Friday, February 15, 2013

"Moving On"

The prompts below are a few suggestions for the theme of "Moving On;" you are free to go off in any direction you like with them. The response will be due at the end of class on Tuesday, and should consists of a minimum of 300 words.
  • Look ahead to graduation. How will things change?
  • Transition from innocence to "adult life"
  • Getting past a previous relationship
  • Trying to rise above a negative experience from your past


  1. The grocery store was packed with people today, and It was almost impossible to get to the checkout counter, where I worked. I had recently graduated from high school and I was desperate for a job, not caring how small it was. I was planning on going to Wesminster University, and I was majoring in music. Now though, I couldn’t quite yet start my dream career, so I found myself working here at the Stop and Shop checkout counter. There wasn’t a more tedious and unbearable way to occupy your day. Every day consisted of rude, inconsiderate customers, who took complete advantage of the “customers always right” motto, or children constantly screaming, running touching anything they could get their sticky hands on. There was no day where I didn’t want to punch the passive parents in the face, or strangle anyone who complained about how high the price was. It was the same thing every day, “I’m about to lose it if I have to pay 20 dolars for a jug of milk. I swear, I think this store is trying to rip people off,” or “I can’t believe I have to pay this much for such crappy steak.”
    Yesterday, I’d had enough of everything. My head was killing me, and my ears were ringing loudly. I felt like an eighty-year old trapped inside the body of an eighteen-year old, and I didn’t act any better if I say so myself. I stood behind the counter as usual, thinking of what job I would rather have instead of this one; maybe working at the Apple store, helping people with their computers if they didn’t know how to use them. Or maybe I could work at a music store, fixing the instruments of careless band students. That would have to wait until after college, and I’d have to make sure I filled out the right job application and present myself well in the interview.
    My thoughts were interupted by a disgruntled looking woman walking up to the counter and throwing her groceries on. Like normal, she complained about how expensive everything was. “This is absolutely ridiculous,” the woman said hautily. “If I have to pay sixty dollars for this chicken, then who knows how much beaf would cost. I don’t even want to know. I’m just sick and tired of this store just taking money like a...”
    “Look lady,” I said sharply, clearly forgetting my manners. “If you don’t like how expensive the groceries are, don’t shop here! And I’m not the owner of this store, so I don’t have any say of the price. Stop complaining to me, and leave the store! I have to put up with people like you every day! You’re lucky you can even aford this food, so shut up, and just pay for it!” As soon as I said that,my face turned tomato red. I knew that I was completely rude to that customer, and people like her would complain to the manager of the store.
    Now, as I made my way to the counter, my boss, Mr. Gray stopped me. “Amanda Freedman,” He said. “I need to have a word with you”
    I knew perfectly well what it was going to be about, so I said right away, “This is about yesterday, right?”
    “Yes, he replied. “One of our customers complained that you were terribly rude to her. She claims that you’ve told her to shut up. Is that true?”
    “Yes sir,” I muttered. “I wasn’t feeling good yesterday, and I completely lost my temper. I’m really sorry.”
    “Amanda, this is not the only time this has happened. I’m afraid you will no longer be working here.”
