Friday, February 14, 2014

300 word free-write

This can be anything you want.  it is due at the end of the period.


  1. He entered
    With no intensions of being there forever
    He was looking for a temporary place to stay
    And he did
    He found the perfect place
    A place that would give him nothing but love
    A place that would be there to gently pick him up every time he fell
    His new home was her heart
    This heart made the perfect amount of room for him
    This heart pushed everything off and emptied itself just for him
    This temporary person
    But this heart swore that it was going to be his home forever
    He has now left
    Proved to the heart that it was just his temporary home
    The heart is now empty
    Completely empty
    The heart went completely out of its way to make the perfect home for this guy
    This guy that left it there completely empty
    Now it is up to the heart to fix itself up
    It’s all alone
    This heart didn’t do this to itself
    It’s not fair that the heart is left by itself to fix everything
    All this heart could feel was devastation
    This heart wanted to feel nothing now
    It was done with caring about anyone
    It learned its lesson the hard way
    Only make temporary space for temporary people
    This heart will now never make room for anyone else
    He’s back
    But this time he wants a home forever
    He’s no longer looking for temporary
    He wants what he had before
    He knew that he should have never left
    But this time his access was denied
    He was not allowed in
    This home was not for sale
    As much as the heart wanted to make room for him it couldn’t
    It would just lead back to devastation as before
    There is no way to tell if he really means it this time
    He only knows that
    However that heart knows nothing
    Believing him only lead to devastation before
    The heart was going through that again
    The heart will never be the same
    It will never be the same loving place that it used to be

    1. This is really good. Very intense. There is a lot of heart break in there.

  2. Once upon a time there was a small, suburban school. There were smart kids, dumb kids, ghetto kids and classy kids. This tale isn’t about them, however. This tale is about a teacher at said school. His name was Kuplemore. Kuplemore was one of the favorites of the students, if not the favorite. He joked with the kids and knew how to hold their attention without sacrificing the lessons and things that had to be done. One dark and dreary night, though, Kuplemore made a decision that would change his life forever.
    Thunder shook the earth and rain pelted the windshield as Kuplemore went into town to the barber shop. His hair was getting a little long, he thought, and decided that he needed a trim. Not only a trim, though. Kuplemore was sick of the same old hair. He wanted something new, something hip, something totally groovy, man. He walked into the shop and sat in the chair, pondering what his new doo would be.
    The barber walked up behind him and took out his scissors out, smiling wide.
    “What can I do ya for, sir?” He said in a jolly tone.
    Kuplemore smirked and simply said. “Make me a new man.”
    The next day, Kuplemore went into his school and sat at his desk in his classroom like any other day. He prepared his lessons, joked with other teachers, and did the things his did every day. It wasn’t until the kids arrived that things went wrong. They stared oddly, some even questioned “What happened to you, Kuplemore?” He had no idea, he liked his new hair, he thought it was top notch. It wasn’t until he went to his favorite class, Creative Writing, that he realized his mistake. His two favorite students looked at him stunned, jaws on the floor.
    “What did you do?!” One of them shouted.
    “You need to stop that right now. Get it cut, I can’t even.”
    Kuplemore laughed, but he sighed on the inside. He knew he’d made a huge mistake. Change always seemed good at first, but maybe it wasn’t a good change. Maybe his old hair wasn’t so bad. Maybe, just maybe, the new Kuplemore wasn’t for the best.
    That night he made up his mind, the doo would die.

  3. The smell of roses in the morning
    Walking around and seeing stuff animals
    Tight hugs and kisses
    So much love in the air just for one day
    Why can’t this love be distributed throughout the year
    One day to show that you truly care about someone
    Love is something special
    To see people truly show how they feel for each other
    It’s a day where you feel like that you mean something to someone
    Once again, why can’t this be every day?
    Let’s not kill this holiday
    It’s where you hold tight into someone’s arm
    It’s where you can feely hold onto someone’s hand not being afraid
    Where you can show public affection and feel free
    Then at the night time you go on a date
    You go out to eat
    You go out to watch movies
    You go out to the theatre
    You go and show everyone that you care for that person
    It goes from someone to their first Valentines
    Then it goes to someone on their last Valentines
    In these minutes together each one of you feel yourself
    There is no pressure of messing up
    You laugh and giggle
    Then you blush and notice that you are finally falling for them
    Then it’s time to leave and you notice that it’s almost over
    You hold hands in the car and you can slowly feel yourself get sad
    You don’t want this day to end
    Then you end up and your house
    You slowly walk to your door
    You end up in front of the door and turn to your date
    You look into each other’s eyes and feel something in the pit of your stomach
    Your lips slowly come in and they touch
    You then feel something special when you go in and know that everything was worth it
    But yet again why does this have just to be shown in one day?

