Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bucket List


Create a list of all of the things you want to do before you die. No less than 50, but of course there is no maximum number. If you already have a "bucket list," revise it and check off the items you've completed, adding new ones to the list. For each item, try to give a reason. For example: "I want to visit London so that I can experience a Shakespeare play at The Globe."
Due at the end of class tomorrow.


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  2. Bucket List:
    1.) Go to London, it is my favorite city. I would love to see Big Ben, the palace and the place where so many great series began.
    2.) Go horseback riding; I’ve never done it before.
    3.) Write a complete book; it’s always been a goal of mine, but I can never finish what I start.
    4.) Go scuba-diving; it would be wonderful to see so many beautiful things.
    5.) Drive a real deal race car; it’s just the best thing for a fun time.
    6.) Change someone’s life.
    7.) Adopt a dog and multiple cats of my own; just because.
    8.) Ride in a limo; pretend to have an extravagant life.
    9.) Ride a mechanical bull.
    10.) Own a bookshop/ library.
    11.) Learn how to drift.
    12.) Go skydiving just for the thrill of it.
    13.) Go to the premiere of a big movie.
    14.) Grab dirt from the bottom of a lake/bay.
    15.) Win first prize for something that I earned.
    16.) To meet my favorite celebrities; see if they’re anything like me.
    17.) To get a signed copy of a book by my favorite author; I still can’t decide who that is.
    17.) Sing a duet with Lorde.
    18.) To see a concert.
    19.) Learn how to play an instrument.
    20.) Fly a plane.
    21.) Drive a boat.
    22.) See a manatee.
    23.) Swim with dolphins.
    24.) Swim with sharks.
    25.) Feed a baby bear (or animal of any kind.)
    26.) Open an awareness foundation
    27.) Volunteer in a third world country.
    28.) Go on an adventure that is story worthy.
    29.) Camp out in the woods; complete isolation other than a few friends.
    30.) Go water-skiing.
    31.) Get straight A’s.
    32.) Give a pretty decent speech that is worthy of applause.
    33.) Create a new word that gets out in the dictionary.
    34.) Thank the teacher that got me interested in reading; I want to do this because reading has changed my life in so many good ways. If wasn’t for her, I would have just continued to struggle instead.
    35.) Lift more weight than a football player.
    36.) Play a real game of tackle football.
    37.) Take part in some LARP; because why not?
    38.) Go on a road trip across the country.
    39.) See any landmarks on this road trip (Example: world’s biggest ball of yarn.)
    40.) Set a Guinness world record.
    41.) Witness a Guinness World Record.
    42.) Take part in a car bash (breaking an old car for charity.)
    43.) Throw a pie in someone’s face.
    44.) Go to Vegas and stay in a pent house; who doesn’t want to do that?
    45.) Clean the house of a hoarder; I want to challenge myself.
    46.) Volunteer at an animal shelter.
    47.) Jump off a roof and into a pool.
    48.) Compete in the Olympics; just to say that I did it.
    49.) Learn Morse code.
    50.) Leave my mark on the world; never to be forgotten.

