Monday, November 17, 2014

Top Ten Lists

Your assignment is to construct two "Letterman Top 10 Lists."  Choose two topics you can write about in a humorous way.  There are numerous examples online.  Here are two:
Top Ten Least Popular Exhibits at the Baseball Hall of Fame
10. The Tobacco Juice Fountain and Reflecting Pool
 9. Babe Ruth's cup
 8. What's It Like to Get Hit in the Head with a Nolan Ryan Fastball
 7. The Yogi Berra Kissing Booth
 6. The giant stack of Pete Rose's losing OTB tickets
 5. Display case of garbage thrown at the San Diego Chicken
 4. Steve Garbey's bed and on-deck circle
 3. Cocktail glass filled with Billy Martin's knocked-out teeth
 2. Scratch a Real Big Leaguer
 1. The Audioanimatronic Mookie

Subway Punks' Top Ten Etiquette Tips
10. When passing a sharpened screwdriver to a friend, remember - it's
    _handle_ first
 9. Don't be selfish; share your music with everyone in the car
 8. Always say, "Could I have five dollars, _please_?"
 7. Allow your elders and ladies to jump turnstile ahead of you
 6. Lookouts work as hard as anybody, a 15% gratuity is customary
 5. Don't embarass a victim by pointing out a fake Rolex
 4. When two wolf packs meet in a car, the group moving from front
    to rear has the right of way
 3. Victims who don't press charges deserve a nice thank-you note
 2. Learning a few phrases in a freign language can save you minutes of
    fruitless shoving and slapping
 1. Don't be greedy; leave some valuables for the next gang of toughs

Your lists are due at the end of the period.  Drop them in the Creative Writing Folder


  1. Top Ten Things to do in Creative Writing with Christian and Angel

    10. Wear your hood. Always.
    9. Look up pictures of video game characters on Google Images.
    8. Do work that was due three weeks ago.
    7. Talk about the assignment, but never do it.
    6. Get mad, and somehow rip a paper perfectly in half because of it.
    5. Draw things on your paper.
    4. Draw things on other people’s papers.
    3. Say or write obscenely violent things.
    2. Get Calvin to laugh at things you say.
    1. Show up twenty minutes late because you were getting food.

    Top Ten Tourist Attractions in Dunellen High School
    10. The Wrong Side of Any Hallway
    9. The Hallway Outcropping on the Third Floor with No Cameras
    8. The Weird Stain on the Wall in the Boy’s Locker Room
    7. The Shop Door
    6. Any Room Where There’s Currently a Study Hall
    5. The Cafeteria
    4. The Newly Refurbished Library
    3. The Collection of Signs in the Auditorium
    2. Mr. Kupiec’s Art Gallery/English Room
    1. The Exits

  2. Top Ten Tumblr Blogs You Don't Want to Follow
    10. "I'm reblogging and following back everyone until I find a tumblr girlfriend"
    9. Summertime blogs in the winter
    8. ☯✞ Follow for more Soft Grunge ✞☯
    7. Any blog with the title, "Welcome to My Twisted Mind"
    6. "Hi, I love your blog! Do you think you could check out mine? While you're there, please click my ads and stay on the page for fifteen minutes so that I can use my social media account for a profit :-)"
    5. Anything involving memes
    4. Justgirlythings
    3. Shrekconfessions
    2. My Little Pony blogs owned by Grown Men
    1. A blog dedicated to the unholy trinity of Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock.

    Top Ten Worst Things To Say To A Feminist
    10. "So if girls and guys are equal, that means I'm allowed to hit girls, right?"
    9. "I'm a girl, but I'm not a feminist."
    8. "Aw, your little girl is so cute. She's going to have to beat the boys off with a stick when she's older."
    7. "When you wear leggings, you're kind of asking people to stare at your butt."
    6. "Why do you hate men?"
    5. "It's not harassment if you like it."
    4. "You wouldn't be offended by catcalls if they were hot guys."
    3. "The pay gap doesn't exist."
    2. "Why are you wearing so much makeup? Is it for a guy?"
    1. "I'm a Men's Rights Activist."

  3. top ten rappers
    1 eminem
    2biggie smalls
    3 tupac
    4 big L
    5 rakim
    6 nas
    7 big pun
    8 kendrick lamar
    9 immortal technique
    10 jay z

    top ten ways to play foot ball
    1 tie your shoes or you will fall
    2 run the right way
    3 tackle the people with the different color jersey
    4 catch the ball
    5 don't drink the yellow gatorade
    6remember the plays
    7 dont try to catch the fast kid
    8 dont talk back to nolan well you can do that if you just want to live
    9 make sure dnapps eats some food
    10 win the game

  4. Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do On A Date:
    Make her pay for everything
    Tell her she’s ugly
    As if she’s, “Tryna Smash,”
    Ask, “Have you been gaining weight?”
    Leave her at the restaraunt
    Hit on her
    Be rude
    Smack her
    Ask, “Why haven’t you let me hit it yet?”
    Drop her off knocked out at her parents house

    Top 10 things not to do at sporting events
    Throw objects on the field
    Show up drunk
    Get into fights
    Cook live animals at tailgates
    Park right next to the enemy fans at tailgates
    Raid the teams’ locker room
    Streak across the field
    Run on to the field and hit a player
    Bring your wife
    Asosciate yourself with fans of the enemy team
