Thursday, March 27, 2014

Assignment for March 28

Personal Hell

If someone could create the worst possible place for your soul to dwell in for eternity, what would that place be?  You can be serious or humorous in your response.  Write 250 words.  It must be posted at the end of the period.


  1. If I experienced that the worst place my soul could go for eternity is to stay here on earth. If my soul stayed here on earth after I died it would experience a lot of things that was inexperienced while alive. I don’t know what a soul does after one dies but I guess if my soul stayed here on earth it would be a real disappointment. The world has a lot of things that’s not figured out yet but I feel as though if my soul was to be placed here after death it would have a lot to learn. I would want my soul to go up to heaven but If I could choose where it would go my soul would know everything there is to know about this world. I don’t know where souls go or how they work but I want to learn about how the world works, weather its good or bad. Its a lot of things that’s not supposed to be learned but if it is learned within the soul, can no one of anything take that knowledge from you . most people want their soal to go to heaven or something. I do to but I rather my soal go somewhere where knowledge is somewhere where I can learn. I wouldn’t want to go to heavedn just to witness all of the good things. I rather be able to learn everything about the world good or bad.

  2. I am afraid of the dark. It sounds silly, but not being to see scares me. I need to be able to see what is lurking in the shadows at all times. My personal hell would be being stuck in the dark for all eternity. What would make it worse would be if every now and again, something pop out at me or there’s a loud noise. I would be on edge all the time. Maybe I could grow used to those things but it can always get worse. If I were to go into detail, my personal hell would contain all of my worst fears. For an eternity, I would sit in the pitch black while ghosts, spiders, or even clowns come at me. I would lose my voice from screaming so loud. If I could die during that eternity, I would die a thousand times over from heart attacks. My heart would stop from every fear of mine that becomes personified in the dark. To be honest, I’m afraid of a lot of things but none that need to be shared in detail. That’s my personal hell, being stuck with all my fears in the dark. I face my fears every now and again (like when I have to kill spiders), but I hope I never have to experience that, because I enjoy my life as is and I like being happy. My personal hell isn't very original, its actually pretty basic, but it is what it is.

  3. My personal Hell
    When one falls asleep at night, soon to be trapped in the nightmare in which we all hope wouldn’t occur. We often display the very arena that we all fear but do not say how to cope with it. A place where mercy cannot be found. Somewhere parents cannot save you. This ground is full of darkness, no light at the end of the tunnel. Find no comfort beneath the covers of your bedspread for there is any security, nowhere to hide. You cannot escape it; it latches on to your very soul. Feeding from the phobia we are born to have. No map to find a way out as there was only a front gate and no back gate. Hearing the roaring cries of your roommates, pleading with the sins that they have all denied. The walls bled the shade of the heart one hopes the devil has when dealing with his sinner. There was no turning back, no second chances. Once you’re in you’re in, after all one has a reason of winding up here. Welcome to hell, we hope you have a nice stay.

  4. If someone could create a personal hell for me to dwell in for eternity it could simply be to be in a place with a bunch of fake people. I don’t like being around fake people and sometimes I feel like I can really sense when a person is being fake with me and others around. I don’t know if maybe it just is in their personality or maybe I can just really tell when someone is being a false person. A complete hell for me would be to be around fakeness, rudeness, loudness, etc. I consider myself to be very polite and kind and quiet in my own ways, a perfect misery someone could create for me is to only be around those types of people. It sucks that I have already experienced being around those people and knowing I already hate it; I picture a hell that would be around those people only. Things that really bother me are when people are just all around rude and nasty for no reason, it bothers me when people think that it’s okay to be like that, like they didn’t have a mother or father that raised them right (although most parents should teach their kids proper adequacy). I know that most people manners or such things change over time, it their choice most of the time and because they don’t have their mother or father being next to them telling them what they should and shouldn’t say. But in all honesty, if someone was to create a personal hell for me to dwell in for eternity would definitely be putting me around these people.

  5. Alternate Assignment:

    She felt the nerves throughout her body shaking; she had an uneasy feeling in her stomach, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, her throat felt like it was overfilled with words trying to burst out of her mouth. She tried to hide it, but she couldn’t her hands and legs were shaking, the look on her face gave it all away that she didn’t want to do it. She knew she had to present anyway, but she didn’t want to. She hated presenting anything no matter if it was in front of her friends, or in front of people she didn’t care about. The teacher started from the top of the list and she was number six. They started with the first person and each presentation was ten to fifteen minutes each. The minutes felt shorter knowing her turn was slowly approaching. As the teacher got closer to calling her name her hands began to sweat, she felt like she was going to be sick, and she couldn’t stop shaking. Five minutes remained until she was going to be called she took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down, but that only worked for about a minute. The time slowly approached till it was her turn. The teacher called her name; she took her poster and walked up to the front of the class room. She stood there looking at her poster, then the teacher, to the students, to the clock, then back at her poster. She took a deep breath in and began to speak, but she froze. Nothing came out when she went to speak, nothing worse could have happened to her. Her worst fear of everyone laughing at her doing the one thing she hated to do.

