to the past has just been created and I want to tell you some very important information. Once you start looking at stocks infest all your money in the Vz car company, they are the company that controls the auto mobile industry today and it will make you very rich. Enough about business let me give you some very important life advice that I wish I got back when I was young. As of today I have more yesterdays than I do tomorrows and I want you to know that you need to cherish everything you have and stay close with mom and dad. The last year of high school was a crazy year from what I remember and you need to make it even better than it was for me. Do stupid things and have a lot of fun. This time when you go to college make sure you room at the college and not commute from home because that is hell. That was one of my biggest regrets. Make sure that you go to Cancun for every single one of your spring breaks in college those were some of the greatest memories of my life and I will never forget them. You also make some good connections down there that make your life better down the road. Hopefully this note has given you some good advice that you can use to make our life better.

  26. Dear Liz,

    Thirty years from now, Liz, you’re in for a surprise. Right now, you might think you want to study psychology in college, but I actually have a huge shock for you: you’re not a psychologist. In fact, you’re an author. That’s right—you—aka me—I’m an author. So far, I’ve written twenty young adult novels, and they have all been pretty successful. I’ve always loved writing more than anything else, but I didn’t expect to get a career out of it. Right now, I’m living in France—you know, where you have always wanted to go—and I’m enjoying it a lot. I’ve traveled a bit around Europe as well before I decided to settle down. In fact, I really love traveling. Who knows where I’ll be in the next year? I’ve been married for the past 22 years now, and I have two teenaged twins. They’re a hassle sometimes, but they’re good kids. Oh, and I can’t believe I forgot to mention that your family’s doing fine. In fact, you see them about every other week, since they like to visit France now and then. Lately, I’ve been trying to get a little more into art, and I’ve been painting every day. Basically, anything creative I try to get my hands on, I try to do—I’ve always thought it was so relaxing. I wonder what might come out of it? It’s funny how just thirty years ago, I was still just a senior in high school, waiting to graduate, but, Liz, there’s such a larger world out there. Just enjoy the ride, and you’ll see one day. Everything just has a way of coming together the way it’s supposed to. Anyways, I’m glad I got to catch you up on some things. Maybe I’ll write to you again someday—in the next thirty years?

    Yours truly,

  27. Dear Desirae,

    I know that this may be hard to believe, but I’m you. From the future that is. So, where do I start? Well, you’re doing great! Financially that is. You own a quaint house, owe no mortgage, and have enough money to provide for your family! However, your family number has gone down significantly. Titi Donna finally got lung cancer from smoking, Mamita died from falling down the stairs again, Papito died of grief, Grandma died from pneumonia, Grandpa died of a heart attack, and list goes on and on. I won’t tell you the exact number, you’ll know in due time. I have some more bad news. You, or should I say we, can no longer walk. How did that happen? I’m not telling. Even though this future has many faults, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I know that you agree with me. So why am I sending this letter if I don’t want anything changed? It’s because you’re going to need encouragement. Times are going to get really rough. The economy goes down the drain for a bit, you go through your own struggles, and you have to keep the family together. You may not be the head of the family, but you are the glue. When the Great Disaster strikes in a couple of years, you’ll need to stay strong. Dwelling on the past will be a luxury you can’t afford. What’s that? What about the quaint house and other things I said before? They’re true. You have your own house. You gathered enough food from abandoned stores to supply your family and you don’t owe mortgage since the government has been toppled. I’m sorry to say, the future doesn’t look bright for America but you need to make the most of it. After all, what are we supposed to do when there’s no hope?