    1. I love this. My wife and I always talk about this very idea. Needless to say, we don't celebrate Valentine's Day.

  4. Outside of a door, another awaits, with ten thousand combinations and two thousand windows to peer through. Stare to the other side and lay down the hammer. Rest it gently so as not to crumble the walls. What do you see? A mode of transportation? A crushed tomato? Fear not the naysayers. Fear not the nonbelievers. Your eyes are keener, holding more depth than a bottomless pit, more light than a scattering star. Whichever door you desire to open, do so without council, for council is not unified with your heart. Your mind is open—no lid, no barriers. Whatever is imaginable is possible until proven not. Say the train leaves at four? Board it and find out. The road you travel on is unique to you—invisible to others. Believe that a golden door exists? Walk through every brass one until the door you desire is stumbled upon. The luck of a gambler must be created. If he does not bet on the green pony, then he will never know the result. Leap, jump, crawl, slide through that door. Cry, laugh, scream, sing until your get there. The only ticket is that which you envision, for only you have the power to create one for your true destination—only you know where you want to go. So find yourself as you lose yourself—discover your ambitions as you deny all other petitions. Whose opinion should factor into yours when trapped by lacking belief? Whose clock should match up with yours when you run at a different pace? The door destined for you can only be found where you look. Keep not closed eyes as the world is unveiled before you. If you refuse to peer into it—and really, honestly, passionately peer into it—you will lose the sole opportunity that you were meant to take; you will miss the single moment that you were meant to see. As life is a silver string of countless moments—both brief and beautiful in their precision—it is important to watch for those that speak aloud, that give guidance and clarity in their brevity. Come across something great? Disregard all logic and secure your passion; experience it.

    1. This is titled: Door-swinging

    2. Wow. This is incredible. Every young person with half a brain should read it. I absolutely love this. Great job.

  5. Crystal and Jeff have the same history class and they sit near one another but have barely said three words to each other the whole year. One day Crystal was sent an anonymous letter where someone confessed their love for her. She had no idea who it could be from until the next day when Jeff came up to her and told her he wrote the letter. Crystal didn’t really know what to say back. She didn’t like him but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She decided to tell him that he was a really nice guy but she only wanted to be friends. Jeff obviously was sad but seemed to take it okay.
    By the time Valentine’s Day came around Jeff had asked Crystal to be his Valentine. Again, Crystal told him that she didn’t like him and this time he got mad.
    Jeff yelled at her, why I didn’t ask you to be my girlfriend and you just don’t be my Valentine I don’t want to be alone.”
    She asks, I’m so sorry but I already have a Valentine and I can’t be yours.”
    When Crystal went out to her car after school to drive home, her car was cover in red paint and a note was written on the back of the car, “you’re going to be sorry.”
    This really freaked Crystal out; she called her mom to come pick her up to take her home. She knew who wrote the letter.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I honestly do not care for all the gifts and surprises. I just want to be with you. I want to feel that you love me and admire me the most. I want to sing songs with you while you play the guitar. I want to write a song together more than I want you buying me an elaborate Valentine’s Day card. I prefer you holding my hand more than the brightest ring. I rather you give me your heart rather than you going out of your way to get me the fanciest necklace. I know you feel that I deserve the best but I swear that the best part of me is you. Instead of going out of your way to buy me the world, come my way and spend the day with me because you are my world. I do not know how to explain this any other way—I want you not what you are capable of giving me. With you I’ve won the lottery; with you I have it all. What you make me feel without even trying is genuinely priceless and one of a kind. When we do what we do together, the results are magic. Let’s just take a walk together, because everything around me becomes more beautiful when you are around. I could have everything and still feel empty without you by my side. I can tell that you are always trying to find new ways to impress me because you cannot comprehend that your first impression will forever be the same—you’re all I ever wanted and all I ever will want.

