Friday, September 26, 2014

End Word Poem


Write a poem of twenty original lines that contains end words that when extracted from the rest of the poem, stand as another poem.

He carries unbalanced parcels of sorrow

As his silent shoes move among masses like empty measures

No one hears the echoes, the throbbing cadence of memories

Now relegated to the faceless insignificance of amplified light, blown out

A loud white storm, no one else knows what it sounds like

This is the point when reason and knowledge become cruel

The empty, un-reflected truth rains down like beatings,

The poison of logic is administered

To the servants he left his soul to

Intelligence, sentience, introspection, those

agents that render the mind helpless

When the hunched beast of emotion descends on men

in times most trying

When there is no one to talk to

Finally, he falls down on the cold ground, a slave to the process

The machinations of his own mind, in the onslaught of grief


  1. Life can have it’s up and downs just like the Waves
    When things go down it’s a Crash
    Just keep moving on and On
    Complications bring struggles and storm Sands
    But on every side of a storm is a rainbow that is Golden
    A rainbow brings happiness and a bright Sun
    When life happens there are always people to make it Warm
    No matter what happens there will always be Life
    The tears can bring the Blues
    The storm and tears will always Clear
    The mind can be cleansed with Water
    Sometimes being in the Houses
    It brings more pain And
    Causes more Losses
    No matter what things will get better, Everything
    Will get better, the Sand
    Will not stop the Ocean
    The pain from stepping on the Shells
    It will go away just like the Tide
    Because life is a Beach

  2. The flower was a thing of beauty.
    The beauty is
    the flower is innocent,
    it is graceful,
    it is unforgettable.
    I think the
    beauty is that it is just a flower
    It is wonderful, it is
    so very beautiful
    In so many different ways, in
    it’s innocence is so
    wonderfully different, many
    people don’t see the ways.
    of how the flowers’ innocence; of how they
    can control
    the world and life,
    the worlds’ creations, flowers
    they do the impossible and bring
    the love.
    and of course the beauty.

  3. I’m on a Highway
    He said to
    I’m driving to the ocean
    Everything brings forth memories
    Our love rolls with the Tide
    Throwing each other at the rocks
    I know that it’s all over
    I know what he told me
    I have wounds only he can Mend
    Guess that’s love
    I’m feeling blue, no I can’t Pretend
    Maybe if I was with someone else it would all make sense
    And fall in love again, and again over Time
    Maybe I could lose myself in foolish teenage lies

    I never wanted her to Leave
    All I wanted was for her to say she needs me
    She tore me down,
    She left my heart broken
    But I guess I did the Same
    I gave her my all, all the sunshine and dark sea
    Now I’ve been waiting all Night
    For her touch that leaves me under a spell
    Her voice that soothes my Mind
    Her smile that leaves me speechless
    Her kisses that sends me on a High,
    Her soul that’s intoxicating
    Our love

  4. Being brave is having courage
    The ability to have courage kills
    The overwhelming concept of fear
    Fearlessness is key while
    Dealing with canceling
    Ones outlook on negative
    Actions blurring the lines between thoughts
    Conjuring ideas of utopia allowing
    One to conquer others resulting in victory
    To obtain victory against
    A foe bring out their phobias
    This will hurt them mentally also
    Possibly destroying
    Any idea of victory any mortal
    But having enemies
    Is utterly useless rendering
    Your fight dumb and cancelling out any pain
    Received leaving your injuries imaginary
    Also non existent and
    Fighting is super useless

  5. This is ALL
    Anger, resentment, and stress these dreadful THINGS
    The things I don’t want to deal with, but I MUST
    Though I wish for peace this is only what will COME
    This is what its come TO
    I am AN
    I am an emotional wreck and it needs to END
    But an end isn’t SO
    To finish he suffering isn’t what fate wants to DO
    Fate is trying to tell me what I’m NOT
    A strong person wouldn’t FRET
    A strong person doesn’t worry about STRESS
    I can’t, I won’t fight any battles, but a strong person WILL
    They know where to GO
    They don’t run when things get tough they say “I can handle THIS”
    They withstand the STORM
    They don’t say I shouldn’t they say I SHALL
    They fight for things to PASS
    They know one day things will go back to being JUST
    Maybe one day I can be a strong person who is able to deal with all of this, I may just have to WAIT

  6. Can YOU
    Be MINE
    And act as someone you ARE
    And never change stay the same FOREVER
    And ALWAYS
    No one besides ME
    I will always love YOU
    About ME

  7. He runs through the woods like a tiger
    Broken Hearted
    With no men
    Pants ripped
    Heart torn apart
    Never said by
    To his girl
    No name
    Lived in Elizabath
    Who was
    Also torn
    Never apart
    From family

  8. I was at the beach and saw a bird. It was The
    biggest bird I have ever seen. This Bird
    bold and brave; Sat.
    It stood on a post, it’s prey was to the Right
    I sat On
    A bench that was located to The
    left of the Edge
    where the bird was laying on. This bird was a bird Of
    prey.It did not care about The
    critters on the Harbor
    Actually, it’s actions were the opposite of Peacefully
    It’s thirst to kill when hungry lasts a While
    I can’t believe it. I saw A
    of other birds that totaled to the amount
    20 birds
    They allFaught
    the vast amount of Food
