Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Walk Poem

The walk poem involves a walk. The interesting thing is that there are so many ways for the walk to be a part of the poem, and the poem to be a part of the walk. There are at least four basic types of walk poems, of which there are a great many variations and blends:

a.       A poem about what the poet sees during a particular walk.
b.      A poem about a walk that produces a revelation of some kind.
c.       A poem whose length, style, and shape mirror the length, style, and shape of the walk.
d.   A poem that reflects the way the mind works during the walk. (When you are out walking, the mind flows somewhat differently than it does when you are sitting at home.)

No single poem fully represents all these types and their variations, but this one gives the general sense of the genre:

A Late Walk – Robert Frost
When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path.

And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words

A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.

I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.
Your final poem should be a minimum of 20 meaningful lines (the influence of the walk should be apparent).


  1. Breathe in the beauty of it all
    Let your eyes soak in all the color
    Have your ears be flooded with the sound
    Allow your tongue to drink the morning dew
    Walk amongst the trees
    Dance within the forests
    Take a walk in the woods
    Experience the beauty of it all
    Leave the car behind
    Use the first form of transportation
    Glide through the plants
    Feel the rushing wind
    We take these things for granted
    The beauty we all see each day
    We destroy what is beautiful
    And not many care
    We need to stop this
    And care for these things
    Leave the creatures their home
    And keep the old woods
    Stop putting in the condos
    Where the trees once called home
    Sit with the trees for once
    And appreciate what the earth has given us

  2. the tour of life

    the tour of life bieng born in a horrible world
    having your parents there when you have your first breaths
    the first moment you open those eyes
    the first moments you takes steps than fall
    after that you grow up into a little child
    you dont know the meaning of life there
    damb nobody does either
    the feeling when your an 8th grade
    you grown so much the years past by to quick
    lifes hard for you when you in high school you think
    than the moment hits you when you die to quick

  3. The red flowers grow on the lawn
    As the clouds above move
    I look back down to talk with friends
    To discuss The Challenge and its questions
    I look back up to see the clouds have changed colors
    From a light grey to a very dark and heavy grey
    The signs of another storm
    That’s what we need right now, another heavy storm
    I have almost concluded my walk when I turn the last corner
    The school doors come into vision
    Welcoming me back
    I enter the building and come back into the life of school
    I stare into the other class rooms as I walk by
    Each student busy at his or her own work
    They might glance up for a second to watch me walk by
    But quickly go back to their studies like I was no one
    I enter the library ready to write down my findings
    Ready to write a poem about the great outdoors
    When I look back outside at the sky
    To see the sun shining through the clouds

  4. Together, the class walks
    To see nature as it is
    Walking we start to circle the building
    Trying to gain inspiration for a poem
    Towards the back I stand
    Following everyone as they go
    Watching the scenery as we past
    I listen to the conversations that occur
    The students talk about normal things
    Laughing and joking over private matters
    Observing as the students foal around
    Enjoying the companionship the students show
    I walk behind them slowly realizing
    That I don’t want these days to end
    Days that we spend in our youth
    Bound by invisible strings to the people of our town
    Smiling with our friends and pulling pranks
    Not having to worry too much about the world around us
    And being free of a grownup’s responsibility
    I never want these days of our youth to end.

  5. The world is still.
    Serenity reigns.
    Although I walk with a group, deep inside I stand alone.
    Time moves, the future is nigh.

    The still pool of life is disturbed by a pebble.
    It falls, and the ripples engulf me.
    The ripples of change and uncertainty.
    They bend, they bounce, and they absorb me.

    The fabric of time binds me within it.
    I breathe in deeply, and my heart pounds with excitement.
    I become a part of something deeper.
    Something extravagant.

    I continue to walk.
    Glimpses of the future pass by my eyelids.
    I do not blink.
    I watch.

    I see love, in all of its beautiful joy.
    I see peace, in all of its calm glory.
    But I also see pain.
    Pain that tears flesh from bone, pain I will have to endure.

    But I have hope.
    Hope that the love will pull me through
    Hope that the peace will help me cope.
    But they are not what gives me the greatest comfort.

    My greatest comfort is that I do not walk alone.
    There will always be someone there to help me stand when I fall.
    I smile as I walk through the doorway and feel the ripples fade away. I return to the present.
    The world is still.

  6. I took a walk today,

    Leaves rustled in the wind,
    As if they wanted to fall
    But could not yet find the strength.

    I quickened my pace,

    Tips of grass sharply cut,
    Tickled by the breeze;
    Flies mindlessly flying high,
    Flowers mindlessly losing petals.

    I stopped for a moment,

    Rows of houses
    That once moved with me
    Stopped as well;
    We glared at each other.

    When I began walking again,

    The wide road was clear,
    The clouds seemed stiff,
    Stuck like cotton-candy in the sky;

    I couldn’t imagine why

    They chose to mingle in one place,
    When they could take a stroll
    And observe the world instead.