    1. Wow. This epitomizes the essence of love. Your sentiment is eloquently captured. Beautiful work.

  8. I was given the chance to do a 300 word free write, so I decided why not use it to vent. Well not exactly vent, but to stress how much we (as humans/teenagers/whatever) need to fix ourselves. We all need to use our heads more than our hearts. We all need to listen instead of speaking all the time. We need to learn more than judge. Right now all we are doing is pushing each other away and it’s all because we aren’t doing these simple things. In all seriousness how hard is it to ask someone about their day? How hard is it to give a stranger a nice compliment? And I really stress the whole NICE part. Piece of advice: When you give someone a compliment make sure it is not offensive. Telling a girl “I like your shirt” or “You look very pretty” is perfectly fine. Saying “I like how those pants fit you” or “I guess you look good today” are NOT appropriate or even REAL compliments. People lets remember the whole ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all’ rule. If you think someone mad a dumb comment or if you don’t like how someone looks do not put it on blast. All you’re doing is making yourself look like a huge douche (pardon my French). Let’s also try not to label people as much. Like seriously you don’t know what that person is going through! Why judge them! Why give them a bad name because you don’t enjoy their company! Why spread a rumor because you have a hunch they did something! Come on you guys we’re so much better than this! I’m not even going to touch upon the whole downfall of music, dancing, and literacy right now. That can wait for the next rant. But come on you guys we’re so much better than this. We can make our society actually enjoyable. Sigh anyway I ran over, but yeah there’s my 300 words about….well whatever crossed my mind in rant form. Alright deuces.

    1. Sometimes we all need a place to vent and reflect.

  9. I have the perfect little story I can tell you guys. So I have a cousin named Megan and she has a boyfriend named AJ. They are honestly the cutest couple in the world. So during the super bowl this year, (By the way, the super bowl was horrible this year), AJ showed up first and asked everyone to come out into the garage. When we got out there, AJ asked her dad if he can propose to her today during the super bowl. He also had to ask her god father, which is my Uncle Tommy, if he can ask her to be his wife. It was so cute and everyone was in tears including AJ. So the time has come for him to propose and it went a little like this (This is how our family does it so don’t be surprised). AJ yelled at everyone to shut up and he said “I want to make a toast because this is my second super bowl here with the best family who I consider my own. Now Megan.” When he said that she smiled and said “Oh God.” AJ continued, “Two years ago, I fell in love with my best friend who I love spending time with. Now with that said, Will You Marry Me?” He got down on one knee and he began to cry. Her father went over and then started screaming, “MEGAN! YOU SAID NO?” and my Uncle Tommy yelled “YOU’RE DONE. GET OUT.” But Megan said yes and now she’s engaged. It was honestly so special that I was able to watch one of my favorite cousins get engaged that weekend. She is my God Sister because we have the same Godparents. Right after she said yes I said “Oh my God. My sister is getting married” and she walked over and gave me a hug. But it was honestly perfect and that was the only good thing that happened during the super bowl.

    1. I don't think I can handle a public proposal like that.

  10. I’m afraid to show any emotion at all now, afraid of what people might think. Because of this I was also very isolated from others and kept to myself. At my old school, I had had lots of friends and people were always talking to me. But after my incident they couldn’t look at me without judgment in their eyes and it only made matters worse. After a very long trip, my mom had brought me here, to Florida, hoping the sun (and near-by family) would be good for me. In truth, I love the sun…it seemed so full of contagious happiness and relaxation. Of course I love my family, but I hate it here. I have become that stereotypical new girl that keeps to herself because she was running from her past. I know that no one here is aware of my status but I’m still paranoid. I even avoid my cousins during school hours and sometimes I feel like they’re avoiding me too. It caused a lot of uncomfortable talk at the dinner table. Honestly, if my grandmother wasn’t forcing them too, I’m sure my cousins wouldn’t speak to me at all. They know what I had done…to its full extent. No one seems to consider that those actions are my greatest regret. The girl wouldn’t stop talking and none of my quiet pleas seemed to be heard by her. I didn’t mean to get so angry but I had been so stressed that it just burst out of me. My hands were out of my control. I didn’t mean to hurt her, especially not to put her in the hospital. Now my own family was afraid that I would burst on them. Who ever said that the past is in the past had no idea what they were talking about.

