Friday, June 7, 2013

This Year

Reflect on your school year.  Length requirement is 250 words


  1. This year has been quite an eventful one for me. I was finally able to get a job and my classes were a blast throughout the year. I especially had fun with creative writing, not only with the writing aspect of the class, but the different students within period eight class. There were the ups and downs of the year as there always are, but this year there were many positive aspects to school. I am a little upset that I will be leaving this building, but at the same time I can’t wait to leave these doors for the final time. The teachers I had were great, thought I heard some negative comments about some of the new teachers that came in this year. This being my senior year, it just feels weird; this is the last time I will be sitting in this school and taking classes. I am a little upset that only this year I actually started getting out of my comfort zone and joined in other activates. I did enjoy the school’s talent show, it was quite a show, as well as Mr. DHS, and both shows were very fun to perform in. My most memorable event this year would have to be when I wore my kilt in the school for the first time. The reactions could have been better but I still gained some amusement out of it. I now can’t wait to see what my future has in store for me and I will see where I will end up.

  2. This year has gone by really fast. It felt like just yesterday when I first met all the new teachers this year. Everyone had been very nice to me and I had learned so many things from them. This year I truly felt the pressure of high school and the tremendous work load of an adult, and I’m not even an adult yet. I couldn’t imagine how it would be for me when I really step into society. I had been staying up later than ever, and the teachers were expecting much more of us the teachers from last year. More than once have I thought about giving up and just quit, but in the end, I managed.
    This year, I tried track and field, even though I quitted after two days, I didn’t regret it because I experienced it. I had a regret this year and it is the yearbook pictures. During the day when the pictures were taken, I had to finish my homework in the library so I missed all of my club pictures. Next year, I have to make sure that I finish all my homework at home before the picture day.
    A year has passed without me noticing, but looking back, I can say that I did nothing. I am not satisfied with the results from this year, but this will motivate me to do what my best next year and senior year. The summer will help me cool down my brain, ready for next year’s challenge. This year’s failure will be next year’s success.

  3. This year, I was a sophomore. A transition into the upperclassman life. I started looking at colleges and finding my future. I’ve written more than I ever have before. And all of it has given me new ideas and dreams. I’ve learned so much, and not just about school academics. But in school, it all still seems pretty pointless. However, it’s all getting me ready for college. I’ve been looking at colleges and have a few ideas, a good stage to be at for a sophomore. I’ve already decided what I want to do, in college and career. I’m excited for the promising future and will work hard through the whole journey.
    But I’d never be where I am today without the people around me. Family, friends, teachers. They’ve all been there for me, helping me through tough times and laughing with me in the happy ones. They listen to my problems and give me advice. They encourage me and help me see my faults and how to fix them. They’ve helped me see life in a whole new way. There laughs and encouragement have helped bring out my interests and dreams. They’ve helped me shape my complete future. High school life would be impossible without them. Now all I have to do is let them get me through SATs, junior and senior year, and any other troubles along the way. And once we’re in college, we’ll still be close and they can help me get through those years too. I’ve figured all this out this year.
    It’s all shaping me to who I will become.

  4. Throughout this school year there have been problems, but besides that there were some great memories and good laughs. Starting with your friends, throughout high school you who you are and what type of things you like to do. Even though people change, whether it’s good or bad. It depends on the people your friends with. You’re going to have fights but then look back at them and laugh at them. This school year definitely changed me, I learn who I am and what I do and don’t do. I found a group of people that I enjoy being with and that I can be open with about anything. I like who I am now, I don’t go out as much as I used to but, I still go out at times and have fun. I realized that I don’t need people to make me happy, I can be happy even if I’m alone. It took me two years to realize that I can be happy alone. There’s certain people that haven’t changed which is good unless they were in need for a change. But this year was a good year, not as bad as I thought it would have been.

  5. Here I am reflecting on my junior year, the beginning of this year seems so long ago. I remember in the summer I was somewhat nervous about my junior year. Everybody was saying that junior year is the toughest year of high school. When I saw my schedule I was somewhat relieved, I didn’t have that many challenging classes. I guess it’s the hardest year for people in all honors classes. Junior year was pretty much the same as freshman and sophomore year, it went by really fast and I can’t really remember that much about it. I always hate the start of the school year, but it wasn’t really that bad. But then when Hurricane sandy hit in I think it was late October, it was different. My power was out for 6 days and the whole town and the whole state looked like they had taken a punch to the face. I think we were out of school for about 10 days. Finally getting back to school was a relief though, because it showed that things were getting back together. After Sandy, days kind of just formed together. It was like every day was the same for me. A good thing is that the weeks always go by fast for me. Classes wise, school was alright. My grades were average like they usually are, and there were some classes I liked more than others. A good thing about this year is that I made a few new friends in the lower grades. That is what I’m probably going to remember most from this grade.

