Monday, October 14, 2013

End Word Poem

Write a poem of twenty original lines that contains end words that when extracted from the rest of the poem, stand as another poem.  Here's an example:

He carries unbalanced parcels of sorrow

As his silent shoes move among masses like empty measures

No one hears the echoes, the throbbing cadence of memories

Now relegated to the faceless insignificance of amplified light, blown out

A loud white storm, no one else knows what it sounds like

This is the point when reason and knowledge become cruel

The empty, un-reflected truth rains down like beatings,

The poison of logic is administered

To the servants he left his soul to

Intelligence, sentience, introspection, those

agents that render the mind helpless

When the hunched beast of emotion descends on men

in times most trying

When there is no one to talk to

Finally, he falls down on the cold ground, a slave to the process

The machinations of his own mind, in the onslaught of grief



  2. I often wonder where our dreams come from
    Is it a happy, bright land or someplace that is dark
    I don’t see them in cabinets or corners
    And I know no one could hide them, not even monsters
    I want to see them and find one of my own, I beckon them to come
    I have decided to go on a quest and seek my dream out
    But what will happen, will I finally go to
    A wondrous place to pick
    Dreams from trees like apples, or will it be overcrowded with people
    And become the place that scares me like
    The dark closet that haunts me
    I wish I knew the truth of the place my dreams go to
    The unknowing part of this quest is a torture
    And I hope there are others to travel with
    And people with whom I can share my thoughts
    I know no one would blame for wanting this so
    Maybe I should ask for company but what if there is evil
    And it threatens to poison my dreams, that
    Could never happen because I would never lead evil there
    There is no chance that evil will enter the place of my dreams, it is
    Impossible and I will not let it happen, there is no
    Way they can sneak in and if they did I would do everything to help my dreams escape.

  3. How do I look?
    Do you think I can fit in?
    Do you think others will finally accept me for me instead of the…
    The girl who can’t even stand to see herself in the mirror
    The girl who would rather cover her features for what?
    What will the approval of others really do?
    I hope that it’ll help open my eyes and give me what I want to see
    A girl, who is beautiful, society’s version of beautiful… but is?
    Is society’s version the correct one, should I really believe it?
    Will I ever be perfect enough? Could I really?
    Will I ever fit their standards of being a skinny and flawless? Should I use these products that say they will give me a brand new you?
    If I was popular I could be happy or….
    Maybe I could be happy the way I am, but I can’t. That’s just the way it is…
    And no one can really change it
    That’s how it’s always been and it’s seen as what is correct and just
    So I should just accept it and take my title as a…
    A mere reflection
    A mere reflection of another sad girl, someone who wishes they could be of
    Of the same caliber as a model or pretty person who is really someone
    I wish I could be like them and people would know my name instead of asking who?
    I want to know what being accepted really is
    I wish to smile at my reflection and not feel so broken inside so empty

  4. I can’t believe that Sometimes
    I find myself alone and I
    Need help but I Cant
    Find anyone to Tell
    What If
    Sometime I Cry alone and I
    Wonder who I am
    Or if I am Awake
    To hear Or
    To find out If
    My Life is a waste or I
    Actually mean something to the world and I Am
    Just thinking about the day by Dreaming
    If I have found the one I
    Wanted to Find
    The most important to me if It
    Makes any sense because I know it’s Hard
    To understand and To
    Know if I can Figure
    Out What It
    Is to figure Out

  5. We look for
    Something, but we can’t find it
    But it was
    Always there but it also was not
    I read into
    Many things that were whispered into my
    That I didn’t believe, but my heart believed you
    You whispered
    Into my ear about how you loved me but
    I never read into
    It and my
    Believed it
    But I didn’t want to because it all was
    Real but my
    Heart still believed you and my lips
    Said it to you
    I love you, you kissed
    Me, but
    It was all it took to changed my
    Heart, mind, and soul

  6. The clock would soon strike half past two
    We were still trying to find our way around the dirt roads
    They often diverged
    And we did not know which direction to go in
    I must say that I enjoyed the company and it was a
    Very different environment surrounded by all the wood
    This area was so secluded, yet so full of adventure and
    How could this get any better, thought I
    It seemed as though we took
    The wrong roads purposely just to prolong our time together and all the
    paths we passed by did not appear to be the right one
    But none the less
    we continued to walk and we traveled
    through the faded trails, by
    the small stream beside us and
    in that moment, I felt that it was all that
    I wanted. Nothing or no one has
    ever compared to it or made
    me feel this alive, it all
    seemed too surreal and I never wanted the
    night to end. He had instilled in me an empowering difference.