    1. I like the last line -- I've always believed that the past is part of what makes us who we are.

  11. I am well aware that fast food is no good for me and that it does a lot of harm to my body, but that does not stop me from eating it for some reason. Someway, somehow it still tastes really good to me despite of all its drawbacks… Especially the Chicken Nuggets from McDonald’s. It was the first “actual food” I ate after not being able to eat for several days after I got my wisdom teeth taken out and it is what I had today for lunch. People always joke and say that it isn’t even real chicken, that it’s like cat or a bunch of random stuff just mashed together and I honestly wouldn’t even doubt that. So I just looked up the ingredients and read an article that stated that only about 50 percent or less of a nugget is actually chicken, and the rest? The rest of it is “a hodgepodge of pure fat, blood vessels, pieces of bone, nerves and cartilage.” Which actually sounds really disgusting, yet it isn’t going to discourage me from eating them again, I must sadly admit. The article also stated that as gross as the blood vessels, nerves, and whatnot may sound, that it is not necessarily bad but what it is in fact a potential issue are the "chemical additives and preservatives.” I always tell myself that I will stop eating fast-food as often as I do because it may seem like a cheap and easy way to stop my hunger but it is actually really bad for me and that it does add up to a lot of money. Whatever the mysterious ingredients in chicken nuggets may be, they sure taste very good... well for now at least. I have periods in which I cannot even smell fast food because it makes me sick and then others, like right now, where I just want chicken nuggets alllllllll the time.

  12. Valentine’s Day
    I think that more recently, Valentine’s Day has been given a new meaning. It seems as if guys feel they should only be buying their girlfriends flowers or chocolates or sentimental gifts on this certain day that comes only once a year. This does not seem flattering at all. If a guy truly cares about his girlfriend, and vice versa, then everyday should feel like Valentine’s Day. I think that a random gift on any other given day would be a lot more meaningful, rather than receiving them on such a holiday, where everyone is trying to outdo one another. I guess people have come to terms with Valentine’s Day revolving around gifts and whatnot, but I don’t think that is the way it should be. I’m sure many people love getting flowers and chocolates and spending romantic evenings with their lovers, but it shouldn’t only be happening on this specific holiday. I’m not really sure where I’m going with this free write. But Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about love, and falling in love and showing your partner how much they mean to you. Gifts do a good job for a while, but then it becomes a money thing, and ‘the more you spend the more you love her’ idea comes into play, which is not all that true. Yeah, if a guy is willing to spend $300 on a nice piece of jewelry for you rather than $50 on flowers and a card, he might really care. But the amount of money someone is willing to spend on you, or the amount of gifts they are willing to give you, should not determine their love for you. Love is not all materialistic. Love involves passion, purity, honesty- something that no gift could define.

  13. February 14th, a holiday that is celebrated all over the world in which couples, friends, family, etc., choose to show one another how much they care for one another. People usually give gifts to each other, go out on dates to movies, out to eat, or just simply hang out. They will give gifts such as teddy bears, flower, chocolates and more. Usually around this time of year, stores are filled with all of this and all you see all over is hearts and kisses and people being lovey dovey and couples holding hands and showing how much they love each other and such. Valentine’s Day, to me, is just an excuse for companies to make money. Yes, it’s cute how it’s just once a year but you should show people you love them, every day. Show them you appreciate them and tell them. No gifts are necessary. By just simply telling someone how much they mean to you and that you love them and appreciate them, it can change someone’s day completely. It is also completely inexpensive. You should also think about the fact that, they can be here one day and not the next. Just because it’s a holiday, it doesn’t mean you should only show your appreciation for someone else just on that day or that holiday. You shouldn’t just treat someone extremely nice one day and the next, like nothing has happened, like having a sudden change of heart overnight. I understand that sometimes people will have disagreements and arguments but how you go about it, is your decision and you should always handle things maturely whether it is between couples, family members, and friends. Sometimes people will let little arguments determine their ending in the type of relationship, but if you really care for that person, you will make it better and no matter what tell them you love them. I am the type of person to always forgive because I like to keep in mind that no one knows what tomorrow has in store.