    1. Writing a book is also on my list. (You can always start in this class).


  3. Perform in the streets on my electric violin. (always has been a dream of mine)
    Skydive. (fear of heights)
    2. Learn how to play the cello. (always wanted to)
    3. Shave my head. ( I want to experience being “bald and beautiful” at least once in my time, cancer patients going through chemo have to suffer losing their hair at times which is a big deal for some women. I feel like I could donate my hair to make at least one person happy with a wig they could make with my hair)
    Learn how to play soccer and the rules. (Apparently it’s a huge sport?)
    4. Get super fit. (who doesn’t want to still be able to climb stairs without being out of breath?)
    5. Be on TV. (eh I guess I could live without that one, “don’t HAVE to”)
    6. Have a stable job that I enjoy. (I want to be able to look back and say that I have succeeded in my career of choice.)
    7. Eat super clean. (let’s face it I’m going to have to stop eating all junk food eventually or I won’t live that long to even fulfill this bucket list)
    8. Join the peace core. (travel the world and help others = yes.)
    9. Visit Ireland. (I’m Irish, I want to travel and see what my ancestors saw in their lifetime.)
    10. Go to New York. (only been there twice)
    11. Learn how to ride a horse. (only been on a horse once when I was little for a picture and eh you can tell I didn’t really have a good time, I was crying in the photo. Haha)
    12. Research all the main religions out there. (I want to know what other people believe in and why there is some much controversy about religions these days and how they are different from another.)
    13. Have a wedding in the winter, even if it’s not mine. (I’ve always had it pictured in my mind)
    14. Get a REAL tan. (Eh I’ve pretty much been on the pale side for quite my whole life except the one time I got a spray tan in Jersey, ha what an experience; orange hands and feet for days.)
    15. Be able to have a high-level conversation with someone that is intelligent. (It would be like an accomplishment for me, able to keep up with what that person is talking about and how to respond.)
    16. Be an inspiration to someone. ( I’ve always been inspired by various people, I want to be able to inspire others)
    17. Adopt a kid. (my mom has inspired me to adopt.)
    1Go to a Lana del Rey concert (love her voice)
    Meet someone famous. (just for the fun of it)
    Have tea in France. (love tea, love France = PERFECT. )
    Try Sushi (never tried it before.)
    Make multiple people feel good about themselves. (who doesn’t want to give a little generosity in your lifetime?)
    Take multiple road trips with the person I love, live on the road for little while. (experience not being coped in a house all the time)
    Go muddin’ during the summers. (love muddin’)
    Swim in all the oceans. (experience the different waters)
    Own/visit a cabin when it gets cold and just have tea by the fire. (just the thought of it sounds relaxing.)
    Go to pride in NY. (always have wanted to go)
    Make a YouTube channel and actually post videos. (I created one but eh never really posted videos)
    Helicopter ride (being in the air, looking out the window to the world that is beneath you. Sounds good to me.)

    (not done)

    1. You can reply to this post to add to it. Some amazing items on here - violins and cellos are my favorite instruments. Great sense of humor in some of them too.

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    4. 30. have a family reunion. (I have a big family, it would be amazing to see them all together again)
      31. go to at least 2 symphonies each year. (love classical music)
      32. be apart of a symphony.
      33. make my mother proud, in my achievements.
      34. make chocolate bread. ( love it.)
      35. go to Wal-Mart when I'm a senior citizen on senior citizen day and take advantage of being old, ride on a motor scooter even though I don't even need it.
      36.go to the Hershey factory once in my lifetime. ( I love chocolate, so why not?)
      37. be adventurous, travel as much as possible.
      38. karaoke in front of a live audience.
      39. learn how to kick box. ( I took one class, so I want to finish)
      40. go to Colorado.
      41. go to Alaska. (it's always light outside, why not?) various kinds of people throughout my lifetime.
      43. read the harry potter books (cover to cover, BIG FAN.)
      44. go to an art gallery and have wine.
      45. study about my ancestors, found out exactly who they are and where they lived.
      46. eat something hot, something really really really HOT.
      47. wear something REALLY expensive for a night.
      48. go paintballing (seems pretty fun)
      49. learn how to ride a horse (can't be a TRUE southern gal if I can't ride a horse)
      50. learn how to speak French.

  4. 1,Some things I want to do before I die are
    2,Sky diving-to experience what it feels like
    3,Paintballing-because it looks fun
    4,Go carting-because I like driving care free
    5,Go to the Bahamas –I like the beach and I would like to vacation there
    6,Make a difference in the world-because its needed
    7,Get rich- not to just have the money but to get all of the things money can buy me like great experiences
    8,Be known as someone who had a wonderful time living his life- I want to be known as that because I want to live a wonderful life and let others know that its ok to enjoy the life you live
    9,Be successful –doesn’t everyone want to be successful
    10,Sleep on a tempurpedic bed-it looks comfortable
    11,Go to the gun range- because I like guns
    12,Learn about how the world works- because its needed while living
    13,Move my mom to a better place- who wouldn’t want that
    14,Visit different parts of the world-because I want to experience different things
    15,Go to other countries and taste their food- I like to eat
    16,One day meet some of the realist people in the rap game today-
    17,give back to my community
    18, go to the strip club-I want to experience it
    19, to get all of the material things –like Cars, clothes, hoes
    20,experience kids
    21,go to other countries & feed the kids thats starving
    22,let others know the cure to cancer-because people act like they don’t know when its right in front of us
    23,give my kids everything I never had
    24,futher my education that’s needed in life