  7. I love tennis but I also love drama,
    It is difficult to decide which one to spend the most time at.
    Both are activities sponsored by the school,
    But what isn’t?
    I think drama and tennis are really fun.
    Sometimes I think that when
    I am at drama I am missing something
    At tennis. Then at tennis I feel as though I am missing what happens
    At drama. I like the people
    At both activities and I get
    Why people get mad when I go to one in
    Place of the other. But either way when I go to one and miss the other one I get in trouble.
    I want to go to one and then spend time at the other.
    But both activities are at the same times.
    I also miss both activities some
    Of the time for other things that people
    Need me to do. Don’t
    Judge me, I get
    Where your coming from. I know you have been in
    The same boat as me. But this time, You are not the one getting in trouble.

  8. Just wait everything takes Time
    Just don’t listen to the clocks Ticks,
    Exhale and Inhale
    Invite peace into your life, A
    Slow deep Breath,
    Just Make
    Life the best you can, it’s worth It
    Make it like your Last
    Not everything can last, For
    Things expire, It
    Will take time, it Won’t
    Be all of the sudden, Always
    Make your day as if your Last,
    You only have a limited amount of Time
    Everything Goes
    Just make sure you can do things Quickly,
    But make sure that you take your time and Appreciate
    Things such as; Life,
    Go now Before
    You know that you will regret things, You
    Want everything to be your best, Just Know
    That things can take time, It
    Can make Life
    Easier but it Will
    Take time, just Be
    You, before your life is Gone

  9. The past is something that we all look back to no matter what The
    Past held. Whether it was a good past or a bad Past,
    It all must be remembered. It Is
    Something we have to live with and we can’t hold A
    Grudge over it. The past should be remembered as a Great
    Place, however it is always remembered as a horrible Place.
    In the past there could be things that you wish you did but didn’t, And
    There are things that you did that you wish you hadn’t. I
    Have had both things happen to me in my past, but I Don’t
    Regret what I did or didn’t do because at that moment in time it’s what I Wanted.
    I also learned from my past regrets. I don’t wish To
    Erase any of it. If I were to Erase
    It I wouldn’t be who I am today. It
    Taught me valuable things I will never forget. A mistake many people make is that they hold on to the past too much Or
    They let it bring them down To
    The point where everything becomes a Regret,
    Because they are too stuck in the past that It
    Doesn’t let them live from it, But
    What they don’t understand is that you have to learn to accept it. I
    Have been in the place where my past was holding me back from things I wanted to do, and that is exactly what you Don’t
    Want to happen. You Want
    To set free from that anchor that pulls you down deeper and deeper To
    The point where you aren’t living life anymore. Be
    More of an accepting person to where it lets you pull away from that anchor. You want to change your life so you’re not Its
    Regretful Prisoner
    Another day Either.

    1. Your work is so contemplative. I like the way you always address problems that affect all of us as human beings. This is artfully done.

  10. People should sometimes
    Worry about being too careful with all
    The challenges that
    They are approached with in a typical moment, because one
    Cannot search for soul where he does not look twice. Each person needs
    A side-bar instance to
    Understand his weaknesses and improve
    The manner in which he is going about his
    Days, thereby creating a new string of opportunities;
    And so each blink of the eye is
    An opportunity to give rebirth to a
    Fresh moment—an instance that is brisk
    In its arrival and that can walk
    On its own in
    A room filled with other moments just like a
    Celebration—a brilliant
    Celebration of thoughts and sunlight,
    With the ability to
    Broaden horizons and erase
    All signs of hesitations.

