Tuesday, February 26, 2013

April is National Poetry Month

To commemorate National Poetry Month, April 2013, the Raritan Valley Federation of Libraries and the Middlesex Public Library will be sponsoring a Poetry Anthology. Poets whose work is chosen for the Anthology will be invited to read their work at one of the participating library’s Poetry Celebration in April.
Poetry submitted to Middlesex Library will be posted on this website as well.

Participating libraries include:
Bernards Township, Bernardsville, Clarence Dillon Public Library, Dunellen, Franklin Township, Middlesex Public Library, New Brunswick and Raritan Public Library.

Interested persons can call the Reference at 732-356-6602 for more information. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 15
CLICK HERE for the submission form and rules.

1 comment:

  1. Bum
    Walking aimlessly
    No direction, going where my feet take me
    Most avoid me
    Others stare in astonishment
    I’m starving today
    Unable to find food
    The night is coming
    I dread this point
    Nowhere to lay my head
    I find a box and curl up in it
    Nothing but my cloths to warm me
    Cold embraces me like a mother embraces a child
    I am the homeless
    Got any spare change?

    Is there a reason to fear death
    Or is it the unknown people fear
    Possibly the pain of it
    Or what will happen to their loved ones
    There truly is no reason to fear it
    For all things must end
    It is sad when they leave
    But it is bound to happen
    Like the changing of the seasons
    Winter cannot run on forever
    It must come to an end
    And it will bring a new and become spring
    Just as in death
    It gives life to new
    The body is returning to the earth
    And allows for new life to grow

    Hair Trigger
    They stand away from the crowd
    Pushed out early on
    Comments fly their way
    As if shot from a catapult
    The words cut into the mind
    As their knife cuts their flesh
    They don’t want this
    It was thrust onto them
    This wasn’t their choice
    They were labeled outcasts
    And it is forever branded on them
    Life gives them no peace
    But they will be released in death
    They were forced on this path
    The tormentors were the fence
    Too high to get over it
    Too strong to break through
    Too deep to dig under
    Those tormented find their peace
    In the barrel of a gun
    They place it in their mouths
    But it is the tormentors who cause the hammer to drop

    One Push To Far
    Tormented each day
    Why is this happening
    Scars can heal
    Mending the flesh
    But tormenting the mind
    That will never be repaired
    And each day more wounds are opened
    With each cut the life is shortened
    The lacerations are hidden on the skin
    But the pain shines through
    Nobody asks what’s wrong
    They show no concern
    Just keep on torturing
    Breaking them down more each day
    Their life almost over
    They have almost bled dry
    The cuts becoming more severe
    Leaving a hollow shell of their existence
    All that is left is the physical being
    And that will be gone too
    Finished with one step
    As they sway limply from the rafters

    Off the Stool
    The stool is in position
    The rope is on the rafters
    Now for the user
    He decided it is his time
    No one loved him
    No one cared about what he did
    They ridiculed him
    For whom he chose to kiss
    It was his life to live
    He should have been left to be
    But it was not meant to happen
    He would be tormented for it
    They led him to this point
    It is now time
    His head is in the noose
    The stool tips over
    As his life ends
    He is never to breathe again
    But he is just left there
    To sway in the wind