  6. Hell is a place of eternal torture and punishment in the afterlife where one suffers for committing sins during human life. It is usually associated with fire and the underground and depicts pain, torment, and guilt. The worst possible place that my soul could dwell in for the rest of eternity would definitely incorporate all of these typical elements. It would be a reminder of all the bad things I did in life and make me relive through them, time and time again. This personal Hell would show me how I have hurt those around me and all the wrong I’ve done, reminding me that I should not have done it and that I could have chosen otherwise but that is now way too late to do so. I would be put through immense pain and feel extreme guilt. This Hell would also incorporate my worst fears and torment me with them in the most horrible ways possible. I would be constantly tortured and put through both physical and emotional pain. I would experience countless different deaths, and just when I begin to feel like it is all over, it would just start again and continue with the torture and make me experience an entire different death. It would include all of my worst nightmares and use all of my terrors and insecurities against me. I would watch the deaths of all of my loved ones, unable to do anything but just watch in agony. This Hell would completely break me down, make me cry, scream, essentially go mad, I would have no escape, no help, not even the least bit of hope would remain.

  7. “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” What is a soul? The soul is who you are or the “I” that is within your body. A body without a soul is like a spacesuit with no astronaut inside. It is believed by many people that the soul is immortal and we are only stopping on this earth for a little while before we move on to the next stage. It is a mystery to us all what the next stage truly is. Perhaps we simply inhabit a new body or perhaps we are sent to certain place such as heaven or hell. I personally believe that whatever you believe in that’s where you go, if that makes any sense. So if you believe in reincarnation then that’s what happens to you and if you believe in heaven or hell that’s where you go depending on your actions and what not. I hope that makes sense. The worst place for my soul to go would be somewhere where I am unable to learn or experience anything. I hope that after I die I go someplace where I can continue to require knowledge and have a good time.

  8. My personal hell would probably be a place of utter silence. There’s so much sound in the world, voices, music, even ambient noise that people don’t appreciate. I’m obsessed with music and I always have a song in my head so everything that’s happening immediately has a soundtrack, which would make things even worse. I heard somewhere that the most silent place on the earth is somewhere in the negatives in decibels, and the longest anyone’s been able to stay inside without going completely insane was around forty five minutes. A place with no music, let alone sound, would be bad enough. No sound would drive me absolutely mad. I’m not sure if it happens to anyone else, but if it’s too quiet somewhere I’d just make random sounds to occupy myself. Nothing too weird, really, just enough to occupy my ears to distract how disgustingly quiet the room is that I’m in. Eventually your own noises would drive you crazy, as the only salvation there ever was for you to obtain had to be made by yourself, and even if you stopped for a single second, the agonizing silence immediately returns to suffocate you.

  9. My personal hell would be portrayed as the usual hell; which is that there is fire everywhere and you would be burning constantly. It is pretty ironic that I like playing with fire, somewhat of a pyro but at the same time I would hate to get burned or die in a fire. So my hell is just fire but at the same time with snakes and spiders. So what I am trying to say that if there is a place with snakes and spiders on fire that would be my hell. I do not have arachnophobia like I can see spiders and stuff but if they would get on me I would freak out. I also hate snakes I would not be able to see a snake next to me I would run away and not stop running until I cannot see it. There was one time when I visited one of my uncles and he lives in like a farm area and he found a garden snake on his lawn. Garden snakes are small and non-poisonous but I did not care when he grabbed it and brought it to show everyone I ran out of the house. So again my personal hell would be a burning place with snakes and spiders around that were on fire.

  10. Have you ever felt your heart drop and you begin to sweat, you start to have trouble breathing and you feel like you’re going to throw up? The world feels like it’s closing in on you, and your life just seems to have turned upside down on you. That would be my hell; to be in a constant state of panic. To constantly feel like I don’t know what to do and to have no one to turn to. My hell would be one room with no clock and no way out. In my hell it would be so quiet that all you would be able to hear is the blood running through your veins. And if I spoke no words would come out; I could scream at the top of my lung, but hear nothing. In my hell I would be unable to feel pain. I would be able to hurt myself, bleed and bruise and scar, but I would be unable to feel any of it. In my hell, there would be nothing to make me feel real, not even pain.