    1. Excellent job. Brilliant thoughts. I love your work.

  11. Her head was full of memories
    But she was no longer free to live them, her purpose was to serve
    Not a person, but her mind, disguised as
    herself. Her true self being weighed down and sinking as though she were stuck in cement
    she was fixed in a depression that
    was buried into her. That’s holds
    were too great to break loose. The kind of hold that drags us
    further and further down
    and slowly we
    give in, there’s no use
    when those unbearable thoughts sink their teeth into you, it feels like there’s no way to get rid of them
    nothing you can do to
    help you remember
    all of the
    but there is a way to get through it and
    it is possible to learn
    how to bring back your happiness, pry yourself away from
    the darkness that can fill your head. The
    trick is, to remember that there is no way to have the good without the bad

    1. Awesome job. I truly love this. I say it is beautiful, totally not meaning to sound cliché or flippant about it. Great job.

  12. I will find the man of my dreams because I
    Will marry Trey Songz and Have
    A million babies with him. His Feelings
    For me will grow so big and mine will too.
    When I turn eighteen I
    Will find him and I Am
    Going to talk to him and I will Still
    Act like myself because you don’t change the human
    You are All
    For a man. Trey Songz and I
    Will be madly in love. He is all I Want
    And whenever I see him my heart Is
    Going to smile and I know he is mine To
    Love and cherish and to Be
    His wife and make him feel loved,
    We will do anything for
    Each other because that’s what lovers do. And myself,
    Will be happier than I’ve ever been before and
    Will take care of him for
    Forever and always. My
    Job is to love him unconditionally and not just because his talent.

  13. Out of All
    The days and even The
    Most boring of Nights
    There has not been one Spent
    By myself, no friends, Alone
    I think I Have
    Just about Finally
    Gotten to the point where I Started
    To sit at home and wanted To
    Call some of my friends to Take
    Take me out to A
    Luxurious restaurant, but to get there we must go through a Toll
    That we pass every day On
    The highway on My
    Way to work where I find true Happiness
    Going to work truly boosts my Confidence
    When I say this, I do Not
    Want it To
    Sound as though I have the greatest job, I simply Mention
    This because my job makes My
    Day enjoyable and does not affect my Attitude

    1. What is the inspiration for this? I find it interesting.

  14. There are times when I’m overwhelmed with confusion.
    I feel impotent because I cannot change the way that this is.
    I can’t even function correctly and the feeling affects me horribly.
    Making a decision takes up too much time; I always run out of time.
    Confusion makes it impossible, just laying out the pros and cons is time consuming.
    Once my decision is made there’s no turning back and if I make the wrong one, confusion will be the cause.
    Confusion always affects decisions in the making.
    Usually confusion will disappear until after the made up decisions.
    By then it becomes too late though; it is what it is.
    You become stuck with the burden of the “what if’s” forever and always.
    You become stuck with the burden of “if only” too.
    The worst part of all is that there’s only you to blame and that’s always difficult.
    Even in the beginning Adan blamed Eve for his sin and nothing has changed since.
    Humans like credit for the positives.
    They prefer to let go of any credit when it’s about the negatives.
    We’re only human and it’s ok to take credit for both.
    We see imperfection in every single bit of this world’s embrace.
    Confusion exists because we overthink about life’s full potential.
    We cannot help but worry about the consequences.
    Confusion also exists because we cease to know exactly what we’re looking for.
    It’s inevitable to decide if decisions will make us truly happy until we’ve already made them.

  15. I can feel the Wind
    The cool breeze goes Through
    My hair long in The
    Field behind the Tall
    Water towers and Trees
    I can go back to that day In
    My mind, it was Spring
    Such a nice Time
    To be where the flowers Are
    They are very nice and so
    They stand alone just Pretty
    Nothing better than The
    New blossoms growing so little
    In the sky were the baby Birds
    For the first time they would Fly
    It was so nice, In
    Spirit I was The
    Bird in the Sky
    It was my dream So
    Amazing to be Free

