Tuesday, October 1, 2013



The lune is a three-line poem with a specific syllable count (3,5,3) in each line. Its format is based on the Haiku, with changes in the amount of syllables to accommodate the style of the English language. Traditionally, these poems were meant to express a simple truth, and usually incorporated nature. You may write your lunes on any topic you like. 

Please write 10 lunes. They are due at the end of the period. 


  1. 1.) Hangs from trees.
    Sleeps every day.
    Sloths don’t move.

    2.) Break the wave.
    Sail through the challenge.
    Counter fear.

    3.) Changing scene.
    Soaring rapidly.
    Life goes on.

    4.) Stormy skies.
    Ferocious rain drops.

    5.) Stop the noise.
    Let the quiet in.
    Breath of peace.

    6.) Striking scene.
    Reflecting sun’s rays.
    Nature calls.

    7.) Green roofing.
    Moist soil beneath feet.
    Calm jungle.

    8.) Lying down.
    Crashing waves on shore.
    Soothing feel.

    9.) Walking tall.
    Making up your mind.

    10.) Powers on.
    Moves at speed of light.
    The city.

    1. Really good job on these. I love numbers 6 and 10.

  2. 1. I want you
    Just a time of need
    Please come back
    2. I’m sorry
    I had to trust you
    It’s my fault
    3. Can I leave?
    All I do is hurt
    Time can help
    4. Get me out
    I am trapped inside
    Let me leave
    5. I can’t hear
    Too many voices
    6. Let me leave
    Can I get out
    Come back please
    7. Vanity
    People just want it
    Let it go
    8. Rain falls down
    It can always stop
    Time can’t stop
    9. A tear falls
    Pain will go away
    Face my pain
    10. Fall apart
    My heart weeps for you
    Come back please

  3. You and me
    It’s the way to be

    A mouth that won’t stop
    Please stop it

    You’re yelling
    Please calm down

    Live like love
    Like you could lose it
    Don’t let go

    Close it out
    Like you close your door
    Forget it

    Do not fret
    It will be alright
    Don’t give up

    Make life last
    Life is a present
    Not to waste

    This weekend
    I really can’t wait
    Hurry up!

    Where to go
    When there is no place
    Run away

    Close it out
    Like you close your door
    Forget it

    1. Live like love is great. This is what you are capable of.

  4. Truth is all.
    It lets one be free.
    My freedom

    Great is thee,
    Thee who fills my heart.
    Come to me.

    Little girl,
    You are so very sad.
    Please don’t cry.

    You are mine.
    You are mine to keep.
    Stay with me.

    I love you.
    I love all of you;

    So fearful.
    I am not ready.
    But time flies.

    Time goes by;
    It’s too quick for me.
    Can’t keep up.

    Tears fall down.
    My heart breaks apart.
    I’m ruined.

    Love is pain.
    It gets your hopes up,
    And it leaves.

    Please, understand me,
    Cause I don’t.

  5. 1. The disappear
    of the wretched town
    the tears shed

    2. Love and war
    the world is breaking
    who will help?

    3. Great friendship
    bond formed out of love
    two of us

    4. The sunrise
    showing us new hope
    in a world so dark

    5. The sun sets
    beach and ocean clears

    6. Family feud
    the death of two souls

    7. Keys typing
    the gears turn and twist
    words appear

    8. The tears fall
    the poor sister stares
    blood dripping

    9. Ring sparkles
    the sun shines brightly
    joy tears fall

    10. The story
    the words unspoken

    1. 1. The despair
      of the wretched town
      the tears shed

    2. on seven the last sentence is supposed to be worlds appear (sorry)

  6. What I want
    Is what I can’t have
    Why can’t I?

    People do
    Well it seems like it
    They’re lucky

    I want luck
    I’m deprived of it
    How tragic

    I’m at lost
    Looking to be found
    But I’m not

    I go up
    Just to get pulled down
    Now I’m down

    I’m in search
    It seems so easy
    It is not

    I want it
    I’m striving for it
    Not there yet

    I wonder
    Why I’m wanting what
    I can’t have

    I don’t know
    I have no answer
    I just want

    I’ll get it
    One day, I know it
    I hope soon.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Again, a sense of yearning here. So artfully conveyed. Love your work.