  5. 1. Cover the majority of my body in meaningful tattoos. Tattoos are beautiful to me, and I think they allow one to express themselves.
    2. Go skydiving for the thrill of it.
    3. Learn to play the guitar.
    4. Go bungee jumping because it looks fun.
    5. Fly across the country in a hot air balloon. They’ve always interested me.
    6. Get a few friends and drive across states on a road trip.
    7. Visit the UK because I love people who have British accents. Lol.
    8. Visit Japans tunnel of flowers- it’s beautiful.
    9. Race a sports car for the thrill and excitement of it.
    10. Visit Germany for Oktoberfest.
    11. Visit Venice and sail through the streets.
    12. Own my own tattoo shop- I love tattoos and drawing.
    13. Go to an art school.
    14. Meet Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes. They are my idols.
    15. Meet Trevor Wentworth again, he’s awesome.
    16. Go to as many concerts as I can.
    17. Save a life.
    18. Make a difference in someone’s life.
    19. Take up yoga and find my inner peace.
    20. Go zorbing in New Zealand. It looks fun.
    21. Achieve zero debt.
    22. Open a mosh pit.
    23. Overcome my fear of spiders.
    24. Take one photo every day for a whole year, and make something out of them at the end.
    25. Go skinny dipping for the thrill of being caught.
    26. Go streaking for the same reason.
    27. Visit the tunnel of love in Klevan,Ukraine. It’s beautiful.
    28. See the Northern lights in Iceland.
    29. Visit the Underwater Museum in Cancun, Mexico. I love animals.
    30. Own a kangaroo as a pet. They’re so cute.
    31. Go snorkeling in a public fountain.
    32. Go whale watching in Alaska, why not.
    33. Get on stage during a concert and dive into the crowd- just always wanted to.
    34. Work in a bakery or restaurant. I like to cook and bake and eat.
    35. Live in New Zealand for a year.
    36. Achieve something that makes my parents/family proud. Self-esteem boost.
    37. Swim with dolphins because it seems like a great experience.
    38. Own as much band merch as I possibly can
    39. Learn how to snowboard. I’ve wanted to ever since I was little- never had the chance.
    40. Hold a monkey- my favorite primate.
    41. Make an actual igloo out of snow and ice.
    42. Sell a personal art piece.
    43. Make my own stained glass because it’s so pretty and fun to look through.
    44. Rob a truffle farm. $$$$
    45. Go to a Drive-in.
    46. Go crowd surfing.
    47. Send out a message in a bottle.
    48. Visit a butterfly sanctuary.
    49. Go on an actual safari.
    50. Dye all of my hair blue.

    1. The flowers in Japan are also on my list (as are some of your other items).

  6. 1. Buy an old bus,rip out the seats and replace them with beds.Then take a road trip across the country with friends. (For all the memories and great times I’ll have.)
    2. Participate in the Rickshaw Run. (You get to travel 3,500km across India in a tiny car, competing against other people from around the world for charity. Probably not sensible due to all the dangers, but it would be awesome.)
    3. Spend New Years Eve in New York City ,at least once, because it looks like fun.
    4. Write and hopefully publish a book. (I’ve always wanted to do it.)
    5. Learn how to surf. (I used to watch my dad surf when I was younger, since then I’ve always wanted to learn.)
    6.Go scuba diving in the Red Sea. (My dad said it’s beautiful so I want to see for myself.)
    7. Live in a different country for at least 3 months. (So I can really get to know the culture and meet new people. Also I can be more independent.)
    8. See all my favourite artist live at least once. (Who doesn’t want to do this?)
    9. Go skinny dipping for the thrill of it.
    10. Save or change someones life for the better.
    11. Create an anonymous website or account on social networking so people can talk to me about how their feeling. I want to help people feel good about themselves and to ignore other people that bring them down.
    12. Decorate my room with a bunch of pictures, quotes, and lyrics. (It would look cool and it would be a nice way to wake up in the morning.)
    13. Have a huge water balloon or paint fight.
    14. Go to Greece and Italy. (I love Greek and Roman mythology, so I would like to see all the historical places that have ties with it.)
    15.Meet my favourite celebrities. (So I can fangirl for the rest of my life.)
    16. Get a tattoo that inspires me or holds some sort of significance.
    17. Go to the festival of colors in Utah or the Holi festival in India. (All the colors look beautiful,plus it’s probably a lot of fun.)
    18. Visit the to sua ocean trench and go swimming in it. (It looks beautiful)
    19. Go on an absolutely no budget shopping spree. (I’m pretty sure every girl wants to do this.)
    20. Participate in a flash mob of some sort.
    21. Go skydiving. (I’m probably going to scream my head off but it will be worth it.)
    22. Attend the Glastonbury festival and many other festivals with friends.
    23. Take as many pictures as I can throughout my life. (So I can show my kids one day and to keep my memories alive.)
    24. Do random pranks on complete strangers. (Just because.)
    25. Go to Vans Warp Tour and crowd surf.
    26. Cliff jump off of Pulpit Rock in Norway.
    27. Get married to the person that I love and that loves me aswell.
    28. Give people a reason to remember me. (I just don’t want to life an okay life. I want people to remember me.I want to do something great with the time I have.)
    29. Have a job doing something that I truly enjoy.( I don’t to waste my life doing something that doesn’t make me happy.)
    30. Camp on the beach. (I love the beach so this would be perfect.)