  14. It was this one family that wasn’t normal. Not in a bad way but it just was something wrong with them. They had something going on in their house weather it was normal or not it was my job as neighborhood watch to find out what It was. I sat outside smoking when I heard the little baby scream. It wasn’t a call for help scream it was a joyful but little painful scream. Some days I would see the lights click off for a few minutes then all of a sudden come back on but what made it creepy was the noise that came with it.this family had to be some kind of alien family in disguise or something. For some reason that family was always working on their car. From the time they first moved in they have been working on that car. When they happened to be in the house I always tried to peek. I looked in the widow but the curtains was down so I couldn’t see anything. Every day I would peek out my window to find some kind of action to act upon. I would look in every ones window but for some reason that family never left their blinds open I was curious, nosey, how was I going to see in their house? I have to find some way. One day I was peeking out of my window and I saw them going to work so I put on some other clothes and decided to go take just a little peek. I considered myself a part of the police force, you know, being neighborhood watch and all. So what could go wrong. I snuck into the house , everything looked normal to me. I looked around some more I looked everywhere. It was nothing in there so I left, until I heard the keys jingling. “damn” at that moment I felt like I was in some kind of spy movie. So I did what a character in every spy movie would do. I hid in the closet. When the mother and father came in they walked pass the closet and started to talk to each other. I took a deep breath and peeked between the holes. Until the door opened, soon as the door opened I heard a loud scream and saw a brown fist coming my towards my eye. After that all I saw was black with white sunlight’s appearing everywhere. I realized that it was nothing wrong with that family they were a nice African American that just moved in. I could tell they didn’t like nosey neighbors

  15. I’m not really sure what to write, so I’m going to write about a couple different things. First of all, I feel like Valentine’s Day is not a real holiday. Maybe I feel like it’s not real because I’ve never actually had a real valentine. On instagram, I see all these pictures of teddy bears and flowers; all these things that boyfriends bought their girlfriends. I feel like it is pointless because you’re supposed to show your significant other love every day; not just on February 14th. Buying gifts just for a holiday doesn’t show that you really love that person. All the other days in the year should be days where people appreciate others. Maybe because I’m not the lovey dovey type girl, I don’t like Valentine’s Day. I don’t think I will ever feel like this day is special. Enough about Valentine’s Day though.
    I’m so excited to go on my vacation. I’ve been on the Disney cruise several times and it never gets boring. This year it will be extra special because my nephew, who just turned three, will be going on it for the first time. Because my mom is a huge fan of Disney, my nephew always watches Disney shows and has Disney toys so he knows all the characters. He is really excited about seeing Mickey Mouse. This trip is going to be a lot of fun and it’s going to be so nice getting away from all this snow and being under the sun and hopefully getting a tan. We’re stopping at three different islands; also at castaway key which is Disney’s private island. It seems so unreal that I’m going to be on this cruise in less than a week but I cannot wait.