  7. Lunes
    Freedom is
    A mere state of mind
    Nothing more
    Musty air
    Disgusting with weight
    And moisture
    The bane of being
    Fiction is
    Just something that you
    Don’t believe
    The unseen
    Will you believe it?
    Have some faith
    Fade away
    A Dream World
    Filled with corruption
    A Nightmare
    America’s hat
    A Baron Wasteland
    End of time
    The button
    Good and bad will come
    Will you press?

  8. Clouded skies
    Keeps away the sun.
    Darkness comes.

    The sunshine,
    Brightens up the world.
    It brings warmth.

    Caramel flavored,
    Hot coffee.

    Bar, cake, or ice cream

    May be different.

    I hug you,
    To show you my love,
    I kiss you.

    I listen,
    To you carefully.
    We both learn.

    My baby
    Is Ja’uan Donte.
    I love him.

    A loser,
    You are because, you
    Are not fun.

    The future,
    Sometimes comes unseen

  9. Just do it
    A Nike slogan
    Live by it

    It was never good
    I still fail

    Flying down the court
    Draining shots

    Steak is beef
    Beef is a problem
    Don’t have beef

    With Mister Chapman

    Draining every shot

    A dictionary
    Could be on

    News givers

  10. I love you
    Love is everything
    I want you

    Please help me
    This is really hard
    Can’t do it

    Dogs are cute
    I have one dog
    I love him

    My boyfriend
    Trey songz is so cute
    He loves me

    She is my friend
    She is weird

    I hate it
    Creative writing
    It is hard

    Im tired
    I want my blanket
    And pillow

    Where are you
    Why are you absent

    Sweet and nice
    I love my nephew
    So little

    I wrote ten
    This is my last one

  11. 1. I hate this
    I do not like this
    I don’t like
    2. He was dead
    No longer living
    Gone he was
    3. Let me go
    School sucks I hate it
    Let me out
    4. Time goes by
    So slowly it goes
    Go faster
    5. Melissa
    Is so nice to me
    She is weird
    6. Who are you
    Where are you going
    What is this
    7. where are we
    Why are we here now
    Can we go
    8. I’m happy
    I am so happy
    Very glad
    9. life is sad
    So sad is this life
    Why is it
    10. help me please
    Almost done with this

  12. 1) Nights we spend
    on the Jersey shore
    to wash pain.

    2) You hear me
    we see each other
    I feel you

    3) Touch my back
    I'll touch your fortune
    Bite softly

    4) Take a breath
    I'll take away life
    Moments gap

    5) Trees whistle
    Crickets wings sound
    Nature sighs

    6) She agrees
    Quivering with thirst
    We achieve

    7) Greatness last
    The hourglass turns
    It began

    8) Atmosphere
    Smoother than a grape
    Full like mangos

    9) Fire rise
    She refuse to lie
    It closer

    10) I take charge
    She closes her eyes
    It's over.

    1. #3 is incredible.
      #8 is incredible.
      #10 too. What a gift.

  13. Ryan P. Tunison

    All is lost
    To remain hopeless

    Do not trust
    The forceful hand fate
    To guide you

    Goddess-like beauty
    Above all

    You’re taken
    I do not persist
    But will wait

    Lacks courage
    To fulfill his right
    To love Her

    She denies
    Will always insist
    Will not love

    You don’t claim
    To forever love
    Or cherish

    Of Herself now gone

    Shall come with joyful
    News of death

    Now in Her
    A heart to hold close
    Just don’t go

    1. The second to last one really catches my attention. A lot of troubled love in these.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Soft and cold
    The bear cuddles up
    With his mom

    Things get hard
    Life has ups and downs
    It goes on

    He saved her
    From terrors around
    True hero

    An Apple
    Is red and juicy
    Bite quickly

    I am blonde
    I have blue eyes too
    Jaime Rose

    Man in mirror
    What is it you see?