    1. This flows nicely. It's interesting that you addressed the theme of freedom in such a rigidly structured assignment.

  16. Ryan P. Tunison

    In and of his heart all is devoted to Her
    As he struggles to mend that romance
    With fulfilled promises, he will
    Always love Her, and in that encompass
    All Her heart’s desires, never to consider the
    Burden it shall lay on his soul in all entirety
    To which stress takes its toll upon health, of
    Which he cannot control, now as always his
    Emotions weaken that ballad to its fragile
    State, all aspects of romance purged from his heart,
    Now with no hope to rekindle that which so easily
    Was lost, left to remain in the past, now a body bruised
    With the ever persisting want of Her, now out of reach yet
    Still close to touch, never claiming a love so strong
    Did he succeed, and in every hour spent waiting with
    The feeling of disconnect writ across Her fair visage, words
    Could never be spoken, but now printed upon paper he
    Attempts to save that which lust led to love, will
    Brings strength to his need, never to again make
    Those mistakes that ever shall shatter amends.

    1. Your word choices in certain places really add to the effect of the poem. Visage, encompass, ...etc

  17. A smile creeps onto the face
    The face of friends, or the face of enemies,
    And makes you uneasy or
    Undignified, but for lack of a better response, you
    Smile back, but was that right? How will
    You ever know? For they might want you to die,
    Or they might want you on their side. But,
    If that were the case, what do they know,
    That you do not? How will you know that
    They are truthful? For it was they
    Who were once your enemies, and they are
    Plotting, waiting, baiting you more and more
    So you can succumb to them, for all you know. So be afraid
    If you must. However, always be sure of
    Your abilities and the morals you
    Possess, because they are far stronger than
    Any rage they can garner against you.
    Their meaningless anger and resentment are
    Merely obstacles that you can easily dispose of
    And then you’ll know that you are truly superior to them.

    1. I like how the beginning of the piece starts clouded with ambiguity, and then proceeds to become more and more clarified. It suits the awakening arrived at in the piece.

  18. As the memories of him collide,
    Crash through her mind like a thousand invisible
    Words from his lips,
    She begins to remember him. Like
    A story from a fairytale, a
    Deep twisted fantasy hidden behind the shadow
    Of a thousand lies. On
    Days like this she hated him, but the
    Words written across the wall
    Said it all. he
    Had a way with words. He spoke
    To her only to
    Get what he wanted from her.
    It was like
    Nothing else mattered, she
    just another obstacle in his course, but the
    way she felt was only
    Possible when she was around him. He was the only one
    Who could save her; she was only stable when he was around.

  19. At first, there is a wonderful beginning
    The story flies freely
    And it can go through and through
    Being whatever it pleases, even passing through bridges
    And nothing can control it
    No matter where it goes
    But that all starts passing
    And soon the adventures become memories
    That are forgotten and become
    Something less than a
    Lost dream in the form of a blur
    It isn't ending
    Just acting differently
    And seeming distinctive than
    It had been before
    Nothing is forever perfect
    No more serenity
    It comes soon
    And it goes
    Just as quickly away

  20. He preempted his words with a classy burp. “Ye uh…ye lads should watch fer where yer walkin’, there.”
    Chuckles spread through the group as the leader made his way to the front. “Maybe you should learn to hold keep hold of a drink, boy. And who’re you to call us lads, you can’t be more than twenty four yourself, you bloody lightweight?”
    The man wavered from side to side, trying to think of a comeback while simultaneously trying not to be blown over by the wind. “Just because I can’t always handle me drink doesn’t mean I’m any less of uh lightweight than ye chumps, yeah?” The man glanced towards the bay, his eyes locked on a ship docked not too far away. “Say…do ye know whose ship that is, boys?”

    1. This little guy needs a cheeseburger. He's way too thin.

  21. That thing that you only get one chance at is life

    You might think it’s rough, but truth is it probably is

    The thing is you only get a

    life, not the best thing, but that one life has to be great

    therefore don’t let one thing

    hold you back, you know that

    one thing you don't want to do you

    should do it, once it is gone you don't

    get to try to take

    it again, so go for

    it because life isn’t something you get for granted

    if everyone else has to work for it so do you

    don't worry you won't be the only

    one working on how to live

    when you find out you will hit that once

    upon a time life so

    that you will know how to live

    but to achieve this on has to work to

    the best of their abilities so that the
    life they want can be lived to the fullest
