Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Owen Meany

Pretend that, like the title character from A Prayer for Owen Meany, you were aware of the date and some of the details surrounding your own death.  Write a 500 word piece based on this concept.  It is due tomorrow at the end of the period.


  1. To be left unsatisfied—that is my destiny. Unsatisfied by my family, by my friends, by my life in general; I am left unsatisfied even by myself. My best is not nearly enough of what I need to be completely content. It’s not even the most miniscule example of what it would take to quench my thirst for satisfaction. It must be a sin to be this unappreciative with life, but nevertheless I continue to be unhappy. Not only do I think that what I have is not good enough, but I am left unsatisfied by what I do and especially the manner in which I get things done. I am everything except for a bundle of joy; I am a handful of complaints and a being full of imperfections. Half of my imperfections are probably capable of being altered but the other half are the strongest version of impermeable. I could work forever to fix half of my imperfections, accomplish it, and still feel nothing short of depressed or miserable. Like a constant reminder of my pathetic destiny, the rest of my imperfections will overpower my short glimpse of luminosity. My immutable imperfections are the dark and heavy clouds that take away from even the brightest day. My undesirable features would serve as a constant reminder of my impotence. Sometimes I wish I had some kind of supernatural power that could terminate forever all that which cause not only sadness, but anger in me. I always question my future and can’t help but doubt that true happiness is actually out there waiting for me. I say waiting because I am constantly looking for it. I’m constantly wishing and working to fix all the little things that could probably make it better. This is all done in vain though, because every day that goes by satisfaction becomes slightly more unreachable. It’s like looking for something that isn’t there, so that’s why there’s a bit of hope in me that satisfaction is something that will one day arrive. What is there left for me to do? When even the way I try to reach satisfaction is unsatisfactory, what is there left for me to do? I overwhelm myself in the hunt for the so far unattainable quality. What if to be left unsatisfied is one of those permanent aspects of my being? It doesn’t even sound right for that to be possible, but what if it is? Anything is possible. So to left unsatisfied—for life, is inevitably a possibility. I find it impossible to be able to just stand there, for the sake of waiting for satisfaction to hit me. If it did though, I would embrace it but then again, how do you value something that wasn’t hard to get in the first place. I could swear to you right now, that I value satisfaction—in others, in novels, in movies, around me, even if it’s not a part of me. Something inside me urges me to keep trying…so after all this ranting, it’s safe to say, that you’ll find me pushing through.

  2. I’m afraid to get out of bed. I’m unsure if this was reality or just another dream. I can’t tell anymore. They blend together, giving me all the information that some force felt I should know. I’m used to this; I’ve been living in between reality and dreams since I was five. I know that it is my duty to hold on to this information and never let it go but never to let it control me either. I have always needed a moment after my “dreams” to assure myself that I was back to reality but its different this time. This time I learned something about my future. I had just discovered, when and how I was going to die. I had lived through that day but I can’t decide if I actually lived through it and didn’t just die; now I’m in some kind of afterlife. After a few moments I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m alive and in my present life. The calendar in my dream had been a few years into the future…but only a few. Before the truck came rolling into me, I had been looking at my watch; 9:37 am. For the first time in my life, I wanted to know the ‘why’. Why did I have to die so young? I also wanted to know more about the ‘where’. Where I was going to die? I want to avoid this. For a second, I fill up completely with panic but something my mother reminds me come to my head. “Sometimes, they’re just dreams.” Maybe this was just a regular old nightmare and I was going to die of old age surrounded by family not in the gravel. With pure will-power, I crawl out of bed and onto the floor. My legs are shaking too much to hold me up, I don’t collapse but I don’t go down gracefully either. If it had just been a regular nightmare, I shouldn’t be experiencing this. I feel something wet on my cheek and wipe away my tears. I didn’t even realize that they were coming down like a waterfall. I’m going to live the rest of my life in fear…my power is going to consume me. Well, I would rather that consume me than a semi-truck. I hear my dad shuffling back and forth in front of my door. He must be waiting until the aftermath of my dream passes. He’s not as accepting as my mother was, but he tries. I open my mouth to invite him in but nothing but a wail comes out. I was crying, like really sobbing for the first time since I lost my mom. I hadn’t even cried like this when I saw her death. Death was my dream specialty…I was used to it. My dad burst through the door when he becomes aware than I’m crying. He doesn’t ask why or if he can help, he just hugs me. Dads always give the best hugs…maybe they invented them. It doesn’t matter now, though, I don’t want to concern myself with the past. I want to cherish as many dad-hugs as I can for the next three years and maybe stay away from trucks.