  16. Change is caused by vulnerability. When I was younger, everyone used to tell me I was very mature for my age. I used to believe it. Maybe I was mature in some aspects but I hadn’t grown up yet. I didn’t think about my life like adults live, and barely even worried. Although I may have understood many things that other kids my age didn’t, I was still vulnerable. Love, in a sense, has to do with both maturity and vulnerability. I was mature, I thought I was ready to have a boyfriend when I was fifteen, I mean all my friends had had boyfriends since we were in middle school. But I can honestly say, I didn’t expect things to turn out how they did. Previously, nothing had lasted longer than two months. And although, some people my age had been in long term relationships, I just never thought about it that far. Now, we’re almost going to three years, and most of my high school career. I knew I had lost contact with my friends, I remember how often we would hang out and sleepover. Now, some of them didn’t even talk to me during school. But a simple text on Valentine ’s Day from a friend, saying she missed me but understood why I wasn’t around all the time meant a lot to me. I thought that things were good. That Saturday, my friends said they’d all go to a party. I wanted to come along, it had been a while since we had all hung out together, so I texted them about it. Sadly, they took too long to answer, and I felt left out. So, my big mistake during high school was not being able to manage my time between different people. At times I think maybe it’s okay that they blew me off like that. Other times, I think that it wasn’t fair, if they cared about me they would’ve wanted me there. Either way, I’m still mad and since I’m not talking to them, I’m feeling very alone. It’s really strange because we’ve never fought before, yet this isn’t even a fight, we’re just not talking.

  17. *This may be confusing, I had several different thoughts in my mind.

    I hang my head and close my eyes. I don’t want to be that kind of person. One that is selfish,ungrateful, ignorant, cruel. One that puts themself in a tower. I stumbled and fell, but that’s what it takes for me to learn how to fly. My intentions are not to intoxicate but to purify. I stand up and walk across the trashed room to the mirror. I look at my reflection, I thought I was girl but I guess I’m a woman. I need to figure out who I am. I’m lost but I’ll find myself while I search. A better future is what I strive towards. One where we pray for peace every single day, and joy be the only reason why we get teary eyed. I want to live my life in color, where no day feels like any other. I’ve overcome my worst now the sun bursts, clouds break. You could never bring me down, you could never phase me. Even in the rough you have to see it through. Even when you lose what you love, look out the window and remember life goes on. I want to make a change in this world. I want to be that spark of hope and light the keeps people going, what makes them try no matter how difficult. To make a difference I must educate the children towards the right path, for our future is locked in their minds. I’ll teach them not to succumb to the wickedness and greed in the world, to not be it’s fool. I’ll teach them to stand out against all the clones, to be an individual. I turn away from the mirror and walk down the stairs. I open the door to outside as a warm summer breeze caresses my face and I smile. My mind is at peace, my soul understands, this is my calling.

  18. It has been three weeks since I have met my niece for the first time. Seeing her and my sister for two days really made me realize how much I miss them. My niece turned three months on Friday the fourteenth. My sister moved to VA a few years ago and I missed her, but not as much as I do know. When she was here with the baby it reminded me of old times. Before she moved we would be together every weekend, and we had good times. Now that she has the baby I miss her even more because the first time holding my niece I fell in love with her, she is always smiling and laughing and it put a smile on my face knowing I had the cutest and silliest niece ever. I never knew how something so small as seeing my sister and the baby could make me realize how much I miss her. It made me miss my sister more than I ever did. Those two days made me realize how special family is. When I met my niece she was two months old, she was holding her head up, trying to laugh and was smart for only being two months old. Since the three weeks have passes she now can roll over all on her own, she learned how to laugh and she keeps getting bigger. In three weeks so much has changed, it really makes you realize how fast time goes. It feels like just yesterday I got the text that she was born and now she is already three months old. Time goes by faster than we think and we need to cherish every little monument we have.

  19. What exactly is school for? It is a place for education. Something some kids take for granted when there are some kids that cannot have education. There are some that just come to school to kill time because when they stay home there is not on single thing they can do to keep them entertained. There is some that for somewhat of the same reason they come for socialization. Then there are the ones that come because they are forced to come by their parents. The last ones are the ones that come because they actually want to be someone in life make good money and like to learn new stuff. That is what everyone should come to school for. Not saying that I come to school with that mindset but I am starting to realize that, that is the better reason to come to school than just coming to see your friends. When I was younger I would do anything not to come to school I would fake illnesses so I would not go to school. Then I would be forced to go to school, therefore I started coming to school to talk to my friends and not pay attention in school. Now that I have been in High School for a while I am starting to change my mind because what you do in school and how much effort you put in school reflects on your future. Especially if you are going to College, so again to the other blog I believe college is worth it but you have to put in a lot of effort to succeed. So education to me means a lot so I have to start putting in more effort.