  11. Drowning beneath given guilt of lacking. The absence of sound, knowledge, and knowing what is around you. A fading light in the distance that grows farther with every step you take towards it. The flames surround you and try to cleanse you, but your heart is stuck inside of you, cold and dead. A step is a mile and a mile is a century. That light seems to grow dimmer, but never burning out. A part of you wishes it would, its existence creates the poison of false hope. The abyss lashes out with fear and crippling madness. The idea of an end only causes time to drag slower behind you. Life becomes pain and death becomes life. The endless feeling of wasted time forgetting to help the others rather than yourself. One-hundred years pass and you see you have taken one step towards that dying light. You can’t look away from that light and it will never look away from you. It will stare into you, laughing and lying for its own enjoyment. How different is the light from you? The moment arrive when you awaken, seeing the familiar walls and their grooves, the floors which once held you. You believe you can feel and that you are back. But you know you aren’t, it can never be the same, you will not allow it. You look down and you are back in that hole, wading through the waters of the endless river. Your life has always been stained with flesh. Nothing can change.

  12. My personal hell would be in a place that my soul would just rot every day; where my worst nightmares become reality. Each day where my soul is starting to repair itself my soul gets reminded of the nightmares. All my nightmares get scarier each day till the point that the thought of suicide has crossed my mind. Even though the thought will cross my mind I won’t actually do it because the nightmares won’t let it happen. Every day I have to live a new nightmare and if I think that I have conquered something the nightmare will get worse and I will slowly begin to rot. One of my days of hell will be if I drowned. If I was at the ocean and a huge wave came and nobody ever came to help me. Then after I get swallowed by the ocean and I slowly die but can never fully die. I can slowly feel my insides burst open and the pain is unbearable but I can’t wake up. I slowly can feel my skin rip open and the blood then attracts sharks that slowly eat me alive. Unfortunately, I can’t die or wake it I have to endure the pain until the next day comes. Hell would be the worst place to experience if everyone’s nightmares came true every day and there was no way to wake up. My soul would be to the weakest point and there would be no way I would ever be able to pull myself together.

  13. If I had to think of what my personal hell would be like it would have to be a place that was filled with people that made me feel unwanted and useless. One of the worst things a person could do to be is make me feel as if they don’t want me around. I am a very outgoing person that loves to meet new people and interact with others. Nothing makes me feel more uncomfortable then being somewhere and having the person making me feel as if I don’t want to be there. It puts me in a very awkward place and makes me feel as if something is wrong with me since they don’t want to be with me. In life not that many things get to me, but one of the things that do is when people put me down. I am able to handle myself and ignore it when it is a little but once it gets to a certain point I can no longer take it. Saying that, my personal hell would be being a place with millions of people that do that to me. I would be trapped with people that treat me a certain way that makes me feel unwanted and with people that put me down. What would make it hell is the fact that they would all do it nonstop. I just wouldn’t even be able to handle that and try to be happy. It would make me feel horrible and useless. It would put me in a horrible place.

  14. If there was a personal hell that was designated just for my soul, it would be a place where I could not eat anything enjoyable. Anything as far as meat goes and candy as well, Fast food, pizza, really anything. Actually, anything that tastes good. Also, it would be a place where I could not do any physical activities. I would not be able to work out, play any sport, or just staying active in general. That is what I love to do the most and if I was not able to do so anymore, it would probably be the equivalent to a personal hell. I do not know how I would function either, considering that is basically all I do. I also would not be able to be in contact with my family or friends or anyone that means anything to me. It would be a place where I could not enjoy myself or be happy or laugh, nothing. It would be a place that does not allow all things that are good in the world and that give me happiness. My own personal hell would be the exact opposite compared to the world we live in. I guess what I am trying to say is that I live a pretty good life and I enjoy the world I live in. So if I had to put a label on it, it would be the opposite of our world now.

  15. My personal hell is a place where I am all alone. I would be just alone forever where all I can do is think all the time. I will be surrounded by nothing. I will be trapped inside my hand until I go insane. I will have no way of escaping and that will make me crazy. It will be a small space where I won’t be able to move. I will feel so claustrophobic. It will feel like I am slowing dying just waiting to be step free but it will never happen. I will never be able to escape my hell. The longer I am trapped the more it will feel like the walls are closing in on me. I will feel like I am being suffocated constantly. I will be unable to breath. The pain will be just unbearable. I can’t close my eyes because they are permanently open so I can’t sleep. I must just lay still with my eyes open because if I try to move the walls when get closer. Struggling only makes the pain worst. All I can think about it what I have done wrong in my life and I will have to constantly think about it with no way to right my wrongs. I will just want to die but I will already be dead. I will be trapped in this hell for eternity.