  3. He trusted
    Biggest mistake he could have made
    Never again will he
    It would take one forever to gain his trust
    But yet so quick to lose it
    Trust issues were already a problem for him
    They stemmed from family issues
    The way he grew up showed him that he could trust no one
    The way he saw people leave his life so easily and quickly showed him never to trust
    Don’t depend on anyone
    All you have is yourself
    That’s how he lived his life
    He never wanted to trust anyone
    But then she came
    She showed him a reason to let go of the past and learn from it
    Change the bad into the good
    He put his trust in her
    The only person besides his mother
    Trusting her felt amazing
    He was able to open up in ways he never imagined he would
    It took a while but it was worth it
    He was living a life that he never thought he would
    But he liked it
    He never thought he’d be in this place
    But he was
    It was a huge change
    But it was worth it
    No longer did he have to bottle up everything inside
    He finally had someone else to depend on if times got rough
    It didn’t take long for him to return to his old self
    She showed him exactly why not to trust someone
    Everything changed so quickly
    She did exactly what everyone else did in his life
    Walked in just to leave
    She left without a care
    As if it meant nothing to her
    She was so heartless
    Not only did he return to his old self but it was even worse
    Never again will he make the mistake again
    In this world it’s him and only him
    There is no room for others
    Others will bring you nowhere in life
    Only you can do well for yourself
    No need to depend on others he thought

  4. Six years from six months from now. That’s all I have left. 2020. Those numbers for that year seem so far away. 1995, that’s when I was born. 1995-2020, the numbers seem so different and far apart. Yet, I’ll only be 25. What a small number compared to the many years we’re supposed to live. Sometimes I wish I knew sooner. Everything feels like a waste of time, a waste of my life. Everyone around me would always tell me that without an education you have nothing. It was always my mom’s number one priority to give me a good education. I learned from her the importance of school. All my life I was on the honor roll and taking honor classes. Now in high school, I take AP classes and am in the top ten. I believed that to be successful in life I would have to go to a university and graduate with a degree. That’s what I’ve been working towards all my life. Now, I realize that before the time I would be accepting a master’s degree, I will no longer be here. I don’t want to waste any more time, but with only four more months until my high school graduation, I figured I’d stay. I think about my happiness, but truly, there is nothing more important than my mom’s happiness and satisfying her wishes. My concern is how to find a way out of college. I don’t want to break my mom’s heart, but I don’t want to waste the time I have left. I haven’t resolved on what to do about my situation since I now know. It isn’t easy to tell someone you’re going to die. It’s difficult to know which the better option is. What will cause my mom less pain? And the people around me? My closest friends and family?
    I had never figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I’ve always thought about acting, something in show business, but either you’re really talented or very rich. Sadly, I’m neither. People would advise me to do a school play, but the difference is that for TV and movies, I’ll get more than one take. Either way, I knew I wasn’t going to study that in college. I figured the closest thing I could call a passion were kids. I had never found out what I wanted to do with them, I just knew that I wanted a career that involved small children. I remember telling my mom, what I really want to do is go to third world countries and help people who needed it. That wasn’t easy though, and I knew that. How was I supposed to help them without money? It would be difficult to learn how to live in poverty to help others. The most favored answer I got was that after I had a successful career I would be able to take time off and help others how I wanted. But now I was stuck. No money, no career, no future. What could I make of my last few years without a place to begin?