  6. This school year has brought many laughs. My friendship with Totiana has gotten closer. We are now like sisters. We like to laugh and have fun. I usually help her when she is in a bad mood, which is most of the times. I always help her laugh. She is my ride or die. We are best friends. She has helped me so much throughout this school year. She has made me relax and tell me that just continue with life things will still get better. This school year has brought drama just like any other. We all learned to grow from it and mature. Some of us didn’t. Those people have to learn to grow up and deal that the world will not adjust to their needs. I enjoyed my teachers. I feel that this has year was better than last year. Last year as a freshman I was alone in creative writing. Now it feels good to sit next to someone and talk about ideas. I feel that my twenty page story was much better than last year. It may have been much more pages than needed but I was more interested in it than last year. Class wise I may have not done so well in some classes but I feel that it is something that I have to work on as a student. I learned that dealing with drama is the best for everyone. I lost friends but I found out that they weren’t truly my friends. I gained more than I lost and I noticed that they are true friends. I am thankful for this year and I’m looking forward to my junior year. I can’t wait. Well now here I come summer. Summer 2013!

  7. So I really hate this assignment, but hey let’s get this thing done. My sophomore year was a mix of different things. There were a lot of good times and a few bad ones. I ended working a lot education wise. Besides my regular classes I ended up having a SAT prep class that was kind of fun. I ended up going through a few period of drama this year that I really don’t want to repeat. Though the experiences were annoying they did teach me to look out for people’s true colors and learn that some secrets aren’t meant to be said. Even though I did lose some friends I understand that maybe it was meant for my own good. Cutting them out of my circle actually helped me grow as a person and see that I really didn’t need them in my life. On a brighter note I gained a handful of new friends that I think I will actually hold onto until I’m all old and wrinkly. Sadly most of them are going off to college to be adults, but hopefully that won’t be something holding our friendship back. This year was also one where I gained a deeper connection with my true friends and they know who they are. They’ve become my family away from my family and I really do love them. All in all I’m happy and sad to step away from this year. I’m hoping that next year will be one of good times and fun days. Also since I did make a few ‘old’ friends I think I actually might be crying at a few graduations. So yeah that’s what my year has been like in 289 words. Uh so bye!

  8. When I think back about my school year has been, some are positive thoughts and some are negative. This has been a great year with a few obstacles; I can honestly say I’ve learned a lot this year and became closer to a lot of people I never thought I would ever talk to. Dunellen has felt like more of a home this year maybe because I don’t have any real “enemies” this year. I guess it is right what they say about junior year being the most difficult year of high school, I think that definitely true. My freshman year was a breeze and brand new, just a regular introduction into the high school scene. My sophomore year was nothing but drama filled and completely annoying. This year, I was actually able to reflect on all that I’ve done and how far I made it. It’s scary to think about being a senior in 3 months, that’s an entirely new field on its own. This year was the year of all the tests, literally. We took the HSPA, SAT, PSAT, and everything in between. I have to start thinking about colleges and essays; sometimes I want to stay young and in high school but another part of me is like “Damn, I can’t wait to get out of here!” My hardest class this year was AP History, more so because it was new to me and I was used to not really being challenged every day, now as I look back on it I actually appreciated having that class because it gave me a glimpse of what college courses are like. This year went by really fast actually, I’m going to miss the seniors, and I’m closer to the seniors than I am with my own class, which is really sad. Next year, my class has to work on coming together to actually get things done. It was a stressful yet great year, and now it’s over!

  9. So you caught me playing games so I guess I have to write something now. It’s literally ALL Michelles fault. I mean, if she would just do her work and not worry about what I was doing, then we wouldn’t be having this problem right now. I wouldn’t be being so sarcastic, and tomorrow you’d get a wonderful, masterfully crafted 250 words right in this here comment box. But alas, Michelle ruined it. So how are you, Koop? Good? Good. I’m pretty good myself, I almost beat my high score on pacman. Just kidding, I don’t keep track of high scores, it’s school! I just want to not do work. There’s literally a week of actual work before finals I just want to sit back and relax. But noooooo, the education system has to keep me here in this stupid AC-less school. How are you making your room upstairs so nice, by the way? It’s usually so hot, it has been all year, but randomly you pull something crazy and it’s cool up there? Did you let the fairy god mother in there and make her cast a spell or something? Listen, it’s good now, but eventually that magic is going to go sour and she’s going to start asking for favors. You don’t want that, none of us do. So what do you say we lock her up somewhere where nobody will look and keep your room cool and you owing no favors, and let the whole thing disappear? Sound good? Leave your answer under the Brooklyn Bridge before midnight, there’ll be a guy with two stump legs and an eye patch named Lenny waiting until then.