  7. When I walked with my homies nothing stayed still.
    You never know with nature maybe at the end somebody will have to read my will.
    Never know if nature is willing to kill.
    This happened before with a man called Bill.
    As the wind was blowing it gave such a thrill.
    When the wind hits you it’s like a chill
    I was even running down a hill.
    I was laying with Tyler in a bed
    Move over!!! That is what I said.
    I also told him he had a big head.
    I hopped out the truck.
    Yelled that bed sucked.
    I saw a Cadillac it reminded me of Puck.
    I met up with Jon I have the best of luck.
    A kid followed us I thought his name was Chuck.
    When me and Jon it’s with spunk
    Chuck had a certain smell he actually stunk
    Jon is such a hunk
    When I saw him I started to crunk
    When he left something in me shrunk.

  8. I walked with my dawgs around the block
    I saw a man hitting a door, knock knock
    The green truck in front of me
    Tyler and Felix jumping in was all I could see
    With the all the trees so green
    Felix has been working out, he looked so lean
    Tyler running around, finally started to walk
    Felix, Tyler and I all had a good talk
    A leaf had some spikes
    The sidewalk had a dike
    Mr. Voulgar almost came
    Felix and I would get all the blame
    I started to see the door
    This poems such a bore
    I looked down and saw an ant
    Tyler stood on a slant
    We looked at the school
    Tylers truck had a tool
    We looked so fine
    All the girls could be all mine

  9. It’s the releasing air; it’s the aloof breeze,
    It’s the whisking leaves and trembling grass,
    It’s everything that captures me
    It’s everything that can set me free
    The only thing that sets my thoughts free
    As I walk, my mind knows no bounds
    My body moves, my thoughts flow
    They drift to places never before considered
    Places I never acknowledged when I was stiff
    Only when I’m in motion, are there no limits

    So the faster I go, this pace is too slow
    My mind’s still too closed
    I break into a run,
    Leave the idea of a walk in the dust
    But everything else speeds ahead
    The only thing that matters, is the road ahead
    I feel like I can never be stopped
    I never want to stop
    I never want to slow down
    I never want to be trapped again

  10. The walk was not very long
    Being with the guys made it seem even shorter
    Wind was blowing and the trees were shaking
    The sun was hidden behind the clouds
    Nature is something that should be respected but feared
    Trees are giants that stand tall against the wind
    When the wind gets strong enough it will shake the trees like a dog pooping razor blades
    Then we turned the corner
    The trees had flat acorns falling from the trees
    Than the flat acorns turned into spike balls
    Once we turned the corner the idea sparked
    We walked so far ahead that we were out of sight
    I saw that my truck was close
    The idea was decided on
    We hid in the back of the truck
    Staying low and silent the class passed us
    Once everyone had passed we realized that we would never be found
    However we got out because we like our teacher to much
    They had no idea we had gotten behind them till the very end
    I should be a spy

  11. The sunlight instantly blinded me in a solar flare
    And broke away as I shielded my eyes.
    The world I love was revealed
    The outside world, an open landscape
    So vast, yet so confined in my world
    Each step sent everything past me
    All of the trees and organisms that remain unseen
    Were aware of us and confused
    Every scent is similar, yet alien in its wake
    But then becomes all too familiar
    Familiarity increases with every step
    The uneven terrain and crunchy leaves
    Leave thoughts of clichés in my mind
    Although they are over looked every day.
    Despite the serenity of it constantly threatened
    By way too many things
    People drive by and shield themselves
    With the conformed society we live in
    Almost scared of
    The fresh air

  12. With every step I take
    The view changes
    The ocean line so clear
    The sand dunes so repetitive
    But my surrounding changes slowly
    The world around my disappears
    I sink into the serenity
    Of this warm, sunset world

    The next step brings me closer to
    The nonexistent end of this shore
    A sea shell of vibrant colors
    Found at my feet
    But lost in the next few strides
    Across this never ending beach, I continue to walk

    The ocean on my right
    Stretches far beyond the horizon
    My simple mind unable to comprehend
    Its lengths, its depths and the life it contains
    Yet so peaceful and calming in the visible motion
    So quickly I’m falling in love with the beautiful ocean

  13. People rushing around
    but in my head the thoughts are slow and calm
    I see kids running in all directions
    The people rushing to get home to their families
    But I am here going forward
    I go on and pass the park
    a quiet place indeed.
    I stand and watch the birds flutter in the sky
    And squirrels race around the ground
    I continue on
    With the air sending a refreshing breeze
    and the sun shining down

    I continue forward to my home
    The air still fresh
    The birds chirp and love song
    The squirrels race after each other
    And the spring air filled with love and happiness
    as I approach my house I know my journey is coming to an end
    I want to stay on the journey and watch the world for ever
    But I know that the world is waiting for me so I have to go.