  5. As everyone sat down Mikayla thought to herself “who would’ve knew that February 14, 2015 would be the day that we would see Amber for the last time.” As she walked away from the casket slowly she began to look around. Look at all these people that care about her she whispered. She noticed her mother broke down crying, she walked over to her and began to talk. “Don’t cry mother, for god needed another angel to watch over you, so he called her home. She’ll be fine where she is so you don’t have to worry anymore. She’s done suffering. Aren’t you happy? She’ll watch over us, I know she will. Dry your eyes, the pain is over.” She noticed her mother didn’t respond to her, she was astonished. She went back to her seat and sat down. As the ceremony proceeded, the funeral director read the obituary. Mikayla was confused, “why does he keep saying my name?” “Maybe there was just a typo on the paper or something” she inferred. She walked downstairs to where the reception would be held in a few minutes and seen a poster filled with pictures. What caught Mikayla’s eyes was that the pictures were all of her. She then knew something was wrong, why are they making so many mistakes? She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and seen nothing. She turned the light off and looked again. This couldn’t be! She picked up the newspaper article that her mother had lying on the table and read it. In big bold print it read “Teen found dead in river” As she read more it had pictures of her body and her name and age. Everything started to make sense. She remember how she got kidnapped, she remembered how she was left in a basement for days, she remembered how she was raped and beaten, she remembered how she was tied up and threw into the river, she remembered it all…

  6. It feels weird, you know? To love something that you don’t have, and to deny that you love it to your friends, family and even yourself. But you never do anything about it, because even though you may not have it in the way you wish you did, it’s still there. But what about when it’s not? What about when that one person that means everything to you leaves, and they don’t even know the damage that they’ve done in doing so? They don’t even know the hole that they’ve left in your heart that only they could fill.
    Strangely, I didn’t feel the emptiness when I found out that he was joining the military. Don’t get me wrong, it was a surprise, but at first I was excited for him. I almost have to wonder if it’s because I didn’t think he’d really go through with it. But as he keeps talking about it and taking his tests, it’s starting to sink in for me. I continue to be excited for him, but it’s becoming less and less sincere.
    The day it really hit me though was when I was talking to his best friend and he was talking about all the things he wanted to do over the summer. At first I was really excited, but when I pictured it, I realized that the person I really wanted to be there wouldn’t be, and it just wouldn’t be the same.
    But what’s even worse than the feeling that’s a part of you is missing, is when you let out just important to you they are, and it doesn’t make a difference.
    “I’m running away,” he said. “I know I’m just running away, but I need to do something, and going into the military just seems like the thing to do.”
    I licked my lips before I spoke. “Can I just tell you something?” I asked, lightly.
    He turned towards me. Our eyes met and we held one another’s gaze. “I know I can’t go with you, obviously.” I laughed. “But if when you come back you still feel like you need to run away, just know that I’d always go with you.”
    “I must be really special,” he said and touched my cheek.
    The thing is, as good as it felt to let him know how much I cared, it still wouldn’t keep him from leaving, and just because I’d confessed myself didn’t mean he’d ever take me up on my offer. The only thing that was certain was that he was still leaving me behind, and without him, who would I be?

  7. Alternate Assignment:

    “I’m leaving for good and I’m not coming back again.” ,I said one tear falling down my face.

    “Where will you go?” he asked flatly.

    I wanted to sob, scream, and punch something. It hurt how much he didn't care and how much I still did even after everything.

    “Far away from you! I’m such an idiot for loving you when you could care less!” I yelled shoving him backward.

    He looked hurt for a moment but then his faced returned to the indifferent hard stone that it was.

    “Then go, no one’s stopping you.” he mumbled turning away from me.

    Now tears were falling uncontrollably down my face, making my vision blurry. I thought he loved me, but maybe I was wrong. But it couldn’t be true;I’ve seen the way he’s looked at me, the things he’s said to no one else. He left his soul bare to me, letting all those hard facades fall, but now they were all back up.

    “Jace,” I touched his arm lightly,” Look at me. What’s wrong? Please just say something!! What did I do?!?” I said, my voice catching.