  10. School started and I was lazy. Didn’t want to come to school but something changed my mind. The thing that changed my mind was that this year was my last year and I wanted to live it up and turn up to the fullest. I’m not going to have this experience anywhere else so I told myself let me go and have fun and enjoy my last year. I went through up and downs through this year, but nothing held me back I fought for my right and I won most of them. I learned this year that there is going to be people out there that are not going to like you and they will try and break you, but you need to ignore them and you need to go after something bigger not people that are hating. I’m looking forward to my future and what the future has in store for me. I’m going to be gone for a year and I had the best time ever, there were some downs but they can’t keep me from coming up and enjoying myself. This year was the best year and there won’t be another year like this ever again because this is it. We are all going separate ways and god knows when the next time we are all going to unit.

  11. This year was an eye opening experience for me. The classes were hard (especially Chemistry) and the memories were amazing. I remember during pit, pep, jazz and concert band I would be teased none stop, by people like, Rian, my brothers and even my friend Desirae. It was a lot of fun and a lot of laughing. What really opened my eyes this school year was the fact that I talked to so many new people and hung out with different types of people. The differences in the people I’ve met are so cool but there is one similarity, they love making fun of me. The memories I’ve made are amazing. Like when we were at Hershey Park and it started to pour. Jillian, Grace and I were running around everywhere trying to find someplace to dry off. It was so much fun. Though the classes were hard (especially Chemistry) I pulled through in the end. Now it’s just finals. Ewwww! During the year there were so many people that helped me situate myself in the middle of teasing. That would have to be the highlight of the year. Everyone teasing me for everything I do. Haha, it was fun though and I’m so looking forward to next year. I also took so many extensive jumps this year like playing in the pit band for the musical, and singing at the Dunellies. I’ve embraced my musical and arts side of me a lot more this year because of Mrs. Piano who has encouraged me to go on stage and sing or be involved with the play. Oh and one more thing. I’ve become close friends with this annoying, obnoxious guy named Chuck. He’s great but makes fun of me (like every other person in the band) is extremely tall. And ALWAYS beats me at finishing the creative writing assignment every day (like he did today). Next time Chuck, next time.

    1. Michelle, making fun of you is the high school’s official pass time.

  12. I haven’t done a lot this year but I’m glad I did powder-puff representing the class of 2013. This school year I have made new friends, friends that I never thought I would ever have. They’ve stuck by me and haven’t said one word about me, once you’re in a tough situation you realize who’s there for you or not but I thank God that the friends I had still stuck by my side and supported me. I can’t wait for this school year to end even though I’m going to miss every single one of my classmates. Everyone says that they can’t wait to graduate so that they can never see this school again but when the time comes we all know they’ll miss this school where everyone knows your name. I’m glad I’m graduating because I proved everyone wrong and shut their mouths. I would like to re-do this year just so I could go to prom and prom weekend but that can never happen. You realize how crazy life is, how things happen in an instance when you least expect it.

  13. This past school year was both tumultuous and important. I believe that sophomore year is a significant time during an individual’s high school career for both academic and social reasons. Throughout my time as a sophomore, I have faced many challenges academically. The classes are becoming more challenging and I have learned of the areas of study that I have difficulty with. Although I am still young, looking at future colleges has become a priority as well as beginning to prepare for the PSAT and SAT in junior year. Identifying your likes and dislikes is an essential aspect of sophomore year. This period of trying new things and experimenting will ultimately ready you for key decisions that an individual needs to make for the future. After experiencing the challenges of this year, I feel that I have become adequately acclimated to high school and have come to understand the importance of trying your hardest and taking full advantage of the opportunities that are offered here.
    It may be a bit premature to hone in on one particular interest and decide to pursue that after high school, but it is still important to explore options and ascertain your attributes. My most challenging class this year would probably be chemistry. I had previously thought that chemistry would be an easier subject; however, I was wrong and a good portion of my time this year was spent working on chemistry labs that were assigned weekly. Besides that, I would consider the school year to be a good one. I think it was better than freshman year because we have all already established ourselves and discovered what it takes to be a successful student.