  7. 31. Get in shape. ( I always say this, but I never do it.)
    32. At least once, go out for 24hrs without sleeping. (Who needs sleep?)
    33. Go zorbing.
    34. Send a random message in a bottle or tied to balloon. (Hopefully it will get to someone who really needs it.)
    35. Travel to Dubai and go to the water park and tallest skyscraper there.
    36. Travel to London and eat Nandos.(European people are obsessed with Nandos so I want to see what the craze is about.)
    37. Basically I want to travel to as many places as possible.
    38. Go in a hot air balloon and take pictures of the view.
    39. Run a marathon even though I’ll probably pass out.
    40. Have a secret room that nobody knows about, in my house one day. (It would be cool to have a room that nobody knows about.)
    41. Write a letter to myself or put things in a box and open it in 10 years. (I can see how much I’ve changed or haven’t changed.)
    42. Stand up on a table in a restaurant or store and do something random.
    43. Help people who are in need or buy/cook a homeless person a full meal. (To see the smile on their face. :)
    44. Support a cause that I’m really passionate about.
    45. Bake something that actually taste good. (I’m not really good at baking ,but I can cook.)
    46. Do a mud race. (It just looks like a lot of fun.)
    47. Write on a “Before I die I want to” wall. ( I can see what other people want to do and maybe get some ideas.)
    48. Attend at least one major sporting event and go crazy. (It would be fun to get into the game and yell, even though I’ll probably have no idea as to what’s going on.)
    49. Put a piece of gum on the gum wall in Seattle.
    50. Live a happy, successful, fun life with no regrets. :)