    He whipped his head around in bewilderment and frustration, “Clary how could you think that you’ve done anything wrong?? It’s me!! I’m a monster!,” he yelled snatching his arm away from me, “How can you stay here and be in the same room with me?! You saw what I did!!”

    He slumped into the armchair facing me and put his head in his hands.

    “Oh Jace..” I whispered, as more tears spilled down my cheeks. He was pushing me away to “protect” me from him or maybe he was punishing himself. He should have known better, I wouldn’t leave him no matter how many times I said it. I kneeled down in front of him and took his hands into mine.

    “We wouldn’t be alive, if you didn’t do what you did. And he was the real monster ,not you. You’re the farthest thing from a monster, you know that don’t you?” I asked softly.

    He looked at me with pained eyes and brought his hand to my cheek, brushing away tears with the tips of his fingers.

    “I’m sorry I made you cry.” he said in the most gentle of voices. I noticed that he didn’t answer my question, but I wouldn’t press it until later. He pulled me onto his lap and combed his fingers through my hair, humming a sweet tune. This was my Jace, the one that I fell in love with. We stayed like that for awhile, just holding each other close.

    “Jace?” I mumbled, drowsy with sleepiness.

    “Yes love?”

    “Promise not to leave or push me away?”

    He hesitated for a moment but then kissed my forehead and said, “I promise.”

    I smiled, he meant it. He never broke his word, it was one of the few things he still believed in. I willingly let sleep take me away, as Jace cradled me in his arms.

  8. There was a bright light in front of me and I lost my thoughts. The bright light brought me to a street. I was standing there in the middle of the road. There were no cars coming anyway and I was just looking for something. It was really windy and there were clouds in the sky as if there were going to be a thunderstorm. I heard a beep come from my phone and I reached in my phone to look at it. It was a text from my mom saying to be careful driving. I walked over to the side of the road and typed back asking what she was talking about. My phone beeped again and it was another message from my mom explaining that I was on my way to Pennsylvania to go back to school. I was confused because I am only a junior in High school, I wasn’t in college yet. I clicked out of my messages and went to look at my calendar. The date read January 17th, 2016. That made no sense and I clicked out of my calendar. I then looked at the time and it read 2:47. I turned off my phone and as soon as I did, I heard a loud crash. I looked up and saw two cars that crashed head on into each other. I quickly rushed over to the cars to make sure that they were okay, but then I stopped and dropped my phone and tears started to come to my eyes. The person in the car was me.
    I quickly picked up my phone and tried to call 911, but I had no reception and my phone then turned off. The last thing I saw on my phone was that it was still on 2:47. I then ran over to the other car and saw it was an older man who looked to be like he was in his fifty’s. He then proceeded to get out of the car. His car was flipped over and he had trouble getting out so I rushed over to help him, but it was like he didn’t notice me. He never even looked at me. I don’t think he can see me. The man was then able to get out of the car and he rushed over to the car and I followed after him. He looked down and then began to cry and tears came to my eyes. There I was, I wasn’t moving and I wasn’t breathing. I had my phone in my hands and I don’t think the guy realizes that I did. I probably caused the accident because I was texting. Then everything was gone. I was back in my house and my mom came upstairs to my room. She told me that she wanted me to run out to the store for her because I recently got my license. After seeing what I just saw, I didn’t want to get into any vehicle. But I think I learned my lesson and I will not text and drive because it could lead me to what I saw in the future.