  14. This is my junior year here at Dunellen High School and it has been a memorable one to me. To kick off the year, I played soccer and I will cherish the good times I had with the team. We made history that season and it will never slip my mind. I was and still am proud to be a part of. Another thing I will not forget about junior year is the time I hurt myself in the softball preseason. I managed to hurt myself which let me not practice or even play in scrimmages. No, I will not say what I did to hurt myself but the injury didn’t let me play much in the preseason. When I recovered I was cleared to play in the regular season-which I did. The first half of the season I couldn’t find myself; which means it was hard to pitch really well. The rest of the season I found my groove and I managed to pull through. Enough about sports for a moment let’s move on to my experience with creative writing. For the first time this year I took a class called creative writing and it was absolutely wonderful. The different assignments let me get out my inner thoughts about a particular topic, or I could show my crazy, goofy imagination. The times writing stories and poems were incredible. I am pleased to say that I took creative writing as an elective. This school year I had a lot of firsts. For the first time ever I had a class called Public Speaking. With it, I was able to break out of my shell and made myself not be afraid of talking in front of class. It helped me out a lot. My junior year at Dunellen High School was insane. I managed to get through the year with a softball injury, a soccer season that broke history, classes that I took for the time, and even dyed hair (lighter hair than previous years) and I would not give up those memories for anything else in the world. These memories are imbedded in my brain, and they will never leave.

  15. This school year was both the toughest and most fun school year I’ve ever had. Sure it was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I grew closer to my friends, made some new ones, and had fun throughout the school day. I struggled a lot with finding time for school, church, piano, karate, and my family. It seemed to pile all up onto me and it was getting to be too much. Fortunately, my friends and teachers at Dunellen High School helped me along the year. Like Michelle; her purpose was to remind that life may get rough, but at least I’m not her (Yes Michelle, your life is worse than mine. Love you.). I actually don’t want this year to end. I have gotten so used to my teachers, the schedule, and the students I share each day with. I will miss that, along with my friends when I leave this summer. It is also even more upsetting to know that the friends I have in the twelfth grade will be gone. However, I am glad that this year is almost over. No more school work, no more getting up early, and no more exams! Though it was entertaining to see my friends every day at school, I think that we’re all ready for a nice long break. Next year the classes will be tougher and the work more demanding, but at least I will be able to see the family of Dunellen High School again.

  16. I have to say that this school year sure was interesting. From problems with my computer to decent grades, it definitely had its ups and downs. At first, I didn’t know whether switching from Windows to apple was the best idea. Now, I can use my Mac like a pro. There were several times actually did have some regrets; there were a few times when I would think back on a story I wrote or an essay I turned in and ask myself, “Why did I write that? That was stupid.” I had done surprisingly well in geometry and secretly gloated at the fact that I didn’t yet take Chemestry when my friends talked about a difficult lab that was due the next day. There has been many misinterpretations of passages in numerous books I’ve read in English, but you cannot blaim a girl for trying to finish an analysis by the end of the period. There were many times I had to finish things at a different time, which was sometimes embarrassing.
    There are still some habbits I’ve had all my life I haven’t broken this year. One of these is procrastination. If I had a project due in a month, I would literally leave it to the last day. This would result to me staying up until 2:30 AM and waking up my parents when I printed it out. I have not learned from that at all, and will probably keep on doing that many years to come. I also have been trying to work on my time management, but it hasn’t progressed. The one thing that did progress in my opinion might be my singing voice. I am able to sing higher now, and I think I may be able to determine my range.

  17. This year is not what expected. I didn’t think my life would shift to a completely different routine in such a quick period of time. I only have three more years left and I don’t even know what I want to do after I graduate. It may seem like I’m blowing things out of proportion but in reality time flies by. One can’t just take back minutes or hours of their life. If only it were that easy. They say freshmen year feels like your longest year, but in fact it felt shorter. I feel like I just met my homeroom teacher and wrote the first note into my binder. This school is filled with so many memories and events. From, football season, hurricane sandy, mistletoe, winter break, Mid-terms, spring break, Mr. DHS, prom weekend and now its finals and the school year is over. I can honestly say EVERYONE, even I have changed. People that were close last year don’t even look in each other’s direction. Students with potential dropped out. Immature students matured. Failing students actually got their act together. Old friendships from years ago reunited. This year has all been bitter-sweet. Who knows what next year will bring. I’m only aware of the new assistant principle and principle. Otherwise, I don’t know if my friends will still be my friends next year. I’m not sure if there’ll be new teachers. I don’t know if school will get any easier, but for now I will have to wait.