  8. 1. Swim with dolphins because they are my favorite animals
    2. Attend a sky lantern lighting festival to make the sky look pretty
    3. Participate in the color run because it would be a fun experience
    4. Sky dive to feel the adrenaline
    5. Get a tattoo of something meaningful so that it will always accompany me
    6. Ride a hot air balloon because it seems fun and it would be such a nice view from the top
    7. Visit Japan’s tunnel of lights because it looks beautiful
    8. Attend a World Cup match because I love to watch soccer
    9. Watch a Uruguay game live and get to meet the players
    10. Travel to Uruguay to visit family
    11. Go to a drive-in movie theatre, it’d be a cute date
    12. Watch turtles hatch and make their way to the ocean because I read about it and it would be a nice experience
    13. See the Northern Lights because it is a beautiful sight
    14. Travel to Hawaii to learn how to surf
    15. Attend a concert of one of my favorite singers because I have never been to one
    16. Go to a haunted house with friends to get a thrill out of it
    17. Go pumpkin picking and carve out my own pumpkin because I have been wanting to do it for three years now..
    18. Learn how to ice skate very well because it is fun but I always fall and get hurt
    19. Learn how to drive stick shift so that I can buy a manual car
    20. Go on a cruise in the Caribbean because I heard it’s really nice
    21. Figure out what it is that I want to do with my life and be genuinely happy with it
    22. Cliff jumping in Jamaica to experience the thrill
    23. Regain an old friendship that I really miss
    24. Be in a food fight at school because it would be fun
    25. Deep sea fishing because it seems peaceful and relaxing
    26. Go to the underwater museum in Cancun, Mexico because it would be a beautiful sight
    27. Donate blood because I want to help save a life
    28. Go entire day without being upset or angry about something because I tend to let little things bother me
    29. Sit in a hot tub outside while it is raining because I love the rain, it is wonderfulllllll
    30. Night swimming with glow sticks in the pool because it would be so cool
    31. Go paintballing in the woods because it would be a fun thing to do with my friends
    32. Go to Tomorrowland in Belgium because the music is great
    33. Build-a-Bear again because I went last Valentine’s day and it was the cutest thing everrrr
    34. Go to Sleepy’s and jump on all the mattresses, I got the idea when I was little
    35. Reach the day in which I can tell my mom that she does not have to work anymore, she does a lot for us and I want to help her out in the future
    36. Pick out, cut, and bring home a real Christmas tree to decorate. My cousins’ had one and it smelled like pine, it was great
    37. Mud Wrestling because it looks so fun
    38. Set up a library in my house- full of books and super comfy chairs to just read whenever I want
    39. Volunteer in a third world country to help those in need to know that I made at least a little difference in someone’s life
    40. Watch another match at the Barcelona stadium because it is one of my favorite memories
    41. Pet and feed a giraffe because they are so adorable and when I went on the sixflags safari thing that part of it was already closed and I was sooo upset
    42. Go on a wild safari adventure, somewhere in Africa
    43. Completely overcome my fear of spiders somehow . . .
    44. Be fit and active, biggest challenge for me because I am so lazzzzyyyyy
    45. Do kickboxing, I always say I’m going to do it and never do. It would be a great way to be fit and get my anger out
    46. Make one of those little rubber band bracelets because for some reason I can’t get it right and have to ask Andy to make them for me.
    47. Get the nerve to do something spontaneous with my hair because it is so bleh
    48. Get laser eye surgery to correct my vision so I don’t have to wear glasses/contacts anymore
    49. Stay all day at the beach to watch the sunset and the sunrise
    50. Catch up with all of my assignments because this is really frustrating me -__-

  9. 1) To inspire people. I want some people to be able to say to me “because of you I didn’t give up”
    2) To have the perfect wedding
    3) Try to visit all the states
    4) Visit other countries
    5) Work with the biggest bands. (I do photography for bands now and I just want to continue and work with the people that are the biggest.)
    6) Have my photography work every where
    7) Own my own photography studio (business)
    8) Own a nice house
    9) Have children and grandchildren
    10) Go to download festival in UK
    11) Be able to walk in heels the correct way
    12) Own a closet full of shoes
    13) Give my kids the best life I can
    14) Go to even more concerts (I go to a lot)
    15) Beside stage for a full concert
    16) Crowed surf
    17) Life my life to the fullest
    18) Own a munchkin cat
    19) I never want to say what if (in life)
    20) Be in a movie
    21) Be in another music video
    22) Invent something new
    23) Get my hips pierced
    24) Get a ton of tattoos
    25) Learn to sing
    26) Learn to play bass (better than I can now)
    27) Live in a different state
    28) Have a ton of cameras
    29) Receive the perfect engagement ring
    30) Live life without any regrets
    31) Own a horse
    32) Parasail
    33) Scuba dive
    34) Spend the entire day by myself
    35) Meet my idol

    1. 36) See a volcano
      37) Visit a ghost town
      38) Go on a cruise
      39) Take a ride on a Harley
      40) Survive at paintball
      41) Send a message in a bottle
      42) Be a member of the audience of a TV show
      43) Crash a party
      44) Have a photo I take be on the cover of a magazine
      45) Try a new food
      46) Master a new language
      47) Do a charity walk
      48) Send a care package to a soldier
      49) Be a mentor
      50) Put change into someones expired meter

  10. 1. Skydive. I want to skydive because I want to feel the rush of the moment.

    2. Make a mime talk. I would want a mime to talk because I would feel accomplished because I made someone who cannot talk, talk.

    3. Visit Argentina. I would want to visit Argentina because it is my favorite country because my favorite soccer player is there.