  9. Alternate assignment:
    Everyone says high school is the best time of a person’s life. But is it really the best time for everyone? It is for the popular people, but what about the kids that are not. What about the kids that are bullied every day when they come to school? What about the kids that are lonely? What about the kids that hate waking up for school every day because they can’t stand going? To those kids high school is the worst time in their life. To some people high school is the best time of their lives, but to others it’s the worst. The popular kids have the best time in high school because they get whatever they want, everyone likes them, and everyone is their friend. The kids that are bullied by those popular kids every day because of the way they look, the way they dress, they don’t think they are pretty enough, and they judge them because they are different than them, don’t have the best time in high school. To those kids high school is the worse place. They come to school and get bullied for being different then everyone else. They don’t enjoy coming to school every day and when people tell them high school is the best time of their lives, they obviously never experienced what they have. To the kids that are bullied every day, alienated from everyone else, they can’t wait to get out of high school. People can’t assume everyone has a great time in high school and they will never forget it, but every day the kids that are bullied try to forget, but they can’t because they deal with it every single day. There is two ways high school can go; it can either be the best time of a person’s life or the worst time of a person’s life. High school is supposed to be the best place to come to feel accepted, but it’s not true. Many people don’t feel accepted because they are made fun of by others. People make them feel as if they are not worth coming to school, that they are too ugly, or they don’t have the best clothing. The people that make them feel that way are having the best time because they are judging others to make themselves feel better. Most of those kids don’t realize what they are doing to others when they make fun of them and bully them. They lower their self-esteem, they feel as if they can’t be accepted, and hate high school because of them. High school is supposed to be the best time of everyone’s life, but with the attitudes of others and how others make them feel makes high school the worst time of their lives. People can’t always say high school is the best time because it’s not to some, but is to others. High school is a cruel place, but its only last four years and the misery and the cruelty is over.

  10. People always say not to think too hard about your future. To just late fate takes its course, but of course I couldn’t be like those people. I always questioned what was coming next and what could possibly happen. I always needed to know the answer to every what if. And I guess this is what brought me to the psychic’s door step. I rang the doorbell and in front of me stood a man dressed in soft worn jeans and a purple t-shirt that said “Try to psyche me out”. He gave me a warm smile and ushered me into the house and toward what seemed like a living room area. I sat on the couch and waited for him to say anything, but instead he gave me this long stare as if he was putting some pieces together. Finally he broke the trance and shook his head.
    “So, why are you here today, miss?” He asked still smiling lightly.
    “Emilie, I came to know about my future.” I said placing my hands on my lap.
    “What about it specifically?” He asked leaning back onto the couch he sat on across from me rubbing his chin.
    “I wanted to know about my death.” His expression didn’t change and he continued to look at me with that same grin.
    “Alright I’ll show you what I can, but Ms. Emilie you cannot change anything that you learn. Though this isn’t written in stone it can be drastically changed just from one thing you do to prevent it. Also the outcome of your final day can be a whole lot worse. Do you get me?” He finished his smile now gone and tone serious. I gave him a nod and the smile came back. “Great now sit back and close your eyes.”
    “Why do I have to close my eyes?” I asked confused.
    “I decided showing you the event would be more fun than me explaining it to you.” He answered pushing up from his seat. “Now eyes shut.” I did what he said and relaxed in the recliner. “Alright at the moment you are 24. The date is March 12, 2076. That means you will be just turning 86. The rest you’ll see right now.” I felt him hovering over my face and his breath fanning over me. “You ready?” He asked and I nodded in response. I felt his fingers touch my eyelids quickly and the blackness started to shift to white. “Open your eyes……!”
    I opened my eyes and I saw an ocean surrounding me completely. Over at the shore there were people lined up dressed in white. On their faces was a mixture of sadness and happiness. “In the future you can determine how you wish to spend your last breath. Some people do it climbing a mountain or with family at a party. You chose a death at sea with loved one all around.” The psychic’s ominous voice boomed around me.
    An old woman smiling brightly started to walk toward the water. Her golden locks feel loosely down her back and she was dressed in a long gown that was a mixture of blues. She got neck deep into the water and turned around to smile at everyone at sure. She waved at them and said “I will see you all again one day and don’t ever forget that I love every one of you.” With that some broke down in tears and others smiled sadly. She walked fully into the water and disappeared underneath the waves. I stayed for a while longer with the others, but she didn’t resurface.
    I was thrown back into reality and could see the room all around me. Sitting once again on the seat across from me was the same psychic from before. “Such a beautiful and peaceful way to go. It’s nice to see something like that instead of terminal illness and murder all the time.” He said still smiling and me and shaking his head. Not knowing how to respond I smiled shyly and thanked him. “No dear thank you. Please enjoy the rest your life.”
    “You too” I said smiling at him and getting up to leave the house.

