Monday, November 19, 2012

Bi-directional Poetry

Your assignment is to create a poem that can be read both forwards and backwards.  It is a challenging assignment that can bring a multitude of benefits to your writing; it can open up the possibility to perceive new possibilities in word structure, as well as add depth and dimension to a single poetic concept.

This assignment also teaches the importance of comma placement. Since your poem has to be read both forwards and backwards, reorganization reagarding comma placement becomes crucial in making your poem readable in both directions.  For today's part of the assignment, do not include any commas.  We will return to the comma placement portion at a later time.

Because this assignment is so difficult, I only ask that your poem be a minimum of seven lines, with a minimum of three words per line.  It is due at the end of the period.

Here's an example I constructed to help guide you:

Peaceful and quiet
eternal sleep makes it so
death is transformation
soon comes change
pain wilting slowly
like dying flowers
ending is beginning


  1. slipping, falling, crashing
    it was beyond painful
    I couldn’t move
    I could only scream
    someone come now!
    help me please!
    no one came
    I heard nothing but my own screams
    I felt nothing but shear pain
    wrenching through me like a knife
    despair and loneliness

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Love is evil
      She slept next to I
      Smiled she, lying
      She lies to me
      She played I
      Evil is love
      Love is fake

  3. We tend to see
    What makes people laugh
    Instead of making them cry
    We become the people we want to be.
    We think about those close to us.
    When pain gets to be too much.
    Life gets challenging.

  4. Safe and secure
    Free the mind
    They are one
    Strong are they
    Fierce and unbeatable
    Unafraid and powerful
    Deep in dream

  5. Crazy is life man
    Fake people are
    Know don’t I see
    See people’s positives
    Fear is love
    Are females the devil

  6. Sleep is eternal
    Dreaming is an illusion of what we want reality to be
    People hurt us, and we hurt them
    The pain never ends
    We live only to die
    Why must life be so dreary?
    Life is the beginning to the end

  7. The darkness takes us all
    As our life starts to fall
    near the end of time
    We show the power within our self
    And live a life to tell
    And give us the hope
    That light will soon shine once more

  8. Heart my lost
    A person tells
    One true one
    The only time
    Strength and weakness
    Life of despair
    Hatred are people

  9. Jealousy a sickness
    Turn faces green
    Friends transform enemies
    Pain is present
    Mistakes become habits
    Trust is gone
    Forgive and forget

  10. Nature is beautiful
    Weather and life
    Rain falling down
    Sunshine brings out
    Wind blowing clouds
    Snow makes cold
    Tornados foreshadows disaster

  11. Cheerfully and slowly
    Happily smiling vividly
    Children to elders
    Him to her
    Everyone is there
    Side by side
    Forever for you
    Waiting family warmly
    Christmas snowing white
    2013 is here
    Spirit and light lights
    Covered houses white

  12. Where are we now
    darkness and silence the
    cold and pain
    the friend that once
    saved you from hurt
    I am gone
    deeply I feel Lost

    1. Awesome job! It's pretty hard to do a bi-directional poem that makes sense. I am impressed.

  13. Sound is life
    Harmony in mind
    Notes take to heart
    Last out to play
    Minors balance majors
    Instruments and values
    Basics of life

  14. Cold and chilly
    Windy and blurry
    Frozen and barren
    Holidays and celebrations
    Family and fun
    Together and happy
    Winter is winter

  15. Burning slowly
    It’s consuming and
    Gripping his heart
    His twisting emotions
    Endless tossing and turning
    Never resting
    Confusion is constant

  16. For the first time
    She saw the tears in his eyes
    The dripping pouring rain
    She forced herself to look away
    He couldn’t even look at her
    The pain felt like weights on his shoulders
    He couldn’t even lift himself from the ground

  17. What do I really see?
    With a flower planted in the meadow
    While underneath sat a mound of dirt
    With a somber look across my face
    I looked towards the sky across the field
    No one can escape the inevitable
    No one can escape death

  18. She told I
    Choose, you or him
    Too late was I
    He died there
    Was that unfair
    Only memory of him have I
    As well as pain

  19. Lightly and airily
    Clouds move and effortlessly
    Torment wind and light
    Lacking restraint and control
    Travel and fly can clouds
    That so shift
    Space and atmosphere
    The moving white of rivers

  20. Me and you
    Forever and together
    Love is happiness
    Our love isn’t weak
    Overcome the obstacles
    It’s a challenge
    That we will face

  21. Death is easy
    Living is complicated
    Thinking is trying
    Be your own
    Never give up
    Learning from mistakes
    You are you

  22. good times are bad
    living is pain
    violence have people
    sorrow is enlightenment
    do good in life
    you will be rewarded
    your pain is gone

  23. Faces smiling underneath
    True pouring rain
    Life requires disaster
    Colors triumph storms
    The beauty from pain
    Darkness within
    Lost sunshine from clouds

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