  16. My personal hell would be something that makes me feel like I’m trapped in a world of discomfort. It would be a room full of all my insecurities and imperfections. All these things in one room would constantly make me feel like I am not good enough. Being constantly reminded of the things that make me scared and unhappy about myself, the world around me, and the things I do not even know about. It would be a room where I cannot escape and I would have to look into a mirror where you can only see your flaws. If I was in this place, I would probably go crazy. I would have to learn how to deal with my soul that is being tested every day. There would be no happiness and all things I once saw in myself that made me happy, were gone. I would not be able to smile or be enthusiastic because every day I am reminded of all the things I hate about myself. People cannot be happy with other things until they are happy with themselves. This could be a good thing though because eventually this would allow me to get over my flaws. I can eventually find good in my flaws and end up being more confident about myself then I was when I was first placed in the room. I am strong minded so eventually, I would end up being a woman of happiness and confidence. I would love my flaws instead of dwelling on them.

  17. (A poem about something I've been thinking about lately--that relieving feeling behind a sad goodbye. This seems to be on the horizon for me, and I've been able to find a positive about it, which pleases me.)

    The Departing

    To bid adieu
    To say farewell
    So it is done, both with difficulty and power
    To tell another all that must be said
    There is urgency and sentiment
    There is desire to get it right
    To not leave a single section out
    No longer will intentions linger
    Nor will words meant to be spoken but forgotten in the chaos of the event
    Everything that is felt is dealt with—properly
    To take the time and spell it out—every word on a crisp, clean sheet
    There are only full sentences, pieced together with deliberate care
    Forever will they remain
    Over and over again can they be read, understood, felt
    It is as much for he who spells as for he who accepts
    So as the closure closes in, the door is left open, wide
    And then a departing must ensue
    To say farewell
    To bid adieu

  18. I think my own personal hell would be if somewhere where I couldn’t see anything. If somehow, everything just vanished out of my sight. I don’t know how I would handle it. Personally, I rely on my ability to see more than I realize. I read, I walk, I experience, and all of those things depend on my ability to see. I mean, sure Shakespeare once said “Tis better to have loved then lost than never to have loved at all,” but that is surely not how I feel about this. It’s just so hard to imagine now, that you could possibly not be able to see anymore. I was actually thinking about this today. How weird would it be to one day, for example, not be able to see your own limbs? You’d have no point of reference for anything. You would just feel everything, and there would be no way of knowing where your limbs actually were in reference to anything else. And then, there’s the spectacle and visual aspect of everything in life. For example, part of the experience of reading some poetry is seeing the words on the paper, as is the case with “Constantly Risking Absurdity,” and others. It’s not enough to just read the words. There’s some value in the way they appear on the page. Overall, I guess what I’m saying is that I hate not being able to see anything. I remember one time I was in my house and I had to turn off the lights and I struggled to move. I was so overcome and paralyzed with fear that I just stopped moving. So my personal hell would probably involve something like that.

  19. If someone could make a personal hell for me it would be dark, cold, and a tight place. Inside I would constantly hear someone whispering, but never know what they’re saying. The whispering would have to be constant to for two days straight and then randomly stop. When silence settles in the room the lights would have to turn on to show me where I am. The room would have to have only enough room for me to stretch out my hands and the height would have to stop at the top of my head. The floors would be soft and moist, but give no scent. Out of nowhere the lights would start to flash and the room would slowly start to heat up. Once it caused me to sweat a scream would sound and the lights would shut off at once. For the next 3 days I would sit in absolute silence with the feeling that someone was watching me and that small things are crawling on. No matter how hard I try to rub the feeling off I would know they were still walking all over my skin. The lights would have to turn on again and I would see a door. Me being well me I would open the door thinking it’s a way to escape and see it’s just another room. In that room I would suffer the same fate that I did in the last one and this would be a continuous cycle. The only difference is in each room the voices could get louder or quieter. Also, the scream I hear before the lights shut off will vary from a child (boy or girl), man, or woman. This would definitely be Hell for me because I would go completely insane.

  20. My personal hell would probably be somewhere where I couldn’t see anything. Somewhere I only see darkness and where I can’t talk to anyone. Somewhere where I feel trapped because everywhere I look is just complete darkness. And in this darkness, I will feel afraid and there will be no one there. I would probably just walk around and wonder why I’m here and it will probably drive me insane. If my soul were to dwell here for eternity, I honestly don’t even know what I would do. After you die, you’re supposed to be happy and go to heaven, but going to a dark place, that is cold and hopeless; with no one there is probably the worst place ever. You’re there alone with no loved ones and no one to talk to. It would slowly drive me insane. When I die, I want to see all the pretty flowers and all my loved ones that died before me. But being trapped in a dark place, where when you talk, you can hear your voice echo and it seems like it will never end because your voice will just carry on for what seems like forever. Being in that dark place will ruin everything because you don’t know what’s going to happen because this earth will just keep rotating for billions of years and my soul will just dwell in the worst place ever. Like I said, your soul is supposed to go somewhere that is supposed to be happy, not somewhere you want to feel alone and scared.