    4. Fish for sharks. I would want to be able to say I caught one of the oceans most dangerous animals.

    5. I would want to visit Scotland. In Scotland I would go to Lake Loch ness and while there look for the loch ness monster.

    6. Beat at least 3 world records. I want to be remembered.

    7. Go to some type of concert. It looks fun with all the people.

    8. Go on a long cruise. I have never been on a boat and it looks fun.

    9. Be in a huge car accident. But still live.

    10. Race cars. I want to feel the hype of the speed.

    11. Be on a jet plane. I would feel rich and being rich is good.

    12. Go to Egypt. See all the pyramids.

    13. Visit Spain. I would want to go to Barcelona because that is where my favorite soccer player plays.

    14. Be in a movie or a TV show. It doesn't have to be a big part just to seem famous.

    15. Go to jail for a couple of days. I just want to see what it is like.

    16. Invent something. It doesn't have to be big just know that I made something.

    17. Win in an award of some kind. I would feel good if I did.

    18. See how long I can go without sleep. I just want to?

    19. I want to learn mores code with a friend in school. So I could cheat on a test or something with a couple taps or blinks.

    20. Go to Las Vegas. Bet money on a lot of things (I would like to win).

    21. I would like to save a life. I would feel like a hero.

    22. Fly a plane. Who doesn’t want to do that?

    23. Go to Paris. To see the Eiffel tower.

    24. Create a word. I always do but one that a lot of people would use.

    25. I would want to knit something cool. So when people ask where did you get that I would say I made it.

    26. Make a song. Just because I stink at music.

    27. Go in a jungle. I would want to get lost and live off the wilderness for a while.

    28. Go to California. To chop down a red wood tree forest.

    29. Go in a really big cave. I will probably discover something.

    30. Witness paranormal activity. Because all the movies don’t scare me so I really want to get scared.

    31. Jump off a building with something under me so I don’t die.

    32. Swim with sharks. So I know that I swam with dangerous animals.

    33. Get kicked out of a store.

    34. Drive a police car. To feel cool.

    35. Cross a desert. To feel the heat.

    36. Be in a sand storm. While crossing a desert.

    37. Rob a bank. To have a lot of money.

    38. Be in a hot air balloon and budge jump off of it.

    39. Make an art piece. Sell it to someone

    40. Go hunting. I want a trophy.

    41. Go on a submarine to visit the ocean floor.

    42. Go around the world with no plane.

    43. Visit the world to see some of its monuments.

    44. Actually get straight As in school to feel smart.

    45. Climb the Eiffel tower and parachute off of it.

    46. I would want to climb mount Everest. Its the tallest mountain in the world.

    47. Race a professional and win. So I can say I’m better than a pro.

    48. Climb a tall tree. Just to do it.

    49. Visit Canada. To get Canadian bacon.
    50. Throw my parachute out of the plane and dive for it. To feel even more excitement.

  11. 1. Before I die, I want to be a graduate of East Stroudsburg University
    2. Before I die, I want to marry the love of my life
    3. Before I die, I want to have four kids (two boys and Two girls)
    4. Before I die, I want to work for the Tennessee Titans
    5. Before I die, I want to work on the relationship I have with my father before I lose it completely
    6. Before I die, I want to see the Northern Lights
    7. Before I die, I want to learn how to surf
    8. Before I die, I want to own a beach house
    9. Before I die, I want to travel the world
    10. Before I die, I want to go to Paris to see the Eiffel tower
    11. Before I die, I want to get tattoos (One that is dedicated to my Aunt Diane)
    12. Before I die, I want to visit California
    13. Before I die, I want to buy my mom her dream car
    14. Before I die, I want to drive a white range rover
    15. Before I die, I want to have a best friend that has been my best friend since high school
    16. Before I die, I want to go sky diving
    17. Before I die, I want to go on a vacation with friends
    18. Before I die, I want to know who my true friends are
    19. Before I die, I want to live in a big house
    20. Before I die, I want to learn how to speak French since I am French
    21. Before I die, I want to be a good mother
    22. Before I die, I want to go to Hawaii
    23. Before I die, I want to live happily ever after with the love of my life
    24. Before I die, I want to meet Colin Kaepernick
    25. Before I die, I want to go to a Giants game
    26. Before I die, I want to go to the concert of my dreams
    27. Before I die, I want to study sports medicine
    28. Before I die, I want to get along with my brother and sister
    29. Before I die, I want to go on a vacation on an island
    30. Before I die, I want to learn gymnastics
    31. Before I die, I want to learn how to dance
    32. Before I die, I want to give my kids everything they ever wanted
    33. Before I die, I want to go on a late night adventure with my friends
    34. Before I die, I want to learn how to tumble
    35. Before I die, I want to meet Victor Cruz
    36. Before I die, I want to have a beach day with my friend Natalie because we never have
    37. Before I die, I better learn how to cook because I cant.
    38. Before I die, I want to run up to someone and tell them they are beautiful
    39. Before I die, I want to get an apartment with Lisa
    40. Before I die, I want to own a log cabin
    41. Before I die, I want to ride a horse on a beach
    42. Before I die, I want to spend Christmas at Disney World
    43. Before I die, I want to live to see cancer be cured
    44. Before I die, I want to throw a dart on a map and wherever it lands is the next place I go and travel
    45. Before I die, I want to go to Paris with the person I love since it’s the most romantic place in the world
    46. Before I die, I want to sit front row at a One Direction concert
    47. Before I die, I want to go to Times Square for New Years
    48. Before I die, I want to run up to a homeless person and give them one hundred dollars
    49. Before I die, I want to pet a zebra
    50. Before I die, I want to do everything on my bucket list