    Hearts shatter
    In such deep despair
    For loved ones

    Red White Blue
    Colors of freedom
    But cops too

    Big blue eyes
    And a crooked smile
    Marked her face

    I hate school
    People annoy me
    I want sleep
    Soft and cold
    The bear cuddles up
    With his mom

    Things get hard
    Life has ups and downs
    It goes on

    He saved her
    From terrors around
    True hero

    An Apple
    Is red and juicy
    Bite quickly

    I am blonde
    I have blue eyes too
    Jaime Rose

    Mirror man
    What is it you see?

    Hearts shatter
    In such deep despair
    For loved ones

    Red White Blue
    Colors of freedom
    But cops too

    Big blue eyes
    And a crooked smile
    Marked her face

    I hate school
    People annoy me
    I want sleep

  16. Hello there
    My name is Morgan
    This is hard

    Do not hate
    Appreciate more
    Life to love

    I read books
    They are amazing,
    An escape

    I’m trying
    To broaden my views
    Living life

    Writing’s fun
    I do it a lot
    Not this way

    To protect
    One must let go of
    Who they love

    Sun and moon
    As different as
    Flame and ice

    To love is
    Never letting go
    Of the truth

    The leaves fall
    I can smell pumpkin
    Fall as come

    I hope for
    A better life where
    We all care

  17. The red dog
    Was a foolish dog
    And ate food.

    The wind blows
    Softly as the back
    Porch makes noise.

    I run ten
    Laps around the park.
    I’m tired.

    The halls are
    Quiet and the school
    Is empty.

    The book I
    Read was about a
    boy who died.

    I fear that
    I will fail classes
    That I need.

    Jane Elizabeth

    It is two
    O’clock and I can’t
    Think anymore.

    Laurel Anne
    Bing Xin Hunnewell:
    My sister.

    The green leaves
    Grow on my favorite
    Trees in Maine.

    1. What do you want me to say?

    2. This should clear things up:

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque metus ipsum, rhoncus et consequat id, malesuada in magna. Donec massa lacus, egestas sit amet blandit et, molestie ut ipsum. Duis blandit nulla enim, ut accumsan ligula aliquam sit amet. Quisque adipiscing lobortis turpis, nec dictum nisi egestas sit amet. Etiam tempor tortor sed diam dapibus, vitae congue nibh hendrerit. Ut accumsan commodo metus, quis accumsan risus vehicula nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed massa ipsum, lacinia fringilla viverra nec, elementum a odio. Sed lectus leo, auctor eu sem rhoncus, tristique bibendum ante.
      Sed porttitor auctor leo. Aenean eget enim viverra, faucibus justo vel, dictum tortor. Curabitur fermentum tellus ac est dictum convallis. Donec enim libero, ultrices quis sollicitudin quis, feugiat vitae odio. Donec mattis rhoncus dolor, eu adipiscing tellus dignissim posuere. Nulla in lacinia turpis, non vulputate lacus. Etiam congue dolor quis erat convallis, a gravida ante eleifend.
      Maecenas posuere, elit sit amet mollis ullamcorper, sapien ipsum imperdiet arcu, a pulvinar felis lacus sit amet urna. Pellentesque viverra euismod lacus, at aliquet lorem. Sed faucibus molestie ultrices. Nullam sit amet purus quis mi egestas dictum et non sapien. Aliquam accumsan, nulla vitae blandit accumsan, dolor nunc convallis augue, ac laoreet lacus leo et tortor. Maecenas feugiat turpis a interdum malesuada. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque nulla felis, cursus eu facilisis nec, euismod vel libero. Etiam cursus nibh et eros semper, eu molestie erat rutrum. Morbi in vulputate ante. Pellentesque ut vehicula mauris. In posuere, risus eget mattis bibendum, sem lectus tempus quam, et lacinia dolor enim a leo. Suspendisse quis lobortis urna, et egestas eros. Proin egestas est eget mi viverra eleifend. Sed condimentum malesuada leo sit amet egestas. Donec vulputate elit tristique ante interdum, nec pretium risus auctor.
      Suspendisse sed volutpat odio. Donec feugiat aliquet tellus id consequat. Nulla at purus id nisi semper volutpat id ac justo. Integer laoreet dui enim, quis hendrerit sapien aliquet sed. Nam metus quam, consequat vel arcu eget, posuere blandit turpis. Etiam sit amet laoreet tellus. Nam faucibus lacus quam, at viverra velit scelerisque sed. Nam ut diam tellus. Aenean ultricies libero enim, vitae tempus est dictum sed. Praesent hendrerit auctor quam. Vivamus consequat, magna eu rutrum aliquet, nunc sem imperdiet tellus, volutpat dignissim urna tellus in est. Nulla quis augue quis sapien pellentesque aliquam id nec mi. Curabitur feugiat blandit augue ut laoreet. Pellentesque egestas arcu dictum aliquam fermentum.
      Vestibulum vel enim pharetra arcu interdum vehicula eget in nisi. Aenean facilisis quis orci a auctor. Praesent iaculis ligula tellus, eu ultricies arcu consectetur ac. Vestibulum pretium turpis enim, sed varius justo porta sit amet. Etiam tempor in dui et egestas. Aliquam volutpat ipsum sollicitudin, tincidunt urna quis, accumsan turpis. Vivamus et vehicula odio. Proin luctus lacinia dui pharetra eleifend.