  11. It was a cold day with wind blowing leaves over on my dead body. My eyes were wide open looking like I needed someone to save me but no one was there. Before that I was in my house with no problem with my feet up on the coffee table. I was watching a movie and had a bowl of popcorn on my lap. The volume was barely high and I was laughing at the movie. I then heard my doorbell ring and I put my popcorn on the coffee table. I got up and opened the door before I could blink I was pushed onto my wall and they closed the door. The man was wearing a black mask and he held a knife to my throat. I began to cry knowing that my life was finally over in this world. I couldn’t breathe and my feet were no longer touching the ground. I saw the man’s eyes and they were a sparkling light brown. His lips looked soft and looked like they were ready to be kissed. Of course I would be attracted to a burglar though. In the background everyone was stealing my things and headed out my house. The man slowly took something out his pocket and it was a blindfold. He put it on my eyes and threw me over his shoulder. I then felt somebody put something in my mouth. I slowly tried to talk but all you could hear were muffled noises coming out of my mouth. I knew I was outside because I had rough winds hit my face. Chills grew through my body and I got cold. I heard a door open and I was thrown inside the car. I turned my head trying to see if anyone was here nearby. I tried to hold onto the cold floor. I brought my knees in and put my head down. Then we came to a quick stop and I was pushed out the car. My bear feet were now walking on rocks I could feel my skin slowly rip and I swear I left blood on the rocks. I then felt someone pick me up. I began to scream, I didn’t want to be her I could only wish that this was a nightmare. I then was put on something soft and I could feel someone slowly breathing on me. They took off my blindfold. I looked and I could swear it was the same person that held me to the wall. I felt at ease for a moment I felt safe. He took out the thing that was in my mouth. He brought in his face and our lips touched. I saw him slowly smile. I pushed my face back scared about what was coming next. He took off his mask and I found out that it was my friend from college. He left and locked the door. I looked around to see that I was in a small room. I put my head to the wall and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I was asleep. Someone grabbed me and pulled me out of the room. I was slowly trying to wake up and saw it was my college friend. He threw me to the ground and shot me in the stomach with no mercy. There laid my cold bloody body with no mercy.

  12. Growing up I always heard people tell me that life is short, to enjoy it and make the most out of it because it would quickly come to an end, that soon enough it would all be over. But how soon is ‘soon’? For some, life is cut short; unfairly, unpredictably, unavoidably. Others get to enjoy watching the sun rise and set for many, many years until they grow old and wrinkly. Either way, both face their fate without any warning or heads up. But if given the opportunity, would you want the warning? Would you want the heads up on when your date with death is due? I wouldn’t… but I wasn’t even given a choice and now I live everyday anticipating, dreading, fearing the moment in which I pass to another life, to heaven, or to wherever it may be that we are taken after our time on earth runs out. At first, they were just faint signs and weak instincts. And then, one day, it all came to me- the exact date, the exact way, the exact details all surrounding my death. It is the biggest burden, the worst possible knowledge that anyone could be cursed with. I now live everyday with fear, not fear of suddenly dying because the day isn’t for another 38 years, but fear of not living life to the fullest until then. Fear that my time here may end and I will pass unsatisfied, unfulfilled, and displeased with my life and how things turned out. What if I do not get to achieve everything I want to by then? It is a question I ask myself every day while fighting this constant battle with time, who already has the lead, while being constantly reminded that the end is actually quite near. I have yet to even inform anyone about this because I do not want them to suffer the way I do, dreading that day. And I do not even want any form of special treatment either just because I know the actual date of my death it does not mean anyone should treat me any better until then. Death is a part of life, we will all face it eventually, I just happen to know when that day is- it makes me different, but it should not make me special or in any way should it entitle anyone to feel sympathy for me. I do not pity myself because I believe everyone has a set destiny, a fate that is predicted somewhere at the time of conception and our life ‘choices’ are actually all predetermined, otherwise, I would not have such knowledge. Now all I can do until that day is to simply make the most out of it of every day and work to accomplish the few goals I have set for myself. Although this awareness has filled my days with an underlying fear, it has certainly made me much more appreciative of life and of those around me. This knowledge is a burden, a horrible thought lingering in my head every single day, but it is also a reminder to enjoy life while it lasts.