  12. Bucket List
    1. I want to learn to speak French so when I go to France I can communicate with people.
    2. I want to travel to Paris and climb the Eiffel Tower.
    3. I want to go to Rome and Greece.
    4. I want to become a professional dancer (or something close to that).
    5. I want to have at least 5 of my books published and they end up being successful.
    6. I want to paint something so grand it makes me cry with tears of joy.
    7. I want to see something I made, in a museum.
    8. I want to own a house of my own that everyone wants to come to.
    9. I want go to England and live there.
    10. I want to perfect my British Accent.
    11. I want to have a well-paying job that I enjoy to do.
    12. I want to dye my hair black, blonde, red, aqua blue, and a lighter brown. (not all at the same time, at different times of my life)
    13. I want to go to the beach and take a million different pictures of the ocean.
    14. I want to meet Drake and create a song together.
    15. I want to go to the concert of every one of my favorite artists before they split up or pass on.
    16. I want to learn to swim above water better.
    17. I want to swim with dolphins in the ocean.
    18. I want to own an aquarium filled with exotic brightly colored fish and jellyfish.
    19. I want to pet a shark and swim with it. (without dying)
    20. I want to go to Disney World.
    21. I want to release a floating lantern.
    22. I want to watch the sunset and sunrise at a beach.
    23. I want to learn how to ride a horse
    24. I want to be a mother.
    25. I want to go to Juliet’s house in Verona.
    26. I want to own a pig.
    27. I want to go to New York fashion week.
    28. I want to see the rockets.
    29. I want to go to Times Square on New Year’s and watch the ball drop.
    30. I want to write a notes that say “You are Beautiful” and give them out to random strangers in Times Square just to bring up their day
    31. I want to visit a walk-through aquarium.
    32. I want to be the maid of honor at my best friend’s wedding so I can help her not go insane from it all.
    33. I want to ride a gondola in Venice so I can enjoy the scenery.
    34. I want to float in the Dead Sea and feel weightless.
    35. I want to go to the northern lights.
    36. I want to perfect my sign language.
    37. I want to learn how to read braille.
    38. I want to have a minor role in a movie or television show. (Just so I made my imprint on this world.)
    39. I want to learn how to swim above water.
    40. I want to learn how to surf.
    41. I want to buy multiple pairs of white sneakers and draw how I feel on every one of them.
    42. I want to dress in all white and have a paint balloon fight (and keep the clothes after).
    43. I want to get a tattoo on my wrist that describes me on the inside and out.
    44. I want to ride the biggest roller coaster in the world.
    45. I want to get over my fear of planes.
    46. I want to be able to run mile without being out of breath.
    47. I want to write a message on a lock and then lock it to the wall in France.
    48. I want to be brought on stage at a concert of any of my favorite artists.
    49. I want to go to a gun range and have a fun time.
    50. I want to experience new years in France, China, Italy, Greece, England, and anywhere else on this large earth.