  28. dear younger me this is weird but i am you from the future and this is strange but it's the truth you have went into the army like your father before and became ranked up to a lieutenant colonel and very hard to do in eight years but in the army you show toughness and determenation to get to your goals in life you deal with your staff sergeant bad beath and climbing a tewnty foot wall you wanted to quit but you stuck it out and showed how tough you were. you married the woman that you seen and thought was a goddess and your siblings are doing good to your sister has become an accountant like she always wanted your other sister has has become a successful entrepeneur and your brothe r finally became a graphic designer but as for you, you have become the head detective for aggravated assault and battery and you are always puting someone else life before your own you think about what needs to be done to protect your family your friends and the victims that have suffered from a beating or anything else that has happened to them overall you have a very good life and live in Philadelphia,Pa in a nice sized house with three beautiful children and have a pet snake that scares your wife anyway i hope you don't do any stupid things like drugs or anything else because that could really damage our future.
    from,your forty-five year old self

  29. Dear Samantha,
    Hi, I’m Samantha from the future, I’m 46 years old. You will go through tough times getting older but you won’t regret any second of it. You, Eva, and Giselle are still good friends and talk every other day. You are working at a nursing home with your god sister. When you were 18 you and Karen moved to Maryland together. You guys were living together till you were 25. That’s when you and your boyfriend decided to move in together. You guys have been dating for six years before moving in. Also Karen moved in with her boyfriend. You guys still keep in touch, you and your father were closer than ever and you were always able to see your brothers and Juli and Emily still contacted you whenever they need something and you were always there. At the age of 27 you found out you were pregnant and the first person you told was your dad and he was happy for you, you called your mom because she lives in Canada with her brother and uncle. No one was disappointed; they all loved the baby daddy and were just happy that there was a new family member. You ended up have two boys that are two years apart. Your brothers were always at your house playing with the kids. David and Kat are married, Nelson is finally in a serious relationship, and Eric is married with a kid on the way. You got married after the kids were bothe born. You and your husband made enough money that you would go on a family vacation in the summer to El Salvador and drive to Canada. Your baby boys learned Spanish first so that they can talk to their grandpa’s side of the family. Two years before they started school, you taught them how to speak English so that they could understand what goes on in school. But you made sure that they were always able to speak the two different languages perfectly. Well that’s all for now enjoy everything you do and just remember things get worse before they get better.

  30. Dear past me, in 30 years from now, you will be dead. You will have died from a 7.62 round to head, a couple months after your 23rd birthday. You will be out in Afghanistan walking around on patrol with your platoon and your friend Tim will get hit by a round in the chest, then after that, you will get hit in the head. But by the time you die, you will be a master Sargent in in the marine corps. And will have 56 confirmed kills. You make it into marine force recon and are in for 3 years. Your brother mike has died from shrapnel from a frag grenade that was thrown in the middle of the group of troops that were walking. He died when you were 22 and you haven’t heard from your brother josh in over a year, he very well might be dead too. Your sister Sarah has 3 children with her husband and both of your parents died. They stayed together until the end. Your friend Noah gave your eulogy speech at your funeral, and was later killed after his plane was shot down while he was flying over the Afghans. All of your friends are dead except for Felix, he’s happy with Julissa and there 2 kids and he goes to your grave site every once and a while and pours a beer on your grave because he misses having a beer with you. But he is doing fine as a professional rapper that was trained by Krispy Kreme himself.

  31. Dear Sean,
    It’s a whole 30 years into the future from the Sean I’m sending this too. You are a different man, but not very different thankfully. I cannot tell you much of what will happen because it could drastically change the future. However, I do want to reassure you of the happiness to come. College will be a big challenge. You’re going to have sleepless nights and straining days. It will all be worth it, though. Keep that in mind throughout every grueling day and you will succeed to become whatever you want. I’m a testament to that obviously. I won’t tell you when, or who, but you will, in fact, get married and have children. I won’t get too much into it, since I want you to experience it yourself. On another positive note, the world is still up and running 30 years from now. There are new struggles, but we are trying to survive. Also, I know you are afraid of getting old and being decrepit, but it isn’t nearly as bad as you make it out to be. However, I did live a healthy, fit life and I hope you follow in your own footsteps. I’m still physically fit and I have no health problems. Keep running and eating well and you’ll be the same way. Money will not be a huge issue for you, but it will be a little tight after college. That’s about all I can tell you without altering the future. Keep striving for whatever you want because we are pleased with all of the tools and people to help get it done, trust me! Live the dream and be smart.