  13. It was the worst thing that could have happened to me I do not think anyone would want the information I now have. Afraid of almost everything around you, something that goes on in your in an everyday basis. I was a normal person just like everyone else. But my whole life changed when I went to go visit this famous psychic that has never been wrong about anything. This psychic came into our town about two months ago, but did not become known until a month later. It was a chain reaction, one person went realized she was right so he told a couple friends. Then those couple friends told their couple friends and it expanded through the whole town. However, I did not believe in those telling the future things but I was just curious because everyone else was going and I just felt left out because everyone talked about her. Then I walked into her store and I got a chill that ran down my spine, I did not feel so good. But I had time to think because there was a long line of people. About an hour later I was next I felt like just turning around because I just did not feel right about going in there. But before I had time to turn around the person came out of the room and she saw me and called me in. As I walked in her room a gust blew through the window and again I got the chill. Right after that happened she said, “Do not be afraid it just fortune telling.” But that did not help at all I still felt unease because she had a flame in the room right next to her. I continued into her room and sat down in the chair in front of her. She took my palm and looked at it for a couple of minutes then she got a piece of ceramic and tossed it into the flame and she said, “I am going to read your fortune through the cracks in the piece of ceramic.” Like 3 minutes passed and then all of a sudden the ceramic just busted into a ton of pieces. Then I looked at her face and she was pale and staring at the ceramic pieces.

    “What does that mean!?” I yelled at her in panic because I have never heard of that happening.
    “… That is not good I read a date and it was in two weeks. Then the ceramic exploded… meaning… you are … going to die. That is the first time I get something like that.” I got up from the chair and threw her, her money and I just walked out not paying attention to the people I passed as I walked out. I got to my house and I lay in my bed and I thought to myself, “I am going to die in two weeks. Why did I go to that place? It was the worst thing that could have happened to me I do not think anyone would want the information I now have.”

  14. As he neared the first tent, Damian grew anxious. There could be anything behind this piece of cloth. There could be a Dominion soldier, ready to spring a trap. There could be a dead Syndicate soldier, whom they were just too late to save. It could be empty, leaving sheer mystery behind what happened to the soldiers.
    There could even be a bear.
    Damian shook the thought away, took a deep breath, and flung the curtain of the tent open. Nothing was there. An empty sleeping bag, a hiker’s bag zipped shut, nothing out of the ordinary at all. It looked as though whoever lived there had simply stepped out for a while. He sighed and let the magic dissipate from his hands as he turned towards the others, who continued to look through the tents.
    “Anything?” Damian shouted over the pelting of the rain.
    “Nothing here, how ‘bout you Gavin?” Isaac looked towards Gavin, who’d just opened another tent.
    Gavin looked up and sighed, his spiked hair now drooping over his face. “I ain’t found shit.”
    Damian’s shoulders slumped as he realized that because of this stupid war, he probably wouldn’t get to meet any of the soldiers that were here. They’d probably gotten attacked by one of the however many stupid factions that had sprung up and they’d left the camp as a message that they were there to fight or whatever. Damian looked up at the blue-grey sky, feeling the rain drops wash over his face and dampen his robe. This was life now, he thought. Death , disappointment, failure, dead ends, it was all a part of life now. He wondered what he even thought he could do to help, that day in the ruins. Who cared if he got a couple books? He’d either have gotten them to the Syndicate or the Dominion would have killed him and stolen them. If the Dominion had gotten them, they would’ve taken over the world. If the Syndicate had gotten them, they probably would have just burnt them.