  18. Temptation
    Overcomes our will
    And slays us

    The wind blows
    Shakes us to our souls
    And we feel

    Flow majestically
    Amongst us

    Cat steals food
    Refuses to yield
    And we starve

    The bird flies
    High above the ground,
    Astound us

    1. You are very good at these short forms. You capture the essence of what the form is meant for. You serve up something with depth in each one.

    2. Seconds click
      Away from our lives

      Why is it
      That if we but try
      We’re weary?

      Music plays
      It overwhelms and

      They share their stories
      Full of shame

      The sheep graze
      In their calm pastures
      Which own them

  19. Trees dance in the wind
    Their green leaves swaying
    They stand tall and proud

    Clear restless water
    Turns into a roaring ocean
    Waves crash violently

    Fiery ball lights the sky
    Bringing warmth everywhere on earth
    It creates life

  20. Forget it
    Move on from the past
    Not worth it

    Oh, how you are missed
    Come back soon

    Be young, wild
    Be free of worries
    Enjoy life.

    So gentle,
    Caring, Lovely, Kind.
    Do not change.

    A blessing
    A true miracle
    Brand new life

    Crooked smile.
    Don’t let them see you
    Down, ever.

    Fall has come,
    Change has come.

    Still don’t know
    Why I love you so.
    Divine sin.

    Challenging our will.
    Must fight it.

    Tasty, refreshing,
    Peach Iced Tea

  21. Loving life
    New things everyday

    Loving him
    Brings me happiness

    As i remember
    The good times

    Music playing
    Feeling the bass hit

    Hug and kiss
    Pulling me closer
    Loving me

    Aunts are like
    Sisters who love and
    Care like mom

    Sitting alone
    Thinking of the past
    Bad memories

    Writing in
    The journal of bad

    Shining bright
    Stars twinkling in the
    Nighttime sky

    Finding the
    Beauty in the world
    Is amazing

  22. 1. Open your eyes
    Now look around you
    Now close them
    3. Had to make
    A bunch of cool lunes
    This is two
    5. Mr. Lynch
    I used his name for
    No reason
    7. Butterfly
    Flutter through the sky
    Carry joy
    9. The ocean
    Washes me over
    Brings me peace
    11. Do you care?
    The environment
    It’s dying
    13. Make a wish
    Just believe in you
    Stay truthful
    15. Please have faith
    Don’t ever give up
    You could win
    17. Ice water
    The deepest of blues
    Frozen touch
    19. What’s a name
    Just a plain title
    It’s not you

  23. 1. It is dark
    I see the bright stars
    They shine bright

    2. It’s Autumn
    The leaves are bright red
    There falling

    3. The snow falls
    The colors is pure white
    It is cold

    4. English class
    We read many books
    Like Gatsby

    5. The color blue
    The color of the sky
    Its light blue

    6. I’m broken
    My heart is shattered
    I can’t feel

    7. I am sad
    I cry at small things
    Or big things

    8. The school year
    Is going by fast
    We graduate

    9. I can’t leave
    I need to go on
    Keep going

    10. I’m happy
    I can’t believe it
    I am done
